
Sébastien of The City of a Hund's page

311 posts. Alias of Dorian 'Grey'.

Full Name

Sébastien of The City of a Hundred Fountains




Bard (Maestro) 2 HP 26/26; AC 16/18 with raised shield| F:+6 , R:+6, W+8| Perception(E) +8 (+1 DC)| Speed: 25 ft| Focus Pts 2/2 ; Hero Pts: 3/2










Common, Halfling

Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 18

About Sébastien of The City of a Hund

Sébastien of The City of a Hundred Fountains

One of the most enchanting places inside the gardens of Villa d’Este, here in Miller's Ford, is the straight alley which connects the Oval Fountain with the Fountain of Rometta, where you’ll find the Hundred Fountains.

The tour guide proceeds to allow those present to walk the alley at their leisure after his speech. Sébastien d’Este smiles at the tourists. The handsomely dressed halfling seems quite amused and proud of his family compound. The d’Este patrons (his mother and father) were well known play actors in Darkwater Crossing. Having been raised here in The City of a Hundred Fountains, as his family villa was known, Sébastien was well educated, well respected and well connected in the city. His charming smile and wit opened many doors for the young halfling. Having just recently graduated from Bardic College with every opportunity to join any of the famous troupes in Miller's Ford, his most prestigious invitation came just this morning from the Voyant Cathedral of Neria!

The smiling halfling chuckles.
If my parents found out my true plans, they would lock me in the cellar!

Sébastien d’Este seems amused by that prospect....

Significant Event:

Unseal the city fountains,
And let the waters flow
In coolness from the mountains
Unto the plains below.
My brain is parched and erring,
The pavement hot and dry,
And not a breath is stirring
Beneath the burning sky.

Sébastien reads from the poetry book for the hundredth time in his short life. Having accidently found this old, dusty and forgotten volume among his parents' deeply stored items in the attic, the impressionable halfling held unto the poem's mysteries over the years.

Sébastien has exhausted every avenue of investigation into the poem's origins in Darkwater Crossing. Libraries, city offices, map-makers and surveyors, old timers and gossip mongers: Nothing!

The ever-persistent halfling felt a kinship with the poem. He suspected that it related a real place, but he couldn't find the answers here. Hence, the newly graduated bard sought out Magyola Olvrehe, Proprietor of The Compass Rose for assignment outside the city.

Danus Response:

It had to be the winter right after you found [Tig] Tor? It was a cold one for sure, and you were out with the other men gathering deadfall to sell to the townfolk.

Sébastien then looks up at his friend. The halfling's familiarity apparent as he is currently feeding Tor his apple.

I was having a bit of a date when you came trudging into the stables. You were mumbling angrily about bandits, bodies and spouting enough bravado to make even myself seem quite dour by comparison.

The halfling smiles at Danus.
After I dressed and spooked the pants off you, we decided to have a bit of the sauce to plan your revenge!

Sébastien absently patted the sated boar on its head.
And now, we have our means to take part in your promise to Tor that you would grow up and hunt down thosee evil men and make the roads safe, regardless of the season or the wealth of the people!

The wealthy halfling grins.
For which I will be grateful while on our trek!


Sébastien of The City of a Hundred Fountains
Ancestry Halfling Heritage Observant Halfling Background Musical Prodigy
Class Bard 2 Deity ?
Alignment CG Size S Traits Halfling Humanoid
Languages Common, Halfling
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
AC (T) 16/18, Fort(T)+6, Ref(T)+6, Will(E)+8
Wood Shield + Hardness 5 Max HP 20/20 BT 10
Resistances & Immunities
HP 26/26
Class DC(T) 18
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Speed 25'
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Str 8 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 18
Acrobatics(T)+6, Diplomacy(T)+8, Deception(T)+8, Intimidation(T)+8, Occultism(T)+4, Performance(T)+8 (+1 Oratory), Stealth(T)+6, Survival(T)+6, Thievery(T)+6, Music Lore(T)+4
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Ancestry Feats & Abilities
Keen Eyes
Your eyes are sharp, allowing you to make out small details about concealed or even invisible creatures that others might miss. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus when using the Seek action to find hidden or undetected creatures within 30 feet of you. When you target an opponent that is concealed from you or hidden from you, reduce the DC of the flat check to 3 for a concealed target or 9 for a hidden one.
HalflingLuck (1st; Halfling)

Skill Feats
Virtuosic Performer (1st; Background)
Intimidating Glare (2nd; Skill)

General Feats

Class Feats & Abilities
Muse Maestro
Occult Spellcasting
Inspire Competence (2nd; Bard)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Magic Tradition
Spell Attack Roll (T) +i
Spell DC (T) 18

1. Light
2. Telekinetic Projectile
3. Warp Step
4. Guidance
5. Shield

Spell Repertoire
1st 3/3
1. Magic Weapon
2. Endure
Muse Soothe
3. Liberating Command

Focus Spells Focus Points 2/2
Composition Spells
Counter Performance
Lingering Composition

Composition Cantrips
Inspire Courage
--- -----------------------------------------------------
Gp 15/ 43 Sp 9

explorer's clothes
Thieves' Tools (3gp)
Thieves' Tools (Replacement Picks)x2 (6sp)
Wooden Shield x2 (2gp)
Adventure's Pack (1gp 5sp)
Wand of Manifold Missile (1st) 1/1
