
Rylan of the Circle of Magi's page

82 posts. Alias of c c.


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Wincing against the sudden burst of cold, Rylan keeps his aim and fires off another shot of arcane energy.

taking a 2nd aim action, attacks with arcane lance for 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 4, 4) + 6 = 16, and does 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 if damage is done

stunt will be pierce armor and mighty blow 1d6 ⇒ 3 for 4 sp

"Ser Calder,", Rylan calls out, "it's a container used by those in the Chantry for storing the hopes and dreams of their worshippers- it might be just the thing to counteract this creature of the Fade!"

Apologies about the late posting- been busy with rl stuff lately. As an aside, this pbp campaign is my only pbp game at the moment.

Rylan will try to see if there is anything about that particular vessel that he recognizes (or might know of) in order to be of aid to Ser Calder.

cunning with 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (2, 6, 4) + 3 = 15, not sure if it counts as major or minor in terms of actions.

In the meantime, Rylan will keep his wand aimed at the creature rushing towards Ser Calder, with Legnar blocking it's way

Will use an aim action as a minor.

Having no better idea of what to do in this situation, Rylan readily follows thru on Ser Calder's suggestion. The mage moves back towards Legnar, firing off an arcane lance at the shadowy form in the process.

3d6 + 4 ⇒ (5, 2, 5) + 4 = 16 to hit, if damage, does 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

For stunt points, will go with mighty blow for 1d6 ⇒ 5 extra damage and lightning attack for 3d6 + 4 ⇒ (1, 2, 6) + 4 = 13 to hit and 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 possible damage

A strategic look sounds good to me

Cunning check, 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 1, 2) + 3 = 11

Noting that Legnar has the creature occupied, Rylan will scoot over to Ser Calder's location after doing a quick strategic visual reconnoiter, the mage's ready to do another cast of healing in the next round for the knight.

Moves to where Ser Calder is hunkered down at

-3 to hitpoints currently

"This foul creature... it's from the Fade! Be wary of it's touch lest it draw from your lifeforce..."

Seeing that Ser Calder has the damnable darkness dealt with, Rylan will cease rummaging around his pack and move up towards Legnar (as he's the one currently being targeted by this unearthly being) and heal the dwarf for -2 mana, healing for 2d6 ⇒ (6, 4) = 10 hitpoints worth of heals.

Once that is done, the mage will try to determine how quickly he can reach Ser Calder in next few moments.

Letting out a small curse of "By the silence of her chant!" as the light from the box flickers out for a second time, Rylan also rummages through his pack for some more mundane light source as he tries hastily to remember if his prior lessons at the tower made any reference to a creature such as the one moving for the dwarven warrior.

a cunning knowledge check to know of what the party faces, 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (2, 5, 4) + 3 = 14

Perception at 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 5, 6) + 1 = 14

"I'm not sure what it is we're facing- but I'll try to get the box of light working again", Rylan replies in response to Legnar's query.

Try magic to get the box working again, 3d6 + 4 ⇒ (3, 2, 4) + 4 = 13

If it works, then will try to focus the light on where the fighting is taking place, if it still doesn't function, will try to dig thru his own backpack for a more mundane source of light.

Just as Rylan is able to finally adjust his vision to account for the darkness, the sounds of battle assail his senses.

Will try to perception to spot whatever is attacking Ser Calder with 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (1, 5, 4) + 1 = 11.

Upon hearing Ser Calder's call whilst the erstwhile armsman of Teryn Loghain is being locked in combat with... something within that damnable darkness, Rylan will try to make out what is trying to attack the group.

If he is able to make out the shadowy foe, Rylan will fire off an arcane lance.

3d6 + 4 ⇒ (6, 2, 4) + 4 = 16 to hit without any modifiers present. If it is a hit, damage will be 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

If not able to find it, Rylan (not being able to make an attack?) will try again to determine the position of the enemy relative to Ser Calder and Legnar

It's just as well that his comrades aren't able to make out the look of consternation on the mage's face as the light fades out from the box but Rylan still moves alongside Ser Calder and Legnar, even if his grip on his wand is just a tad more tense than usual.

Initiative 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 4, 1) + 2 = 12

Perception 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 6, 6) + 1 = 15

Rylan motions for the others to stop- if they do so, he'll lean in close and whisper in a low voice to them, "Something's feels very wrong in the air... there's magic all about- but not magic that I find familiar in the least. We must be cautious".

Rylan will then bring out his expertly-crafted wand in his hand while holding the light box in the other.

Perception 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (5, 4, 6) + 1 = 16

Following along the others, Rylan casually takes out the light box but makes no move to open it right away though. "Should I light the way or should we wait until we've entered the Chantry?" the mage inquires of the others.

As the innkeeper heads up to get the cots, Rylan gives a slight bow over to the elderly man and replies, "Thanks you kindly, good ser- and we'll be certain to be on our caution to the utmost if we venture there".

To Ser Calder, the mage nods and says, "Indeed, better that we go there when we're ready and capable than having to deal with any possible threats when we're asleep or indisposed".

Rylan thanks the barkeep for his allowance on the horses with a "Thank you kindly, good Ser", then asks for a fourth cup be provided for their other companion, Lord Nicholas, while placing 3 more silvers upon the counter. -3 silvers

Adding to Legnar's request, Rylan adds in, "Of course, when we reach Denerim, we would be more than willing to give word of this occurence to both the Chantry and the Templars stationed there.". The mage glances about the barroom to see if there are any others seated within the tavern besides himself, Ser Calder, Legnar, and the barkeep.

Perception 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (3, 2, 2) + 1 = 8

Rylan leans in over the counter and says in a much lower voice to the barkeep, "Perhaps it may help if there was any thing else that can be added when we give word to them. Apart from the dissappearance of the local Mother Superior that you've mentioned... the Templars, I'm almost certain, will want word of whom might've gone in to check upon the disposition of the Chantry during the interim, for instance."

Persuasion 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 5, 6) + 1 = 18

Will have Rylan presumably close enough to overhear the jist of the conversation and to be able to respond, as needed

After making sure that the drunkard is well on his way towards his home, Rylan will politely excuse himself from Lord Nicholas' side with a comment to the effect of "Perhaps the barkeep will consider allowing the horses to fed and stabled for a few hours".

Rylan makes his way to the tavern's interior and notices that the barkeep, Legnar, and Ser Calder are still conversing amongst themselves. "They're still talking, so that would be a good sign indeed, thank the Maker", the mage thinks to himself as he moves towards the trio.

Upon hearing mention of the dire unknown fate befalling the local Chantry and their Mother Superior, Rylan will interject with "That is grim news indeed" but will politely wait to see what the barkeep's response to Legnar's query will be.

If the drunken man- Tomas whom the barkeep referred to him as- begins to stumble off to home, Rylan will try to see where and which direction the drunkard will be heading off to. Perception for 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (5, 5, 1) + 1 = 12

Otherwise, if the Tomas stays where he is, Rylan will begin to head over to where Ser Nicholas is standing and say, "Milord, perhaps we should go and check upon the horses", moving to lead the young lord away from the drunkard.

Rylan glances over in the direction of the "empty" Chantry from time to time but otherwise will stay in earshot of the conversation between the older man (whom the mage presumes to be the tavern's barkeep) and the others.

Will try to see if anything is wrong with the Chantry building via Perception, 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 3, 3) + 1 = 9

As the party comes upon the small hamlet of Geldheim, Rylan lets out an appreciative sigh of relief as he catches sight of the various buildings. Compared to the prior days of "roughing it" out in the wilderness, the modest community seems a sight for sore eyes.

"We'd best see if we can find some lodgings here for the night", the mage addresses the rest of his compatriots.

With all of the effort spent setting up camp, to say nothing of the events that had happened earlier, Rylan find himself weary and more than ready to set off to some much needed sleep. Before he dozes off, the mage readily agrees to the arrangement with, "Wake me when my watch is up"

If there's no disturbance during the night, Rylan will recover 13 health points plus all of his mana while he's asleep; I'm guessing that each watch will be in 4 hour shifts

Once the horses are gathered together, Rylan will transfer the items gained from both the unfortunate spider's victim and the goblynkinde that he's currently carrying and stow them away into the appropriate saddlebags for the party.

When that is all done, the mage will try to assist Ser Calder in finding some nearby campsites.

perception 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 1, 4) + 1 = 10 to help find a campsite

"If the horses are nearby, perhaps we can lead them back to here- at least we know that the cave should be relatively safe enough". Rylan does leave unspoken his own thoughts of if we did manage to clear out all of the goblynkinde from it.

Level 2 results (from the play-by-post thread):

Rylan's Cunning increased by +1 for a total of 3.

He also gains Cunning (Healing) focus.

Rylan gets +5 hit points extra for a total of 29 hitpoints and he gets +9 additional mana for a total of 28 mana.

He will take Daze as his 2nd level spell.

Trundling along after Legnar in the agreed-upon party lineup, Rylan takes the opportunity to "admire" the scenery, so to speak, as the mage mentally catalouges the various bits of information about the party's entire experience with the goblynkinde and reconciling that information with what little he recalls of what he's heard about them in the Circle.

For level 2, Rylan will have his cunning increased by +1 to a grand total of 3. He will also gain Cunning (Healing) focus. In terms of health points, he gets 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 hit points extra and for mana, he gets 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 additional mana. As for his 2nd level spell, he will take Daze as his next spell.

With Ser Nicholas released from where he was held and armored up shortly after, Rylan goes to taking out the healing kit from his pack and doing a quick examination/lookover of the young lord to see if there were any serious injuries present in short order.

either Perception at +1 or Cunning (healing) at + 2, 3d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 3) = 13, if there are any present, will either use the healing kit or cast a heal spell (if serious injuries are present)

After listening to Ser Nicholas' explantion to Legnar, Rylan asks "Were there any others besides yourself who were held captive by these creatures?".

Ser Calder wrote:
"Legnar found a key... though I guess it's not to Nicholas' cell eh? Need a hand with that door?"

Looking over at the huge unwieldy piece of lumber barring the doorway, Rylan nods over at Ser Calder's direction, "Most certainly so, Ser Calder- judging by the size of the one-eyed monstrosity that we fought, I'd say that it would've been the likely culprit for placing this fine piece of wood over the entryway"

Legnar Nevvin wrote:
Where do you think this goes to? Legnar says, holing the key up for the others to see.

Glancing over at the key that Legnar is holding up, Rylan takes out the light box from where he stowed it away during the fight and shines the unearthly light over the entire barred doorway.

Rylan will try to see if there's any apparent keyhole in the door; if he doesn't see any, he'll motion over to the large wood barring the door and say something to the effect of "There might be something either behind this piece of wood or there may even be another door with a lock beyond this one"

Noting that Ser Calder does seem a bit pale and Legnar not being in much of rush to see to Ser Nicholas, Rylan nods to them and mentions, "Very well- I should go on ahead to check on Lord Nicholas; he is able to speak and that's always a good sign, thank the Maker.".

With that, the mage respectfully lets the two do what they need to- after all, it was a fairly close fight with what appears to be the leader of the goblynkinde- and heads off towards the direction of Ser Nicholas in the hidden chamber.

With the battle at an end and Ser Nicholas' cries indicating that the young lord is very much alive, Rylan stows his wand away and shouts back with "We're on our way... have you been harmed in any way, Milord!?" to the hidden room in reply.

Glancing over at his two companions, Rylan then says to Ser Calder and Legnar, "I'd better go and see if Ser Nicholas is alright- will the both of you be alright in the meantime?"

After hearing their replies (and healing them if needed), Rylan will head towards the hidden room, ready to administer a heal spell to Ser Nicholas, if needed.

stardust wrote:
Might be out of commission until Monday due to work issues...:(

No worries- I know what you mean

Round 7

Stepping aside to let both Ser Calder and Legnar have a clear hit at the standing goblyn, Rylan fires off another arcane bolt on the embattled creature at an opportune moment.

3d6 + 4 ⇒ (2, 3, 6) + 4 = 15 to hit and 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7 to damage

Rylan aims at the last goblyn and lets loose another arcane lance, doing:

3d6 + 5 ⇒ (2, 1, 2) + 5 = 10 to hit and 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 to damage

Might be a miss, but if not, the stunt used will be knock prone

Rylan of the Circle of Magi wrote:
Would Rylan be able to "sense" any residual bloodmagic-iyness from Ser Calder during the fight?

On further consideration, sensing blood magic seems more like something associated with Templars rather than mages, so it probably would be best to disregard that earlier query of mine.

Apologies about the late posting :(

As soon as Ser Calder is able to turn the momentum towards the party's favor, Rylan (after taking a moment to center his aim directly at the one eyed goblyn) lets loose with another arcane bolt at the one-eyed monstrosity.

Would Rylan be able to "sense" any residual bloodmagic-iyness from Ser Calder during the fight?

Using a move to aim and a standard for the arcane bolt, the result is 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 2, 3) + 6 = 15 to hit to one-eyed one, with both prior aims, and 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10 damage for the result

Rylan casts Heal on Legnar for 2 mana points and will heal 2d6 ⇒ (6, 6) = 12 hit points to him, then use the aim action to keep his wand aimed at the standing one-eyed monstrosity

After letting the healing energies of his spell shore up Legnar, Rylan keeps his wandpoint aimed squarely over at the standing one-eyed goblyn. Giving a momentary glance over to the doorway and then back towards the large one-eyed goblyn again, Rylan says, "It might not be a bad idea for us to make our way towards the entryway to this room; at the very least, it might not make for an easy access for one such as that..."

Quickly glancing over at Ser Calder and seeing Legnar, wounded as he is, drawing back from the one-eyed monster, Rylan wastes no time in unleashing a mind blast right between the larger one eyed goblyn and the other large goblyn (and of course, making certain to keep the radius of the attack from reaching either Ser Calder or Legnar).

For 3 mana, Rylan will cast mind blast with 3d6 + 4 ⇒ (2, 5, 4) + 4 = 15 and use his move action to get near Legnar so that a heal spell will work for the next round

Moving in as close as he is able towards Legnar, Rylan calls out, "Take caution everyone- even with my mind blast, these creatures might be hardy enough to shake off the worst of the effects!"

Congrats with your second job, Stardust

Round 2

Rylan takes 4 damage total due to the protection from his Rock Armor spell

Wincing from the blow that the hulking goblyn gave, Rylan silently thanks the maker once more for having the foresight to use his rock armor spell. Noting that the blow could've been much worse had he not been so protected, Rylan moves back from the hulking goblyn and lets off an arcane lance at it to show that he isn't quite as helpless as he may appear to be.

Uses another move to back away from said goblyn if there is enough space to warrant doing so, then will cast arcane lance at it with 3d6 + 4 ⇒ (5, 3, 5) + 4 = 17 to hit and 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 damage on it if it hits. For the stunt points, he will utilize pierce armor for 2, knock prone for 2, and skirmish for 1 against the hulking goblyn, making it prone, at half armor for Rylan's attack, and moved/slid backwards away from the mage

At the sight of the stalagtites raining down upon the walls of the room, Rylan instinctively raises his arm as if to ward off any wayward flying debris. With the wall near the mage opening up to reveal the huge one-eyed goblyn, Rylan finds himself standing there- momentarily staring into it's single eye dumbfoundedly before sensibly moving- almost jumping back- away from it and it's fellow goblyn attendant.

Thankfully, the mage manages to keep enough presence of mind to take his wand out once more as he's moving back away from the two creatures- keeping the wandtip pointed in sideways back and forth sweeping motion between the two.

Will take an action to move back away from the two at his full movement rate and another move action to take out the wand and have it upraised into "firing position" alternating back and forth between the two creatures.

Here's the second perception roll, 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (1, 2, 5) + 1 = 9

Not the greatest result, but is it okay go with the glimmer thing enough to inform the others about it? If so, Rylan will take that opportunity to do so

Rylan notices something strange about the light when it hits about the wall to his right, near the dining table. Unable to determine if there's anything but a trick of the eye or something more to it, Rylan casually mentions, "I think there might be something here... I can't make out if it's something about the way the light is reflecting off the wall around this area or if it might be something more". The mage ends his statement with a wide palmed sweep and tap of the wall in question.

Will try a cunning roll to see if there's anything that might suggest another route, 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 3, 2) + 2 = 12

Absently dropping one of the bones down to Stunt, Rylan will aim the magical light emanating from the box so it lights against the wall where the table is and then do a "perimeter circuit route" around the walls of the entire room. 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 2, 1) + 1 = 8 perception

When he is done with this check, Rylan says, "While it might not be out of place for a hidden passage to be present around a locale such a this, we might also try back at that room where the torturer's rack was situated."

With the breather, the 3 damage goes away for now

Grateful for the lull after battle, Rylan sits at the bench while repositioning his pack (and making sure nothing was damaged inside during his brief foray ontop the floor).

"Agreed- but before we set off, will either of you be in need of some healing?"

Can also do a nonmagical heal standard action for both Legnar and Ser Calder if needed, the relevant die rolls would be 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 4, 1) + 2 = 10 first cunning roll of 3 hps of healing and 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 6, 6) + 2 = 16 second cunning roll of 8 hps of healing.

stardust wrote:
Rylan is able to crawl away and stand up without harassment. That's only a move action, Rylan, you can still make a standard one.

Rylan will use that standard action to aim at the remaining goblyn

Shakily getting to his feet, Rylan carefully brings his wand back into position, waiting for an opportune time to fire off another arcane bolt if needed.

Round 4:

Glancing about to the rear and the front areas behind the battle going on with the remaining creature and his companions, Rylan tries to spot for any other of the large goblyn (or even the smaller ones, for that matter), if they happened to have been drawn to the area due to the sound of fighting. Keeping his wand training on the remaining large goblyn, the mage grimly watches to see if both Ser Calder and Legnar are able to fell it or if it somehow manages to cling onto life.

Rylan will take a look around to see if there's any other goblynkinde that might come into the area due to the sounds of battle in the area. If the remaining large goblyn is still alive after Legnar and Ser Calder perform their attacks, Rylan will fire an arcane bolt into said large goblyn.

3d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 1, 5) + 1 = 13 for perception to see if there are any additional creatures attracted by the sounds of battle

3d6 + 5 ⇒ (1, 1, 6) + 5 = 13 attack (with aim from round 3) at the remaining creature, if hits, will do 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Rylan will take 3 health damage, thanks to his rock armor

Rylan is scarcely able to react to the sudden twinge of pain from the large greenskin's axe digging past his rock armored exterior before the mage finds himself sprawled out unceremoniously upon the stony ground, his very breath momentarily taken from him from the impact of being smacked down. Due to his mage training in keeping his concentration under the most trying of circumstances (one of the more effective methods of teaching a mage how to not be vulnerable to demonic influence), Rylan manages to keep enough wit about him to keep a tight hold onto his wand.

Strangely enough, Rylan finds himself reminiscing in the back of his mind about the time he first learnt the basics of casting his rock armor spell and how his instructor had cautioned that the spell was no panacea against the shock of actually getting attacked in a real battle.

Round 3

Ser Calder's dimly-heard shouting breaks the mage from his brief mental reverie and Rylan does his best to crawl- almost roll away from his goblynkinde attacker to the best of his ability.

Rylan will take his action to try crawling away from his attacker, if any test (such as dex) is needed, the dice roll is 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 2, 5) + 2 = 12
for dex. He'll use his remaining action to try to stand up while he has some space between him and his attacker; otherwise if not, he'll try to crawl/roll away once more- 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 6, 2) + 2 = 15 for dex again

For the lone stunt point, Rylan will "skirmish" and move the tough greenskin he hits back 2 yards so that it has to spend a movement to get to Legnar.

Round 2

Rylan aims and fires upon the very same greenskin that he had hit earlier once he gets it within optimal position.

Uses aim action and launches another Arcane lance, magic 3d6 + 5 ⇒ (6, 3, 1) + 5 = 15, if hit 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9.

At Ser Calder's exclamation at Rylan's rock armor, the mage flushes a bit with embarrassment and sheepishly mentions, "It was one of the spells that we at the tower had the option of studying; considering it's long use in battles past, specially against the Qunari invasion, I opted to learn this spell as soon as I was able".

Round 1

Rylan moves besides Ser Calder and Legnar to get a better vantage point at firing off his arcane bolts.

Rylan will use a "move" action to position himself to get a good shot at both or either of the larger goblyns and launches an arcane bolt at closest one for 3d6 + 4 ⇒ (3, 3, 1) + 4 = 11 magic, 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 if it hits the target; he won't try to get any closer to either of the two if he can help it

stardust wrote:
This creature is significantly larger. Its a little taller than a human adult male. The other creatures came up to chest height at best. This creature is also broader in shoulder and more muscular.

Rylan says aloud, "Curious, I do wonder if those four creatures we had fought were some immature version of this one- maybe even younglings of this creature- or perhaps this one happens to be a larger more fiercer version of those other four greenskins, more akin to canine packleaders..." although he's not addressing anyone in particular while he's visually examining the corpse of the larger creature.

The mage then soberly announces, "While I had hoped to conserve some of my magical powers for healing when we've found the Arl's son, if there are more of these larger greenskinned creatures about, I fear I may have to activate some personal protection as a precaution..."

With that, Rylan casts Rock Armor on himself 3d6 + 4 ⇒ (5, 2, 3) + 4 = 14 magic, spending 3 mana for a total of 6 currently leftover

Rylan will assist Legnar in "recycling" anything from the tough greenskin

"At any rate, I'd imagine that Lord Nicholas might end up in need of some healing when we do find him", Rylan says, wincing inwardly at the remembrance of the blood all over the torture device in the other chamber.

Rylan will also examine the dead greenskin as well; is there any visual differentiation between this creature and previous four that is noticable? 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 2, 5) + 2 = 15 cunning roll if needed

Legnar Nevvin wrote:
"Is it dead?" Legnar checks to see if the creature is still alive.
Ser Calder wrote:

Ser Calder lightly kicks the fallen goblyn.

"Looks pretty dead t'me. Wouldn't want to get on your bad side, Rylan!"

He looks around the room for any sign Nicholas could have been brought through here.

Flashing at grin at Ser Calder, Rylan offhandedly replies, "I'd like to think of myself as being more even-minded temprementally.". Then with a glance over at his wand, Rylan then remarks, "While it could've merely been a lucky hit, I'm sure the skill that went into the crafting of this implement contributed much to that.".

Looking back and forth between Legnar and Ser Calder, Rylan then asks. "Now that things have quieted down, is there any healing that either of you would have need of?"

Round 2

Taken aback by the spout of unfamiliar language uttered by this greenskinned foe, Rylan takes another moment to aim and fire away another arcane bolt at the creature; a slightly worried expression appears on the mage's face as the realization sinks in that this particular creature seems to be a bit more durable compared to the other greenskinned creatures.

Uses another aim action and an arcane bolt for 3d6 + 5 ⇒ (1, 6, 4) + 5 = 16 to hit and 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 for damage

Legnar Nevvin wrote:
"No, they were normal darkspawn. I have no idea 'bout these things."

Giving a slight nod in response to Legnar, Rylan says, "I suppose it would be for the best- we still might be able to find Lord Nicholas then". Left unspoken was the rumored penchant for the Darkspawn on making their victims' remains disappear without a trace.

Round 1

Rylan raises his wand once more in response to this new threat and lets loose another arcane bolt after aiming for his target.

Fires off an arcane bolt, uses a minor action for aiming, 3d6 + 5 ⇒ (4, 2, 4) + 5 = 15 to hit, 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 for damage, for the stunts, use defensive stance and pierce armor for a total of 4

Rylan of the Circle of Magi wrote:
After the last goblynkinde is silenced, Rylan lowers his wand and moves over to the closest of the goblin bodies. Taking a few moments to look it over, the mage gently turns over the goblin body that he was examining with the bottom of his staff and says to Legnar, "Were these the same as the greenskinned "darkspawn" that you've said you've encountered earlier to the Arl?"

Now that I've time to look it over, the above action doesn't make all that much sense now- please disregard it for now

Lowering his wand but still making sure to keep it close at hand, Rylan follows Ser Calder and Legnar out in the hallway. Glancing about for any signs of other goblins, Rylan asks Legnar, "Were those greenskinned creatures that we fought the same as the ones you mentioned to the Arl about?"

Looking out for any new goblin ambushes in the hallway, 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 4, 2) + 1 = 9 perception

Now down to 9 mana total at this point in the adventure

Ser Calder wrote:

Sorry to leave you hanging on this one. We can say this happened earlier.

Ser Calder flinches back reflexively when Rylan enters the "trance" gathering impressions from the pendant. He takes it back carefully, like it were a sleeping snake instead of a piece of jewelry.

"So... you're sure it's safe, then? Sounds pretty useful."
Calder swallows, staring at the pendant.
"Yes. I'll put it on."
He pulls the chain around his thick neck, dropping it the last second. When he isn't turned into a toad or a rat or set aflame or any other awful thing, he exhales.
"Yeah. Nothin' to it. So, you could tell all that just by holding it? No consulting familiar spirits or speaking magical phrases or anything?"

Heh, considering that there were goblins aplenty at the time, it's understandable ;)

Rylan smiles at Ser Calder, taking a slight bit of good natured amusement at his friend's obvious discomfort with magic."Nothing quite as elaborate as all of that- well, in most cases at least". The mage then peers off into the distance- his face in deep thought as he continues on, "This isn't to say that discerning all magic would be as simple that- there have been cases where more, ah, pro-active measures of determining whether an object is magical has happened."

Glancing back over to Ser Calder, Rylan decides that it might be better to leave some of the messier, more wilder stories of item detection gone wrong- most of them involving demonic activity, with such examples usually ending with the detector's impairment or death, unsaid. Instead, the mage ends with, "At any rate, that was the impression that I got from your necklace- pretty straightfoward at that."

stardust wrote:

I apologize for the boring stream of goblins. If I had a map program, I could have done this a different way, but this seemed the best way at the time.

For the moment, things are strangely still.

No worries- they did keep the party on their toes

After the last goblynkinde is silenced, Rylan lowers his wand and moves over to the closest of the goblin bodies. Taking a few moments to look it over, the mage gently turns over the goblin body that he was examining with the bottom of his staff and says to Legnar, "Were these the same as the greenskinned "darkspawn" that you've said you've encountered earlier to the Arl?"

Rylan of the Circle of Magi wrote:
I'll go under the assumption that after Rylan gets that immediate impression from Ser Calder's pendant, the mage gives back the pendant to Ser Calder while explaining what he's discovered about it and that all this happens before the party ventured down into the further reaches of the dungeon

Also, if the party prefers for that exposition to happen at a later time, I'm good with that as well

Round 4

Seeing that Legnar has his hands full with yet another of these "goblynkinde", Rylan launches a second mindblast (using another 3 mana for a total of 6 for this fight) at Legnar's foe and targeting it in such a way that if there were more goblins behind it, they too would be targeted by the spell if within the spell's radius...

Second mind blast at Legnar's goblin for 3d6 + 4 ⇒ (5, 3, 2) + 4 = 14 and Rylan will take a minor action to aim his wand over at the goblin engaging Ser Calder

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