
Ruchi's page

24 posts. Alias of BohdanM6.


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No seriously.

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Me too.

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Does anybody know of a version of aasimar that have fewer than 11 RP?
I want to make an aasimar character but im afraid of the OP-ness of the race.

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Finaly some solid advise or proposers, thank you very much.*no sarcasm*.

Dark Archive

Ha ha, gillmen.

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No!* Nervously looks behind shoulder*

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I'm done, you can post now.

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To be a good writer of things that explain, you need to alternate between giving Old and New information.

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Just struck me that the more customizable and creative classes are the most powerfull. See wizard, with his changeble spell list, and summoner, with his even more changable eidolon.

Dark Archive

Origami Dog wrote:

I liked the Idea of the Summoner, but I never really clicked with the idea of an eidolon.

Maybe it'd make the class a lot more bland without it, but I think replacing the eidolon with a much more robust summoning skill and massively expanded table of summonable monsters would be great.
Maybe some kind of ability gained every couple levels to customize summoned creatures with elemental templates or other abilities.

On the contrary, my friend, i buy the idea of the eidolon more, but thats how opinions are different, i will not say that someons elses opinion on the classes idea is invalid, the idea is just different. So i say - go ahead and compose an alternate class that fits your consept, not argue on how the eidolon us bad or OP, thats how people need to live, not reactively, posting replies that never create something new, but proactively, making people think and be generaly creative.

Dark Archive

Ruchi wrote:

And somebody can even try to be creativevand propose somthing SOLID, but NOO! We need to say how bad it is and how US is better in every way! Somebody could at least promise to think of somthing, but NOO! We have to complain. Well US didnt fix anything in my opinion.

Players who were creative could do anything they wanted to the eidolon, but now the players who arent as creative get the most attension, the packages were okay, but also too limiting. Outsiders are one of the most diverse groups of creatures out there, and if we forget about balance and think about consept, there is the problem, game designers sacrifise consepts to the fat idol of balance. And thats a bit weird coming from the sourse of martial/caster disparsity. Not like the class didnt get an stronger, but they sacrifised the flexibility of the classes idea to fullfil a message board whim, that's just sad.

So if anyone else starts disscussing the "Power" of the class or how it was "Fixed", i will delete and flag this thread and create a new one, because for some reason everybody missed

Ruchi wrote:

Some of us miss the summoners consept, so this thread is meant to provide a place where people can post their ideas on the rebalansing and advancment of the class.

Thank you very much, me, and now i'll wait for some homebrewing person to come around and actually PROPOSE an interesting idea, thank you very much.

Note: i whrote all of this before Java man posted, but it was explictly stated "ideas" in the O post, so please post ideas, not how it has problems. So people basicly looked at the INTENT , not the explict text, weird.

Dark Archive

And somebody can even try to be creativevand propose somthing SOLID, but NOO! We need to say how bad it is and how US is better in every way! Somebody could at least promise to think of somthing, but NOO! We have to complain. Well US didnt fix anything in my opinion.

Players who were creative could do anything they wanted to the eidolon, but now the players who arent as creative get the most attension, the packages were okay, but also too limiting. Outsiders are one of the most diverse groups of creatures out there, and if we forget about balance and think about consept, there is the problem, game designers sacrifise consepts to the fat idol of balance. And thats a bit weird coming from the sourse of martial/caster disparsity. Not like the class didnt get an stronger, but they sacrifised the flexibility of the classes idea to fullfil a message board whim, that's just sad.

So if anyone else starts disscussing the "Power" of the class or how it was "Fixed", i will delete and flag this thread and create a new one, because for some reason everybody missed

Ruchi wrote:

Some of us miss the summoners consept, so this thread is meant to provide a place where people can post their ideas on the rebalansing and advancment of the class.

Thank you very much, me, and now i'll wait for some homebrewing person to come around and actually PROPOSE an interesting idea, thank you very much.

Dark Archive

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Hello! This thread is for people who whould like to share tips on storytelling in general and more specificly backstory wrighting.

So i whould ask you a question: what makes a good backstory?

Dark Archive

So i put it that nobody wants to work on homebrew and create a summoner-esqwe class. Everybody wants to put how OP it was or how the US fixes all issues.

BTW, thanks for horribly derailing the thread, REALL thanks.

Dark Archive

Goth Guru wrote:

Good, the governor offers you a way out of prison module.

The greed room is full of golden treasures. The next door will only open when someone weighing 500 pounds steps on the plate before the door. Up to 3 can stand on the plate at the same time.

Envy is a crypt where every corpse is clutching the key. Graverobbing is the worst sort of envy.

I didnt know that hell knights were necromansers.

Dark Archive

Now, we all heard the tale of the summoner class. Im not going to tire you with repeating it, so here's why i made this thread.

Some of us miss the summoners consept, so this thread is meant to provide a place where people can post their ideas on the rebalansing and advancment of the class.

I'll start:
The summoner needs to lose spellcasting completely in favour of summoning.

Give the summoner a new class feature - planar bond, long story short, they can either call a standard eidolon or gain the Summon SLA feature or a la synthesist, Fuse with the Eidolon.

Planar bubble- aura like ability which allows to give your outsiders some buffs depending on the chosen plane.

Probably some plane option, like a clerics domains or somthing like that.

Gonna post the full class later on.

Dark Archive

Its like you won a lottery.

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Intersted in eberything exept saga.

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Somehere i read that Aboleths tried to flood the Material plane with the Plane of Water, so they could have visited other planes.

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But theyre categorized as oursiders on the avatar selection page.?!?

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@GM Default, with a prompt from Peet, i've changed my character, its in the alias.

Dark Archive

There are undines that come from mephits and nereids, but not aboleths, why arent there any alt. Racial traits for decendants of aboleths?

If you can, please suggest some.

Dark Archive

Thank you, Peet, ill change my character to an aboleth-ancestered undine(link).

You can find the new and updated character here