Rozzev still seems extremely nervous and scared, constantly trying to look in every direction at once, and starting at every little sound from the woods. It's difficult to hear him as he's practically muttering to himself.
"Whoever they are, they're taking care not to thin out the trees too much. That kind of long term planning suggests real organization."
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day
will:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
survival:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
knowledge nature:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29
Rozzev seems visibly nervous, his gaze darting about at every little sound and movement in the forest, as he answers Kayniik.
"No need, no need! Let's save our consumables until we need to use them! This campfire bead and spike of safe passage should see us through the night!"
As he holds up the items in question, his voice sounds rather manic, and honestly maybe even slightly terrified.
nature check is just in case there's anything poisonous or dangerous that he might recognize from his studies.
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day
Sorry for the late response guys, I've had some connectivity issues that should be resolved now. Ill update my equipment list today and post in the game thread.
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day
Marvelous Mr. Pasternack wrote:
Well, as the man with the most expensive piece of equipment, I'd love to give it up. But, it's uhh...29k over my spending limit. And if I were to trade it in, you better believe we'd be picking up more than a few wands of Crappy (cough) cure light wounds. Infernal healing all the way, baby, but anyway, yeah. Who would have guessed that the rogue of the party have the most money? That's almost stereotypical, that is.
If it even works like that! I'm super tired and may only be able to fetch half my wbl, which is very, very, very small compared to my family's wonderful ranged-only weapon's super amazing price.
As a reminder to all, you can freely switch any Kotelian provided equipment up to your WBL. If you kept your heirloom items (you may now return them to the family if you couldn't use them), subtract the value of the Heirloom item from your WBL. If, after subtracting heirloom items, your WBL is < 1/2 your WBL, you may take 1/2 the value of your WBL in items from store house. When done, please add a section to your profile indicating your WBL, your heirloom value, and what items are Kotelian and which are personal.
This, if I am reading this write, with so few hours of sleep is...
3000-32,000. That's -29,000. Which is less than 3000. So I may take 1500 out of items. Which, by my roguish nature, is a terrible trade off. So the drow man can get a sandwich from Mr. Pasternack, and that is about it. The deal sweetens with levels though, so that's nice.
Right, I believe that everyone should be able to get at least 1500 worth of stuff out of the storehouse, no matter how good your heirloom items are. And I think we'd be crazy not to get some CLW wands, if not the other stuff. Though I think they'd all potentially come in handy.
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day
Hey all, I would like to propose getting some items for the group and splitting the cost.
2x wand cure light wounds 1500gp
Traveler's any tool 250gp
Campfire bead 720gp
Iron spike of safe passage 2000gp
4470gp/6 = 745gp per person, but I think these things could be very useful to a group traveling in the wilderness, while at the same time hard to justify any one person paying for it all. I'd honestly be tempted to throw another campfire bead in there, but I don't know how everyone else was planning to spend their WBL.
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day
Rozzev slowly calms down as Lethierin describes the mission, though anyone observing closely could see that his whiskers were still trembling with restrained emotion. He stares for a moment at all the unmarked map area around Kotelia.
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day
Rozzev accompanies the group back at his half jog, and merely salutes and nods in agreement when Lethierin asks him if he's taking the job.
sense motive:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
He seems fairly oblivious to what she's saying, at least until she starts talking about the actions of the former Tabula Sententia members. An expression of shock comes across his face, and seemingly without realizing it, he stands up out of his chair and begins pacing back and forth, tail quivering in anger.
When she is done he bursts out, "Why were ANY of them exiled instead of killed or imprisoned? They could easily have doomed us all with their irresponsible actions. Any sort of freedom is too good for them."
Those who know him have never seen him anywhere near this angry. His fists constantly clench and unclench, and he seems to be looking for something to punch.
"Just tell me what I need to do, and please tell me that if I ever confront any of these exiles, I do not have any restrictions on how I am to deal with them."
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day
Rozzev looks earnestly at Ciaran and Cygnus, and begins pacing back and forth as he speaks.
"Cygnus, I think that if Kotelia falls, it will be difficult, if not impossible to retake your home. You will need allies both to retake it, and to keep it. Where will they come from if not here? I do not think there is anywhere else. And Ciaran, I know this may seem like I made a sudden decision without really thinking about it, but this is my people's home. And what life is like for ratfolk out in the world, and what it was like before Kotelia existed... Well, I will not go back to that. Here, my people are treated as equals, as valued members of society. Not looked down upon, and given the worst jobs that no one else wants to do. No one is looked down upon here for your race or appearance. It is your actions and abilities that matter. And that is why it is no decision at all for me. If Kotelia falls, the whole world will be measurably worse."
He sits down abruptly, looking slightly embarrassed after his speech.
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day
Rozzev nods in agreement with Terex.
"I also do not need any time to decide. I have no desire to be a hero, but this city is my home, and the home of my family. If something I can do can prevent something like the dragon attacks from happening again, I'll do it, no matter how stupid it might seem. I'm in."
He salutes the drow and heads to the other room. He looks around at everyone a moment before speaking again.
"Is anyone seriously considering saying no to this? If the city falls, we're all dead or enslaved anyways. And besides, what else were you planning to do with your life?"
It is quite obvious to everyone that Rozzev has no doubts at all about accepting the mission.
Though Rozzev immediately recognizes the pattern of dragon attacks, he is too star struck to notice much else. He salutes the drow excitedly, and nods in agreement at the other's guesses.
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day
Rozzev, feeling a little bit out of sorts with an entire week of no assigned duties, salutes the drow smartly and nods in the general direction of everyone else.
"Some jerky would be great!" he says as he helps himself to some water.
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day
Rozzev looked at Ciaran, his whiskers quivering, though she could tell his mind was somewhere else and he wasn't really seeing her at all.
"Honestly? I have no idea what he might want with us. He's the head of the intelligence services! Who could possibly have the ability to send Geltherian Graybane around the city like their own personal errand boy?" He pauses for a second, thinking, then sighs. "But after a horde of dragons attacking us, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by anything anymore. There is definitely something strange going on though. I wonder if it has anything to do with my research into nonmagical flight, and the fact that I have been discouraged from pursuing it?" He sighs again. "I, for one, intend to accept this invitation. I hope the rest of you will too. Maybe the city has need of our little unit for a bit longer," he finishes earnestly, staring hopefully at each person in turn.
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day
heal:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
k history:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
p soldier:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
"You guys seriously don't know who that is?" Rozzev said disbelievingly as he shook his head at Pasternak and Cygnus. He reached out to the box himself as he related what he knew about Geltherian Graybane.
"This is quite an amazing honor," he sighed, gazing reverently at the scroll and ID chits.
Copying the contents of the spoiler here, as Rozzev relates it verbatim.
The drow was Geltherian Graybane.
Geltherian is a hero of the War of the Black Horde. Geltherien, a rare breed even for a Drow, is an albino, although it's hard to tell. His grey skin is very sensitive to sunlight, as are his nearly colorless eyes. He must wear specially made glasses to protect his eyes during daylight hours.
During the war, Geltherian led a force of infiltrators that sowed vast amounts of discontent amongst the allies in the Horde. Additionally, his efforts were instrumental in destroying the seige works used by the Horde on the three surrounding mountaintops.
Unfortunately, the war left it's mark on him, costing him his left arm, and leaving him with a permanent limp and a damaged voice, both results of the final battle to destroy the last siege encampment.
Geltherien has recently taken over the Sententia Tabula, the Board of Thought, which handles Kotelian Intelligence Services. The previous Primus of the Tabula was found to be corrupt and incompetent. He was exiled, along with a dozen of his cronies.
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day
@cygnus - I'd say for the future, hit my crossbow, pike, mace, and unarmed strike. that last since i have at least a couple of melee touch attack spells.
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day
Rozzev's teeth clench in anger as he see the urchin go down. Practically spitting out the mystic words, he points at the dragon, and a glowing blue hand streaks towards the dragon's face.
melee touch attack:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
nonlethal cold damage:1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 + fatigued (-2 str and dex, can't run or charge)
Rozzev casts frostbite and delivers it with spectral hand.
Frostbite: 2 attacks remaining
Invoke power +2 dex: rnd 2 of 10
Spectral hand: rnd 2 of 30
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day
Rozzev tries desperately to remember what he can about blue dragons as he calls out "It looks like they're organized into strike groups by color! Our area is being hit by blues, but it looks like only small ones are coming to ground right now!"
k:arcana:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
He invokes the Decisions aspect of his patron and casts spectral hand after he is done yelling.
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day
Rozzev, whiskers trembling nervously, glances at his readied crossbow, and then at the descending dragons, and shrugs resignedly. This is, after all, his duty. He yells out "Citizens, please clear the streets and return home or report to your emergency duty stations! Anyone on active duty, hustle RIGHT NOW to where you need to be!" His declaration is made somewhat less impactful by finishing it in a nervous squeak that definitely sounds more rat than ratfolk.
Can I make a knowledge check? And if there's a situation where I might be able to make a knowledge check of some sort, should I roll a d20 just in case, or will you handle that on your end?
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day
Question for mdt:
So I'm pretty much done with my character, assuming you have no issues with anything. I am considering trading my alchemy trait for a different alchemy trait though. When using the craft skill to earn a living or to craft an item, I can take 10 on the check, correct? Can I also take 10 when using craft alchemy to brew a potion?
Also, for the Invoke Patron ability of the invoker archetype, it says it functions mechanically like the animal focus ability of the Hunter.
I've never played a hunter or invoker, so I just want to clarify that I'm reading it correctly. As long as I have duration left, I can change which aspect I'm invoking as a swift action. Only one aspect in effect at a time, but I can change from round to round as long as I have a swift action available. Does that sound right?
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day
Hey guys, I wonder if we shouldn't talk a bit about our various roles and abilities, since we've all worked together before? As far as I'm concerned, anything currently in my profile is fair game for other characters to know right now, as Rozzev would happily answer any personal questions, and definitely would want to discuss tactics.
Not to stereotype, but I assume the ogre will hit stuff really hard. The goblin is clearly a pyro. Is anyone set up to be a face? A scout/trap finder? Any other melee types? Healers? For instance, I have a pretty random selection of spells memorized right now, but if I'm the only one with cure light wounds, I feel like I should memorize it.
The TLDR of Rossev's profile:
Avoids melee, he's squishy
Decent shot with a crossbow
Really really really obsessed with flying
Very book smart, lacking in anything social or street smart
Quite good at crafting alchemical items and brewing potions
Takes duty to the city seriously
@mdt - for the chit values column, is that gold piece value?
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day
info for other party members:
Hey guys, when I use hustle, I'm using it in both the descriptive and game sense. A full hustle for a speed 20 character is the same as a normal walk speed for a speed 40 character. So you can not casually walk past me while I'm essentially jogging unless your base speed is above 40. Hate to nitpick, but Rozzev really is sensitive about his walking speed. And apologies if anyone is above 40 movement.
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day
Rozzev salutes crisply and shouts "Sir, yes sir!", and immediately starts hustling towards the assignment.
He's always been a little sensitive about being the slowest, and has a tendency to set the pace for the group, and while on duty goes everywhere at what is, for him, a near jog
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day
The reason I was asking in the other thread about rigging some kind of glide suit for feather falling, is it's something I'd have to have done since first level to take ranks in fly. I'm totally willing to re choose my feats and skill points to make it happen. And I was picturing that it would require making fly checks to turn and successfully catch thermals, etc. The main thing is that Rozzev wants to fly. If that's not something you feel like dealing with, I totally get it, and I'll slot my level one and two fly skill points somewhere else.
Also, as far as crafting, would I have had any opportunity or the money to make any alchemical items or potions for personal use?
@Kayniik: Let's talk. I've got a sweet suit of of +2 mithral chainmail that sounds like it might be right up your alley. +8 AC, max dex +4, armor check penalty -2, counts as light armor rather than medium, and weighs 10 pounds for small size. And it seems like we've all been serving together for a few years, so I think we can easily work something out. I definitely have a vested interest in my squad mates staying alive.
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day
Rozzev's ancestors worked for the original exiled nobility that rebuilt Kotelia, and though originally loyal to those families, his ancestors transferred that loyalty to the city itself over time. His family traces its line straight back to those original founders, and takes its duty to the city very seriously. Every generation of his family has had at least one witch, and witches are trained from a young age in the art of potion making and alchemy, as it is assumed that one of their duties while enlisted will be to add to the city's stockpile of cure light wounds potions and alchemical substances.
Being the youngest of 7 brothers, whose father was himself the youngest of 7 brothers, in combination with the mysterious birthmark that was glowing on his palm when he was born, there was never any doubt that Rozzev was meant to be a witch. He worked hard during his apprenticeship, and enlisted the earliest possible time he could. After so many years of doing nothing but training and working, he's starting to realize how little he's actually experienced life, and he's looking forward to doing something else.
Rozzev is perfectly willing to listen and be silent when the discussion revolves around topics he isn't familiar with, but when it's something he feels he knows about, he becomes very vocal, and is willing to talk back to people that may be considered his elders or superiors. He is a fan of lively debate, though he is slowly coming to realize that not everyone is, and many just consider it being argumentative. But being factual is more important to him than anything else. He is intensely interested in the world around him, and with his newfound freedom, is up for trying new experiences, often without considering the consequences too much. He is smart enough to realize that book smarts aren't everything, and he is severely lacking in most nonbooksmarts categories. He is also somewhat obsessed with the idea of flight, and spends much of his spare time studying flighted beings, and when he thinks no one is looking, practicing what he thinks it would be like. He is also intensely loyal to his family, and he has in his enlisted time put his squad mates in that category. He is a bit naive about the real world, but realizes his shortcomings in that regard.
Checking in! Also, I did take the touched by unknown forces trait, in case there are any potential story hooks you want to work in around that.
@Terex: Hey, I can fly too! I mean, not for very long. Or very often. Grrr. So jealous!
@mdt: just wondering if it would be possible for Rozzev to rig a kind of primitive wing suit out of canvas and cloth based off of his knowledge of grippli, flying squirrels, and flying snakes. It would be for him to use to glide while feather falling to pretend like he's flying. I'm picturing something that would probably be too bulky and limiting for general use, but when taken to a high point with thermals would allow him to practice flying from first level. He's really obsessed with flight. In that vein, if that's not allowed, raven's flight technically meets the requirements to take a rank in the flight skill, but if you think that's pushing it I understand.
So still tweaking the crunch a little, and went witch instead of investigator. Details are in the profile. Essentially just need to select spells known, and debating whether or not to get a flaw. Oh, and need to stat up my rat familiar, Marigold.
Full Name
Murph the Surf
| HP 78/78 | AC 25 | Fort +11; Ref +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Will +13; +2 circumstance bonus vs. traps or devices you failed to disarm | Perc +15 | Default Exploration ( Searching)
”Murph” | Male gnome rogue 7 (Advanced Player's Guide)
About Murph The Surf
Murph 2E
Male gnome rogue 7 (Advanced Player's Guide)
NG, Small, Gnome, Humanoid Heritage umbral gnome
Background scholar of the sky key
Perception +15; darkvision, low-light vision
Languages Common, Draconic, Gnomish, Jotun, Mwangi, Sylvan, Tien
Skills Acrobatics +14 (Successes to Balance are critical successes instead.), Athletics +10, Crafting +12, Deception +11, Diplomacy +13, Engineering Lore +12, Medicine +11, Nature +11, Occultism +12, Religion +11, Scouting Lore +12, Society +12, Stealth +17, Survival +11, Thievery +14
Str 8 (-1), Dex 19 (+4), Con 14 (+2), Int 16 (+3), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 14 (+2)
Items +1 stanching studded leather (onyx panther), +1 ghost touch striking shortsword, +1 returning throwing knife[LOGB], +1 striking hand crossbow (10 bolts, owlbear claw), +1 striking kukri (bloodseeker beak), dagger (potency crystal), holy water (4), light mace (owlbear claw), sap (potency crystal), backpack, bedroll, chalk (10), climbing kit, doubling rings, flint and steel, healer's tools, lesser antidote, lesser antiplague, lesser healing potion, lifting belt, minor healing potion (3), oil of potency, pearly white spindle aeon stone[LOPFS], rations (1 week) (2), repair kit, replacement pick, rope (foot) (50), signal whistle, soap, thieves' tools, waterskin, wayfinder, purse (159 gp, 18 sp)
AC 25; Fort +11; Ref +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Will +13; +2 circumstance bonus vs. traps or devices you failed to disarm.
HP 78
Deny Advantage As someone who takes advantage of others’ defenses, you are careful not to leave such openings yourself. You aren’t flat-footed to hidden, undetected, or flanking creatures of your level or lower, or creatures of your level or lower using surprise attack. However, they can still help their allies flank.
Speed 25 feet
Melee [1][i]+1 ghost touch striking shortsword[/i] +16 (magical, versatile S, agile, finesse), Damage 2d6+6 P +2d6 P/Prec
Melee [1][i]+1 returning throwing knife[/i] +16 (magical, thrown 20 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+6 P +2d6 P/Prec
Melee [1][i]+1 striking kukri[/i] +14 (agile, finesse, trip, magical), Damage 2d6+4 S +2d6 S/Prec
Melee [1] dagger +15 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+6 P +2d6 P/Prec
Melee [1] light mace +15 (agile, finesse, shove), Damage 1d4+6 B +2d6 B/Prec
Melee [1] sap +10 (nonlethal, agile), Damage 1d6+1 B +2d6 B/Prec
Ranged [1][i]+1 returning throwing knife[/i] +16 (magical, thrown 20 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+1 P +2d6 P/Prec
Ranged [1][i]+1 striking hand crossbow[/i] +16 (magical, range increment 60 feet, reload 1), Damage 2d6+2 P +2d6 P/Prec
Ranged [1] dagger +15 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+1 P +2d6 P/Prec
Ranged [1] holy water +15 (thrown 20 ft., consumable, divine, good, necromancy, splash), Damage 1d6+2 Good +2d6 Good/Prec +1 good splash
Evasion You’ve learned to move quickly to avoid explosions, a dragon’s breath, and worse. Your proficiency rank for Reflex saves increases to master. When you roll a success on a Reflex save, you get a critical success instead.
Surprise Attack You spring into combat faster than foes can react. On the first round of combat, if you roll Deception or Stealth for initiative, creatures that haven’t acted are flat-footed to you.
Ancestry Feats Gnome Weapon Familiarity, Gnome Weapon Innovator
Class Feats Gang Up, Nimble Dodge, Quick Draw, Twin Feint
Skill Feats Armored Stealth[APG], Cat Fall, Foil Senses, Glean Contents[APG], Hefty Hauler, Hobnobber, Lead Climber[APG], Quick Repair, Steady Balance, Swift Sneak, Wary Disarmament
Other Abilities multicultural training (1st), rogue's racket, skillful mentor, skillful mentor, sneak attack, swords, thief, wayfinder, weapon specialization, weapon tricks
Knife: The target takes 1d6 persistent bleed damage. You gain an item bonus to this bleed damage equal to the weapon's item bonus to attack rolls.
Rogue- When you critically succeed at an attack roll against a flat-footed creature while using an agile or finesse simple weapon or any of the listed weapons, you apply the critical specialization effect for the weapon you’re wielding. Shortsword: Sword: The target is made off-balance by your attack, becoming flat-footed until the start of your next turn.
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.
Melee [1][i]+1 ghost touch striking shortsword[/i] +15 (magical, versatile S, agile, finesse), Damage 2d6+4 P +2d6 P/Prec
[dice=+1 ghost touch striking shortsword(magical, versatile S, agile, finesse)]1d20 +15 [/dice]
[dice=Damage 2d6+4 P +2d6 P/Prec]2d6+4 P +2d6 P/Prec[/dice]
Melee [1] light mace +14 (agile, finesse, shove), Damage 1d4+4 B +2d6 B/Prec
[dice= light mace +14(agile, finesse, shove)]1d20+14[/dice]
[dice=Damage 1d4+4 B +2d6 B/Prec]1d4+4 B +2d6 B/Prec[/dice]
Melee [1] sap +9 (nonlethal, agile), Damage 1d6-1 B +2d6 B/Prec
[dice= sap +9 (nonlethal, agile)]1d20+9[/dice]
[dice=Damage 1d6-1 B +2d6 B/Prec]1d6-1 B +2d6 B/Prec[/dice]
Ranged [1] holy water +14 (thrown 20 ft., consumable, divine, good, necromancy, splash), Damage 1d6 Good +2d6 Good/Prec +1 good splash
[dice= holy water +14(thrown 20 ft., consumable, divine, good, necromancy, splash)]1d20+14[/dice]
[dice=Damage 1d6 Good +2d6 Good/Prec +1 good splash]1d6 Good +2d6 Good/Prec +1 good splash[/dice]
Surprise Attack You spring into combat faster than foes can react. On the first round of combat, if you roll Deception or Stealth for initiative, creatures that haven’t acted are flat-footed to you.
Ancestry Feats Gnome Weapon Familiarity, Gnome Weapon Innovator
Class Feats Gang Up, Nimble Dodge, Quick Draw, Twin Feint
Skill Feats Armored Stealth[APG], Cat Fall, Glean Contents[APG], Hefty Hauler, Hobnobber, Lead Climber[APG], Quick Repair, Steady Balance, Wary Disarmament
Other Abilities multicultural training (1st), rogue's racket, skillful mentor, skillful mentor, sneak attack, swords, thief, wayfinder, weapon tricks
Knife: The target takes 1d6 persistent bleed damage. You gain an item bonus to this bleed damage equal to the weapon's item bonus to attack rolls.
Rogue- When you critically succeed at an attack roll against a flat-footed creature while using an agile or finesse simple weapon or any of the listed weapons, you apply the critical specialization effect for the weapon you’re wielding. Shortsword: Sword: The target is made off-balance by your attack, becoming flat-footed until the start of your next turn.
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.