
Rozella Tenn's page

45 posts. Organized Play character for Gilthanis.


Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Sh*t!, she cries out as she sees her blade whizz past Darak's shoulder.

Then she takes another swipe at the more than capable enemy.

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 192d4 + 5 ⇒ (3, 1) + 5 = 9

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella moves forward, stopping next to her Dwarven ally. She slashes at the reptilian foe.

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 92d4 + 5 ⇒ (2, 2) + 5 = 9

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

The map is cut off in my view I think?

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Cannot see spell caster on map??

Rozella moves forward, guisarme in hand and takes a slash at the crocodile that is quite angry.

20' move next to Groosalugg and avoid penalty

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 222d4 + 5 ⇒ (1, 4) + 5 = 10

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella watches as the club bounces off her armor. She takes a step back, and takes a swipe at the smaller troglodyte harassing her.

red: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 122d4 + 4 ⇒ (3, 3) + 4 = 10

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella turns to the side, so the club bounces off her scale mail. She takes another swing at their bigger leader, hoping if it falls, the lone smaller one will give up. She adjusts for last times swing and connects with the troglodytes leg, leaving a nasty wound.

purple: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 232d4 + 4 ⇒ (1, 3) + 4 = 8

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella is quite pleased with herself. She is happy that all of her training has paid off. She takes another swing, this woman be at the bigger troglodyte. She looses her grip, but regain it. To bad the swing hits the wall and not the enemy.

Purple: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 1 = 122d4 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (4, 1) + 4 + 1 = 10

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella coughs a bit, but manages to not be sick by the smell this time. She lunges out with her weapon in the yellow tinted foul creature.

yellow: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 212d4 + 4 ⇒ (4, 2) + 4 = 10

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

fort: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Yours, and Rozella would be the type to buy you another once she gets back to town

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella will grab an acid flask, and ready to toss it should the bats get closer.

readied toss within 20': 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 61d6 ⇒ 3

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella looks at her chest, wound still oozing a bit. She looks to Ahmandé, a bit of embarrassment on her face.

Would I be able to borrow your healing wand? It seems I have come ill prepared for such an endeavor.

if yes: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella watches the skeleton explode in a fiery blast. She is distracted by the blast, which gives the other Skelton the opportunity to dig its claws into her chest. Her mail barely holds back the malice in the creatures claws, as a large gash is opened up. She coughs, and sputters.

*Cough* Oh my...that hurts!! a small amount of blood comes out as she speaks.

She takes a step back and takes another swipe at the enemy. She coughs as she swings, so she tries to over correct for the violent coughing fit she is experiencing and can feel the inspiring pantomime embolden her swing.

1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 4 + 1 = 172d4 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (4, 3) + 4 + 1 = 12

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella watches as the two men bust down the door, Just don't break yourselves in the process

She hears the scuffling of feet, and presumes there is something hostile ahead. She slowlymoves forward, polearm at the ready for whatever is there, when she sees bony skeletons.

She stops and prepares for the incoming assault.

Move right below "7"

AOO: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 172d4 + 4 ⇒ (4, 2) + 4 = 10

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella nods at Darak, and adds it to her collection. She barely get it out away when she hears the crunching of metal. She turn just in time to see Darak pull a javelin from his chest.

Oh my! she looks as blood spits from the wound. She breathes a sigh of relief as a wand is quickly produced to be arch him up. When the questions of "climbing vs stairs" is arisen, she ponders for a second.

The stairs are fine with me

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella holds her swing as she sees both troglodytes fall like lumps to the ground. She instead ties them up, as best she can. She looks at the dagger, than the finely crafted shield.

She tries to hold her breath as much as possible, as the smell is atrocious.

Beautiful shield, I like the dolphin. I may get one similar to it, just not a dolphin. I think I will use the shield for now, the weight feels better. Darak, you can use it too, since I prefer my guisarme over my sword

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella, even with her stomach churning over like a ship being tossed around at sea, goes on the offense. She watches the colors stream forth, and steps up in front of him and slashes at the enemy.

prioritize saved vs failed saves: 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (7) + 4 - 2 = 92d4 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (3, 4) + 4 - 2 = 9

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

fort: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella looks at the puddle of rain water and tries to determine if the puddle is drinkable.

survival for drinkable water: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

If she feels the water is drinkable, she will refill her skin, and once the others are finished she will than clean off her blade and her gauntlet. She looks around the room for anything of note, than presses her ear to the door on the southwestern door.

perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

If inspire courage goes off before Groo's attack, would that be 8 damage instead of 7? If so, does 8 damage end the fight? NL stands for non-lethal damage.

Hmm, I thought you were kinda cute, until you shocked my ally. Maybe you can't be made a pet and I cannot have you be shocking all of us now can I?

Rozella steps forward, and takes a slash at the charged up lizard. She takes a deep breath before striking out. It pays off as her blades rips through the reptiles body, in a smooth motion. Her blade covered in lizard guts.

guisarme: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 252d4 + 5 ⇒ (4, 4) + 5 = 13
crit?: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 204d4 + 10 ⇒ (2, 1, 2, 3) + 10 = 18

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella wipes, more like shakes off the spider goo that is stuck to her gauntlet.

Crude, but effective. At least it didn't get its fangs into you Darak.

She looks at the collar, Poor dog, it was well loved until now. She plucks the collar frok the webbing. maybe we can find the owner back in town?

She climbs to the second level. Then untied and retrieves the hook and ripe returning them to their owner.

Hopefully we will not have to do that more than once

She looks around, polearm at the ready. Once told of the water, she stands at the door and examines it to ensure it is not trapped.

perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Once satisfied the door is safe, and the others are ready, she tries to open it, guisarme at the ready.

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella feels the javelin "whoosh" by her head. She takes punches at the spider this time with her spiked fist.

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 211d4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Rozella watches Darak get webbing all over his feet and legs. She tries to slash at the creepy arachnid but only smashes a few webs in the process.

Ugghh, stay still you creepy crawler

She readies her weapon should it try to encroach her or Darak's personal space.

potential AOO: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 62d4 + 4 ⇒ (2, 3) + 4 = 9

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Thats fine the no 5' step. I could only move 2 squares, as I am wearing scale mail. I could move directly left of Darak, than use the above roll for any AOO that may happen?

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Then I will ready an action to poke it? Free 5' forward if possible?

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella stumbles over rubble, wondering what the tower may have looked like before all the destruction. She also wonders why her fellow Pathfinder would come out here alone, the rubble itself is a potential hazard should it continue to fall.

She looks around, seeing the cobwebs, and at first doesn't notice the angry spider hiding in its web. It's not until the spider's leg twitches that she notices it.

Ceiling, spider!, is all she can manage to blurt out before it starts to make headway for the group. She pokes at it with her guisarme out of instinct.

vs flat footed spider?: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 242d4 + 4 ⇒ (1, 3) + 4 = 8
crit??: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 112d4 + 4 ⇒ (3, 2) + 4 = 9

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5 least they didn't take my hand with it.

I was fortunate this time. Next time though, I may be their meal ticket. Wild animals are of course wild and random.

She looks at the structure before her, and is impressed at its sheer volume. Her thought is broken when she overheard about a marching order.

I can go second to protect you Darak. I can reach beyond you with my guisarme, as well as help spot potential dangers.

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella hears Groosalugg ruffling around in his pack. She averts her eyes, trying to figure out what he is doing, hoping the sudden motion will not anger them. When she sees the rations, she puts her hand behind her, gently takes them and offers them to the wild dogs in hopes they choose the rations over her and the others as a food source.

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella, seeing the dogs goes on her guard. She briefly hesitates, and after Groosalugg speaks up, she steps forward, and starts to communicate with the dogs as best she can. She crouches down, and tries to convince the dogs they are friendly.

handle animal: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

A woman, clad in battered breastplate walks in. Her pole arm, next to her. A trio of axes adorn her waist. A spiked gauntlet covers her off hand. Her brown, wavy hairs falls to her shoulders. She is a combination of dirt, sweat, and inner strength.

Sorry I am late, Absalom is quite the maze. I am still trying to learn my way around. What did I miss?

She listens to the recap of the mission, than raises an eyebrow.

At least his intentions, although foolish, were good

She pauses a moment a when an opportunity presents itself

My name is Rozella, and I trained under a local forager and tracker. I am skilled with this polearm, as well as the axes. I worked with various weapons, but these suit me best. I can take the lead or the back, which suits our mission best

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

unable to edit slide. Initiative +4, Perception +5. Real intro to come after I get some sleep.

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Player Name: gilthanis
Character Name: Rozella Tenn
PFS #: 63386-22
Faction: Liberty Edge
Day Job: none

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Got it, thank you very much :)

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

PFS: 63386-22
No Day Job
Faction: Liberty Edge

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella continues moving towards the fighting.

I hope they leave someone for me, but as long as we succeed I guess is the primary objective.

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella, hearing a commotion and her ally yell, she moves out from the boxes and gets closer to whatever the hell is going on.

double moves and ends turn

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Did my HA roll do anything?

Rozella, seeing everyone get ready for an impending assault, decides that she best take cover as well. She hides behind a cluster of boxes.

stealth, take 10 if allowed or...: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

She hears the dog bark and visibly frowns at the current living condition the dog is in.

Finally, a good knock out drag 'me out fight. Something I know how to do. I wonder if we could get the angry fluff ball ball to join our cause?

Rozella will try to soothe the angry dog.

Hey buddy. It's okay, we are here to help you. Would you like to bite your owner in the arse?

handle: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella, not being the most diplomatic of people or know what words will have the greatest effect on one's attitudes, does her best to assist her more honey-tongued allies in gathering information on the current topic of "enemy of my enemies".

aid diplo Sy: 1d20 ⇒ 17

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella looks around as her companions seem to have things in hand. She takes a seat with Syrak and have an ale while the others finish up.

She heads out when the others do, she than looks as plans are discussed.

I understand that a well placed placed is at times easier than trying to play nice with someone. However, I will go with whatever the group decides as a whole. No matter what, we need to prepare quickly.

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella, will swim, albeit noisily and board the ship.

Dripping wet, she looks at the others, I have never been a good swimmer. I should work on it in my spare time.

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella, stands back on the docks, checking the blade of her hand axe to ensure it has a sharp edge.

I sure hope they can get what we need and fast...the longer they stay on board that damned ship the more can go wrong. , she thinks to herself as the two go on board.

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

Rozella will give the newcomer a nod, and a sturdy handshake of offered. She than looks over the notes provided to the group, when given the chance. She mulls over the tasks given, then looks down to her armor.

I am not exactly the type to hide easily in a crowd, as she taps her armor. I could pose as a guard if we chose to try and disrupt the meeting

I can swim, but not like a fish. As Ms. Tes has pointed out already pointed out, I shoudl be able to handle the alchemist and end his reign of terror

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

My name is Rozella Tenn. I was born in the Mwangi Expanse, and learned to survive there. I am hardy to say the least.

She glances at the woman, who snubs her, openly. Her first instinct is to knock the book from the woman's palm, but quickly remembers the Society motto, Explore, Cooperate and Report.

Be happy yo don't mock me in the streets, it may have ended poorly for you little girl. I might even be able to break your twig like body in half.

We are stuck together, perhaps we may learn something from one another...or are you too good to learn from something other than a book?

Liberty's Edge

(core) ranger | HP: 11/12 | AC: 17 FF: 15 TCH 12 | Init +4 | Saves: +3/+4/+1 | Per: +5

A woman, standing at a towering 6'1" tall strides into the room. Her hair is dark brown, her eyes a deep hazel green. She is lean, but built to weather a fight or two. Her chain mail, is scuffed. Slung across her back is an 8-foot-long shaft with a blade and a hook mounted at the tip. Dried blood is on the blade, not all was able to be removed from whatever battle took place. You see a trio of axes hanging from a belt around her waist. She looks at the group,

Is this the right location for my next briefing? I had just returned from my Confirmation, and had a day or two to rest when I got a summons?

Organized Play Characters

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Jakaw Razorbeak
The Exchange Fletch F. Fletch

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Silver Crusade Shaft

M Half Orc Zen Archer - 8/WolfShaman-1 (0 posts)
Luonim the Vast
Grand Lodge Lompoc
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Grayst Sevilla
Scarab Sages Gummy
(0 posts)
Grand Lodge Redcorn
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Grand Lodge Andrew Umphrey 402
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Scuba Diver
Andrew Umphrey
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Drace Krennit
Omar the Hungry
(6 posts)