
Rolukk Earbiter's page

47 posts (112 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 aliases.


Dotted for interest. I'll have something submitted this week.

Wow. You people are too serious on a Friday night. You're forgetting the most important question/factor:

Is it an African hippogriff, or a European hippogriff? You have to know that before you can even begin to calculate it's air speed velocity or fully laden carrying capacity.

Many thanks, mysterious ninja.

Still accepting apps, Lord T?

I've had so many bad experiences with the "W" word, that now I don't even use that word when I'm sitting at the table. See? I can't even type it properly anymore.
After thinking a bit, one typical thing that never makes it into our games are the difficult terrain rules. We just don't use them.

This. Dear Lord, the awesome. This.
Raek Light Warbeast

First-timer admitting to submitting his entry in a sleep-deprived fit of inspiration. I rather enjoy the item though, and will probably use it in my homebrew whether or not I pass the 32 :)

Imo the best necromancers these days are Oracles with the Bones mystery. You could always check that out.

From the existing party makeup, I would suggest either your enchanter idea for some arcane casting, or a bard to supplement all that melee power but still take care of some arcane casting. That party would hugely benefit from inspire courage and other bardy melee buffs. And you could still take care of the arcane knowledge, spellcraft, item identification and all that jazz with no troubles.

Lifesense (Su): You notice and locate living creatures within 30 feet, just as if you possessed the blindsight ability. You must be at least 11th level to select this revelation.

See my above post. Seems official to me. :)

It reads that it functions as Blindsight, which reads thusly:

Blindsight (Ex) This ability is similar to blindsense, but is far more discerning. Using nonvisual senses, such as sensitivity to vibrations, keen smell, acute hearing, or echolocation, a creature with blindsight maneuvers and fights as well as a sighted creature. Invisibility, darkness, and most kinds of concealment are irrelevant, though the creature must have line of effect to a creature or object to discern that creature or object. The ability's range is specified in the creature's descriptive text. The creature usually does not need to make Perception checks to notice creatures within range of its blindsight ability. Unless noted otherwise, blindsight is continuous, and the creature need do nothing to use it. Some forms of blindsight, however, must be triggered as a free action. If so, this is noted in the creature's description. If a creature must trigger its blindsight ability, the creature gains the benefits of blindsight only during its turn.

So as long as the creature with lifesense/blindsight has line-of-effect to the creature, it is not denied its dex and therefore cannot be subject to sneak attack.
And as far as tracking movement, it states that the creature can maneuver and fight as well as a sighted creature, again as long as it has line-of-effect to its target.

I would submit for your approval:

Ssrintal, the Winged Fury:
Ssrintal is a Half-Fiend Degenerate Serpentfolk (Bestiary 2). He has no class levels, as he works out to my limit of CR6. Just wanted to see if you would entertain such a character to begin with before I post a statblock or back story. Degenerate Serpentfolk have a roleplaying disadvantage in in their INT penalty, but the Half-fiend template brings him up to average intelligence, and I would play him as a mercenary-style soldier in the greater conflict.

Attribute Rolls:
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 5, 4) = 204d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 2, 1) = 134d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 3, 2) = 154d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 6, 5) = 184d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 6, 6) = 184d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 4, 4) = 124d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 2, 4) = 12

So that works out to 16, 12, 13, 17, 16, 10

I'll have a character idea to go with those rolls shortly.

I love me some evil (or at least morally ambiguous) games. Consider me interested.
1d4 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Or you could be hardcore and roll your stats in order and then use them to decide what class to play. That's made for some interesting games in the past.

The speed of the game is also directly effected by how well each player knows his/her character, their role, and their abilities.
The player who spends 3 min during combat trying to decide what spell to cast slows down play, as does out of character chatter and metagaming.

To address the metagaming at our tables, during combat you may include a statement of up to 6 words to your party members along with your actions that round. This way some of the more veteran players can yell advice to their comrades if the need arises.

In our larger game of 10-12 players, if you don't have your action ready on your initiative you get skipped and are counted as holding until you decide what to do, at which point the initiative order is shuffled to accommodate this.

Again, to me it comes down to knowing exactly what your character can do and exactly what each ability does without having to flip around in the book every time. Make a cheat sheet with commonly used abilities and die rolls for yourself if that helps.

Interested. No time right now, but will have a character/bio and short story up later tonight.

Bump for sticky goodness.

I have only a cursory knowledge of the book, but I am extremely familiar with and love the Realms and most of the other sourcebooks. I too may be interested. Going to acquire a copy of said book now...

If you have an Ipad, I recommend trying the Darktheatre Character Folio

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Do you play Pathfinder and own an Ipad? Then this is for you! I've been using it quite a bit and I have to say it really is amazing.

Darktheatre Character Folio

Its not a character per se, but I once had a bag of holding filled with healing potions that we nicknamed "Bob the Portable Cleric". We even painted a smiley face on it, Castaway style.

Check out the Character Folio from Darktheatre. It just came out and is for sale at the app store now.
Darktheatre Website

Gah! The rats! It brings back memories of the early levels of every single computer RPG I've ever played, starting way back at Daggerfall. Even the most of the MMO's do that one...

Will Save 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18

Reflex Save 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32

Rolukk staggers as the demons claws rip into him, the tendrils of black energy visibly sapping his ferocity. It does nothing, however, to diminish his war cry as he nimbly sidesteps the worst of the lightning bolt.

He growls as the electricity momentarily rips through his body, then shakes his head and prepares to lay into his foe with his blade held high.

So I remember:
Staggered: A staggered creature may take a single move action or standard action each round (but not both, nor can he take full-round actions). A staggered creature can still take swift and immediate actions. A creature with nonlethal damage exactly equal to its current hit points gains the staggered condition.

Rolukk's attack

Screaming at the top of his lungs, falchion held high overhead, Rolukk charges the monstrous demon with very little thought for his own safety.
Upon closing with the beast he whips the massive blade down in an overhand chop, using the force of his charge and fury to add momentum...

1d20 + 40 ⇒ (5) + 40 = 45 to hit.

If critical, Fort save DC 25, opponent becomes staggered for 1d4+1 rounds. A successful Fortitude save reduces the duration to 1 round. Also, target will take an additional 1d10 of acid burst damage.

2d4 + 40 + 1d6 ⇒ (3, 3) + 40 + (3) = 49 damage

Charge modified AC becomes 24. Hooray charge+reckless abandon )

Once through the window, Rolukk screams a blood-curdling war cry, spittle flying from his lips.
His muscles ripple with strength and small horns appear on his forehead, as he stomps his feet once upon the earth and charges ahead, straight toward the towering demon to the right of the armored man.


Rage (Free Action), Boots of Speed for Haste (Free Action), Charge once within range. Not sure how large this courtyard is.

Suddenly in the corner of the dining room, a figure takes shape. It starts as a blurry outline, then takes on form as it solidifies into the figure of a massive, heavily tattooed half-orc.
His long, unruly black hair is bound with a leather thong at the nape of his neck, and he carries a massive falchion strapped to his back. One hand is holding a gemmed amulet, and the other is hanging loosely at his side, away from the blade.

"I am Rolukk of Clan Earbiter, annointed of the Earth Mother. There is no time for questions. You are being attacked in the courtyard by a robed woman, a heavily armored man, and four large demons. Enough dinner-talk. Now we kill demon-spawn!"

With that he moves to follow Teris out through the window, albeit nowhere near as gracefully, drawing the massive sword off his back as he moves.


Does the strange potion have any effects that I should be aware of?



Feels the time has come to reveal himself to those inside and apprise them of the situation. He strides back through the wall, and grasps the amulet. Finding a clear spot in the room, he keeps his other hand away from his blade and slides the amulet off over his head.

Would you like me to describe my sudden appearance, or would you like the honor?

Its a pyramid scheme at high levels. You make sure your cohorts have Leadership themselves, and their cohorts have Leadership...
Eventually leading to one massive army, all loyal to you by proxy. Kind of like the armies of lords loyal to the king. The king can always call in everyone else's armies as well.

Has none of this "Knowledge" you speak of. He smash things.



Rolukk, seeing them react to something outside the building and hearing a muffled cackle echo through the misty plane, turns and strides back through the wall to size up whatever threat has presented itself. No better way to prove oneself to allies than in combat.

He also reaches into his pouch and quaffs whatever vial of strange liquid the man in the glade gave him.

Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Glowers as he strides into the room, hand on his massive blade.
He has very little idea what is going on, only that he needs to be present.
He has a tendency to stare, as if sizing up potential opponents.

You'll meet him in due time....



Rolukk watches the proceedings from the ethereal, wondering when these people will quit stuffing their faces and making nice. He is waiting to find out what this "business" that is spoken of is before making his appearance.


Profile updated to reflect background / rules changes.

Thanks for the opportunity! If you need me to jump in at some point I'll be watching the threads. :)

Based a character off of this avatar. Profile is up, background coming soon. Most likely by early tomorrow morning.

Are applications closed? Have lots of experience playing high-level games, and can put up a character/concept in a very short amount of time if you have need of more. Thanks!

Aberrant bloodline Sorcerer!

Erevin "Holyarrow"
Elven Ranger 1 Paladin 5

Raised in the Verduran Forest, Erevin took up the bow at an early age, pledging his life to the elven god of the hunt, Ketephys. He has endeavoured to thin the bandit population in the forest, and is very concerned with the humans that seem to have taken a greater interest in cutting down his beloved forest to fuel their industries and civilization. He currently makes his home on the western edge of the forest near the pioneer town of Bellis, where he can keep an eye on the forestry developments.

If the adventure involves going after anything evil or malicious, it will be very easy to motivate Erevin into action on behalf of his people and the inhabitants of the forest.

Thanks for bringing me in JZ. I'm thinking a Gnome Sorcerer, Fey Bloodline at this point.
I've started a new alias for him and have worked a little on the profile, but I have a question. I noticed one of the crew is using the Myth-weavers sheet and I was wondering which way you would like it done. The myth-weavers one certainly seems easier to use. I have him all done up pencil and paper style, just need to transfer it all over.

Is the sorcerer a good idea, or would you guys rather have a cleric/druid of some kind? I see we're a little lacking in that area... :-)

Reporting for duty sir.
Will have a character up within a couple hours.

I'd like to be on your list. Long-time player (since 2nd ed) but first time PbP'er. Sounds like a great time!

Expressing my interest...Character concept, etc forthcoming in the next couple days.
Started in 2nd ed back in the day, then 3.0/3.5/PF as both DM and player. Never done a PbP, but sounds like a great time :)

In before the inevitable exploding can of worms decimates us all...

Are you still recruiting PbP noobs? I've been playing 2nd ed/3.0/3.5/PF for years as both a player and DM, but I've never done a PbP. Seems like something I could get into.

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