Simulacrum of Vraxeris the Illusionist

Rodel's page

43 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

So finally had the first session of KM last night. The game started on 26 Calistril 4710, two days after the charter was signed. Future posts will include characters, adventures, and any thing else I think interesting.

I agree with the plot breaking potential of this spell, but it can also be a plot starter. Ideas for change:
1: require a connection to the place in question. Thus the PCs have to track down and verify the relic from Ancient City X.
2: Change the mechanics to allow the caster to use Spellcraft in place of Survival to "follow the tracks" the spell leaves. This this will let the GM modify the difficulty based on how esoteric the location is. It also lets the caster be more active in the party and get in on some "ranger action."