
Riuk Blood's page

135 posts. Organized Play character for Riuk.

So as it said above i want to make a Melee Mystic Solar shaman/ blitz solder build Help.

I was on the fence but after reading that Starfinder really helps MAD characters. I could not in good conscience pass on the multi (love to Muti me characters dont feel alive if i dont..}

Anyway since im new is anyone willing to help me plan a build game will more than likely end at level 15.

Thank you for taking the time to read.

So im reading over the new shifter class, I was thinking this is some cool RP potential (always wanted to RP a werewolf and not need the rules bent to make it work) but reading over the Oozemorph. I see you can have no more than 3 nat attacks?. Why if i play a skinwalker (bore) alchemist i can have 5 attacks at first level (gore, claw x2, hoof x2 or any of the other combinations that can get that manly attacks at first level. If i play a Oozemorph and (bite Oozemorph weapon x2)...

I dont know i was looking for reviews on the class but all ive been finding is hate anyone can tell me the good builds for this call multi oir otherwise added

right ye swabs sound off


The Skulls and Shackles AP is a Sea Based piratey adventure that will see you shanghaied at the start of the first book, and forced to work on the decks of the Wormwood, the flagship of Free Captain Barnabas Harrigan.

now for the important bits

Jolly! Great! Grand! Now let's get into character creation guidelines :
i cant stress how i spend so much time trying to understand all the different ways people set up their profiles so i made a template. all the formatting is completed just edit and add hyperlinks as wanted...
Level: Characters will be starting at 1st Level.
Stats: 15 point buy for stats. You may be heroes, but you are still goblins! Play up your flaws!
Hit Point Generation: Max every level no one likes to die...
Classes: Pretty much anything officially released by Paizo is fine. i am manly looking for thematic characters more than filling roles remember gobos fear the written word but like drawings and tattoos so i wizard would work like that as long as the book was kept hidden or all spells ware tattoos/scars ^_^
Races: almost anything with the goblin sub-type im not sure how many there are so if i have not heard of it ill look at it and give a nod or shake
Alignment: Any, but you should keep in mind I don't like player conflict unless it's natural for it to happen and fun for all but, please just don't kill one another.
Starting Wealth: Full for your class at first level but you do not start with access to your gear, as per the AP.
Traits: Everyone will begin two traits of their choice each player may take a single Drawback to gain a third trait. Traits should be part your background and feed into your character's overall narrative also one trait must be a goblin trait that works with your character.

Applicants are expected to agree and adhere to the following::

- You must be a daily poster. Preference will be made for those who show higher activity on the boards and a history of PbP activity. I will strive to always keep the game moving and expect players who will do the same. I am usually online during the day and post mostly in that window of time between 6gmt and 6pm gmt, so that is when my most active hours will be. Obviously things happen, so I do understand that at times you might be unable to post, or I also might be otherwise detained. If that happens in the case of a player, I will allow a reasonable amount of time before GMPC'ing you along.
- If a player fails to post within a reasonable amount of time without notifying the group that they will be unavailable they will be moved to inactive status, removed from the active game, and replaced with another applicant. I am taking this one seriously folks and I won't let an inactive player ruin it for everyone else. So understand what you are committing to before you apply. If you will be away a few days, let the group know and give us some standard marching orders for while you are away. The game will go on, but at least others won't be waiting for you.
- You must be willing to ROLE play, not just ROLL play. The GM feeds off of the players, so a good group of role-players helps the game take on a life of its own. You don't have to fill every post with three paragraphs describing how you took your morning coffee, but you should be able to write well and play your character well. If I find all you do is post "I follow Bob, my sword ready" and post a lot of "Gug gug, I'm a barbarian" (unless you are Gug the Barbarian) type stuff, you will be summarily removed from the campaign, tied to a hippogriff, and flown over a field of elven archers for target practice.

Your Application should include the following::

- A complete character stat block, hidden in you post using the spoiler tag or posted as an in-character alias account. If you do not know how to use this tag click on the button below "Submit Post" of your reply that says How to format your text. For a PbP game you should be familiar with all of these tags anyway.
- A character background.

[u]bit from the players guide[/u] Characters of almost any race or class can be found in the
melting pot of the Shackles, so long as they have a reason
to embrace a life of piracy. In fact, the only class that is
probably not a good fit for the Skull & Shackles Adventure
Path is the paladin, whose alignment restriction and code
of conduct are in direct opposition to the themes of piracy
and plunder in this campaign.

The background must be written in the first person, as a goblin would tell it! This is going to help show me who can really play up a goblin for what they really are. Be creative! I can tell you right now that this piece is what will get you picked over someone else. The more effort you put into this, the more I will want you at the virtual table.
- A brief note of your posting habits or schedule. If you are more available or likely to post on specific days or at specific times, let me know. Your posting habits here on the forums will be checked. Your post quality will be examined. And I will probably even look at some of your other characters to get an idea for how you interact with other players and carry yourself in a group. Hopefully this will allow me to provide the best players with the best companions. A win/win for everyone.
-That's it! I look forward to seeing what the responses are and to finding that special group of players!!!
-Recruitment will last until I’ve found a good candidate that I like, so the early bird, with a good application, gets the worm!

House rules:

i will be using these alternate rules
* Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, and Power Attack are no longer feats, but simply combat options. They may be done freely by anyone with the requisite ability scores. Also, Point Blank Shot is no longer a feat. It’s just a natural consequence of being closer to your target. Please, still declare when you’re using one of these options though, for clarity’s sake.
* The Improved [combat maneuver] feats no longer have as prerequisites Combat Expertise (Improved Dirty Trick, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Reposition, Improved Steal, and Improved Trip), or Power Attack (Improved Bull Rush, Improved Drag, Improved Overrun, and Improved Sunder) because those feats aren’t feats anymore. I would love for combat to be more dynamic and cinematic than just a hackfest.
* Combat Maneuver attempts only provoke attacks of opportunity if they fail, or if the target of the combat maneuver has a greater feat in that maneuver than you. (no feat < Improved < Greater) Same as above, maneuvers make combat more fun.
* Creatures under a fear effect receive a new save each round to decrease the fear effect by one step. (shaken < frightened < panicked) No one, not even the GM, wants characters taken out for long. Shake it off and get back in the action.
*I will roll initiative for combat and post the order. Everyone can post their action as they are able and then I will string them together into a cohesive narrative. I’ve used this before and imo it’s the smoothest way of doing it. This may mean I have to make some minor calls on your behalf (you attacked monster 1, but it’s dead now so I’ll just have you attack monster 2). It’s just faster than waiting for everyone to post what they rolled.
* I will use each player’s passive Perception score (10 + bonuses) at all times, UNLESS a player indicates that they are actively searching something or being especially vigilant for something in particular. It just keeps things moving smoother. And I’m not a stingy GM with searching stuff anyway. I’m not going to pull the “You did SAY you look there!” nonsense on you.[ooc[]as such please include a passive perception line in you name bar so it shows in your post[/ooc]
*I realize that this is a fair number of house rules. I have only included rules that I believe will contribute to the style of game that I would like to run. If you have questions/concerns with any of these, please, speak up.

About me...:
I've been gaming for about 20 years and DM/GM a vast number of games in different settings and rule sets. I have only ran a few PBP and i really want this one to go well and last for a long time hopefully the whole AP ^_^

As the title reads i want to run a all gobo game. I dont have much experience running games on the boards but i have played plenty of f2f games. So if your good with a dm who might make a mistake or two while playing let me know. Then if this has at least 5 players willing ill make a full recruitment post

So i cant seem to find the answer but how does dragon style feat with a bite attack. As can i use feral combat training with a bite attack would that make the damage bonus be +3x your strength bonus. +1.5 for only having one natural attack and +1.5 for the feat. Is this right?

So I want to make a jaguar warrior as the One from Mayan culture. and if I could get help on how to make a zorro character like the one from the old TV Show,any help and advice I can get to making these two characters work thank you

I was looking at starting as a fighter first level for the Jaguar warrior and then go Shaman from that point on. as using the battle and/or ancestor powers

and for the Zorro character I'm looking at a Magas but I have never used one so I'm not entirely sure how to make this work.

SO i am making a sorcerer Nagaji he is cross-blooded with dragon and elemental So all my spells can be acid. i am going to go for the Dragon disciple class as soon as i can.

My question is would it be better to use the Eldritch heritage feats to get a familiar or take 1 level in blood rager using the blood line familiar rule to get one..

I was thinking if i go with the bloodrager rout i would take the aberrant blood line so i could take the tumor familiar feat. If i got this way would my sorcerer levels still let the familiar level up?

In the kingdom of Talingarde, many crimes may send you to Branderscar Prison, but the sentence has but one meaning. You are wicked and irredeemable. Each of you received the same greeting when you arrived. You were held down by rough hands and branded upon the arm with a runic F given to you by a sadistic Watch Sergeant named Tomas Blackerly. The mark signifies ‘forsaken’ and the painful scar is indelible proof that each of you has betrayed the great and eternal love of Mitra and his chosen mortal vassals.

Condemned, you face at best a life of shackles and servitude in the nearby salt mines. Others might await the “gentle” ministrations of the inquisitors so that co-conspirators may be revealed and confessions extracted. Perhaps, some of you will be spared this ordeal. Perhaps instead you have come to Branderscar to face the final judgement. In three days, the executioner arrives and the axe falls or the pyre will be lit. Through fire or steel, your crimes will be answered.All of you bear the marks of beatings and torture from previous visits by inquisitors.

You have all been chained together in the same communal cell dressed in nothing but filthy, tattered rags that do not cover all of your parts. Manhandled and mistreated, any finery you once possessed is either ruined or long lost. No special treatment has been given any prisoner – male or female, commoner or noble – all of the forsaken are bound and imprisoned together. Your feet are secured by iron cuffs tethered by one long chain. Your arms are secured to the wall above by manacles. A guard is posted right outside the cell day and night. Little thought is given to long term accommodations. At Branderscar, justice comes swift and sure.

Escape seems hopeless. You have all been well searched and every attempt to conceal anything on your person has failed. And if you could somehow slip your bonds and fly out of this prison, where would you go? Who from your former life would want anything to do with the forsaken? Despised, alone and shackled – all that you can do now is await your doom.

There are eight of you chained in the cell. For each of you, your old life is over. For each of you, hope is a fading memory. For each of you, justice will be fairly meted. And who can blame fair Talingarde after what each of you has done?

Dot in and make initial introductions and observations. You begin with no gear, weapons, spellbooks, spell components, holy symbols or anything else. SLA may still work as do memorized spells (for those that can). Since your hands are chained you cannot cast spells that rely on gestures in addition to components. The beatings have incurred 3/4 non-lethal damage from clubs and "questionings". Feel free to ask questions. Have the standard character info in your character view boxes for easy reference as i have requested.


2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

If you have a character that starts with an animal companion and gets access to a domain, dose that character at level 4 get a second animal companion?? i.e inquisitor/sacred-huntsmaster taking the animal domain I cant seem to find an answer for this any where

So i have a -=BloodRager=-{-=CrossBlooded=-}|{-=Spell Eater=-}|{-=Steelblood=-}
CN Medium Humanoid (-=Half-Orc=-)

-=Fate's Favored=-
-=Dangerously Curious=-

----------------=Race Traits=-------------------
•Ability Score Racial Traits:+2 bonus to one ability score of choice
•Shaman's Apprentice: Half-orcs with this trait gain Endurance as a bonus feat. This racial trait replaces the intimidating trait.
•Sacred Tattoo: Many half-orcs decorate themselves with tattoos, piercings, and ritual scarification, which they consider sacred markings. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity.
•Weapon Familiarity: Half-orcs are proficient with greataxes and falchions and treat any weapon with the word “orc” in its name as a martial weapon.
•Darkvision: 60 feet.
Favorite Class Bonus: Increase the bloodrager’s total number of bloodrage rounds per day by 1.

-=Die Hard=-
-=Bloodline=-{-=Destined=-/-=Arcane=-Destined Stike:3/day}im flexible on the bloodlines

so the build i have is trying to take full advantage of the fast healing when raging

but i just got the Familiar folio and wanted to ether have a combat familiar using the -=mauler familiar archetype=-

or make a familiar that helps me with defense using ether -=emissary familiar archetype=- or -=protector familiar archetype=-

so what i would like to do with the protector is keep it on me taking advantage of
Loyal Bodyguard (Ex)
A protector gains Bodyguard and Combat Reflexes as bonus feats. If the familiar is occupying its master's square, it can use Bodyguard to aid another to improve its master's AC even if it doesn't threaten the attacking foe.

so my question is would i be able have the familiar constantly use aid another so i can get that +2 ac, is that legal?

or how can i make the Mauler a good combat familiar. i have an idea to use beast shape on it can i do that? since it has share spells

please any advice on this ty

Can it heal undead, as if I play a vampire/ litch would it heal or harm that character?

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Whatever your motivation, whatever your crime, whatever little spark sets you apart from "them", you've been deemed not to belong in the righteous utopia that Talingarde strives to be. It's a hollow lie and you know it. In fact, perhaps the very crime you committed was in trying to expose their hypocrisies and their own crimes. They aren't righteous, they're self-righteous, and for not fitting their vision you have been sentenced to a swift and merciful death, perhaps the salt mines if you're lucky. Or unlucky, perhaps. The axe gives you a freedom that the tight shackles dug into your wrists make you long for.

But before you can know its cleaving liberation, you must toil away three more days within this horrible cell. Damp, dismal, and almost oppressive in its bleak greyness. Your bindings are too tight, and the your arm burns with the runic F that was branded into your arm upon arrival. That's why they call the prison Branderscar, too lacking in imagination to think of anything better. Its rigid walls have never once given way to a prisoner, each who occupied this cell before you met with their fate hopelessly. There is no escape from Branderscar, and you've now three days before you in which to accept your fate and meet your death honorably. Or, if you would prefer, kicking and screaming obscenities up toward the sky in one last act of defiance.

Lurking within the murky shadows of the future though, is a third option. A sort of freedom you can't even fathom in this awful prison. Though you don't yet know it, fate is conspiring to give you not only another chance at life, but the opportunity for vengeance. For power. To burn down everything the zealous worshipers of Mitra have ever strode toward and rebuild something upon its ashes. A difficult path, and one fraught with danger and its own twisted needs, but rewards nonetheless await those willing to walk the way of the wicked.
"Guilty You are a lawbreaker – the worst of the worst. Too dangerous to live amongst the good people of Talingarde, they dragged you in chains before a magistrate and condemned you. They sent you to the worst prison in the land and there they forever marked you. They held you down and branded you with a runic F. You are forsaken.
You won’t be at Branderscar Prison for long. Branderscar is only a holding pen. In three days – justice comes. In three days –everything ends. What a pity. If only there was a way out of this stinking rat-hole. If only there was a way to escape. If only…
No. No one has ever escaped from Branderscar Prison. This is where your story ends..."

Setting information::

What is Talingarde?
Talingarde is the most virtuous, peaceful, noble nation in the world today. This land is ruled by King Markadian V called the Brave of House Darius. He has only one heir – the beautiful princess Bellinda. This benevolent monarchy is heavily intertwined with the Church of Mitra, the Shining Lord. You are from Talingarde. This is your home. You have lived here your entire life. And if they gave you half a chance, you would have your revenge on all of them.

Who is Mitra?
Mitra, the so-called Shining Lord, is the god of the sun, bravery, honor, justice, charity and other such pusillanimous rubbish. The Church of Mitra is the preeminent religion of Talingarde these days. The Knights of the Alerion, the elite warriors of Talingarde, are a Mitran order. The monks of St. Macarius, who travel the land healing the sick and the helping the needy, are also a Mitran order. The House of Darius, the royal family of Talingarde, are devout followers of Mitra. It wasn’t always this way. Before the Darians took over, Talingarde worshiped an entire pantheon of deities. Preeminent among those deities was Asmodeus, Prince of Hell, Lord of Ambition and Order. Now it is forbidden to worship Asmodeus. To do so is to be condemned. The Mitrans destroyed all the Asmodean temples and burned his books and priests. There are no followers of Asmodeus anymore in Talingarde – at least none you know of. Devout Mitrans will not say the name Asmodeus. He is simply “The Fallen” or “The Enemy”.

How did they catch me?
You tell me. You must pick a crime (there is a list provided below) that you were condemned for. They are only two requirements – you got caught and you really did it. It’s not surprising that the Talireans (the people of Talingarde) caught you, though. Talingarde is a fiercely lawful and good society. Crime (especially heinous crime like yours) is not tolerated.

Crime Traits::

Each character chooses one heinous crime that has earned them a place in Branderscar Prison. Each crime grants a different benefit, similar to a trait. You may have committed many crimes during your lifetime, but this is the crime that finally got you branded and condemned.
Besides simply choosing a crime, you should also consider how the crime was done. Was this a well planned criminal enterprise or a crime of passion? Did you do it alone or did you have accomplices? Was this the first time you did this crime or are you a repeat offender? Answering these questions will help flesh out your character’s background.

This has been said before, but it bears repeating. Your character actually perpetrated this crime. You may have done it for what seemed like noble reasons. You may have gotten entangled in this criminal enterprise unwillingly. But there is no doubt that you are guilty. You have not been sentenced to the worse prison in Talingarde unjustly. You are here because you deserve to be.

You have willfully started a fire that destroyed property. To be sent to Branderscar, you didn’t start just a minor little trash fire. Your act of arson threatened a major town, city, church or castle and likely cost someone their life. You’ll be punished for your crime by facing the fire yourself.
Punishment: Death by burning
Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit with a fire attack, you receive a +2 fire damage bonus to your damage roll. This bonus is a trait bonus.

Attempted Murder:
You tried to kill someone and botched the job. To be sent to Branderscar Prison, you did not try to kill just anyone. You likely assaulted someone of great importance and prominence.
Punishment: Death by beheading
Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus to Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for you.

Either you have defamed the great god Mitra or you have been found guilty of worshiping one of the forbidden deities (who preeminent among them is Asmodeus).
Punishment: Death by burning
Benefit: +2 trait bonus to Knowledge (religion) and Knowledge (religion) is always a class skill for you.

Consorting with the Dark Powers (Witchcraft):You have been found guilty of summoning an evil outsider. Likely you were captured by the famed witch hunter Sir Balin of Karfeld. The last thing he said to you was, “May Mitra have mercy upon your wretched, damned soul.” If only you could get a chance at revenge!
Punishment: Death by burning
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to Knowledge (planes) and Knowledge (arcana) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

Desecration:You have violated one of the churches, cathedrals or holy shrines of the great god Mitra. To be sent to Branderscar this was no minor act of vandalism. Instead you have done something flagrant and spectacular to dishonor the Shining Lord.
Punishment: Death by burning
Benefit: You receive +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against divine spells.

Desertion:You have deserted from the Talirean military and been recaptured. To get sent to Branderscar this was not some minor or routine dereliction of duty. Instead, you abandoned your post during a time of crisis — perhaps battle or while defending the Watch Wall. Regardless of the exact circumstances, your laziness and cowardliness must have caused loss of life.
Punishment: Death by hanging
Benefit: You receive one bonus skill point per level that must be spent on the Profession (Soldier) skill. Profession (Soldier) is always a class skill for you.

Dueling unto Death:You have engaged in a duel to the death and mortally wounded an opponent. The opponent was honorable enough to say nothing before he expired. Alas that his family or companions was nowhere near so honorable. Dueling was once common in Talingarde before the House of Darius came to power. The House of Barca all but encouraged duels of honor. Now, dueling of any sort is punished severely. Dueling to the death is a sure way to be sent to Branderscar Prison.
Punishment: Death by beheading
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to Fortitude saves

Extortion:You have defrauded money from someone by holding information of their wrongdoing over their heads. To end up in Branderscar, this was no minor act of merely threatening to expose someone. Instead you ave attempted extortion against someone of great prominence and for exorbitant stakes.
Punishment: Life at hard labor in the salt mines
Benefit: You receive a +2 trait bonus to Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for you.

Forgery:You have forged documents issued either by the crown or by the Church of Mitra. Alas, that your forgery while competent was not entirely undetectable. To be sent to Branderscar, this was no minor finagling of paperwork. This forged document could have cost lives, undermined the reputation of the Church or endangered the security of the realm.
Punishment: Life at hard labor in the salt mines
Benefit: You gain a +3 trait bonus to Linguistics skill checks to commit forgery and Linguistics is always a class skill for you.

Fraud:You tried to bilk someone out of their cash. To end up in Brandescar Prison, this was no petty con job or penny ante racket. Instead, you brazenly tried to defraud someone important of a huge sum of money. And it almost worked too!
Punishment: Life at hard labor in the salt mines
Benefit: You receive a +2 trait bonus to Bluff checks and Bluff is always a class kill for you.

Grave Robbery:It is forbidden by sacred law to dishonor a corpse after it is been sealed in its tomb by a clergy of the Mitran faith. Some may not honor this ban: necromancers, golem crafters, self-styled scientists, and alchemists delving into the forbidden secrets of life and death. These ghouls can expect no mercy from the Talirean Magistrates. And by sending you to Branderscar Prison, you have received none.
Punishment: Death by beheading
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to confirm critical hits.

Heresy:You have denied the supremacy of Mitra and been condemned for it. For this to be a crime, you were not content to keep your heresy to yourself. You tried to sway others. Likely you were captured by the famed witch hunter Sir Balin of Karfeld. The last thing he said to you was: “Mitra may forgive you yet for your lies. Talingarde will not.” If only you could get a chance at revenge!
Punishment: Death by burning.
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against divine spells.

High Theft:You had a foolproof plan to steal some great treasure. Alas, the scheme had a fatal flaw and went horribly awry. To be sent to Branderscar prison, this was no ordinary robbery attempt. You tried to steal something of great value or religious significance.
Punishment: Life at hard labor in the salt mines
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to Reflex saves.

High Treason:You have willfully worked to bring down the current Monarch of Talingarde — the beloved King Markadian V called the Brave of House Darius. To be successfully tried for High Treason you have done more than merely dislike the king, you did something tangible to undermine his rule. Alas, that you failed at your plot and are now headed to Branderscar Prison. Treason is the only crime that is still punished by the gruesome ritual of being drawn and quartered. Your stay at Branderscar will be brief.
Punishment: Death by drawing and quartering
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to Will saves.

Kidnapping:You have abducted someone perhaps to ransom them or do unspeakable things to them. Unfortunately, you were caught and your victim was rescued (if they weren’t rescued — you would be guilty of murder instead). To be sent to Branderscar Prison, you must have abducted someone of great importance or in a particularly gruesome manner.
Punishment: Death by beheading
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to both Disarm and Grapple attempts.

Murder:You have killed without just cause and been condemned for it. To be sent to Branderscar Prison, this was no typical killing but a particularly savage and unforgivable act. You may also have killed someone with powerful friends. Note: You are not allowed to have killed someone in the royal family of Talingarde. You may have tried (his would instead be High Treason — see above) but ultimately they are too well protected.
Punishment: Death by beheading
Benefit: You deal 1 additional point of damage when flanking a foe. This additional damage is a trait bonus.

Piracy:You have been caught in the act of piracy on the high seas. This is a rare crime these days since Markadian I called the Victorious burned the last major pirate fleet to threaten these isles. Still the crime is punished harshly. Likely you are the sole survivor of your ship.
Punishment: Death by hanging
Benefit: You may select either Bluff or Intimidate. The selected skill receives a +2 trait bonus and is always a class skill for you.

Sedition:You have attempted to covertly stir up rebellion against your rightful sovereign. This differs from high treason in that you attempted to convince others to make war against Talingarde instead of taking direct action yourself. A subtle difference to be sure. But it is the difference between receiving the swift justice of the axe instead of the slow suffering upon the rack.
Punishment: Death by beheading
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to Bluff checks and Bluff is always a class skill for you. Further if you ever take the Leadership feat, you gain a +1 trait bonus to your Leadership score.

Slave-Taking:Slavery is illegal in Talingarde and a very rare crime. Still, once in a great while, slavers from the mainland will foolishly make an incursion into Talirean protected territories. When they are captured alive they are always made an example of.
Punishment: Death by beheading
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to both Disarm and Grapple attempts.

Slave Trading:Slavery is legal in other parts of the world and it can be tempting to the most decadent of Talingarde’s nobility to acquire a “souvenir” when traveling abroad or to purchase the object of their desire from a less reputable merchant. However you ended up trading slaves in Talingarde, you were caught red handed and now you will lose more than simply your freedom.
Punishment: Death by beheading
Benefit: You receive one bonus skill point per level that must be spent on the Appraise skill. The Appraise skill is always a class skill for you.

Before i will look at your Crunch i will need Phase 1-3 to be completed entirely. To me the background of a character is the most important part. i would rather have a team if fighters that think than have that perfectly balanced group
Phase 1 Questionnaire:

1. Your experience with the rules.

2. Your experience with PbP.

3. Expectations for playing and what you want out of the experience.

4. Philosophy as a PbP player.

5. Why you are applying to this game?

6. Define what you think good role-playing is in PbP.

7. What is your experience with this adventure path?

Phase 2 The Ten-Minute Background:

In an attempt to get all the information I need to create stuff from character backgrounds without having to continually push for information, I am asking that you create backgrounds the following way:

Step 1:Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind. 5 is just a minimum...more elements are encouraged!

Step 2: List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.

Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!

Step 4: Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.

Step 5:Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor

Phase 3 Questionnaire::

1.How does your character interact with the others within a group?

2. What is your character's role in a group?

3. How is your character not as they seems? I want one or two skills that would surprise others if they found out he knows them. Also include personality traits, positive or negative, that would similarly surprise others.

4. What are your character's goals, conscious and, perhaps, subconscious?

5. How easily does your character love? Have they been in love?

6. Is your character racist at all, either now or in their past?

7. All people believe something that is not true, both about the world around them and about themselves. What lies/untruths does your character believe about themselves and the world around them?

8. How is your character about material possessions?

9. What does your character perceive their major problems to be?

10. What does he perceive the solutions to those problems to be?

11. What are your character's religious beliefs?

12. What does your character fear?

13. How much of a temper does your character have? What sorts of things set them off?

Good! Great! Grand! Now let's get into character creation guidelines::

i need this so it will be easier for me to review you characters, i have taken care of most of the formation for you, feel free to add hyperlinks & spoilers as you see fit, but keep to that format.
Level: Characters will be starting at 1st Level.
Note:Your first level will be triple gestalt one of the three wll have to be a -=NPC class=- have your background work with what you choose be it one day discovering your powers/ or practicing witch craft/ Training and this is what lead you to be evil, if you have any questions on this feel free to ask
Attributes: Ability scores will be purchased using a 15 point buy, with the popular 1-1 purchase method that helps MAD characters, which is to say: all scores start at 10, before racial modifiers, and each point you put into an ability score raises it by a single point. You may, if you so desire, take up to 2 points from an ability score, gaining a similar number of points.
Note: stat can be above 18 or below 8 after racial mods.
Hit Point Generation: Max every level no one likes to die...
Classes: Pretty much anything officially released by Paizo is fine. i am manly looking for thematic characters more than filling roles. I will also allow -=Psionics=- and Occult Adventures Note: Changes may have to be made once released.
Note: i don't mind power gaming but i will adjust the difficulty if i see it ^_^
Races: all allowed. Be advised races that have certain environmental requirements (Merfolk, Gillmen) or difficult to hide (Strix wings) may prove difficult. Also a team of all Orcs will have difficulty Bluffing and Diplomacy with NPCs.
Alignment: Any, but you should keep in mind I don't like player conflict unless it's natural for it to happen and fun for all but, please just don't kill one another.
Starting Wealth: Nothing
Traits: Everyone will begin two traits of their choice One must be a crime trait. Each player may take a single Drawback to gain a third trait. Traits should be part your background and feed into your character's overall narrative.
Also i would like everyone to have this under their character names so it will be easier for me to reference your stats I will provide a sample:
Bloodrager level 1[spoiler= HP|AC ] {HP:12} {AC:18,T:15,FF:14}[/ spoiler ]{Inish:+2}{Perception:+4}

half-orc[spoiler= Saves|Skills ] {R:+4};{F:+6};{W:+1}|{Acrobatics:+5}{Climb:+6}{Craft:+4}{Intim:+5} {Spellcraft:+2}{Survival:+4}{K(Arcane)+3}{Use Magic Device:+5[ / spoiler]

Just remove the spaces
For those who want to here are the -=Vampire Feats=- also have this, if you take it at first level be part of your story

Finally i ask all players to have at lest two reference photos linked to Google drawings. This helps me when i and writing the way NPC's act to your presence

House rules:

i will be using these alternate rules
-=Called Shots=-
-=Armor as DR=-
*Everyone gets a free rank in a Profession skill of choice at 1st level. Give your PC some background and depth
* Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, and Power Attack are no longer feats, but simply combat options. They may be done freely by anyone with the requisite ability scores. Also, Point Blank Shot is no longer a feat. It’s just a natural consequence of being closer to your target. Please, still declare when you’re using one of these options though, for clarity’s sake.
* The Improved [combat maneuver] feats no longer have as prerequisites Combat Expertise (Improved Dirty Trick, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Reposition, Improved Steal, and Improved Trip), or Power Attack (Improved Bull Rush, Improved Drag, Improved Overrun, and Improved Sunder) because those feats aren’t feats anymore. I would love for combat to be more dynamic and cinematic than just a hackfest.
* Combat Maneuver attempts only provoke attacks of opportunity if they fail, or if the target of the combat maneuver has a greater feat in that maneuver than you. (no feat < Improved < Greater) Same as above, maneuvers make combat more fun.
* Creatures under a fear effect receive a new save each round to decrease the fear effect by one step. (shaken < frightened < panicked) No one, not even the GM, wants characters taken out for long. Shake it off and get back in the action.
*I will roll initiative for combat using the Combat Manager application and post the order. Everyone can post their action as they are able and then I will string them together into a cohesive narrative. I’ve never tried this before, but I hear it’s the smoothest way of doing it. This may mean I have to make some minor calls on your behalf (you attacked monster 1, but it’s dead now so I’ll just have you attack monster 2). It’s just faster than waiting for everyone to post what they rolled.
* I will use each player’s passive Perception score (10 + bonuses) at all times, UNLESS a player indicates that they are actively searching something or being especially vigilant for something in particular. It just keeps things moving smoother. And I’m not a stingy GM with searching stuff anyway. I’m not going to pull the “You did SAY you look there!” nonsense on you.
*I realize that this is a fair number of house rules. I have only included rules that I believe will contribute to the style of game that I would like to run. If you have questions/concerns with any of these, please, speak up.


Top ten rules of gestalt:

1) Action Economy Is Still King
-Full Triple-progression casting is cute, but ultimately futile in combat since nearly every spell, Power, Invocation, etc takes a Standard Action to use, and you still only get one of those per round. Try to mix your activation abilities up, between Standard, Move, and Swift actions, so that you can get more out of what you have.

2) Focus On One Theme
-Having schizophrenic capabilities just means you'll be more at a loss in combat, despite the increased options, especially if the two sides interfere with each other in normal use. Barbarian/Wizard, though it may sound awesome, generally either gives up most of the benefits from one side of the progression or else is just confused in battle. If it can't be effectively done on one class, it generally isn't worth doing on two.

3) Strengthen Each Others Weaknesses
-Since you always take the higher HP, BAB, Save, skill points and both skill lists, try to ensure that your secondary class is good at some things that your main one isn't.

4) Remember Your Stats
-Twice as many "classes" means twice as many opportunities for MAD. Make sure your key abilities from both sides are still lined up onto one or two main stats

5) Remember Your Feats
-Feats are the one thing you don't get multiples or increased numbers of normally. This makes prerequisites and feat chains just as hard to squeeze in as normal, more so if you want to Prestige on both sides of the equation (and many do)

6) Dipping Is Easier
-In Gestalt, dipping 1-3 levels on one side for supporting capabilities does not delay or prevent high-level capabilities from your other side. Ftr 2 for feats and proficiencies, Paladin 2-3 for Cha to saves and immunities, Meldshaper levels, etc are all simple and powerful options.

7) Beware Wasting Identical Advantages
-This causes pure waste. A PrC attempting to increase your Wizard caster level on one side and a level of Wizard on the other just lost a caster level benefit. Similar things go for other benefits, such as Uncanny Dodge, high HP/skills, and Proficiencies (not as much a concern as the others).

8) Active/Passive Mix is Typically Best
-Let one side have the abilities which require actions. You can put together cool utility, long-term buffing, bonus feats, and static/reactive abilities on the other side.

9) The Very Worst Classes Sometimes Aren't Bad Here
-Monk, with its dominant saves, decent skills, and host of static abilities, is a FAR better choice for support-side levels than it is for single-class. The Expert, despite being an NPC class, notably is able to pick ANY TEN SKILLS as class skills with 6+Int per level, which can be clutch if your prereqs are getting tight. Any class that usually has the phrase "if only it had ___" can easily acquire it. Basically, almost anything can be of benefit to SOMEONE under Gestalt system (other than Commoner)

10) DM/GM Always Has Final Word
-Just like normal, if you are crafting an epic masterpiece of a character but it will outshine the others of the group, expect any sane DM to veto it, or else be ready to throttle back what you can do for the sake of having, you know, fun."

ok i know that a lot ^_^ i am looking to take 5-6 players i have some big requirements so i will level recruitment open until August 4th dose that seam like enough time?

So this app used to be awesome helped to make the formatting fast, but since the web sight changed to the new security the app that they made specifically for play by post dose not work...idk i see other posters and it works for them, did i do something wrong? i have a Samsung galaxy 6...i have tried uninstalling it and now i cant even log in

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So i want to run a post-apocalyptic game for some time now and after i saw -=this video=- this is the world i want to GM i will be making some changes as i see fit but that video should give you a good idea of the world . This game will be directed by the players and be a sandbox game.

for posting speed. I work a fulltime job and I am working on my masters but still manage to post at least once a day in all the games I am in. Now I know that RL can and dose happen but I ask if you can attest manage 1 a day or more depending on the other players. I will also be looking into your other games to see your role play style I want this game to last and be fun so I am going farther into my player guidelines.

Good! Great! Grand! Now let's get into character creation guidelines.::

i need this so it will be easier for me to review you characters, i have taken care of most of the formation for you, feel free to add hyperlinks & spoilers as you see fit, but keep to that format.
Level: Characters will be starting at 1st Level.
Attributes: Ability scores will be purchased using a 15 point buy, with the popular 1-1 purchase method, which is to say: all scores start at 10, before racial modifiers, and each point you put into an ability score raises it by a single point. You may, if you so desire, take up to 2 points from an ability score, gaining a similar number of points.
Hit Point Generation: Max every level no one likes to die...
Classes: Pretty much anything officially released by Paizo is fine. i am manly looking for thematic characters more than filling roles. also Psionoics, Machinesmith
Races: Human only every one gets +1 extra feat every level
Alignment: Any, but you should keep in mind I don't like player conflict unless it's natural for it to happen and fun for all but, please just don't kill one another.
Starting Wealth: 100 gp
Traits: Everyone will begin two traits of their choice. Each player may take a single Drawback to gain a third trait. Traits should inform your back story and feed into your character's overall narrative.
add to class skills if you have K{Arcana} add Knowledge: Technology.
add to class skills if you have K{Planes} add Knowledge: Science
add to class skills if you have Use Magic Device Electronics, which allows you to hack computers, disable bombs, and similar things that involve electronics.

I would like all the players to start as part of a tribe but i am willing to have any story if it works, even if you want to play a guy that just woke up from cryo and is freaking out about the change in the world.

The Ten-Minute Background:

In an attempt to get all the information I need to create stuff from character backgrounds without having to continually push for information, I am asking that you create backgrounds the following way:

Step 1: Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind. 5 is just a minimum...more elements are encouraged!

Step 2: List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.

Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!

Step 4: Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.

Step 5: Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor


1.How does your character interact with the others within a group?

2. What is your character's role in a group?

3. How is your character not as they seems? I want one or two skills that would surprise others if they found out he knows them. Also include personality traits, positive or negative, that would similarly surprise others.

4. What are your character's goals, conscious and, perhaps, subconscious?

5. How easily does your character love? Have they been in love?

6. Is your character racist at all, either now or in their past?

7. All people believe something that is not true, both about the world around them and about themselves. What lies/untruths does your character believe about themselves and the world around them?

8. How is your character about material possessions?

9. What does your character perceive their major problems to be?

10. What does he perceive the solutions to those problems to be?

11. What are your character's religious beliefs?

12. What does your character fear?

13. How much of a temper does your character have? What sorts of things set them off?


Top ten rules of gestalt:

1) Action Economy Is Still King
-Full Triple-progression casting is cute, but ultimately futile in combat since nearly every spell, Power, Invocation, etc takes a Standard Action to use, and you still only get one of those per round. Try to mix your activation abilities up, between Standard, Move, and Swift actions, so that you can get more out of what you have.

2) Focus On One Theme
-Having schizophrenic capabilities just means you'll be more at a loss in combat, despite the increased options, especially if the two sides interfere with each other in normal use. Barbarian/Wizard, though it may sound awesome, generally either gives up most of the benefits from one side of the progression or else is just confused in battle. If it can't be effectively done on one class, it generally isn't worth doing on two.

3) Strengthen Each Other's Weaknesses
-Since you always take the higher HP, BAB, Save, skill points and both skill lists, try to ensure that your secondary class is good at some things that your main one isn't.

4) Remember Your Stats
-Twice as many "classes" means twice as many opportunities for MAD. Make sure your key abilities from both sides are still lined up onto one or two main stats

5) Remember Your Feats
-Feats are the one thing you don't get multiples or increased numbers of normally. This makes prerequisites and feat chains just as hard to squeeze in as normal, more so if you want to Prestige on both sides of the equation (and many do)

6) Dipping Is Easier
-In Gestalt, dipping 1-3 levels on one side for supporting capabilities does not delay or prevent high-level capabilities from your other side. Ftr 2 for feats and proficiencies, Paladin 2-3 for Cha to saves and immunities, Meldshaper levels, etc are all simple and powerful options.

7) Beware Wasting Identical Advantages
-This causes pure waste. A PrC attempting to increase your Wizard caster level on one side and a level of Wizard on the other just lost a caster level benefit. Similar things go for other benefits, such as Uncanny Dodge, high HP/skills, and Proficiencies (not as much a concern as the others).

8) Active/Passive Mix is Typically Best
-Let one side have the abilities which require actions. You can put together cool utility, long-term buffing, bonus feats, and static/reactive abilities on the other side

9) The Very Worst Classes Sometimes Aren't Bad Here
-Monk, with its dominant saves, decent skills, and host of static abilities, is a FAR better choice for support-side levels than it is for single-class. The Expert, despite being an NPC class, notably is able to pick ANY TEN SKILLS as class skills with 6+Int per level, which can be clutch if your prereqs are getting tight. Any class that usually has the phrase "if only it had ___" can easily acquire it. Basically, almost anything can be of benefit to SOMEONE under Gestalt system (other than Commoner)

10) DM/GM Always Has Final Word
-Just like normal, if you are crafting an epic masterpiece of a character but it will outshine the others of the group, expect any sane DM to veto it, or else be ready to throttle back what you can do for the sake of having, you know, fun."

lastly, I have opened up the Discussion thread for players that wish to make a collaborative story or to ask me any questions about their character. I love having player input it's really all that stops GM burn out for me and I want this game to last. If all goes well I will be making a whole world that I can keep using for other games ^_^.

any questions feel free to ask, I am always open to suggestions


I forgot this will be a E6 Rules for Pathfinder, renamed P6

and players can use any race traits they want just please have to be part of your story

how do you feel about a game that is set 500 years after X event

im just spit balling here, I really want to GM a sandbox style pos-apocalyptic. I just need to choose a way to take it...I am leaning toward having this be a 6E game and have it be gestalt...

plant life has taken back the world but there is still some reusable tech

sentient robots are a danger

some people want to fix the world

some think the technology of old should never be used again since that is what broke the world

some have discovered magic again but its not that powerful.....if anyone has read the book The warded man {the demon cycle} maybe something like that

I welcome any and all input for this ^_^

and since I know that there has been quite a few games that have began and lost the GM right at the start of the game. I assure you that now that I have extended the my contract I will have no issue posting every day during the week ^_^

I can't find the answer any were so im making a new thread

dose the dragon blood line stack with the Dragon Disciple do these level stack? for getting the dragon blood line powers

i have been looking and can't find the answer so, do rage/ bloodrage powers count for the -=Bestial Aspect (Su)=-)from the Rageshaper Archetype‎ > ‎ Power?

-random ship you know nothing about-

lets build this world you all begin were after the capture

-random ship you know nothing about-

For OOC and to help players with ideas

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Right then here we GO!
No one could have thought that this would have happened, 10 years ago all was well until a new power rose up in an explosive way. The ancient Elvin city "Thalangrad" has been destroyed now only know as the "Skull wood grave". This new power can from a what was thought of as a small human "cult" was all most thought of them but, they could never had imagined the strange power these Purest which is what they call them selves had. It only took a day to end every Elvin life women, children, the infirm. They were all beheaded and placed on cold iron spikes then used to decorate the land that once was a place of power for the Evin race now nothing but bone and ash.

This new found power came from the guidance of a New human god known only as "the Paragon" his symbol the outline of a human Face on a black field.

Father Baccus was given the secret of black powder and steam, allowing him and his flowers to quickly grow in power and influence, for what this Paragon[i] wants is a world for human free of all other influence. Ever since that massacre the purest have taken city after city with these [i]guns as they are known that can fire farther and faster that any archer ever could and the ever terrifying steam golems that can stand attacks from even the most powerful spells and keep advancing....the war rages on and others try to hide as in mountains, caves, or deep in the woods for fear of what might happen to them should the Pure ever come...

that completely came form off the top of my head in the last hour lol, sorry anyway

how that characters start the game ^_^:

you wake up in pain for a moment the memory of what happened on that shore escapes you, then you remember how you and your friends were fishing when that harpoon sunk into your Mothers back as men came out of the water and a ship came into view. She told you to run as she welt limp fell onto the sand. you run as all you can hear is screaming and the sound of thunder booming behind you, buildings explode in a fiery ball. Something hits you and the world went black.

Now bound and beating you know from the movement on you surrounding then only place you can be, must be that same ship you saw before you ran. A bearded man is in front of you with a wicked grin on his face as he ruts into some girl who you might have known if not for the swelling on her face, her eyes are dead looking at nothing and falls limp once he is done. It must have been a few days since that horrible event, there are others around you and even in this dark damp place you can see all of them are not human....

Basic requirements:

This game won't be happening at a breakneck pace. I've learned my lesson with past games, so we'll be taking things a little easier this go around. I encourage people to post whenever and as often as they are able, but in general we'll be aiming for a bottom floor of a few posts at least every other day. Prolonged absences or breaks should be announced ahead of time. If people go dark for an extended period of time with no heads up, they'll be canned and replaced.

I'm going to be shooting for a grittier game for this outing. This will be reflected in a lower point-buy entry and (hopefully) in descriptive text and goings-on in the game itself. I'd say. Descriptions are going to trend towards gory.

I will be looking for players who are able to greatly expand on posts and give them some meat/heft. Perfunctory descriptions and dialogue are likely to get passed over. The greatest strength of the PbP format is a greater insight into what the players are feeling and thinking. Take advantage!

Leveling will occur at moments I feel necessary, rather than by tracking experience totals. More simply put, I'll keep your group's XP tracked behind the GM Screen and tell you when to level your characters up. Rest assured, you will keep pace with where you need to be.

I will also be making limited use of GoogleDocs It will mostly just be a place to host maps. Beyond that it will simply be a place to lounge and chat with one another.

Good! Great! Grand! Now let's get into character creation guidelines.:

Level: Characters will be starting at 1st Level.

Attributes: Characters have the choice between a 15-Point Buy or Rolling. There's a catch: I will be rolling for characters who choose to do so (4d6 and drop one once, then 3d6 five times). Be cautioned, the Dice Gods giveth and the Dice Gods taketh (but mostly taketh). I feel this forces players to think rather than try and over power.

Hit Point Generation: Max first level, after that you can ether roll or take the average +1

Classes: Pretty much anything officially released by Paizo is fine. i am manly looking for thematic characters more than filling roles, this is a Sea/Aquatic campaign after all.

Races: Again, pretty much anything officially released by Paizo that works for a Sea/Aquatic game is fine. i will allow any race 8 RP or below to change any part of the race RP by allowing them to trade away 2 RP of racial features for gills, swim, etc (like Kevin Costner water-world ^_^).

Alignment: Any, but you should keep in mind I don't like player conflict unless it's natural for it to happen and fun for all but, please just don't kill one another.

Starting Wealth: You have None you have been taken captive on a ship so there you go ^_^.

Traits: Everyone will begin two traits of their choice. Each player may take a single Drawback to gain a third trait. Traits should inform your back story and feed into your character's overall narrative. In addition players will choose from one of the character Flaws i have made

• Angry – you anger quickly causing you to become violent at little provocation.
• Coward – you will run, hide or generally try to avoid confrontation.
• Drunk – you never turn down a drink or know when to stop.
• Gambler – you never refuse a chance to bet and will continue to do so until you run out of funds or are stopped by someone else.
• Lazy –you are the last to get to work over sleep and generally do the bare minimum.
• Liar – you are a compulsive liar boasting exaggerating and passing the blame.
• Pessimist – you always see the worst in a situation and express this to all others.
• Prideful – you will not accept any affront to your character or work this will cause you to become argumentative or maybe violent.
• Problem with authority – you hate to take orders arguing with superiors questioning their motives attempting to pass responsibility or being flat out insubordinate.
• Rude – you insult and belittle you peers, have little to no respect for others.
• Thief – you are compelled to steal so that to have a little more than your fellows.
• Two faced – you talk about others behind their back often questioning their character or motives

These provide no statistical penalty but I expect you to play your character with these flaws in mind. If I perceive you to not be playing the flaw correctly will in the first case receive a warning and then a temporary penalty. (I.e. -1 to saves, skill rolls, attack and damage.) Note. Overdoing it will result in the same consequences.

Submissions: Create a profile with relevant info Following this -character template-. Feel free to add spoilers and hyper links were you want.
i will also need a reference photo or two in you appearance, this helps me to have NPC's react the way they should to you.

All submitted characters will require the following: Character Description, Personality, and Background. Put some effort into this. As mentioned before, I'm not looking for perfunctory descriptions. A couple of bland sentences is not going to inspire me to consider an application.

In regards to Background, everyone should be considering why their character has a feat/trait/skills/why or how they decide to learn the classes they did you can have to gestalted classes you chose have a new name and have that be part of you story

One final step, and we're all finished. this was used and i feel it was a great toll i could use to help me make my decision since most players like to post a small bit of Rp with their submissions

In order for me to consider a submission completed, I am requiring that everyone respond, in-character, to a few spoilered scenarios below. I'm not going to take a look at crunch or backstory or anything in between until this final step has been completed. I'm doing this so I can get a good idea of what sort of posts to expect from prospective players, as well as provide a little more insight to the characters themselves. And that's how you should all treat these little scenarios; respond to them as if you were responding to a post in the game itself. You can post them in your profile

Don't hold back this will help me greatly, to see what kind of player you are ^_^

Scenario 1::

You awaken to a blood-curdling scream that ends as abruptly as it began. You turn to the sound, as much out of reflex as curiosity, but find yourself in strange surroundings. Enclosed in a crude prison, a cage shaped out of the bones of some huge creature, the bars obstruct much of your vision. Further within the cavern, looming above a fiery cauldron and clutching the crushed, spasming remains of what might have once been an adventurer, is a malformed brute twice as tall as any man. Tattered bits of fur and cloth conceal much of its pudgy bulk, but beneath its garb you glean a blubbery, grey hide with a hideous array of pustules.

The giant deposits the broken, bleeding corpse it grips into the cauldron, where it lands with a splash in some unidentifiable concoction. Judging from the stench it kicks up, you would likely rather not know. One bulging eye seizes you as it begins stirring its feast, drool running unmitigated down the rolls of its chin and neck.

"Oi there, another one awake! Another awake. Maybe this one tells Old Brulk'tha a pretty tale. Maybe this one doesn't fill her belly tonight! Hurhurhur!" Her voice is wheezy but booming, and her jowls jiggle with each word.

Scenario 2::

The strange fellow smiles broadly as he takes a seat across the table from you. The bustle of the tavern thrums all around as excited conversations crescendo and wain, only to be replaced by another. His flaxen hair, pale skin, and burly frame mark him as unmistakeably Ulfen. Judging by his garb—and lack of any noteworthy weaponry—he is likely a merchant of some stripe. Without being prompted, he slides one of the two horns of mead he carries across the table to you, raising his own in a toast.

After a modest mouthful of his own drink, he speaks, "Rumors flit about this place like a bee to the flowers. But all seem to agree that your. . . skills are worth every copper and more. Tell me then, friend: what brings you here and how can Ingmund convince you to allow him the honor of employing one such as yourself?"

Scenario 3::

Behind you, the tomb's double-doors slam shut. Try as you might, you are unable to pry them open by any means. A disembodied voice laughs unnervingly as soft blue flames begin to dance to life along myriad braziers lining either side of the room.

"Arlanghar the Brave and Bold; the Wise and Learned; the Sly and Cunning. All truth and lies. Dead and alive, a tomb and a mansion." Another peal of laughter emerges before the voice trails off into silence.

At the center of the square room stands a three-armed gargoyle, each hand grasping a different weapon: a sword, a staff, and a bow. The far wall is dominated by a mural depicting what appears to be three versions of the same hero, each wielding weapons that correspond to those held by the statue.

some good info for those that don't know too much about gestalt


Top ten rules of gestalt:

1) Action Economy Is Still King
-Full Triple-progression casting is cute, but ultimately futile in combat since nearly every spell, Power, Invocation, etc takes a Standard Action to use, and you still only get one of those per round. Try to mix your activation abilities up, between Standard, Move, and Swift actions, so that you can get more out of what you have.

2) Focus On One Theme
-Having schizophrenic capabilities just means you'll be more at a loss in combat, despite the increased options, especially if the two sides interfere with each other in normal use. Barbarian/Wizard, though it may sound awesome, generally either gives up most of the benefits from one side of the progression or else is just confused in battle. If it can't be effectively done on one class, it generally isn't worth doing on two.

3) Strengthen Each Other's Weaknesses
-Since you always take the higher HP, BAB, Save, skill points and both skill lists, try to ensure that your secondary class is good at some things that your main one isn't.

4) Remember Your Stats
-Twice as many "classes" means twice as many opportunities for MAD. Make sure your key abilities from both sides are still lined up onto one or two main stats

5) Remember Your Feats
-Feats are the one thing you don't get multiples or increased numbers of normally. This makes prerequisites and feat chains just as hard to squeeze in as normal, more so if you want to Prestige on both sides of the equation (and many do)

6) Dipping Is Easier
-In Gestalt, dipping 1-3 levels on one side for supporting capabilities does not delay or prevent high-level capabilities from your other side. Ftr 2 for feats and proficiencies, Paladin 2-3 for Cha to saves and immunities, Meldshaper levels, etc are all simple and powerful options.

7) Beware Wasting Identical Advantages
-This causes pure waste. A PrC attempting to increase your Wizard caster level on one side and a level of Wizard on the other just lost a caster level benefit. Similar things go for other benefits, such as Uncanny Dodge, high HP/skills, and Proficiencies (not as much a concern as the others).

8) Active/Passive Mix is Typically Best
-Let one side have the abilities which require actions. You can put together cool utility, long-term buffing, bonus feats, and static/reactive abilities on the other side

9) The Very Worst Classes Sometimes Aren't Bad Here
-Monk, with its dominant saves, decent skills, and host of static abilities, is a FAR better choice for support-side levels than it is for single-class. The Expert, despite being an NPC class, notably is able to pick ANY TEN SKILLS as class skills with 6+Int per level, which can be clutch if your prereqs are getting tight. Any class that usually has the phrase "if only it had ___" can easily acquire it. Basically, almost anything can be of benefit to SOMEONE under Gestalt system (other than Commoner)

10) DM/GM Always Has Final Word
-Just like normal, if you are crafting an epic masterpiece of a character but it will outshine the others of the group, expect any sane DM to veto it, or else be ready to throttle back what you can do for the sake of having, you know, fun."

and since this has come up in other gestalt games i have run, when it comes to things like bonus feats,

bonus feat rules:

unless it is written as a bonus magic feat/teamwork feat it dose not stack if gained at the same time.

so a fighter/ monk would Not gain two bonus feat at level 1 and so on. since the ability on both classes are Bonus Feats

but a 6th level Inquisitor/ Cavalier Would gain two feats one teamwork and one bonus. this should clear any question about it.

lastly, I have opened up the Discussion thread for players that wish to make a collaborative story or to ask me any questions about their character. I love having player input it's really all that stops GM burn out for me and i want this game to last. If all goes well i will be making a whole world that i can keep using for other games ^_^.

I have always wanted to run a Nautical player focused game and I think PBP is the best place to do it.

so still working on a few things but wanted to see if any one even wanted to be part of this.

Also I really do like Gestalt games since it give a player so many more options to make a truly original character that they can enjoy playing but I will leave it up to this post to decide majority vote wins

Gestalt yes or no

-random ship you know nothing about-

here you can continue you in character discussions to help you complete your characters

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have been having so much fun GMing this game that I want to run a 2nd table but with more normal rules

Character creation:
- 1st level
-i am planning to do the whole campaign ^_^
-20 pt buy. Max: 18, min: 8, after racial mods.
-a must read for players is Players Guide
- Races that fit the theme - maybe I’d let a tiefling or something slide with the understanding that Ustalav is an insular and superstitious place. “Outsiders” are not well received at all. Being “different” will have a major impact on the game for you.
- Any classes including Psionics , machinesmith and Path of war
- 1 trait from CC Player’s Guide required. 1 additional trait is also allowed. drawback for one more. Have you character traits be in your background or personality.

- Everyone starts with 150gp

-=think of this as 1800 Victorian London and make your character work well with the setting, as in most people can’t do magic or believe in it. So they will be afraid if the see it, this dose not mean you can’t play a wizard and such just know other people would not know/ believe you do magic and if they see it you’ll be thought of as evil since its so rare…more of a steampunk/hellboy/chathulu type of world feel but that part of the world is hidden from most of the humans lol

-as that with your characters, think as in how you would react to someone waking up to you in full armor and holding weapons. Outside a city its save for a city is thought to be safe and only guards should have need for weapons.

=I need potential players to use this I wont look at you character sheet until it is, but feel free to add spoilers were ever you feel you might need it. character template

=I will favor character submissions that fit the setting and theme.

=the AP has that you know Doctor Petros Algernon Lorrimor please have him in your back round,or his daughter if your like.

-If you can manage it, I'd like for you to weave in some potential plot hooks. I'll work with them, but please be general rather than specific, so that I can more easily adapt your input to the plot. a secret that only the Professor and his daughter might know your choice as to who or both. since its the back round that will manly determine if you get selected for this game, that will be looked at more closely.

-The character should fit within the theme of action horror. We're shooting for a mix of medieval and Gothic horror

-i will be taking 4-6 players

what im looking for in a player is and this is important:
-can post at least once a day

-someone who can role-play a character that will and can be afraid when the stumble onto something wrong as in; if a corpse falls on them it won’t be
ok I look to see if it has anything I can use on it
”I loot the body”
I wold prefer someone who will play the role as one would wen a dead body falls on them freaked out and afraid

-I want players to be passionate about there character, I feel that way you will want to stick around for the whole campaign.

=and lastly but just as important I would like players that can add to the atmosphere of the game and drive the story forward. I understand some times all you can say is I move and attack but, try to make with more visual as in how do you do so. Like the way you swing your sword and such.

-I will be making some changes to this game to fit what I feel is right for the moment like number a monsters and the like

-Recruitment will be open for two weeks or after I get 15 good submissions I will post when I do then soon after that ill will chose players.

when you returned to the city you have two letters delivered to you by a page boy

Letter for Professor Petros Lorrimor:
My dear friend,
It has been a while since we have last written, my pen has gone dusty from disuse, please forgive me. However, some unusual occurrences have been going on in Ustalav. I want to investigate these matters closely. Worry not for although I am not the vibrant young man I once was, curiosity has taken over. I promise I will try to write as soon as something interesting turns up. I daresay, something promising should catch my attention.
I hope that everything is well on your end,
Prof. Petros Lorrimor
P.S. Ravengro seems a bit unsettling but fear shall heighten my senses. -P.P.L.

Latter from Kendra Lorrimor:
It is with a heavy pen and a curious mind that I have found your name in my father's old journals. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that my elderly father had once been a thrill-seeking adventurer. Sadly, I found in the early morning hours, that my father is no longer with us and has passed on. He looked so peaceful that I feel that this new found discovery compromises the man I thought I knew. It was in his will that you act as a pall-bearer for my father's casket. We are all stricken by the death of a dear father and I am still surprised with my own discovery. I hope that you are well and the service will be in three weeks. I hope you will be able to attend as my father must have seen you as someone important enough to be invited to the funeral.
Kendra Lorrimor

You arrive in Ustalav on a dark and stormy evening. It is three weeks of hard travel that has taken a toll on you but finally you arrive at your fated destination. You need a good meal and perhaps some ale before partaking in a sorrowful event. As you walk to the Inn, a ominous occurrence happens, a bright, white streak crosses the night sky and has stuck a tree behind you. You can almost hear a faint whisper in your ear, warning you to leave while it is still possible.
However, with little common sense, you ignore it.
The townspeople look out of their houses, peeking with mingled curiosity and fear at you. You try to ignore them. A large, black dog runs past you, running to shelter but as the lightening strikes again, you see something disconcerting-it appears the beast as a human arm in its jaws. No, that is impossible, you think and you keep going.
You make your way around a small hill along the road you have been traveling on when finally you see a shabby, dismal building. It may have been a large and proud home in its past, boasting of opulence and comfort but now in the chilling rain and long history of suffering in Ustalav, those are the bygone days. However, a contrasting sign swings softly from a post. As much as the Inn is depressing, the sign is colorful and new. It is a shining beacon in what is otherwise a dreary night. The signs announces the name of the Willows Inn .
You look closer at the old place, there is smoke coming from the chimney-perhaps a warm hearth and you are lucky...a roasted leg of lamb? The promise of warmth and food lures you in like an enticing creature beckoning those with sweet promises. Besides, the storm is getting too treacherous to travel any more. Ravengro should be a few hours away. You still have time. You absentmindedly touch the pocket that holds the two letters that brought you hear. For a moment, despite the good luck you are having, you feel the sharp twinge of sadness at the passing of a good friend.
Once your enter, a middle-aged woman walks up to you with a welcoming smile. She’s a pretty woman with very kind eyes, though the lines on her face betray a life of toil and hardship. She sizes you up momentarily and then pulls you through the threshold.

“Welcome!. Come in. We must get you warm. You’re hungry, I’ll wager. Should still be plenty of room at the table. This rain… must have been hard on that road no? You could never get me out into this no no, not on this kind of night.... Will you have the roast goat or the lamb stew? And we have an assortment of spirits to lift your mood on this cold night. What please you? It’s four silver for the room and three more covers supper and breakfast. So what will it be?”

The common room is not so large as you’d have guessed from sizing up the exterior of the home, but that makes it seem far warmer. There is a large with a sizable fire and a rack for you to hang your rain soaked traveling coat so it can dry. In front of the hearth is a very large, heavy-looking red oak table surrounded by matching chairs. Several of the chairs are already filled with fellow guests at different stages of their meals. Conversations pause as they look over to you.

ok so im going to post with my into to set the mood feel free to inter act as you want. I have something else in mined to get you all antiquated with each other soon. That is if you don't introduce your self's to each other here... with that lets dieplay

Letter for Professor Petros Lorrimor::

My dear friend,
It has been a while since we have last written, my pen has gone dusty from disuse, please forgive me. However, some unusual occurrences have been going on in Ustalav. I want to investigate these matters closely. Worry not for although I am not the vibrant young man I once was, curiosity has taken over. I promise I will try to write as soon as something interesting turns up. I daresay, something promising should catch my attention.
I hope that everything is well on your end,
Prof. Petros Lorrimor
P.S. Ravengro seems a bit unsettling but fear shall heighten my senses. -P.P.L.

Latter from Kendra Lorrimor::

It is with a heavy pen and a curious mind that I have found your name in my father's old journals. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that my elderly father had once been a thrill-seeking adventurer. Sadly, I found in the early morning hours, that my father is no longer with us and has passed on. He looked so peaceful that I feel that this new found discovery compromises the man I thought I knew. It was in his will that you act as a pall-bearer for my father's casket. We are all stricken by the death of a dear father and I am still surprised with my own discovery. I hope that you are well and the service will be in three weeks. I hope you will be able to attend as my father must have seen you as someone important enough to be invited to the funeral.
Kendra Lorrimor


You arrive in Ustalav on a dark and stormy evening. It is three weeks of hard travel that has taken a toll on you but finally you arrive at your fated destination. You need a good meal and perhaps some ale before partaking in a sorrowful event. As you walk to the Inn, a ominous occurrence happens, a bright, white streak crosses the night sky and has stuck a tree behind you. You can almost hear a faint whisper in your ear, warning you to leave while it is still possible.
However, with little common sense, you ignore it.

The townspeople look out of their houses, peeking with mingled curiosity and fear at you. You try to ignore them. A large, black dog runs past you, running to shelter but as the lightening strikes again, you see something disconcerting-it appears the beast as a human arm in its jaws. No, that is impossible, you think and you keep going.

You make your way around a small hill along the road you have been traveling on when finally you see a shabby, dismal building. It may have been a large and proud home in its past, boasting of opulence and comfort but now in the chilling rain and long history of suffering in Ustalav, those are the bygone days. However, a contrasting sign swings softly from a post. As much as the Inn is depressing, the sign is colorful and new. It is a shining beacon in what is otherwise a dreary night. The signs announces the name of the Willows Inn .

You look closer at the old place, there is smoke coming from the chimney-perhaps a warm hearth and you are lucky...a roasted leg of lamb? The promise of warmth and food lures you in like an enticing creature beckoning those with sweet promises. Besides, the storm is getting too treacherous to travel any more. Ravengro should be a few hours away. You still have time. You absentmindedly touch the pocket that holds the two letters that brought you hear. For a moment, despite the good luck you are having, you feel the sharp twinge of sadness at the passing of a good friend.

Once your enter, a middle-aged woman walks up to you with a welcoming smile. She’s a pretty woman with very kind eyes, though the lines on her face betray a life of toil and hardship. She sizes you up momentarily and then pulls you through the threshold.

“Welcome!. Come in. We must get you warm. You’re hungry, I’ll wager. Should still be plenty of room at the table. This rain… must have been hard on that road no? You could never get me out into this no no, not on this kind of night.... Will you have the roast goat or the lamb stew? And we have an assortment of spirits to lift your mood on this cold night. What please you? It’s four silver for the room and three more covers supper and breakfast. So what will it be?”

The common room is not so large as you’d have guessed from sizing up the exterior of the home, but that makes it seem far warmer. There is a large with a sizable fire and a rack for you to hang your rain soaked traveling coat so it can dry. In front of the hearth is a very large, heavy-looking red oak table surrounded by matching chairs. Several of the chairs are already filled with fellow guests at different stages of their meals. Conversations pause as they look over to you.

each of you will enter 1 hour apart,that way even if you were using the same road you could have run into each other ^_^

love your backgrounds and i will use what you gave me in this game ^_^

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is a Recruitment for The Carrion Crown AP

a work has toned back 8hour work days woot ^_^
Hello I am a first time GM on this site
Character creation:
- 1st level gestalt

-i am planing to do the whole campaign ^_^

-15 pt buy. Max: 18, min: 8, after racial mods.

- Core races only - maybe I’d let a tiefling or something slide with the understanding that Ustalav is an insular and superstitious place. “Outsiders” are not well received at all. Being “different” will have a major impact on the game for you.

- Any thing on http://www.d20pfsrd.com/ except gunslinger/Synthesist summoner/Holy Gun>>>with that i could allow a spellslinger if your stroy back it up, there will be early flint lock type guns in this world

- 1 trait from CC Player’s Guide required. 1 additional trait is also allowed. drawback for one more. Have you character traits be in your backround or personality.

- Everyone starts with 150gp

-=think of this as 1800 Victorian London and make your character work well with the setting, as in most people can’t do magic or believe in it. So they will be afraid if the see it, this dose not mean you can’t play a wizard and such just know other people would not know/ believe you do magic and if they see it you’ll be thought of as evil since its so rare…

-as that with your characters, think as in how would you react to someone waking up to you in full armor and holding weapons. out side a city its save for a city is thought to be safe and only guards should have need for weapons.

=please have your character sheet well in order if its too hard to understand I will not even read it but will tell you if you can clean it up ^_^ i have a template i would like players to use.

=I will favor character submissions that fit the setting and theme.

=the AP has that you know Doctor Petros Algernon Lorrimor please have him in your back round,or his daughter if your like.

-If you can manage it, I'd like for you to weave in some potential plot hooks. I'll work with them, but please be general rather than specific, so that I can more easily adapt your input to the plot.

-The character should fit within the theme of action horror. We're shooting for a mix of medieval and Gothic horror

-i will be taking 4-6 players

Character sheet template

Geastalt rules

Top ten rules of gestalt:

1) Action Economy Is Still King
-Full Triple-progression casting is cute, but ultimately futile in combat since nearly every spell, Power, Invocation, etc takes a Standard Action to use, and you still only get one of those per round. Try to mix your activation abilities up, between Standard, Move, and Swift actions, so that you can get more out of what you have.

2) Focus On One Theme
-Having schizophrenic capabilities just means you'll be more at a loss in combat, despite the increased options, especially if the two sides interfere with each other in normal use. Barbarian/Wizard, though it may sound awesome, generally either gives up most of the benefits from one side of the progression or else is just confused in battle. If it can't be effectively done on one class, it generally isn't worth doing on two.

3) Strengthen Each Other's Weaknesses
-Since you always take the higher HP, BAB, Save, skill points and both skill lists, try to ensure that your secondary class is good at some things that your main one isn't.

4) Remember Your Stats
-Twice as many "classes" means twice as many opportunities for MAD. Make sure your key abilities from both sides are still lined up onto one or two main stats

5) Remember Your Feats
-Feats are the one thing you don't get multiples or increased numbers of normally. This makes prerequisites and feat chains just as hard to squeeze in as normal, more so if you want to Prestige on both sides of the equation (and many do)

6) Dipping Is Easier
-In Gestalt, dipping 1-3 levels on one side for supporting capabilities does not delay or prevent high-level capabilities from your other side. Ftr 2 for feats and proficiencies, Paladin 2-3 for Cha to saves and immunities, Meldshaper levels, etc are all simple and powerful options.

7) Beware Wasting Identical Advantages
-This causes pure waste. A PrC attempting to increase your Wizard caster level on one side and a level of Wizard on the other just lost a caster level benefit. Similar things go for other benefits, such as Uncanny Dodge, high HP/skills, and Proficiencies (not as much a concern as the others).

8) Active/Passive Mix is Typically Best
-Let one side have the abilities which require actions. You can put together cool utility, long-term buffing, bonus feats, and static/reactive abilities on the other side

9) The Very Worst Classes Sometimes Aren't Bad Here
-Monk, with its dominant saves, decent skills, and host of static abilities, is a FAR better choice for support-side levels than it is for single-class. The Expert, despite being an NPC class, notably is able to pick ANY TEN SKILLS as class skills with 6+Int per level, which can be clutch if your prereqs are getting tight. Any class that usually has the phrase "if only it had ___" can easily acquire it. Basically, almost anything can be of benefit to SOMEONE under Gestalt system (other than Commoner)

10) DM/GM Always Has Final Word
-Just like normal, if you are crafting an epic masterpiece of a character but it will outshine the others of the group, expect any sane DM to veto it, or else be ready to throttle back what you can do for the sake of having, you know, fun."

what im looking for in a player is:
-some one who can roleplay a character that will and can be afraid when the stumble onto something wrong as in; if a corpse falls on them it won’t be
ok I look to see if it has anything I can use on it
”I loot the body”
I wold prefer someone who will play the role as one would wen a dead body falls on them freaked out and afraid
=and lastly but just as important I would like players that can add to the atmosphere of the game and drive the story forward. I understand some times all you can say is I move and attack but, try to make with more visual as in how do you do so. Like the way you swing your sword and such.

-I will be making some changes to this game to fit what I feel is right for the moment like number a monsters and the like
-Recruitment will be open for two weeks or after I get 15 good submissions I will post when I do then soon after that ill will chose players.

when you returned to the city you have two letters delivered to you by a page boy

Letter for Professor Petros Lorrimor:

My dear friend,
It has been a while since we have last written, my pen has gone dusty from disuse, please forgive me. However, some unusual occurrences have been going on in Ustalav. I want to investigate these matters closely. Worry not for although I am not the vibrant young man I once was, curiosity has taken over. I promise I will try to write as soon as something interesting turns up. I daresay, something promising should catch my attention.
I hope that everything is well on your end,
Prof. Petros Lorrimor
P.S. Ravengro seems a bit unsettling but fear shall heighten my senses. -P.P.L.

Latter from Kendra Lorrimor:

It is with a heavy pen and a curious mind that I have found your name in my father's old journals. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that my elderly father had once been a thrill-seeking adventurer. Sadly, I found in the early morning hours, that my father is no longer with us and has passed on. He looked so peaceful that I feel that this new found discovery compromises the man I thought I knew. It was in his will that you act as a pall-bearer for my father's casket. We are all stricken by the death of a dear father and I am still surprised with my own discovery. I hope that you are well and the service will be in three weeks. I hope you will be able to attend as my father must have seen you as someone important enough to be invited to the funeral.
Kendra Lorrimor


You arrive in Ustalav on a dark and stormy evening. It is three weeks of hard travel that has taken a toll on you but finally you arrive at your fated destination. You need a good meal and perhaps some ale before partaking in a sorrowful event. As you walk to the Inn, a ominous occurrence happens, a bright, white streak crosses the night sky and has stuck a tree behind you. You can almost hear a faint whisper in your ear, warning you to leave while it is still possible.
However, with little common sense, you ignore it.

The townspeople look out of their houses, peeking with mingled curiosity and fear at you. You try to ignore them. A large, black dog runs past you, running to shelter but as the lightening strikes again, you see something disconcerting-it appears the beast as a human arm in its jaws. No, that is impossible, you think and you keep going.

You make your way around a small hill along the road you have been traveling on when finally you see a shabby, dismal building. It may have been a large and proud home in its past, boasting of opulence and comfort but now in the chilling rain and long history of suffering in Ustalav, those are the bygone days. However, a contrasting sign swings softly from a post. As much as the Inn is depressing, the sign is colorful and new. It is a shining beacon in what is otherwise a dreary night. The signs announces the name of the Willows Inn .

You look closer at the old place, there is smoke coming from the chimney-perhaps a warm hearth and you are lucky...a roasted leg of lamb? The promise of warmth and food lures you in like an enticing creature beckoning those with sweet promises. Besides, the storm is getting too treacherous to travel any more. Ravengro should be a few hours away. You still have time. You absentmindedly touch the pocket that holds the two letters that brought you hear. For a moment, despite the good luck you are having, you feel the sharp twinge of sadness at the passing of a good friend.

Once your enter, a middle-aged woman walks up to you with a welcoming smile. She’s a pretty woman with very kind eyes, though the lines on her face betray a life of toil and hardship. She sizes you up momentarily and then pulls you through the threshold.

“Welcome!. Come in. We must get you warm. You’re hungry, I’ll wager. Should still be plenty of room at the table. This rain… must have been hard on that road no? You could never get me out into this no no, not on this kind of night.... Will you have the roast goat or the lamb stew? And we have an assortment of spirits to lift your mood on this cold night. What please you? It’s four silver for the room and three more covers supper and breakfast. So what will it be?”

The common room is not so large as you’d have guessed from sizing up the exterior of the home, but that makes it seem far warmer. There is a large with a sizable fire and a rack for you to hang your rain soaked traveling coat so it can dry. In front of the hearth is a very large, heavy-looking red oak table surrounded by matching chairs. Several of the chairs are already filled with fellow guests at different stages of their meals. Conversations pause as they look over to you.

Hellow I am a first time GM on this site so please if you don’t like to work with new GM’s im sorry
That being said here we goooo ^_^

This will be for
The Haunting of Harrowstone

You are hereby sentenced to live the remainder of your short life in
Harrowstone, which, I hasten to add, is a blessing compared to the extent
of your crimes and the suffering of your victims. There you will reside in
the misery of your thoughts until such time as you are drawn, hanged, and
quartered. May the gods have no mercy on your blighted soul.
—The final sentencing of Vance Saetressle (“The Lopper”) in 4661 ar
by Jurisdeclaris Axenris the Third.

game speed:

As this is my first time trying to GM on here I would like 3-4 post a week and if you can’t keep that pace because of RL intervention please inform me

character creation:

I like gestalt games more that anything so this will be a gestalt game with that;
=120 gp

=15 point buy I feel this will make for more role play type characters

=2 traits (1 has to be campaign) drawback for 1 more please have your selected traits have something to do with your background.

=I don’t care about filling roles; I would rather play a game with all fighters that can think. Than having every corner covered.

=I will be taking 4-6 players for this game and since I like having my own character I might play one as well. I’m good at not metegameing so yah.

=any human oid race is allowed but I will look closer at the background to see why they are here/ in the world.

=no gunsliners/ synthesis summiners, but there will be early flint lock type guns in this world.

=think of this as 1800 Victorian London and make your character work well with the setting, as in most people can’t do magic or believe in it. So they will be afraid if the see it, this dose not mean you can’t play a wizard and such just know other people would not know/ believe you do magic and if they see it you’ll be thought of as evil since its so rare…

=please have your character sheet well in order if its too hard to understand I will not even read it but will tell you if you can clean it up ^_^

=I will favor character submissions that fit the setting and theme.

=the AP has that you know Doctor Petros Algernon Lorrimor please have him in your back round some what

what im looking for in a player is:

-some one who can roleplay a character that will and can be afraid when the stumble onto something wrong as in; if a cropes falls on them it won’t be
ok I look to see if it has anything I can use on it
”I loot the body”
I wold prefer someone who will play the role as one would wen a dead body falls on them freaked out and afraid
=and lastly but just as important I would like players that can add to the atmosphere of the game and drive the story forward. I understand some times all you can say is I move and attack but, try to make with more visual as in how do you do so. Like the way you swing your sword and such.

with all that:

This is my first online game so I’m learning how the use google drive for maps and if any of the chosen players could help me out that would be awesome ^_^
I will be making some changes to this game to fit what I feel is right for the moment like number a monsters and the like

=and sorry if sometimes my wording if off I tend to type to fast and post before I read it over but I will edit after so please bear with me ^_^

Recruitment will be open for two weeks or after I get 12 good submissions I will post when I do then soon after that ill will chose players.

hope to see some fun submissions

I am in the us army and am looking for a group to play pathfinder with ether online chat or in person in Belgium.

i want to make a character that uses chains that are remnants of when he was a slave as a weapon they are welded to his arms or legs what weapon can i use for this?

I am in the us army and am looking for a group to play pathfinder with ether online chat or in person in Belgium.