Green Slaad

Rick Ransom's page

Goblin Squad Member. 42 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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PC's enter room with and spot a goblin.
Before PC's can make a move, goblin downs large potion, rips off shirt to reveal a tight fitting under shirt with large red letter "S".
---assign random powers as fits the adventure---

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Dungeon tiles--City
I think it is from Wizards of the Coast
You can order in online from Walmart for $15.

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On a small side quest from the main adventure---the typical find and rescue an important persons lost kid...

Entering a large cave with a large number of sleeping owl-bears

The party Dwarf--in a whisper--"Hey kid if you are in here don't make a sound"
Then remembering that we were still just following up on rumors of where the kid could be lost at...

Dwarf--in a whisper--"Hey kid are you in here?"

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Depending on the "type" of stone you want...pick 2 or 3 "spec" colors
Since you have gray you may want to try black, white, and a ghost gray
Take a small brush with very stiff bristles...I use an old toothbrush and a general purpose cleaning brush from a hardware store.

Dip the brush in one color and use your thumb to "flick" the bristles at the miniature...practice on a scrap paper first so you can view what makes a blobby mess and what makes a too fine mist

This will help on your stone texture