Green Slaad

Rick Ransom's page

Goblin Squad Member. 42 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

The side cart items did not move to ship with my latest subscription.

Please correct this error.

Since the website upgrade, I can not view order history.

Please cancel this order.

There seems to be a problem with either my account or the side cart system. My last several orders seem to remain stagnant for months at a time until I drive the system through customer service.

As this order has been on hold since June 2014

Remove the items which are unavailable and preventing the processing of the order.

Third Eye Games has a kickstarter up for the next version of Apocalypse Prevention Inc.

Well reviewed game.
Known Publisher.
And at 89% of target goal with only 130 backers.

Worth checking out.

Please cancel my maps subscription.

Although I think your product is the best, I need to cancel my ongoing subscription to Pathfinder.

Please cancel my GameMastery Subscription

Please cancel my Gamemastery ongoing subscription. I have no complaints about your excellent product---this is probably the best print edition module out there---I am just getting too "backloged" in my gaming material with all of the excellent material that you put into Pathfinder. In the future, when all of the 3e v 4e hoopla has died down, I will renew my subscription to build up my library of 4e adventure material.