Revil Fox's page

18 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Ask and I shall recieve. I got the e-mail not half an hour after complaining I haven't gotten the e-mail yet. Next time I'll wait an extra half-hour.

damnitall22 wrote:
Still not able to download. Argh!!!

Me eitehr. The transaction has been pending for a week now. It's driving me crazy!

Yeah, I'm not complaining, I just wanted to make sure it was supposed to come with #33 and not #32. Thanks again for all your help.

I received my copy of issue #32 today, however issue #31 wasn't with it. I imagine this issue shipped before Issue #31 was able to be packaged with it. I just want to verify that this is the case, and that Issue #31 should come with Issue #33.

On a separate note, Issue #32 is the first adventure path I'm ever seen, and it looks freaking fantastic. I couldn't be more happy with the quality of this book.

I very much appreceate it. Thank you. I'll post again when the shipment (hopefully) arrives.

As of last night, Thursday April 15th, I still haven't received my paper copy. Cosmo had said that if it wasn't here by the end of this week, a replacement copy could possibly be sent with my next shipmint. Is this still possible?

I got the confermation that my hard copy of Kingmaker shipped on March 22nd. It's been fifteen days, and I still don't have it. Is this unusual? Am I just worried over nothing?

I guess I'm asking a similer question to the person before me, but I can't wait, so I can't help it. I signed up for the adventure path on Thursday (and made sure to select #31 as my first issue). Is there a chance I could get my e-mail telling me to pick up my PDF, and that my issue has been sent, today?

Charles Scholz wrote:
ElyasRavenwood wrote:
I just have a quick question about multi classing. If at first level I create a cleric, then at second level, I decide to take a level of wizard, so I have a cleric / wizard 1/1, what do I get for taking a level of wizard? Do I get a spell book and bonded item or do I have to purchase these items? thanks

Unless the PC defeats a Wizard and takes his spell book, he has to buy it. He will have to purchase the item to bond with.

In other words, do it the other way around.

T O wrote:
This may be less of an issue in Pathfinder than 3.5 since the skills chapter of the rulebook is much friendlier to fighters than it used to be, and also since multiclassing is softer

I haven't had a chance to read though the book yet, so maybe the answer to this question is obvious. What do you mean when you say multiclassing is "softer"?

Slightly off topic here, but my favorite games to play in are scarce magic games. That's not the same as low magic, of course. I hate the idea of a "Magic Mart" in every big city. In fact, in most of my games, you can't buy scrolls or magic items. If you want a magic item, you'd better find them on your own or find someone able to make it and hire them out. It makes spellbooks the most valeable treasure of all to wizards.

In a game my friend ran recently, you didn't even get to choose what spells you got at level up, they were rolled randomly. I played a wizard, and I loved it. The idea was that you could try and bend your magical research to figuring out a specific spell, but as magic is exact, there was always a chance (baised on a spellcraft check) that you made a mistake in your research and "discoverd" a different spell.

So it seems that most everyone has no problem with the LG character killing the baby, because of the 99% chance he will kill a mind numbing amount of people. As I said before, we seem to have differing opinions on the kobold aspect of things. As I see it, Kobolds (or Orcs, Goblins or the like) are born inherently evil. Will one percent of them grow up to be good, productive members of society? Maybe. But the other 99% are evil, and is it worth risking that 1% that might be good to stop the other 99% from raiding, raping and pillaging? In my mind the LG character says yes, the CG character says, "not until they do something wrong".

Don't get me wrong, I understand your point. I just don't agree with it. Apparently I have a differing view on evil creatures than everyone else (and that's fine). So let's take a human baby for example. Say there are two PC's in the room, a LG character and a CG character. Now say that both of these characters, through magic or what have you, know that there is a 99% chance this human baby will grow up and become an evil tyrant, killing tens of thousands of people in the process. What would the PC's do? I would argue that the LG PC, maintaining that the good of sociaty is more important than the good of this one human, would kill the baby. Whereas the CG PC, who feels that the individual is always important, would try and raise the baby as a good person, banking on that 1%.

Chris Parker wrote:
An imp is an evil outsider. A kobold is a sentient reptilian who will most likely be evil, but not necessarily. Killing them for no good reason is still murder. Self defence is, of course, a perfectly good reason.

Fair enough. Replace "Imp" with "Red Dragon".

Also just for the record, a Pally who goes off half cocked and kills 1000 kobolds just for giggles is an Evil pally and should be punished. Just putting that out there for the slow ones (you know who you are.)

Why is that, exactly? Last time I checked, Kobolds were inherently evil. Thus they should be eradicated. That's like saying a Palladin is evil if he goes off half cocked and kills 1000 Imps is evil.

nexusphere wrote:
-Archangel- wrote:

I'm not looking for them to be equal, I'm wondering why one is strictly a better choice then the other.

Any time you have two options, and the clear choice is always the same option, that's just bad design. If everyone on the forum agreed that Wizards are better, than what would be the point of even having the other class? So I don't think you're going to ever hear a valid argument as to why one is strictly better than the other. Each has it's place.

In our game? It doesn't do anything, because we all hate the idea of this spell. It seems like it was just kind of a lazy attempt to not have to come up with more spells. We use the list of cantrips from Hackmaster 4th edition (there's about fifty of them or so). If you want to get a feel for the power level of prestidigitation, I'd take a look at some of those.

Karui Kage wrote:

The Beta Previews really do help, at least we know the Wizard and Ranger are changed a bit and the bonus skill point/hit point thing is good to know. Just call me impatient. ;)

Where can I find these previews? I'd hear people talking about them all the time, but I can't seem to find them...