Renen's page
Organized Play Member. 205 posts (206 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
It doesnt fit at all sadly.
This is some kind of grafting. Where you pay money and make a check of some sort to aquire an sla or maybe am EX ability of a monster of a certain HD range.
I think its some feat maybe... allowing you to "extract" a monsters ability, and using gold to fuse it to yourself.
Im not after any particular sla.
I am bugged by this... thing I cant remember properly.
Maybe it was a feat that allowed you to "graft" the monsters ability to yourself? I remember the player who showed it to me was playing a non caster class and since the feat? required CL (I think) he substituted his craft? check for a CL one using another feat...
Hmm... I remember seeing it. Something that lets you get monster SLAs. Maybe it was a PrC? Or a feat? I remember something about needing some sort of skill check, or maybe caster level check (but the person who showed it to me substituted the check for a craft check using a feat or something)
No. I remember that one actually grantig special abilities. Like SLAs
I remember seeing an archetype for some class that allowed you to pick a monster ability to gain as your own. I think it was an alchemist... but I cant remember. And its actually gaining a SLA or an EX ability I think.
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So, how many Deliquescent Gloves DO you get for the 8000 gold?
Do you get a pair (one for each hand) or just one?
Swarms, flying enemies. Targeting his weak save works too.
Its not that hard to shut down a melee character.
Maybe even enemy that has DR especially against his weapon type
[http://lmgtfy.com/?q=pfsrd+casting+defensively]Let me google that for you[/url].
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Suthainn wrote: David Neilson wrote: I know you can get the EWP for a Great Sword and use a two-hander Black Blade. Though obviously that is not third party. Pretty sure you can't.
d20pfsrd wrote:
A black blade is always a one-handed slashing weapon, a rapier, or a sword cane. You could take a one handed slashing weapon and *wield* it two handed for the extra strength/power attack, but RAW there's no way to get a 2 hander as a Black Blade. Do you count 3rd party as RAW (because I AM looking for a 3rd pt feat)
And I did finally find it (yey): Greatweapon Spell Combat from Might of the Magus
Dont have it bought, but does it have something that allows 2 handed black blade?
Yeh... I think there was some mention of a feat that allows 2H (any) to be used. Black Scythe, black staff, black hammer
I remember someone mentioning a 3rd party feat before that allowed a two hander to be used as a black blade. Can someone help me find it?
I know there are some spells that allow you to move to another plane, and use it for fast travel (something about going really fast on plane of shadow).
Are there any similar ways to travel, moving to a different plane, then going in the direction you want, then coming back to the material plane, and find that you moved 10 miles on the material, for every mile traveled in the other plane?
Well, I am playing in one of those online "multiplayer" pathfinder. And everyone gotta make things themselves, having no NPCs. I wanna craft myself some mavic armor. But spending a feat on that...
Also, if im a spellcasting oracle. How bad is it to weak heavy armor if im not proficient? (Since im not making attacks)
Well, when do I have to cast it? Do I make the check at the beginning? At the end?
If at the end, cant I just take a standard action to cast it at the end? (If I am allowed bathroom breaks during the 8 hour craft session, I should be able to cast a spell)
Say I get a temporary feat from Paragon Surge. Would I be able to use the floating feat to get "craft magic item" and... craft a magic item? Or does the limited time that I have it for messes me up?
FrodoOf9Fingers wrote: To clarify, I'm not quite talking about when the range of the spell is "you" or "personal", but rather when the spell says something like "You gain temporary hit points blah blah blah". People typically interpret this as the wielder of the weapon gains the hit points, but if the weapon is the caster, shouldn't the weapon be gaining the hit points?
What would happen if my weapon had force hook charge in it? Would my weapon be pulled towards the guy I just hit? Automatic self disarm? O.o
You must be trolling... (Or are very dim)
The weapon cant cast spells... It doesnt activate the effect. You do. Same way a wand of cure light wounds doesnt cure itself.
You automatically learn them right? (Someone I know is insisting otherwise)
Because yeh... I'd like to be able to just steal one of the enemy's zombies :D
When you put a spell into a spell trigger item, you never really cast it. You just put it there and designate that with a specific trigger (UMD check) a person can cast the spell. The said person gets to pick all the spells variables, such as range, target and so on. In this case, he has only the choice of "you" for the target. So he targets himself.
Is there way to take command w/o using that command undead feat? Is there something else I can use if im confident in my ability to beat a CL (or casting stat) check.
A person that cant form sentences properly, and signs his name even though we can clearly see his forum name (which is the same)?
My eyes bleed...
In other news, Blahpers got it. If he had something before becoming a pile of bones, he will have it after.
An evil deity brings you back, casts Geas on you, and forces you to do something bad. Party/character has multiple options from that point.
1) Try to find a way to free themselves
2) Play along and embrace evilness
3) Double cross deity, selling your soul to another evil/good deity.
4) More options I am too lazy to think of
OR, land of the dead style,
They died because Death wanted them to die, because it needs them to actually do something for it. (Actually part of a game I want to run for my players)
I was wondering if anyone could recommend me some premade dungeons I could run for some of my friends? Doesnt have to be anything too grand, but preferably level 6+.
Just as a 1 shot dungeon, though i guess if it is from some setting, that would work too, if it doenst need story line.
SlimGauge wrote: Do you mean "Does Limp Lash continue ?"
Now, Icy Prison blocks line of effect (says so right in the spell), but you already had the lash on target. Icy Prison does damage, so I'd say that the Limp Lash takes the same damage. Once it has suffered 15 damage, the lash is destroyed and that spell ends, although Icy Prison continues.
Edit: linkified spell name
Yeh. What I was looking for.
I cast limp lash, then cast Icy Prison. Does last stay on?
I see people arguing against RAW, stating intent.
You do realise that things like pun pun in 3.5 aren't intended?
Yet by RAW it works. Only reason people dont do it is the gentlemens code and GM houseruling it away.
Same here. It might well be an oversight, some untyped traits being meant to be trait bonus. But since its written as untyped, tough luck. Thats RAW
It may be poor form, but that is RAW. The fact that you think its mechanically unviable is irrelevant.
There is a rule stating that Bonuses of same type cannot stack.
If bonus is untyped, then they CAN stack.
If you think that all trait bonuses should be "trait" type, that is up to you. But by RAW they are not.
HEY! Another good idea! Burn baby burn!
Hehe... So an undead would have a very very low Fort eh? Excellent :D
So, how is their fort calculated then? Do they get negatives, or only their base fort from racial HD.
Dosgamer wrote: Take them out with ranged weapons. Typical zombies cannot move and attack so keep them moving. Very boring fight, all in all, but should prove quite easy if you can avoid being cornered. They are just big bags of hps, so just deal damage in as efficient a manner as possible. Hope that helps. Good luck! Now imagine facing a necromancer with over 100 HD worth of undead >_<
But Disintegrate DOES look good. Why do zombies have low fort? A sidefect of being a zombie? Because I think there are zombie Ogres in there and such. And some of the zombies are even the fast variety.
I was hoping there are some spells that severely hurt even zombies with high HD.
Any tips on hot to take on high HD undead that arent subject to spells like Undeath to Death?
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Bi** please...
1)teleport to a plane with slow moving time.
2) Craft there for years
3) come back on the day after you left to sell stuff.
4) ???
5) profit
Cant raise it higher. But I think a ranger can use it for example.
Tear off pieces of cloth, call them cloth Cesti. I do think they would be considered a single weapon. Now do unarmed strikes with them :D
By RAW, unless its stated a trait bonus, its not. SO yes. Should me allowed.
Yeh. Strictly speaking they are untyped, and seeing as most traits specifically say something is a trait bonus, then this would stack.
Suddenly, the price of holy water tanks, and no one wants it anymore.
In other news, it would still only pay for itself after 280 days
james maissen wrote:
Just outta curiosity, why do people sign their name at the bottom when using forums? Not like hey have their name just above the post?
So? Even if they are affected by "death" status, when they die for the 2nd time, its not a "death" effect. Unless the effect of things like "Power word kill" lingers. But im pretty sure its instant, beaning it happens, and dissipates.
Hmm... Do you know of any [good] spells I can spam, if I ever drop from being good? :D
So, casting evil spells make you more evil, and casting good spells makes you more good?
By RAW, do evil spells make you evil? Like If I come across someone who is hurt (being lawful goood oracle), and use Infernal healing to heal them. Do I turn evil? (By RAW)
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Are there ways to get them? (Or be able to do more immediate actions? Though technically they are the same thing)
Yeh. Seems one needs to be a sorcerer