Amin Jalento

Regis Burgodal, "Reggie-Burger"'s page

16 posts. Alias of Idiot Cube.


Welcome, nefarious ones! Create your aliases and make a post with them here.

We're still waiting for A 1970 Corvette to finish his character, so we probably won't be starting for a while.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm looking for players for an open-ended game where you play as supervillains in a modern setting. We'll be using the Mutants and Masterminds 3rd Edition system. Don't worry if you're not familiar with it - I'm willing to help.

I'm still somewhat new to GMing, and this is my first time reaching out to play with people I don't already know, so be prepared for a few hiccups.

Expect this game to be a lot more sandbox-y than your standard "stop the bad guys, save the world" story. Being the bad guys yourselves, you will have a lot more agency over the tone of the story and the way events unfold. You will start out as small-time criminals, and gradually build your influence and power. All the while, you will have to fend off increasingly powerful superheroes, eventually gaining the attention of Earth's mightiest defenders.

I have two players already (Sundakan and A 1970 Corvette), and I'm looking for three or four more. Leave a dot if you're interested!


Howdy! I'm not quite ready to start yet, but this seems like the best time to get the discussion thread going. There are a few things I want to get figured out.

First of all, this will be a bit of an experiment for me. I've run a few Paizo APs in the past, but this will be much more free-form than I'm used to. I'll basically be making the plot from scratch, perhaps drawing "inspiration" from some of plot-point campaigns published by Pinnacle. It mostly depends on the type of Weird West game you guys would like. From what I've seen, Stone and a Hard Place is a true spaghetti western with a few twists, while The Flood is more focused on Chinese culture (including martial arts, of course) and even has some naval elements. I'm open to whatever.

I'm assuming that you guys have read (or at least have access to) the Savage Worlds core rulebook and Deadlands Reloaded. Depending on what PPCs we end up using, I can share those with you. (Don't tell anyone where you got 'em!)

We only have three players at the moment. If that's cool with you guys, I'll try to tune the encounters appropriately. Otherwise, I could try to recruit a fourth here on Paizo.

Finally, here are some houserules that Rynjin and I agreed on:

  • For initiative, and any other use of playing cards, I will draw the cards and post the results. I promise not to abuse this power.
  • We won't use Fate Chips. Too much of a hassle for PbP. We'll just use regular Bennies.

That about covers everything. Post your aliases here when ready, all that good stuff.

'Ey. Post your aliases here.

The bustling desert city of Wati is near bursting with excitement. Adventurers from every corner of the Inner Sea region have assembled here beneath the hot Osirian sun to explore the tombs of the city's necropolis, waiting only to be assigned their first sites for exploration. Surrounding the participants, the public has gathered to observe the ceremony as well. There is a festival-like quality in the air, and numerous street vendors are hawking goods and refreshments to the participants and spectators alike. Some merchants have even brought what can only be considered adventuring gear to sell as last minute convenience items to explorers, while others advertise that they'll buy recovered treasures and antiquities from those who visit their establishments.

In front of the imposing edifice of the Grand Mausoleum, an immense awning has been erected between decorated pillars in the market to provide shade for the priests of Pharasma overseeing the lottery. Beneath the awning, two urns sit atop a table elevated a few feet above the ground on a wooden stage constructed for the event. The high priestess of the Grand Mausoleum, Sebti the Crocodile, sits behind the table, while two acolytes confer with her at either side.

Numerous adventuring groups, including yours, stand in small clusters near the stage. Most keep to themselves, but some are having quiet conversations with the other groups, passing the time while waiting for the lottery to begin.

Talk amongst yourselves or with nearby adventurers while we wait for everyone to finish making their characters. Remember that you're an established adventuring group, so you all know each other already.

Alright nerds, post your aliases here and we'll do the thing.