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Scarab Sages

9 people marked this as a favorite.

I angished what to write for the blog and here we are all outdone by Ron XD

Silver Crusade Contributor


Due to financial difficulties, I'd like to put my Pathfinder Battles Case Subscription on hold. I'm hoping I can afford it a couple of months or so down the line, depending on when my unpredictable paychecks roll in.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Checking through things here, it doesn't appear that I ever received the physical shipment for the above order. I've been billed for it, and the PDF appears to be available in my Digital Content, but the physical books never arrived. Could you take a look into this for me, please? I'm not sure what happened... could it still be in transit?

Thank you in advance for your assistance. ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

There are a number of subscription items in my sidecart that I've been waiting to ship for some time. I'm not sure if this is a normal part of the subscription shipping process - if it isn't, could you make sure these items get properly processed for shipping, please? (I've already had an email exchange which contains some discussion of shipping for the Adventure Path volumes.)

Thank you for your assistance! ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

I'm ordering a boatload of Adventure Card Game products in the last minutes of the big sale. I'm not used to ordering products of this size and weight, though, and I'd seen some forum posts mentioning issues with the calculation of shipping costs. If it's not too much trouble, could you please look over the order in question and make sure everything came out right?

Thank you in advance for your assistance! ^_^

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

So, I have a bit of a controversial thought. Since we're looking at goblins being a Core ancestry, it would be interesting to see goblins added back into the boon rotation for the final year of PFS1. It'll help the idea of goblins being present in the Society ramp up as we approach a potential "Goblins are Always Available" future.

Just a thought - agreement and disagreement welcome. ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

As the title says. This is so out of the ordinary that I didn't even really notice how long it took.

If you could get this cleared up, I'd greatly appreciate it! ^_^

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

Will we be able to create new 1e characters after the launch of Pathfinder Second Edition, or will it be an established-characters-only situation? I have a lot of character concepts I'd still like the chance to play, and if I need to start getting XP on each of them, it'd be best to know as early in the process as possible.

Thank you in advance for your assistance! ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor


Please move the Iconic Heroes 8 set from my sidecart to the aforementioned order, which has been generated but not yet shipped. (Hopefully this is the correct way of doing this!)

Thank you! ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

Please cancel my Pathfinder Roleplaying Game subscription. I don't have need of it for the foreseeable future.

Thank you! ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

Please cancel the aforementioned order. Move Runescars #3 to my sidecart and cancel the other two subscriptions. Additional information will be provided via email.

Thank you in advance for taking care of this. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Silver Crusade Contributor

Another excellent reference from the blog team. ^_^

Holy crap, if there's one monster I didn't expect, it would be the Horla! But it fits perfectly: always invisible, but always right at the corner of your eye, always following you, but no one else can see it, so you don't know if you're going crazy or not...

Silver Crusade Contributor

I missed out on the Holiday promotion... I might have to get in on this instead. ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

I need to cancel my Player Companion subscription, but only for this month. Since I wrote for both of these Player Companions, I should be getting contributor copies, and I can't afford to buy copies on top of that this time.

If it's easier, you can just take them out of the order when you generate it - like I said, this is a one-month deal.

Thank you! ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor


Maybe it's time to put that holiday code to use. ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

Please cancel my subscription to the Campaign Setting line. Money is tight, and I can't justify the expense.

Thank you! ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

I ordered several minis and lined them up for shipping, but then realized that new promo minis were available as well. Could you add the seven minis in my sidecart to order 4144088, please?

If additional shipping fees are necessary, let me know what I have to do - feel free to just bill me the difference.

Thank you! ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

Can't wait! ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

Please move the case of Deadly Foes out of this order and make it its own order when it arrives in the warehouse. Send the rest of the order ASAP.

Thank you! ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

The case and incentive for Deadly Foes aren't showing up in my future subscription shipments in My Subscriptions. Should I be worried, or is this normal? If it's not normal, can you fix it before the subscription starts?

Thank you! ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

The order in question still says "pending". What with the news that the Limited Edition hardcover is sold out, I just wanted to make sure that a copy is still earmarked for me.

Thank you! ^_^


3 people marked this as a favorite.

Just like all the others, this thread is intended for discussion and GM advice regarding scenario #8-04: Wardens of Sulfur Gulch.

In addition, I'll be here to offer whatever insights I can. I spend plenty of time on these forums anyway. ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

Please remove Inner Sea Temples from this order, then reauthorize the payment or whatever you need to do - I only subscribed for Horror Realms, and I need to save the money.

Thank you! ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

Looking at My Subscriptions, the case incentive for the next Pathfinder Battles set doesn't appear to be present. I'm trying to prepare my budget, and not knowing how that affects things is throwing my numbers off.

If this can't be fixed at this time (due to the system not being ready or something), could you please provide an estimate of the cost for a subscriber? A rough idea of shipping costs would also be helpful.

Thank you! ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

Now that the Limited Edition is out (and surprisingly affordable!), I have no need of the regular edition. Could you remove it from my side cart, please?

Thank you! ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.


Scarab Sages Developer, Starfinder Team

6 people marked this as a favorite.

A truly AWESOME mapping job, and an amazing thing to send in. Thanks a ton!

8 people marked this as a favorite.

My first scenario! ^_^

(And hopefully not my last...)

Silver Crusade Contributor

I was thinking of resubscribing for Horror Realms. However, looking at the release schedule, it looks like there are two books that month. I have no interest in Inner Sea Temples (and not a lot of money to spare, either). Will there be any way to subscribe and get just one of the two?

Thank you! ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

Money is tight, and the next few items in the Campaign Setting line don't interest me all that much. Please end my subscription to that line.

Thank you! ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

The Harrow!? Exciting! ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

The hold for my subscription order disappeared from my account statement, despite being there a day ago. It's probably nothing, but I wanted to make sure it was still going to bill and ship as planned. There was some sort of overdraft error, so it might be that - if it's been denied, could you reauthorize it?

Thank you! ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Finally! ^_^

3 people marked this as a favorite.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm hoping to be involved in this one. ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I still have to pick up a physical copy of this. ^_^

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

I'll almost certainly be there... but I don't know what my schedule looks like yet. :/

Silver Crusade Contributor

Please cancel my Campaign Setting subscription. Alternatively, you can just suspend it; I'm just doing it to skip Heaven Unleashed. I'll be back after that.

Thank you! ^_^

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

So I'm going to be playing in Serpent's Rise this Saturday at a local convention. I'm really excited, but also very nervous, especially since it's going to be a tight time-slot. I really want to play this Experiment I've heard about, who's supposed to be some sort of oracle with unexplainable powers. That sounds right up my alley! I'm just worried about the time crunch.

So, can anyone give me any tips on how to play this character, both character-wise and statistically? Is there a character sheet available online that I can look at? No spoilers on the scenario itself, please. I just want to make sure I'm prepared to play, and play well. The rest of the table is counting on me.

Thank you! ^_^

P.S.: How does one assign the Chronicle for this? Is it done the same way as any other pregen?

P.P.S. I know, or can guess, a couple things.

Serpents Rise spoiler:

1. We do something bad to Aram Zey.
2. The Experiment is likely tied to Conference Z, from Occult Mysteries.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Discussion here. ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

4 people marked this as a favorite.

What have we here?

Discuss. ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

3 people marked this as a favorite.

This is great! I love how it paints the alignment split between the two. ^_^

Also, love the iconic investigator's cameo.

Silver Crusade Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Something about the pose, the face, and the chain... a sort of reverse-innocence. I love it. ^_^

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