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![]() Every once in a while, I line up all my dice. Take one and smash it with a sledge hammer. Then the other dice learn their place. I usually use a d12 or d4, but i can;t let the others get to comfortable. If a die crosses me to many times it's on the chopping block. Sometimes i get creative, blowtorch, fireworks, mix it into cement and drop it to the bottom of a lake. Make sure to set an example. ![]()
![]() My players are going to be fighting a 7th level old monk soon and they are only about 3rd level. I want the monk to throw out his back after the first round.
Being a strapping young lad, I have never experienced this so I am looking for input. ![]()
![]() N. Jolly wrote:
*slow clap* ![]()
![]() Kaiju are AWESOME! I just wish there was a good way to have them fight. They are WAY to massive to fight in the traditional way. The map would need to be several tables wide, you ARE in it's reach (50+ feet) and on top of all that, I don't thing that even my colossal red dragon figure could do them justice. (Although players gaining control of a Kaiju to fend off another would be epic...maybe another time.) SO HERE IS MY NEW PLAN! You don't fight the Kaiju, you fight the guy CONTROLLING the Kaiju. In the mean time the Kaiju is destroying the city you're fighting in. Mechanics
The controller can spend a full round action to add or subtract 1 from the Kaiju's next die roll (He can direct it but not really control it). Because of the nature of HOW the enemy is controlling the Kaiju, there would be a way to disrupt it (The one I am specifically thinking of is using music to direct the Kaiju, so a bard's countersong would be one way.) The Kaiju I plan on using is Dragon Caesar. What do you guys thing. ![]()
![]() Here's a strange concept (not build...just idea) from my best friend. This idea got my friend back into the game when he was on the verge of giving it up permanently. He's played it on multiple occasions with...mixed...success, but is always good for a laugh. His name is Halon-Ten (because at one pint my friend became SO BORED of the game he started naming his characters with number).
The beautiful thing is, it doesn't matter if it's true or not. Some DMs go with it, others out right oppose it but no matter what you say, you won't convince him. What really makes him is the flair my friend would play him with. You get hilarious situations like: Being HOPELESSLY outnumbered and he shouts "I shall make this offer once, surrender now or THEY kill you!" or "Death isn't so bad, I'll put in a good word with the Nerull for you."
![]() The Morphling wrote:
My friend and I played in on at a con last summer. It was fun. ![]()
![]() So we're on our boat in the middle of a forest (No water, a sailing ship, forest...it's a long story.) and are surrounded by dozens of what we call tom-goblins (Hobgoblins with an 18 str, 20 dex, and magic composite longbows with a 4 strength rating) The Cheif shouts "Let us discuss surrender." Without missing a beat I step forward "Well, we'll take your bow's, armor, money and any other magic you have. Then you can leave, and be glad that i showed you such mercy." edit: oops...home game not society play ![]()
![]() Current Party Lv 4: I'll go from most normal to strangest. Ciel: Paladin (Hospitaler, Oath of Charity)
Now we start getting odd. Zig Zeon: Aasimar Sorcerer (Updated 3.5 Battle Sorcerer)
And NOW, for the crowning moment of strange characters. Halon Ten, the Lesser Deity of Poor Planning and Misfortune...:
He is my friends favorite character, a deity who CONSTANTLY looses and regains his godhood. Every time he falls, mortals forget him. His quote upon waking up in the underground "Oh no, not again." ![]()
![]() OgreBattle wrote:
It started with either 8 or nine heads and took about 20ish rounds but the hydra was chained down for the first 5 rounds giving me time to scramble for gear. The arena had a few traps that was able to cut the hydra's mobility. First few rounds were spring attack, cut off a head followed by spring attack & hope for enough fire damage. I only had an ac of 15, a torch, and a rusted long sword (-2 to hit, -2 to damage. I hoped that +4 ac from mobility and avoiding full attacks would keep me up for a while. eventually I got caught in a bear trap when it had 4 heads left and had to duke it out with 2wf full attacks. I cut off the head while at -4 hp (die hard) and won. ![]()
![]() I had to kill a Hydra the old fashioned way (Duel-wielding a longsword and torch.) . My 8th fighter was stripped of gear and thrown into an arena with stuff scattered around. They released a Hydra and what followed was one the most nerve-wracking, down to the wire fights I've ever been in. Good times. I also one-shot a 15th level vampire wizard at 10th level. Vampire gives opening speech and was probably going to let us escape, MY ranger shouts "You talk too much!" called shot to the heart. Nat 20, x3 damage, 3d8+39 put it just above critical damage, staking him mid sentence. That was a +2 keen bow but i suppose it would count because I didn't even get to use the keen ability. ![]()
![]() This is where Pathfinder (and D&D in gerneral) needs a freaking Thesaurus. "Adopted: You were adopted and raised by someone not of your actual race, and raised in a society not your own. As a result, you picked up a race trait from your adoptive parents and society, and may immediately select a race trait from your adoptive parents' race." A Race Trait NOT a RACIAL Trait. Race Traits are given in the back of the APG and in the Player Companions, I don't think there are any from the Advanced Race Guide. And DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON LEVEL, CASTER LEVEL, SPELL LEVEL AND EFFECTIVE CHARACTER LEVEL. ![]()
![]() Claxon wrote: Watch them drive themselves crazy with all the false positives. On the note of false positives, the orc witch doctor in the tribe my PCs were fighting liked casting magic aura on stones and throwing them into the latrine. "You come across what looks like an outhouse, the raw stench is nearly over-powering."
![]() Worf-nerd term-origin, Star Trek: The Next Generation- Having a previously established, powerful character be horribly defeated by a new one to show how powerful a new one is. The campaign name is "Defenders of the Realms". Here is the set up, all the player characters are Asgardians or other higher beings. I've told the players that they will far more powerful than normal 5th level characters but they don't seem to understand just HOW much. SOOO...My plan is to have the fight 3 adult white dragons right out of the gate. The kicker, the players are going to walk through it with minimal difficulty. I'm custom making all the monsters they are going to fight so they will all be different and unexpected, unlike the standard Midgard Dragons. Also, normal humans will be considered small compared to them. The execution. Me-"You enter the chamber, it filled to the brim with shining jewels and coin. On the far side of the room are three large white dragons that have corned 5 small warriors, 2 of which are grievously injured.
What are your thoughts? ![]()
![]() The Rot Grub wrote:
Ya know, i never really considered myself a hardcore DM, I let way more things go then the DM I learned from (Who says he let way more things go from the DM he learned from) I'm 22 and I learned 3.5 when I was 14ish. But what baffled me was what i stated in the earlier post. There is a young, 6 year-old girl playing and she said "Uh...sleeping here is probably a bad idea, ya know there is that big locked door that Mr. Dm wen into a lot of detail about. Maybe we should sleep outside?" It reminded me of "The Evil Overlord's List"One of my advisors will be an average five-year-old child. Any flaws in my plan that he is able to spot will be corrected before implementation. ![]()
![]() I don't hate the monk for it's flavor. I don't particularly care for it's flavor either, but it never bugged me that much.
I just feels like the monk is a class that had WAY to many ideas and none of them were executed properly.
Als i don't get the scaling unarmed damage. No other weapons scale, why should fists. I'd rather be a fighter and deal a d8+8+str+magic at mid level than a monk dealing 2d10+str+(really expensive)magic at 20th. I just don't think big damage dice are worth it.
![]() JiCi wrote:
Mechanically there is a HUGE difference between healing 250 points to 17-20 targets and dealing 250 DAMAGE to 17-20 (total damage 3250-5000 damage in ONE ROUND) targets, will negates. Yeah, I realize it's INSANELY overpowered against undead. But that is one relatively small group of enemies. Now imagine that reversed, extreme damage vs. all EXCEPT an relatively small group of group. Suddenly clerics prepare no other 9th lv spells. Storm of Vengeance dealing 1d6 acid (no save), 10d6 lightning to 10 targets (save 1/2), and 5d6 Bludgeoning. Capping at 96, just above a THIRD of what mass harm would deal to about HALF as many targets.Implosion deals 200 damage around to one target per round maxing at 10, fortitude negates. That's less than 1/10th the damage off the bat, and less then half after the full duration, IF you can keep the concentration all 10 rounds.
To answer why there is no mass harm,Balance Reasons. ![]()
![]() I saw in the Paizo Blog about all the racial stuff and wanted a reason to play something other than a Human. So i decided on an alternate class called the Elven Knight. Requires you to be an elf or half-elf. This felt to big to be an archetype because it replaces almost everything. And it's sorta made to be a switch hitter. Able to go from bow to two-weapon, to larger weapon.
Bonus Combat Feats: 1st, 2nd and every even level.
Still need replacements for Armor Training 2 and 4 (or 1 and 3), possibly Weapon Training 3 and 4, Armor Mastery, and Weapon Mastery.
![]() I am the middle ground
The goblin monk in that group
she says the stats don't matter as much, as long as she role-plays them, and yes she is an above average role-player.
And in This game, combat and role-pay are about 60-40.
I was being told this (by dm and a few players) when i played a 20 str druid who was spect for magic crafting, i was told this when i played a Paladin built for defense and in-combat healing, and now with my lv 1 barbarian. That dm is going to regret kicking my lv 10 pali because he was "overpowered".
![]() Mabven the OP healer wrote: In this case, it absolutely is broken. Shield Slam is a PF feat, and has entirely different rules. If you are replacing a feat which was intentionally changed with the version from 3.5, you are ignoring the developers' attempt to re-balance it for the new system. I'm not sure that they "changed the feat" as much as "made a feat that happens to have the same name" and the pathfinder version is much better in my eyes, because i can do a full attack, 2 attacks with my main and 2 attacks with my shield making 2 bull rush attempts, as opposed to one attack with my shield with one CHANCE to daze.![]()
![]() Jade regent spoilers below
My party is in the second book going to the fortified farm house.
Our (pathetically built) goblin monk scouts on side while the ranger scouts the other. Our cleric hangs back, and I, the social character (high cha magus) along with the other magus (dressed as a servant) decide we'll walk up and i'd pretend to belong there. While we're still together i walk up and set off the trap, a circle of posts that, when crossed, summons 2 lions. We tell our 2 scouts to continue with the plan. After a lack-luster fight w/ the 2 lions. we leave the circle and get healed up, i blunder right back across, thinking that the trap expended...NOPE. 2 more lions. kill them. me being tough and the other magus being an archer. the the other magus needs to cross. so we ready to fight another 2 lions. IN THE MEAN TIME. Our ranger sets off the trap and kills his 2 lions after a fairly brutal fight and the monk nearly dies in one round due to bad luck (and horrible creation). Actually that happens so much, that leaving some one with one hit point is called a modified carol (missing by one is called a carol) We find out later that we needed the armbands we found earlier.
![]() "whenever a magus casts a spell with a range of “touch” from the magus spell list, he can deliver the spell through any weapon he is wielding as part of a melee attack." Uh the problem is that when you cast the spell you make an attack with a weapon you are WIELDING, because you are carrying the 2-handed weapon not wielding it when you cast the spell you can't spell combat ![]()
![]() I find the this as an awesome archetype
![]() 3.5 Loyalist wrote:
I can tell you why that swashbuckler survived Because he never hits so hes not a threatHe either has +0 to hit and damage from Str or took weapon finesse and is taking -10 to hit Benefit: With a light weapon, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls. Special: Natural weapons are considered light weapons. also i wonder how his AC could be THAT high considering that the tower shield has a max dex bonus of +2 - Quote stuffed up, lol.- Naa, he certainly gets attacked, he is a beefy hobgoblin. I've thrown a lot at this one, and he has survived quite a few different types of opponents.
Not on +0 to hit. Fair bit higher.
Tower shields grant an AC bonus of +4 (or cover), but impose a -2 to hit. Players p. 123. Good gaming to you man! my apologizes for SOME STRANGE reason i thought he had 10 stragain open mouth insert foot ![]()
![]() 22. A small force of goblins have gotten their hands on advanced firearms and have been raiding caravans. You must stop them (perhaps non-lethally) as they are almost a greater danger to themselves than others. 23. You must travel the world looking for 7 magical spheres that when gathered will summon an immortal dragon god to grant wishes |