Randal's page
34 posts. Alias of KaeYoss.
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Some of them are easy enough:
Flexible with its +2 to any two; Human Heritage with the free-floating +2; and Standard with +2 to any mental, +2 to any physical, -2 to any other are straight and to the point.
But then there are the others, which require more careful reading.
Advanced is two different types.
Physical is +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +4 mental, -2 other mental
Mental is +2 Int, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +4 physical, -2 other physical
It's weird that they get small bonuses in everything from one category, but the other is hit or miss. So the Xwanzthl (a new race whose name I just made up) is a bit stronger, more agile and tougher than humans. On the mental side, it's not so uniform - funnily, they're a lot smarter than humans, but just as wise, and a little less charming.
Why not a race with +4 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Int -2 Wis?
So give them +2 to all scores of one category, +2 to one of the other category, -2 to another of the other category, and then raise any one +2 to +4?
And then there's the extra modifier: You can raise ability scores further, but that costs 4 per +2. I get that this would allow for really high bonuses and should thus be more expensive (so if someone wants that +6 to dex or something, he's going to pay through his nose to hit), but that means that everything that isn't already explicitly covered in the standard modifier arrays is going to be extremely expensive.
Say you want a race that is just a tad weaker than a standard race (+2/+2/-2/-2). You'd have to go with mixed weakness (+2/+2/-2/-4) add +2 to the -4 score, which means you now have blown one of your possible abilities for this AND paid as much as the race that gets a straight +2/+2.
Since this is already a bit of a post. I'll put my suggested solutions in a separate post.
Halfling luck - a +1 to all saves - costs 2 points
Hardy - +2 to saves against spells, spell-like abilities and poison - only costs 1.
+2 is quite nice (a lot more than 1) and let's face it, between spells/spell-likes and poison, we have cornered most saving throws a character is likely to make. What else is there? The occasional disease, supernatural ability, natural hazard and trap.
Even if we're saying that it's only half the saves, it's basically the same as the lucky thing - +2 to half the saves versus +1 to all of them.
Of course, that means we have proven that dwarves need to be cut down to size, but they already get to deduct a point for slow without considering that they can wear armour, which I'd consider to be not as bad as regular slow (size notwithstanding). (Of course, without using half points, it's hard to make a difference between slow and slow and steady)
Tiefling: Their Spell-Like ability (Darkness) should cost 2, making it a total of 12 points.
Aasimar: The total is wrong. Should be 14
(I re-created those two races before I found the write-ups in the end).
Some people seem to have acquired one or more pink stars next to their names, but they don't have a tool tip or anything. What are they for?
...or playing the Beta (and getting bored with the lack of campaigns and maps)?
Liking the changes? Disliking?
2 people marked this as a favorite.
It's a nice sentiment, but it's easy to make armour that is better than the normal armour - and it will cost less.
It takes but a couple of minutes of looking at the tables.
Heavy armour: Usually, the best heavy armour is full plate (and the only people use except in low levels). AC+9/Max Dex+1. It has other statistics, like armour penalty and arcane spell failure, but people don't make a habit of caring for them.
UC has the o-yoroi with +8/+2 if you're a bit more dextrous.
Piecemeal, you get the agile plate torso for 400, o-yoroi legs for 300 and horn lamellar arm parts for 25. All in all 725 (less than half than full plate)
That nets you +10/+2 (-4/25%).
You can also get +9/+3 with different legs - that will also make it almost 300 gil cheaper.
Medium armour can be had as +8/+4. Breastplate can't keep up.
Light armour can't be made better than the +4/+4 we get from chan shirt, but we can get the spell failure chance down to 15%, get rid of the armour penalty altogether, and pay a quarter of what we usually pay.
As I said, the general idea is good, but the values are all wrong. It should not be possible - let alone so easy - to outdo normal armour - after all, these types of armour have been around for ages, and if different combinations of armour are that much more effective - and cheaper - than the old versions, someone would have figured it out some time before Earthfall and those combinations would have become the norm.
7 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
"Flurry of Maneuvers (Ex): At 1st level, as part of a full-attack action, a maneuver master can make one additional combat maneuver, regardless of whether the maneuver normally replaces a melee attack or requires a standard action. The maneuver master uses his monk level in place of his base attack bonus to determine his CMB for the bonus maneuvers, though all combat maneuver checks suffer a –2 penalty when using a flurry. At 8th level, a maneuver master may attempt a second additional combat maneuver, with an additional –3 penalty on combat maneuver checks. At 15th level, a maneuver master may attempt a third additional combat maneuver, with an additional –7 penalty on combat maneuver checks. This ability replaces f lurry of blows."
I'm not quite sure about the wording about the penalties.
At first, you only get one extra manoeuvre, and all combat manoeuvres suffer a -2 penalty in that round.
So far so gut
But then you go to level 8 and get 2 extra manoeuvres, and it says "with an additional -3 penalties on manoeuvre checks." Same with level 15, 3 extra manoevures and an additional -7 penalty.
Does this mean all manoeuvres get this additional penalty, or just the second (and third) ones? Since that would be quite brutal. Plus, the wording suggests that the penalties are added up, so on level 15 you have a total -15 on all manoeuvres.
What manoeuvres are supposed to have which penalty?
Can we get those banners? I would like one of each banner. Well, I could do without the middle one (I'm all for branding, but it doesn't draw attention by itself, and I'm not Paizo). Or the one on the right.
The picture link doesn't work!
I get "Sorry
The requested URL was not found on this server, or you do not have permission to access this area. "
None of the pictures in the last couple of posts do.
If any of you can get away from the ravening hordes of Paizombies besieging your booth stronghold, could you look into it? Showing small previews of the minis pictures and then not showing the full-size pictures is just plain cruel! :P
2 people marked this as a favorite.
I just read through the Soulbolt archetype for the Soulknife. Basically, this archetype turns the mindblade into the mindbolt - a ranged weapon.
Instead of light, one-handed and two-handed, the possible choices are long, medium and short ranged. Long-ranged is 1d6 with 100ft range and doesn't use up a hand, medium is 1d8 with 60ft range and one hand used up, and short is 1d10 with 20ft and two hands used up - and short-ranged lets you add strength to damage.
As I read through this, I got a great idea: Play a character with some weird Numerian artefact attached to his arm. When you shape a medium or short mindbolt (which use at least one hand), the artefact (which is really nothing except a style implement - though an upgraded version would be bracers of archery) would reshape and cover your hand - you'd look like Mega Man, or maybe Samus in her Varia Suit.
And the artefact can be worked into the background as the thing that provides you with your psionic power (or at least awoke them, or was gained when you had whatever experience you had that gave/awoke your powers, somewhere in the crashed Dark Tapestry ship in Numeria!)
This is it:
"Some undead are susceptible to your mind-affecting spells. Corporeal undead that were once humanoids are treated as humanoids for the purposes of determining which spells affect them."
So what undead traits will that cancel? Only the part about mind-effecting spells or other stuff, too?
I'm guessing mind stuff only, because of the first sentence, but I'm not completely sure.
I was surprised that there's no list of favoured class bonuses for the magus in Ultimate Magic.
An official list of bonuses would be nice, though, and I think the blog is the ideal place for it. It's not as if this is going to be a huge pile of work (I guess).
Some suggestions (Sometimes more than one suggestion for a race):
Human: +1 magus spell of any level except the highest (like all the other spellcaster classes)
Half-elf: +1/4 to arcane pool
Half-elf: +1/4 of your magus levels count as fighter levels for feats etc. Only kicks in after you get the fighter training class feature.
Elf: +1 round to duration of basic arcane pool ability (+1 or higher to weapon)
Elf: Select one of the following: ranged touch attacks, spellstrike, (something else maybe, can't think of anything right now). You gain +1/2 to crit conformation rolls to that. Max +4 and you can have different stuff (i.e. like elven ranger, but with magus-like attacks)
Gnome: +1/4 (or 1/5? 1/6?) new wizard spell from the illusion school for the magus list. You need to take it 4 (or more, depending on what number is going to be decided upon) times to get a new spell, which can be of any level you can cast at the time.
Seven to sixteen business days? Is this shipment delayed because of the miniatures? If so, please remove them from the shipment, I really want that Ultimate Magic!
If anyone is interested, this year's Role Playing Convention is this weekend, as always in Köln, Deutschland.
I'll be there tomorrow. I'm the guy who looks awesome, probably running around with 3 - 4 other people, looking less awesome (of course).
The idea for a gunslinger class is great, of course! Long days and pleasant nights to Paizo for this. I like the grit/deeds mechanic, and am intrigued by what amounts to something like a moderate fort save progression (with brave and tough - by the way, Ref bonuses are off for level 19 and 20 unless the class is meant to have a different table)
But I can't help but feel that this class has forgotten the face of its father. Okay, that may be a bit harsh, but with the beams at stake, we can't have half-measures.
I hear the complaints about firearms doing too little damage, but I'm not quite sure. The gunslinger doesn't kill with his gun. He kills with his heart!
So let's put their hearts to killing!
First of all, the cost for shooting is quite high. 11gp until you get to high enough levels to blow some of your feats to offset this with two feats - Secret Stash followed by Signature Deed (if that even works).
By the way, you might want to specify whether everything that costs grit is considered a deed, especially for stuff like Signature Deed.
My idea would be that gunslingers learn early (maybe as early as level 1) to use gunpowder more effectively, making a dose last 10 shots instead of 1, meaning they get to shoot for 2 gil per shot instead of 11. I think that's only fair. After all, this class is focussed completely on firearms, and should not have to pay lots of money to use their stuff. It's a bit like all spells having expensive material components.
Then there's the part about shooting. Without Rapid Reload, no gunslinger can shoot more often than once every other round, since it's at least a standard action to reload those things. I'd say that makes a musket useless as a main weapon (I know those things aren't part of the playtest, but I still think it might be better to have pistols reloadable as move and then free, muskets as full and then move.)
I'd grant every gunslinger Rapid Reload for free, for all kinds of firearms. Maybe turn it into a class ability together with the decreased gunpowder usage so they get the deluxe package for firearms at level 1.
Then, as others have said, something like an alchemists bomb bonus damage might be in order. Of course, it's still possible to use Vital Strike with the class. Maybe grant those as bonus feats, too, since gunslingers will spend a lot of their time doing single shots.
And then I have a question: Does the fact that they get gun training more often than they could use on the firearms you presented in the PDF mean there will be more firearms? Might there be some to mitigate a lot of these problems, like revolvers you can shoot more often?
What the subject line says: Telekinesis! Magi should have an arcana where they can spend Pool Points to do some telekinesis.
I think something like this: By paying a point, you get to use telekinesis for a number of rounds equal to your int bonus. Activating it is a swift action but that only . You don't have to concentrate on it, but see below:
If you use the violent thrust option, you have to do so right away and it ends this use of telekinesis at once (as usual). This is a standard action but can count as your spell for spell combat that round.
If you use the combat manoeuvre option, it's a standard action but can count as your spell for spell combat that round.
A minimum level is probably required, similarly to hasted assault, which is an arcana that uses haste as its base.
Disclaimer: This thread is NOT meant to help me make up my mind about anything I'm thinking of right now. I don't have any information concerning the end of civilisation, humanity, the planet, the universe, or anything else!
Let's say you (and more or less you alone) receive incontrovertible information about the certain, inevitable end of the world. Maybe you're the president and gain top secret information from NASA about the sun exploding soon, or God tells you that he will smash the planet with a hammer.
Let's assume that there's nothing anyone on earth could do to prevent this, that there's no chance at all of anyone surviving, and that you have a pretty exact date - anything between a couple of days from now and a couple of months from now.
And assume that you alone decide whether the world will be told or not: If you want, you can prove it to everyone beyond any doubt, or keep it absolutely secret.
What would you do? Would you tell everyone that they're about to die, or would you remain silent, and why would you do what you'd do?
Please cancel my Legacy of Fire dice set preorder (1505476)
There are two problems with this order:
1. Pathfinder Companion: Sargava is missing
2. Instead, there is another Blood for Blood in the bigger shipment, in addition to the one sent separately.
Can you please add Sargava to my next shipment, and tell me what to do with the extra #34?
So PF #34 has stats for the Nuckelavee! Awesome!
Irori, Pharasma, Serenrae
An oracle with the life mystery adds Handle Animal (Cha), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Perception (Wis) and Survival (Wis) to her list of class skills.
Remove fear (3rd), lesser restoration (5th), remove disease (7th), restoration (9th), breath of life (11th), heal (13th), greater restoration (15th), greater spell immunity (17th), mass heal (19th)
You gain the ability to channel positive energy like a cleric, using your oracle level as your effective cleric level, but only to heal living creatures. You can take feats to improve this ability, such as Extra Channel, but not feats that alter this ability, like Turn Undead.
This ability works like raise dead, except that it has a casting time of 1 full round and no material component. On 13th level, it works like resurrection instead, and on 17th level, like true resurrection.
You must be at least 11th level before selecting this mystery
All of your cure spells are treated as if they were empowered, increasing the amount of damage healed by half (+50%). This does not apply to damage dealt to undead with a cure spell. This does not stack with the Empower Spell metamagic feat.
At 15th level, you can choose instead to treat your cure spells as if they were maximised. This does not apply to damage dealt to undead with a cure spell.
You must be at least 7th level before selecting this revelation.
You gain the ability to turn channel life ability into a healing touch. This can only affect one target at a range of touch, but the ability uses d8s instead of d6s. In addition, you gain the mercy ability like a paladin to use on your healing hands, using your oracle level as your effective paladin level to determine the number of conditions you can cure, and what options you have available. If you take this ability after 3rd level, you gain new abilities retroactively.
You must already have the channel life mystery before selecting this mystery.
You gain resist negative energy 5. This resistance improves to 10 at 5th level and 20 at 11th level. At 17th, you gain immunity to negative energy.
For every 10 points of resistance (rounded down), effects that deal ability damage or ability drain deal 1 less point of damage or drain. At 17th level, you gain immunity to ability damage, ability drain and negative levels.
You know the status of all allies within 60 feet as per the spell status. In addition, you know how wounded your allies are (relative to their total HP: full, above 3/4, above 1/2, above 1/4, above 0, at 0, below 0)
You can act as if under protection of the spell sanctuary for a number of rounds equal to your oracle level. Activating this ability is a standard action.
At 11th level, whenever you activate this ability, you can take another standard action in the same turn if you use that action on an ability that heals hit point damage, ability damage, ability drain, or removes any negative condition.
You can touch a living creature as a standard action, healing it for 1d4 points of damage plus 1 for every two oracle levels you possess. You can only use this ability on a creature that is below 0 hit points. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
You or allies within 30 feet of you gain fast healing 2 as long as they have less than half their total HP.
At 15th level, you or allies within 30 feet of you gain fast healing 5 instead if they have less than a quarter of their total HP.
You must be at least 7th level before selecting this mystery.
You can use a spell or ability that has a range of touch and heals hit point damage at a range of 30 feet. At 7th level, you can also use this ability on spells that cure ability damage, or permanent ability drain. At 11th level, you can also use it on spells that remove negative levels, as well as negative conditions such as paralysed, poisoned, diseased, cursed, blind, and so on. You can use this ability once a day plus an additional time per day at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter.
Please cancel my subscription to Planet Stories. Thanks.
[Ki] feats
This type of feat uses the monk's ki pool. Some might grant continuous effects as long as you have at least one ki point left, while others grant you special abilities you activate by spending ki points. Some might be combinations
A monk needs to have the ki pool class feature before he can take [Ki] feats.
In addition I'm thinking of expanding the monk bonus feat selection to add these feats.
Psychic Slap[Ki]
Basically, this feat is supposed to allow monks to make unarmed attacks at a distance.
By spending a ki point (as a swift action), you gain the ability to make unarmed attacks against enemies within 30 feet of you until the end of your turn. This works like natural reach, except that you do not threaten any space you wouldn't otherwise threaten, and you only can make regular attacks (you cannot use combat manoeuvres).
Psychic Grip[Ki]
Prerequisites: psychic slap (maybe ki pool (lawful?))
By spending a ki point (as a swift action), you can manifest your psychic strength to make combat manoeuvres at a distance of up to 30 feet. This manifestation remains for a number of rounds equal to your wisdom modifier. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity for using this ability, though you can still provoke an attack of opportunity from the manoeuvre you are attempting. In this case, enemies can either target you or your manifestation, provided their desired target is within reach.
All other rules for combat manoeuvres apply, including what happens when you miss your combat manoeuvre check by a wide enough margin (if you badly fail to trip someone, you will fall prone instead, as the power will travel through the psychic link and apply to your body, and damage dealt to your psychic grip is applied to you - though if both you and your manifestation are subject to the same effect, you only suffer the damage once).
The psychic manifestation is considered invisible (though those defending against your combat manoeuvres will suffer no penalty) and has your AC, saves, and immunities.
You can end it as a swift action. If you want to end it early (e.g. to prevent damage dealt to it from applying to you), you can attempt an opposed check of d20 + monk level + wis modifier against the attack roll or DC of the offending effect.
(Everyone who knows Mortal Kombat's Blind Kenshi knows where this stuff comes from. For the rest: Blind Kensi is basically a psionic martial artist who uses mental powers to not only ignore the fact that he's blind, but also make attacks and even throws at a distance. His finishing move involves breaking the enemy's limbs using psionic force)
Psychic Step[Ki]
By spending a ki point as a swift action, you gain the ability ignore some aspects of the terrain for a number of rounds (minutes? maybe minutes if you spend more ki points?) equal to your wisdom modifier.
Your feet do not quite touch the ground, which allows you to ignore difficult terrain and effects as grease, slippery ice or caltrops. You can walk on (or just above) water, and since you do not exert pressure on the ground, you do not trigger traps that rely on pressure plates or the like.
You can also change your subjective gravity, which allows you to move up steep inclines, walls or even ceilings, though you need an actual surface (you cannot walk on thin air).
You can jump and tumble on your "psychic buffer", but you can carry more than a light load and may not wear any armour.
(The inspiration here is the mystical abilities that were attributed to ninja, which are closely related to the PF monk).
I have 5 items in my Saved Items List, 2 of which are still on pre-order. I wanted to put them in my shopping card and make a shipment out of it, but the system turns it into three shipments instead.
Is there a way to make one shipment out of it, to be sent when everything's here? (And how much would shipping be - I guess the Big Red will be a bit more expensive to ship)
I noticed that I have some store credit again.
The first time I got some store credit, I figured it was because of a refund when the holiday bonus wasn't applied properly, so I used it on order 1368528.
But now I find I have some more credit.
Is this in error? Did I miss something like a money-back programme? Something else?
KaeYoss wrote: I don't think I have to say any more. Oh, I'm wrong, I do:
Shipment #1331607 was missing one of the three goblin packs (20024) and Harsk (60004).
I didn't read the "spells known" part because I didn't think that there would be anything new in there.
Then I read something here about something extra with cure, and I read the part again and BAM! Oracles get to choose cure or inflict spells, and they're extra spells known.
I think that should be its own entry.
Cure/Inflict spells: In addition to the normal spells known, an oracle knows all cure or inflict spells she could cast. The choice of cure or inflict must be made when the first level of oracle is taken and cannot be changed later.
These spells are additional spells known in addition to that what the table says and in addition to the mystery spells. They are added at the same level as the oracle gains access to the respective spell level.
Something like that.
Pugwampis rule. They're in the top 5 of my favourite critters now.
My players really hate me now, and have threatened violence if I ever use them again.
They also think they should be CR 3, or maybe 25.
I think I'll invent a really overpowered PrC but require the killing of at least a dozen pugwampis as a prerequisite.
I can give that PrC everything. Literally. No one will ever use it.
And *that* is what I call a great monster. :)
General Class changes:
HD: Monks get d10
BAB: Monks get full BAB.
When wearing armour (and so on)...., add The monk takes a penalty to attack rolls, CMB and CMD equal to half his level (rounded up).
Flurry of Blows:
Flurry of blows works with unarmed strikes, the weapons that are on the list of weapons the monk class is proficient with, as well as any other special monk weapon (temple sword comes to mind)
As before, all attacks use the full strength bonus (no more, no less) for damage, but this also explicitly applies to power attack
The ability explicitly grants a number of bonus feats. You don't need to meet the prerequisites, but you can only use those feats (and any feats you get via normal feat slots that use one of these feats as a prerequisites, as usual) with flurry of blows (i.e. with eligible weapons)
Feats: 1st level: Two-Weapon Fighting, Double Slice (it more or less was there, anyways, why not let them use it to qualify for more feats?); 6th level: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting; 11th level: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting.
Bonus Feat:
The following feats are added to the bonus feat list:
1st: Agile Manoeuvres, Combat Expertise
6th: Greater Grapple
10th: Greater Bull Rush, Greater Disarm, Greater Feint, Greater Trip.
Combat Insight (Ex) - New ability, granted at 1st level
A monk can use Wisdom in place of Intelligence to qualify for Combat Feats. (Combat Expertise and follow-ups)
Manoeuvre Training
Since monks now get full BAB, this works differntly now:
Monks may add their Wisdom bonus instead of their Strength bonus to CMB.
High Jump
Add the following abilities to High Jump:
By spending one ki point as a swift action, the monk can also perform a special high jump:
If the monk makes a high jump within 10 feet of a wall, the DC for the high jump is only 2 per foot (i.e. half as high as normal, since the monk can jump against the wall and jump further up from there)
If the monk makes a high jump while between two parallel vertical surfaces that are within 10 feet of each other , the DC for the high jump is only 1 per foot (same as far jump, as you can repeatedly jump from one wall to the next)
Every 5 levels after 5th, the starting distance and distance between walls increases by 5 feet.
Abundant step
Dimension Door's restriction that you cannot take any other actions after the spell do not apply to abundant step.
Perfect self
Add the following:
Whenever the monk uses abilities that take a swift action and cost ki points, he can use two such abilities at once (or the same ability twice where applicable) and only pay for the more expensive ability.
New: Talisman of the Monk
Slot: neck.
Base price: 500 gp.
When wearing this item, the character's unarmed strikes count as a masterwork weapon, graining a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls.
This item can also be enhanced just like a melee weapon. All enhancements placed on the talisman affect all unarmed strikes. Such enhancements cost 50% more than usual (i.e. enhancement bonus squared X 3000gp).
This item does not enhance natural attacks.
Talisman of the Monk +1: 3500gp
Talisman of the Monk +2: 12500gp
Talisman of the Monk +3: 27500gp
Talisman of the Monk +4: 48500gp
Talisman of the Monk +5: 75500gp
Talisman of the Monk +6: 108500gp
Talisman of the Monk +7: 147500gp
Talisman of the Monk +8: 192500gp
Talisman of the Monk +9: 243500gp
Talisman of the Monk +10: 300500gp
Talmisman of the Monk (Special Material). Talismans of the Monk made of special materials are available, too, for the following base prices.
Adamantine: 4500gp
Iron, Cold: 550gp (a magic version of this costs an extra 3000gp)
Mithral: 1000gp
Silver, Alchemical: 700gp
As always, I'm happy for suggestions, feedback, everything.
Are the abilities too strong? Too weak?
I think the Power over X penalties might be too much, but have to come up with a different formula yet.
Now, my gninja minions! Sneak into the vault and steal the playtest documents!
Any idea when this will be shipped?
Let's play a bit meta-oracle, i.e. making predictions about a bunch of weirdos that are supposed to make predictions.
What I want to say: Let's hear what you think the other Foci will be and what powers they'll have.
And in the time-honoured tradition of self-fulfilling prophecies: Make the suggestion good, wouldn't be the first time Paizo listened to us...
My predictions:
Oracle of Life (Healing Domain)
I foresee that anything like that will have some of the following revelations
Healing Channel: You gain the channel energy class feature like a good cleric, but you may only use it to heal living creatures. At 5th level, you gain the Selective Channeling feat. (Alternatively, this could work like Lay on Hands, complete with channel and mercy)
Boundless Healing: When you use spells that heal hit points, the amount of healing is never limited by caster level (for example, a 7th-level Oracle of Life with this ability would cure 1d8+7 points of damage with a cure light wounds spell, a 20th-level Oracle would heal 200 points of damage with heal). If you use these spells to deal damage to undead, the limits do apply.
Dedicated Healer: You do not provoke attacks of opportunity if you cast any spell or use any ability that heals hit point damage. At 10th-level, this also applies to spells/abilities that remove negative conditions like paralysed or blind.
Touch of Life: You can touch a living creature and heal 10 points of damage. You can even heal a creature that has died from hit point loss, as long as the creature has died less than one round ago. You can use this ability once per day. You must be at least 11th level before selecting this revelation.
Aura of Life: When you activate this ability, everyone within 30 feet of you gains fast healing 1. The fast healing increases by +1 for every 4 levels above 7th. You can use this ability a number of minutes per day equal to your class level. The duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1 minute increments. You must be at least 7th level before selecting this revelation.
Is there a particular reason why monks don't get to choose Greater Trip etc. as bonus feats?
Because if they have to choose them as regular feats, they need to fulfill all prerequisites - which for Greater Trip/Disarm/Feint includes Int 13. It was nice to be able to ignore at least Int and Cha for monks.
Behold dread Souszaraxynn in all his black splendour. The Tome of The Black Dragon (PDF) contains all the crunchy bits for the black dragon Souszaraxynn, in all the stages of his wretched life, from wyrmling to great wyrm (and even beyond, as the Favoured Spawn of Dahak, an advanced fiendish giant great wyrm black dragon!).
I did this in part to get a feel for the new dragons, and a bit of creature advancement. I do plan to add fluff to the crunch, documenting his life and his sadistic misdeeds as a literal Black Plague to the poor people of Golarion, and I might also add tactical advice.
I'm thankful for all feedback, suggestions and sightings of errors, and maybe someone else wants to follow suit and create the Tome of the Blue Dragon or Green or Gold or Red or.....
Something's not right there: When I want to view my most recent order (the one with the Bestiary - #1270093), it shows as the sidecart, with more stuff in it and different shipping costs.
Is this intentional? I would like to print out my order as it was shipped, with the actual contents and shipping cost.
Unless I miss something, monks only get to use their class level as BAB for their CMB, not their CMD. They don't even get Defensive Combat Training as a possible bonus feat.
Am I missing something?
Hey there.
I guess it's not possible to move the four legendary encounters critters from my shopping card (bugbear, goblins, giant spider and werewolf) into the upcoming shipment without delaying it (the miniatures say something about taking 8-16 days to ship)?
Hey there.
I guess it's not possible to move the four legendary encounters critters from my sidecarts (bugbear, goblins, giant spider and werewolf) into the upcoming shipment without delaying it (the miniatures say something about taking 8-16 days to ship).
Can you tell me when the dice are going to roll? I mean, out of your warehouse, I'll add some 2 weeks to that and count up to the following weekend to see when I'm rolling them to see how much I can hurt my player's characters with them.
I also would like to know when the bestiary and other stuff is going to go with my monthly shipment.
And finally, is it possible to put my dice into the monthly shipment somehow?
So the next PF will come out in November. Do you have a better date?
And I see 4 books in my side cart now. When will they be ready for shipment?
I usually let stuff be shipped with the AP. How much faster will I get the 4 books when I let them be shipped now, and what would that shipment cost (assume priority shipment)?
Could I get my SD dice (which are already pending) into that package?
Would the new legendary encounters also go into that package without delay?
So you cannot work longer (than 8 hours) to make item creation faster.
You can, however, raise the DC by five to get the work done in 4 hours.
I'm not sure: Is it supposed to be possible to raise the DC and do two 4 hour shifts a day to half the creation time?
Bastards speaks of a GM guide. Is it out there? Will it be out there?
So next week, my PF 26 will ship, all by itself. Does that mean that everything else is bumped back to October? How will that affect shipping?
Wouldn't it be fun to have more shapeshifting options as a druid? Of course it would be. Maybe even some more options at higher levels? You bet!
Just expanding wild shape would probably be a bit too much, I thought of this:
The Basics
First, you get the Master of Shapes feat. This allows you to access the new transmutation (wild) spells, all of which give you extra options when using wild shape.
Wild spells are cast as a swift action, but this must be done in the same round as you use wild shape or the spell is wasted. If done so, you can emulate an additional spell with wild shape.
The Feat
You have learned to assume forms normally unavailable to druids
Prerequisite: Wild Shape Class Feature
Benefit: You add Wild spells to your druid spell list.
Normal: Druids using wild shape are limited to the forms listed in the wild shape description
The Spells
School transmutation (wild); Level wild 3
Casting Time 1 swift action
Components V,S
Range personal
Target you
Duration instantaneous, see text
When you cast this spell and use wild shape in the same round, you can use wild shape to change into a Small or Medium magical beast. In this case, wild shape functions as beast shape III.
School transmutation (wild); Level wild 4
This spell functions as magical beast shape I, except that it also allows you to use wild shape to change into a Tiny or Large magical beast. In this case, wild shape functions as beast shape IV.
School transmutation (wild); Level wild 6
Casting Time 1 swift action
Components V,S
Range personal
Target you
Duration instantaneous, see text
When you cast this spell and use wild shape in the same round, you can use wild shape to change into a Medium chromatic or metallic dragon. In this case, wild shape functions as form of the dragon I.
School transmutation (wild); Level wild 7
This spell functions as dragon wild shape I, except that it also allows you to use wild shape to change into a Large chromatic or metallic dragon. In this case, wild shape functions like form of the dragon II.
School transmutation (wild); Level wild 8
This spell functions as dragon wild shape II, except that it also allows you to use wild shape to change into a Huge chromatic or metallic dragon. In this case, wild shape functions like form of the dragon III.
School transmutation (wild); Level wild 7
Casting Time 1 swift action
Components V,S
Range personal
Target you
Duration instantaneous, see text
When you cast this spell and use wild shape in the same round, you can use wild shape to change into a Large humanoid creature of the giant subtype. In this case, wild shape functions as giant form I.
School transmutation (wild); Level wild 8
This spell functions as giant wild shape I, except that it also allows you to use wild shape to change into a Huge humanoid creature of the giant subtype. IN this case, wild shape functions as giant form II.