Ramlatus's page

Organized Play Member. 75 posts (100 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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Thank you very much.

Will the Hard Copy Preorders for Player Core & GM Core have PDF copies that come along with them?

Where can I make a LFG post?


1) Character Name: Pikkuket "Pik"
2) Ancestry and Class: Kobold (Spellscale Kobold) Sorcerer
3) Perception Bonus: +4
4) Any additional Initiative bonus, or other passive modifiers to how things work (Dubious Knowledge?): I don’t think so.
5) Preferred Exploration Activity: Detect Magic
6) GM Glyphs or other bonuses?: No
7) Anything I forgot to ask?: Read Lips Skill Feat. I think I am good to go.

1) Character Name: Pipzil (Pip)
2) Ancestry and Class: Kobold (Spellscale Kobold) Sorcerer
3) Perception Bonus: +4
4) Any additional Initiative bonus, or other passive modifiers to how things work (Dubious Knowledge?): I don’t think so.
5) Preferred Exploration Activity: Detect Magic
6) GM Glyphs or other bonuses?: No
7) Anything I forgot to ask?: Read Lips Skill Feat. I think I am good to go.

I am here. My Number is ID #106575

I have several Possible Character ready, but need someone to look over them for errors. Particularly the items my....Pathfinder society school loaned me, and I am unsure of my spell selection.

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

Ramlatus, good news. There is a Play-By-Post convention that is seating right now for games starting March 6th.

Would you like me to:

1) Reserve a seat for you at one of the tables;
2) Help you figure out how to get your character formatted for PBP?

Although we suggested a fighter build, you could try something else too. We never asked you what you like to play. Casters? Skilled characters? Melee?

Play-by-Post won't require a new computer. It is a bit slow, but I like thinking about the game I am playing throughout the day. Is this something you want to try?


That Sounds Great. Send me the details.

breithauptclan wrote:
Ramlatus wrote:
So it is not considered rude to ask about the other characters skills and abilities? I have found that in the past asking about another character is like asking to see someone naked. Done very delicately.
I have almost always seen some sort of session 0 group pooling of at least the basics of what all of the various characters are going to be doing in combat and how they can help each other be more effective.

OIC. The session 0s I have been involved with were about creating narrative connections between the characters and deciding/discussing races and class, but no discussion on actual stats and class ability choices. Well if they were a fighter they might say I am an archer, but not specifics beyond that. Is that unusual. I have only had a few session 0s.

So it is not considered rude to ask about the other characters skills and abilities? I have found that in the past asking about another character is like asking to see someone naked. Done very delicately.

I have never played League of Legends. I don't play many video games and the ones I like tend to not be online or arena style.

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breithauptclan wrote:
Ramlatus wrote:
That is how all TTRPGs have been for me. Each character is on their own until the end of an encounter. The only exception is people will use an action to prevent someone from dying, but some people feel that that is kind of a wasted action better spent finishing the encounter. Then deal with the downed characters.

And yet, literally everyone on this thread is telling you that your assumptions are wrong.

You asked at the very beginning:

Ramlatus wrote:
So can any of you tell me what I am missing, or shed some light on this conclusion.

And that is the answer. It may not be the answer that you were expecting, or even an answer that you like. But it is the answer that you need.

PF2 is a team based, cooperative, role-playing game. It actually delivers on that claim. It is team based - party strategy and synergy is extremely important. It is cooperative - including with the GM. It is focused fairly balanced between combat and role-play - skills and skill feats are fairly important even if they don't always have in-combat use.

In order to enjoy this game you will need to put away your assumptions that you have gotten from other games. If you and your long-time friends that are used to playing PF1 and D&D and Shadowrun try to play PF2 the same way, it will go horribly wrong and you will either end up quitting the game system entirely, or end up back here on the advice forum wondering what went wrong.

No long term friends....

People don't see me as close friend material or I just don't know how to make friends. People don't dislike me generally, but no one considers me a good friend. If I am there "hey cool", if I am not "okay". I am just knida the guy in the background of any group I am in. It is lonely, but it is the best I have.

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Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

Hello Friend Ramlatus!

I am going to suggest that you go with the reach trip fighter build that Necr0g1ant suggested above. I am also going to suggest that you sign up for PFS and play that build at a few tables, either in person or online. You are going to be useful to your party, and you'll discover ways your party can be useful to you in the course of play.

Everyone who comes from PF1 or D&D goes through this mental hurdle. You're not alone. I went through this too until I actually played the game and went... "Oh yeah. That was effective."

Looking forward to playing with you at an online convention - maybe PaizoCon? - sometime.


Unfortunately in my current situation I will need to find a job before I can upgrade my internet. In the small town I had to move to due to divorce I have been looking for over 3 months and my family and I expect it to take several more if I am lucky. If I am not lucky it could take 6 or more. So no online play.

As for in person play, there is a gaming store 2.5 hours from here, but I have never been there and don't know what the game situation is there. I will probably not get to play until after I find a job. I might....might be able to do an online audio only game. Some people have said something about Play by Post games, but I don't really know how that works.

So I work on learning the system and others like Traveller 2e and look for possible places to play when I can get the internet.

I am also not opposed to playing 5e, I just won't be spending any money with WoTC anymore.

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breithauptclan wrote:
Ramlatus wrote:
When in combat my assumption is that I will receive no help from my companions in the from of buffs or healing until the combat is over and then only half the time.


Why is that your assumption?

It seems like a strange assumption to me.

Also, what can you do to change that assumption? Because that mindset is going to make PF2 be not very much fun at all.

That is how all TTRPGs have been for me. Each character is on their own until the end of an encounter. The only exception is people will use an action to prevent someone from dying, but some people feel that that is kind of a wasted action better spent finishing the encounter. Then deal with the downed characters.

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When in combat my assumption is that I will receive no help from my companions in the from of buffs or healing until the combat is over and then only half the time.

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Taja the Barbarian wrote:
What games are you playing where 'one player/character usually has to carry the rest of the party a good 80% of the time'???

Started with Original Red Box D&D

AD&D 2nd Edition
D&D 3.0
D&D 3.5
Pathfinder 1e
D&D 5e
Shadowrun 3e
Shadowrun 5e
Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition

A little
Star Trek
Star Wars

All the TTRPGs I have ever played are like this.

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Hello friends,

I have been working on getting into a Pathfinder 2e game. Since my internet currently sucks I have been working on making characters and learning the rules until I can find work and get better internet.

I have been running into some troubles that I find HIGHLY discouraging. I have been trying to figure out how to make a good character and have come to the conclusion that the system is designed to make it impossible to make either a good or bad character. I feel very constrained, like I have training wheels that prevent me from failing. This also means that I can’t succeed as well. This make me feel like what is the point of making any choice for a character at all.

Looking into it further I keep reading things saying that teamwork is what is important in Pathfinder 2e. I find this idea difficult to believe. In my experience, one player/character usually has to carry the rest of the party a good 80% of the time. Relying on other players/characters will get the entire party killed. Most players/characters act independently of all the others in the party against the same enemy, but there is no coordination or planning, and very few player use abilities or spells to help their comrades unless the spell/ability they were using on themselves had additional targets beyond just themselves. I have a hard time seeing this work in game.

This keeps bringing me back to the same conclusion. What is the point of making a character and playing if your character can be replaced with any other character or at least any other character that fills the same roll with no difference.

So can any of you tell me what I am missing, or shed some light on this conclusion. I for obvious reasons can’t spend any money with WoTC. And Fantasy RPGs are my passion.

Thank you all for the advice.

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Thank you all for the welcome and the information. I will take time to look into the suggestions offered.


Due to circumstances that I am sure everyone is aware of, I am trying to learn PF2e. I have a couple of character concepts I was hoping to get some help with.

Kobold Sorcerer
He was a servant in a human nobles house, when some assassins tried to kill the nobles daughter. I used my breath weapon to try and protect her, but when it looked like I would fail against multiple attackers my sorcerer abilities manifested and I was able to protect her.
Her father rewarded me and released me from indentured service. I was told that I could continue in his service, but only after I had seen some of the world. I was given supplies and a small purse. I could return after one year if I wished. He wanted to give me the chance to become more than a servant.

Str: 10 +0, Dex: 14 +2, Con: 10 +0, Int: 14 +2, Wis: 12 +1, Cha: 18 +4
A – Ancestry
• Kobold (Spellscale)
• Feeat – Kobold Breath (1d4 Lightning - 30' Line, Reflex DC 17)
• Draconic Exemplar: Blue Dragon
B – Background
• Servant (Society, Labor Lore, Lip Reading)
C – Class
• Sorcerer
• Bloodline (Imperial)

Thoughts on Advancement (In Order)
• Class Feat (Dedication Feat) – Dragon Disciple Dedication (Gold Dragon)
• Class Feat (Archetype Feat) – Scales of the Dragon
• Class Feat – Arcane Evolution
• Class Feat (Archetype Feat) – Breath of the Dragon
• Ancestry Feat – Dragon’s Breath
• Class Feat – Greater Bloodline
• Class Feat (Archetype Feat) – Wings of the Dragon
• Ancestry Feat – Dragonblood Paragon (Kobold Breath)
• Class Feat – Crossblooded Evolution
• Class Feat – Greater Mental Evolution
• Ancestry Feat – Dracomancer
• Class Feat – Bloodline Focus
• Class Feat – Bloodline Wellspring

I am looking for advice on the build. Ways to polish the build to get more usfulness out of it. Etc. I don’t really know what to do with the skill feats yet and I haven’t even looked at general feats.

Elven Wizard or Summoner
For this one I really only have a concept, but I think it is a very interesting concept.
A man who went a little mad with grief when his daughter died. He found a way to “bring her back” at least part way. Through an Eidelon. He performed his ritual and an eidelon appeared that looked and acted for the most part like his daughter. He was shunned for this and so he and his daughter left home to make their way in the world.
He believes that the spirit of his daughter is part of his eidelon, and even calls her his daughter. Whether this is true or not is up to the GM. Either way he will have to come to terms with her death, and possibly his delusion that the eidelon is his daughter.

• Originally this was a Wizard character that took the summoner dedication feat at 1st level from the elf heritage or feat. Not sure which. But I am not sure how to make the eidelon strong enough to play a supportive role to him in combat.
• Should I just go straight summoner which would also allow me to be other races.

Your thoughts and suggestions on how to make this concept work would be very appreciated. Thank You.

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In November my wife left me. I was suffering from depression and she didn’t want to live with depressed me anymore. So she left me, which means I also lost the children that I see as my own. Due to this I lost my home, and had to move back in with my parents in another state, so I also lost my job. I had just started a new campaign with my gaming group and also lost my gaming group.

Then came the new year with Wizards of the Coast trying to burn down their company. Now I have played D&D, with the exception of 4e, since I was 12. So I am looking for advice on how to find a game of Pathfinder 2e to get involved with so that I can enjoy the hobby I love so much.

As you can see I am not going through a good time in my life.

Relevant Notes
• I still do not have a job as work in the small town I live in is very scarce.
• I only have my phones hotspot for internet at the moment, and while it is unlimited it is pretty slow. I can’t play videos. I have to download them and watch them offline.
• I live in a very small town where most people have no clue what a TTRPG is. One of those towns where if they do know what they are they may be on the devil worshiper list of favorite activites, along with human sacrifice and eating babies. I am a little hesitant to advertise my hobby.
• I have been making extensive use of Archives of Nethys to learn the rules and make a few characters for PF2e. I will be asking for advice on my builds and concepts over there shortly.

I thank you for any suggestions you may have.

I live in the Fayetteville, AR Area

I have spent hours and hours looking for a game and have not been able to find one that meets what I am looking for. It is very frustrating. I hope to make some friends that I can game with. I have looked on the Paizo forums, roll20, and a number of other site. Someone directed me to Reddit and I can't make heads nor tails of the posting system on reddit much less how to find what I am looking for. I am a little intimidated with the forums. It feels almost rude to ask to play in someones game on the forums. Yes I am talking about forum post looking for players. I just have so much trouble doing it and then having a character ready for the game (See below).

The local shops only have organized play on Wednesdays and Saturdays, both days I work and thus can't participate. The days I do have off the shops are dead. I mean that I have sat in the shop hoping other gamers will come in for 4-6 hours in hopes of finding a game and no one comes in. Not sure how the shops stay open. I am new to online gaming, but willing to play online even with my hatred for electronic dice rollers.

I not sure if I want to continue with Pathfinder. It take soooo much work just to make a character. At present I spend between 15-20 hours making a nonspellcaster character. Add another 10-12 hours for a spellcaster. Part of this is that I just take a long time to make a character, but the shear volume of material I have to sift through when making a character is massive.

I play RPGs for the social aspect of the game. I want to meet people and make friends. A weekly game would be my preference, but some short games would work for everyone to get to know each other. Organized play will have to do if that is all I can find, but don't like the generic nature of the games. I also am not a fan of always playing with new people never really getting to know any of them.

Thoughts, Suggestions, Help?

Can anyone help me find online PFS games. I have tried everything I can think of and have had no luck.

The Pathfinder Society Online Collective Group did not even acknowledge I existed. Perhaps they are full or not very active.

I am looking to play online for the first time and was hoping to find games with friendly people.

I have a new PFS character if I need it.

I have a roll20 account, but have no experience with the interface.

I have a google+ account, but again have no experience with the interface.

I have teamspeak with limited experience with it.

How do I get into games ect.

I did not choose to go trip specialist, but I can trip. I went more general in my build. I think it is more true to the Concept of the character. Here is the current build I have come up with. I am still looking for suggestions on how to make him more effective.

Race: Human
Class: Brawler 2/ Monk 2/ Brawler Finish.
Archetypes: Master of Many Styles, Monk of the Sacred Mountain (Mistakenly called Iron Mountain Monk Archetype)
Ability Scores: Str 18, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Traits: Reactionary, Indomitable Faith.
Feat Progression:

1 (Human Bonus Feat): Dodge
1 (Brawler Bonus Feat): Improved Unarmed Strike
1: Power Attack
2 (Brawler Bonus Combat Feat): Improved Trip
3 (Monk Bonus Feat): Stunning Fist
3: Pummeling Style
3 (Master of Many Styles Archetype Bonus Feat – Style Feat or Elemental Fist Feat): Pummeling Charge
4 (Monk of the Sacred Mountain Archetype Bonus Feat): Toughness
4 (Master of Many Styles Archetype Bonus Feat – Style Feat or Elemental Fist Feat): Dragon Style
5: Combat Reflexes
7: Vicious Stomp
7 (Brawler Bonus Combat Feat): Dragon Ferocity
9: Combat Expertise
10 (Brawler Bonus Combat Feat): Improved Critical
11: Bleeding Attack

After 12th I probably won't get to play the character, but will finish his feat progression as it seams logical.

Suggestions Please.

I have always been under the impression that level dipping was really bad for a character. Much like going full multiclass. Perhaps I need to reevaluate that opinion.

I was originally not trying to be a specific trip master. The inspiration for the character is Elliot Spencer from Leverage.

I also did not take into account the brawler ability to gain feats temporarily. So I can get some feats, but if I need to go all in on an option I can use the brawler ability.

Fruian Thistlefoot wrote:

OP wrote:
Ability Scores: Str 18, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10

Your point buy seems to be a 25....for PFS it is a 20 point buy.

perhaps : S18, D14, C14, I10, W12, C8 is typically a good layout in stats....

Clarification: I spent only 20 points. I mistakenly wrote 16 for Dex when it should be 14.

Str 16 = 10, Dex 14 = 5, Con 13 = 3, Int 10 = 0, Wis 12 = 2, Cha 10 = 0.
My +2 Racial Bonus was applied to Str bringing it up to 18.

Brawler Class

The character is for PFS. I have been out of the game for a few years and am not great at martial character to begin with. Here is what I have so far.

Race: Human
Class: Brawler
Ability Scores: Str 18, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Traits: Reactionary, Indomitable Faith.
Feat Progression:
1. Improved Unarmed Strike (Bonus), Combat Expertise, Power Attack
2. Pummeling Style (Bonus)
3. Improved Trip
5. Improved Reposition, Pummeling Bully
7. Iron Will
8. Pummeling Charge
9. Felling Smash
11. Greater Trip, Combat Reflexes
13. Dodge
14. Improved Iron Will
15. ?
17. ?, ?
19. ?
20. ?

I know that as a PFS character I have to retire him at level 12, but I like to map the whole progression out. I don't know what to give him for the upper levels.

Does the build look good? Am I missing something? How can I improve?

Thank you all for your constructive criticism.

I have been away from the game a few years and I was wanting to build a Eliot Spencer from Leverage like brawler character for Pathfinder Society Play.

Race: Human
Stats: 20 points point buy

Mainly uses his fists but occasionally uses improvised weapons or weapons taken from enemies.

Note: I have no experience with style feats and I am not sure if they are worth taking or not.

Any help would be appreciated.

I'm looking for a good sci-fi space setting game. I like the Star Wars setting as well as Star Trek (TNG, DS9, VOY) setting. These of course don't mesh well as the technologies are vastly different. I want a setting that is Force Free as I want to tell different types of stories, ones without the clear cut good and evil. I have been looking into Traveller, and D6 Space, but do you guys have any other suggestions? I want a non-level based system, preferably not d20. I feel that a non-level based system will allow for more freedom for character development. I like star wars style droids, but Data from ST would be too much. Humanoid looking is okay, but I don't want them to be supermen.

Suggestions? What do you think about Traveller or D6 Space?

How hard is it to game online? I might be able to swing internet at my house in 5-6 months, but I won't have any gaming until then.

I like to cook. I am guessing that a "take away" is some kind of pot luck. A meal where everybody brings something and then shares the food?

In addition If I were to offer beer. I don't drink, and thus know nothing about beer, except that it tastes nasty. What kind of beer would you recommend and would be appropriate?

....Getting people drunk to play roleplaying games. ....I guess that strategy would be consistent for most guys.

Edit: Ooooh! You mean takeout. Like a bucket of chicken or Pizza. I thought about that. I would prefer to cook, but I like to cook.

Revenantdog wrote:

As for players, invite people you know. Almost everyone I know who I play with, I introduced to gaming. Just get your friends interested, if they're into video games, MTG, fanfiction, anime/manga, acting, etc. This game takes all sorts to be great. You gotta be the ambassador!

Ps- where is it you live? I've lived in major cities for the last several years and have had a fairly easy time connecting to players

I don't have any friends. I have lived here for 6 years and I made one friend, but she had to move away for work about 2 years ago. I do know one guy I work with who plays WoW and similar games, but he absolutely hates any kind of tabletop/pen and paper roleplaying games. I don't know anyone else here that plays any other kind of games. The nearest magic players I know of are an hour away like the other roleplayers.

I live in Bay Saint Louis Mississippi 39520 which is next to Waveland Mississippi 39576. Combined population is 14,817. This area was wiped out by Katrina. We have to drive 45-50 minutes to go to the nearest movie theater. Heck our UNEMPLOYMENT office was shut down last year because they said they could no longer afford to fund it. Few have any interest in anything that is not drinking, or the saints or LSU football.

I don't mean to sound so negative, I'm sorry. I asked my questions here because I can't think of a solution short of moving far away from here. 1,000 miles at least. From what I can gather up north has tons of gaming. The south has Atlanta as its only major gaming hub. Oddly enough is is also considered the largest gaming community in the U.S. Followed by Seattle and Portland. Those are 2 and 3, but I don't remember which is which.

First I wanted to thank everyone for all their input and advice. I also wanted to clerify that I have been playing pen & paper RPGs for years. I just have little/no experience as a GM. I myself am not a beginner to RPGs, but I am a beginner to Gming.

Second I wanted to remind everyone that an online game is not viable for me. I do not have access to the internet except at work, and my boss would frown on my gaming hobby while on duty. Nor do I have enough space in my budget to afford internet service for my house. Side Note: I have been interested in Hero Labs for several of the games that I play, but since the $29.99 price tag plus extra per additional game beyond the first would be almost my entire MONTHLY gaming budget I have not been able to justify the purchase over a new gaming book.

Someone asked me if I would be teaching new players. The answer is yes. The only gamers I know live an hour from here and I only just met through PFS. Everyone of them that I have asked about local gaming groups acts like I'm a leper. Now I don't blame them for this as in my experience most gamers are very xenophobic about who they play with. “If I haven't known you for several years then I don't want to let you game with me”. I think it is a fear of ruining the game they already have. I will have to find and teach new players that I don't even know yet. In my experience gamers tend to be an exclusive lot.

Sir Thugsalot wrote:
Go to meetup.com, and join (or start) an RPG group in your area. Post their you're looking for gamers. Hang a "tear-off-a-tab" sign-up sheet in a local game shop (if they have a gaming area, as many do, they're also ideal places to play; ask the staff how they allocate table space, and what their event schedules are like).

As far as online group finders go, none of them have any groups nearby. Meetup.com has one group that is for Warhammer 40K. A game that is not really my style not to mention that I could never afford on $10 a week.

There are no local gaming stores. The local coffee shop is McDonalds. The Local Mall is Wal-mart. I got no response from fliers at the library.

It did not occur to me that I might not want to do a AP right off due to the initial instability of a starting group. I am not familiar with any adventures that are not AP. Which ones are good? Looking for something that a group of players getting together for the first time can play.

Updated GM Kit List
- Core Rulebook
- GM Screen (I want to use one)
- Monster stat blocks (either on reference cards, on paper, or worst case from my Bestiary PDFs.)
- List of names to use for unexpected NPCs.
- Notecards or Post it Notes.
- Notebooks
- Pencils & Paper
- Bestiary Box Pawns, Bestiary Box 2 Pawns, NPC Codex Pawns
- Gaming Paper Rolls & Wet Erase Vinyl Mat
- Dice

Sorry I am all out of patience. I shall run my game like the soup nazi from Sienfield. NO GAME FOR YOU!!!!

I really want to play roleplaying games. I don't have anyone to play with me, so I will probably have to.... coerce people into playing with me. I don't know anyone who games and the nearest PFS games are an hour in either direction. I still don't how this area can be so dead as far as RPGs are concerned. Okay back on topic. I need experience GMing. So while I am getting the basics of my own setting finished I was going to run an Adventure Path. Now I know that the majority of players I have met in the past despise canned adventures, but I need something to run so I can focus on learning to GM without the added stress of creating a world around the PCs my first time out. I have done some research and it would appear that the two front runners for best APs are Rise of the Runelords and Kingmaker. My questions:

1: Which of those two should I run?
2: Which is easier for a first time GM?
3: What kinds of GM reference tools should I have at the table with me? See my current list below.
4: How do I get players? Note: No nearby gaming stores, colleges, or even malls. Online meetup groups for RPGers don't show any local gamers. Online gaming requires a regular internet connection that I don't have. I only have access at work.

Updated GM Kit List
- Core Rulebook
- GM Screen (I want to use one)
- Monster stat blocks (either on reference cards, on paper, or worst case from my Bestiary PDFs.)
- List of names to use for unexpected NPCs.
- Notecards or Post it Notes.
- Notebooks
- Pencils & Paper
- Bestiary Box Pawns, Bestiary Box 2 Pawns, NPC Codex Pawns
- Gaming Paper Rolls & Wet Erase Vinyl Mat
- Dice

Sorry I am all out of patience. I shall run my game like the soup nazi from Sienfield. NO GAME FOR YOU!!!!

I now open the floor to you for constructive suggestions. Thank you for your interest and your time in answering my inquires.

Edit: I updated the GM Kit Items.

I am new to PFS, and have only gotten to play one session. What are the opportunities for wizards to expand their spellbooks? Are there ever spellbooks as treasure? Yes I know I would still have to spend money to purchase that. I really want to play a wizard, but playing a wizard is pointless if expanding the spells in their spellbook is limited.

Also I know that for most scenario can only be played once for credit, and run as a GM once for credit. Are the First Steps scenarios also held to this restriction, or is it per character instead? Are there any other scenarios that can be played multiple times?

okay. Thank you very much for the quick replies.

I seam to remember a trait that lets you get a second favored class, but I can't find it.

Am I insane or could someone point me to where i can find it, and it's name?

What are the chances of there being a PDF issue of the comic books?

I have no place to keep a expanding collection of physical comic books. That is why I don't buy the Hard copy gaming books. I have no place to put them, nor do I want to lug my entire collection to every game....once I find some other players.

I guess if I had to boil it down to one question it would be;

What does a setting need to be ready to play?

I am looking to make my own campaign setting that I can use over and over again for my home table. I have been doing some of the work, but I was hoping for some kind of process that would help guide me to make it more realistic. I don't want to overlook something and have to create it on the spot. It could ruin the entire world if I make a mistake. BTW improvisation is not my strong suit. I can do okay, but never great while improving.

I want to have a setting that can grow and evolve into a deep and rich world through our game play, but I need a framework to start with. I am still trying to make sure I have all the framework. What do I need to have done in order to have a solid foundation that I can build on?

Are there any products that discuss it well?

I have read the published Pathfinder and D&D books on the subject but they seam ...... too theoretical, too imprecise to me. Like it is incomplete.

Also I need to say; I don't like the Pathfinder setting Golarion. It just does not fit the style of game I want to play. So please don't suggest it. So far I have not found a published premade setting that I really loved. Some were okay, but never one I have loved. That is why I am making my own.


All Pathfinder books

All standard races

I was planning on a human female.

I am looking everywhere but have yet to find this Shaonti Tattoo trait. I will keep looking, but a source would help.

I had to retire the barbarian character. I was going to seal some enemies who were taunting my PC, although in a language I did not understand, inside their igloo. Another PC thought that was not a good idea and attacked me. I'm guess saying "Hey, don't do that" was to difficult. So my PC being a normal Barbarian. In other words prideful, glory seeking, and looking out for his warrior honor challenges the other PC. Then we were interrupted by the BBEG. So after the killing BBEG, instead of causing strife in the gaming group, not the PC party, I went against roleplaying my character and my PC left the party saying that if he and the other PC ever met again that they would fight. The other player did not understand why my PC was angry.

So now I am trying to make an Oracle. I will need help since I have never even seen one played more than a session or two, and by a novice player at that. I am not really a fan of the newer classes so I need help with the build. The link to that thread is below.


Since I need a new character for my groups Reign of Winter campaign I need help making an Oracle. I will need help since I have never even seen one played more than a session or two, and by a novice player at that. I am not really a fan of the newer classes so I need help with the build.

Build points: 20 with an extra +2 to an ability score of my choosing due to a story effect.

Class: Oracle 3rd level(I would prefer to remain a single class, but suggestions to greatly follow my concept would be helpful.)

Campaign Info: Pathfinder Reign of Winter Adventure Path.

Concept: My concept is for a girl who was abandon or orphaned as an adolescent. She worked hard for food and lodging, but was always struggling. After some months on her own an older man offered her work. She worked at his house for a few days and he fed her well and even let her take hot baths. One night he raped her and when she was laying there naked, violated and exposed he threw several coins at her as he left the room. She was gone by morning, but the coins which was more than she had ever had before did not last long. Cold starving and alone, still unsure of herself after the rape a merchant offered to buy her for the night. She thought about it and wondered “What does it matter? I got money for it before.” She was soon making money and living well, but she hated herself for what she did.
One day an female adventurer came to town and saw the young girl turning tricks for the money to live. She mentored her and taught her to fight, which caused her divine power to manifest. The adventurer taught her that she was better than to be a prostitute. So she has been working to find redemption enough to forgive herself for selling herself like a bed in a roadside inn.
Now she adventurers and hopes that one day people will stop seeing her as a whore.

Mysteries that I was thinking of: Battle, Metal, Life, Flame. (Other suggestions that could fit the concept would be appreciated).

Fighting Style: I hope to build a oracle that can be a decent hand to hand fighter. Fists and combat manuvers. I'm not sure I would have enough feats to pull it off. I want to at least be able to hold my own in a fight without being a drain on the party. If not then I guess I could do a shield and weapon fighter. I want to have an unusual fighting style though. Suggestions for both would be appreciated.

Concerns: Is my concept able to withstand combat, or do I need change it?
Am I messing up my spellcasting strength for martial capabilities?
Can I get my AC high enough to be at least a second tier fighter. 18-19 or so.

Stats out for a 1st level build and how I can advance.

I have a friend that wants to be a writer writing the background.

I am building a straight classic Barbarian, but I have never really played one before. I need help with my options to have lots of fun and really kick monster a**.

* Two handed weapon wielder.
* 20 build points.
* Reign of Winter Adventure Path

Thanks in advance for your help.

I was not going to reforge the sword myself, but was on a quest to find someone, or something that could turn the shards of the sword into a kick *** sword. It would obviously end up magical. Thanks for the build guides, I had not seen them before.

Looking for advice on a two-handed weapon wielding barbarian. 20 point buy. Pathfinder books only. My concept is a human on a quest to reforge her father's shattered greatsword into an even more formidable weapon. In other words a powerful magic weapon.

1st time building and playing a barbarian.

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