Rabbitball's page
RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter, 7 Season Dedicated Voter, 9 Season Dedicated Voter. 90 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
Dr. Jones would be driven insane by this temple...
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Wolin wrote: Two items with P alliteration in the name, what are the odds? Probably pathetic, but possibly plentiful. Picks the poor performer for painful purging. Was the poor performer purged by popping pepper popovers in its perpetually probing proboscis?
Is this item a (insert item description here) or does it just appear to be that? Please make up your mind.
It appears now that calling the audible at the line and submitting Item B instead of Item A was a mistake. Oh well, I knew that was a risk.
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Let's not be too hasty; I've added two items in the last hour myself.
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I dedicate this title to my complete lack of a life right now... :P
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pH unbalanced wrote: Greenwood, darkwood, olivewood...I'm seeing all the woods lately. That wood happen to you...
Covent wrote: I made a list of all of the items I saw post-Cull
** spoiler omitted **
I prepared your list today.
Curaigh wrote:
And I just reached Star 1!
I have been too busy commenting on things here to make it past Star as of now (though I do expect to hit Dedicated or maybe Marathon by the end).
Mask vs. Mask... I'll vote for the Mask.
michael patrick wrote: GM_Solspiral wrote: Jeff Harris 982 wrote: For the last time, beer is not capitalized, I am not talking to Mr. Beer so... Depends on the beer Mr. Beer is my father's name. Except in filk circles, where it is spelled Bheer (thanks to the "Sacred H Rule")...
Christopher Dudley wrote: This thread is really filling me with a fear of voting this year.
ETA: by the way, did anyone else start their first pairing with at least one item that must have been from last year?
It's a "feature" of the voting page. When you stop voting, the page keeps the pairing that you "abandoned" and reloads it the next time you come back to it, even if it's a new season with new rules.

R Pickard wrote:
Seeing the same item over and over again is a bummer, and unfortunately the way the sorting rhythm works it happens a lot (there was one item last year I could not escape). But it also has to be a choice between two items for how it sorts the items. Someone better at math than I am can explain why (I have a graduate degree in English, the attainment of which requires the deadening of all math-based brain cells).
The A vs. B voting, simply put, is faster than the alternatives. Anything else would require you to look at all 700 or so items, and if people are frustrated after 100 votes, imagine the frustration of seeing 7 times that number, rejecting 90% of them, and then being asked to rank the rest from 1 to 70. This is simpler, as you only have to compare one to the other, and you can join or leave as you see fit.
The basic math idea is that, over the long haul, the best items will get upvoted more than the bad ones. So an item with 60% upvotes is better than one with only 55%, but only if there are enough votes to make it "statistically significant". Three heads out of five coin flips isn't significant, but three million heads out of five million is. So the more you vote, the more significant each percentage point of difference is.
Yes, go to the first post of this thread.
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Petty Alchemy wrote: I've been desperately looking for a sun item to praise. Sun for the Sun God
To activate this +1 holy symbol of the Egyptian Sun god, requires chanting a specific command phrase. When activated, all good-aligned characters are bathed in positive energy and healed fully. This healing lasts 2d4 rounds or until the command phrase is no longer being chanted.
He is the Sun god! He is the fun god! Ra! Ra! Ra!
CorvusMask wrote: Huh, they aren't going to be yearly anymore? ._.; Ok
No, we're likely to get more of them than one a year... :D
Not if they are going to be every 8 months instead of a year. This one will finish in 2015 still, so there may very well be times where two seasons appear in a year, as they have this year. This way, we can have Season 9, Season 10, etc. without worrying about exactly which year it falls in.
Murderhobo Union Representative wrote: Jeff Lee wrote: Wow. That item takes murderhoboing to a whole new level. What the heck is that s'posed to mean? It means you're being replaced by technology, sorry to say... :(
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote: Rabbitball wrote: Kobold Cleaver wrote: C'mon...gimme Beer Miscellaneous...Beer Miscellaneous...ACK! I ALREADY HAVE "I NEED AN ADULT"! I missed the last RPGSS due to real life; what is I NEED AN ADULT?? Item has mature themes, usually of a sexual nature. Got it. Thanks.
Kobold Cleaver wrote: C'mon...gimme Beer Miscellaneous...Beer Miscellaneous...ACK! I ALREADY HAVE "I NEED AN ADULT"! I missed the last RPGSS due to real life; what is I NEED AN ADULT??
Joey Haeck wrote: Are the items paired always of roughly equal "quality," as determined by the votes so far? I have no idea. I read through the white paper that explained the general method, but got lost halfway through it. (If anyone has a link to it, I would love to get that again. I think it was referenced here for the 2013 contest, but I am too busy/lazy to search for it.) Due to the number of close calls I'm receiving, I would not be surprised if that is the case.
Ah, I heard about this item, but hadn't seen it until now. It did exactly what I expected, plus a little more. However, I knew from the name that this was going to be a joke item, and the more I read, the less funny it got.
Luckily for the creator of this item, it was paired against one of my "We hates it forever" items, and so, for now, it gets my vote.
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If I have befriended a powerful enough caster to make this item, I am too powerful myself to find it useful.
Nope. There is a thread where people are tracking the names of items seen and the last time they appeared. If we get notice of when the culls take place, we can deduce what got culled when with enough data.
The algorithm works to keep total votes on an item relatively even, but does not attempt to make any one voter's views even on an item. So while you're voting on Random Sword of UberMunchkinism five times and not seeing Random Armor of UberBalance, another voter is seeing Random Armor of UberBalance time and again, not seeing Random Sword of UberMunchkinism.
"Weird Al" Yankovic, especially when You Don't Love Me Anymore comes up.
Tripp Elliott wrote: pH unbalanced wrote: My favorite item so far is an extemely understated item that doesn't do any more than it needs to. Gahhhhh! You tease! Whose item is it!!!??? Mine of course! :P Unless, it's not mine, in which case, um, never mind. :(
From what has been said before, the culls will be less draconian (only about 10-15% each time) but more frequent. The more votes that take place, the faster the culls will happen, as they want a representative sample each time so as not to remove something that didn't get a fair shake.
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If I downvote you again, WILL YOU PLEASE GO AWAY???
Item that helps user be evil vs. item that does evil on its own... :(
Rei wrote: Kobold Cleaver wrote: Rei wrote: Nice job squeezing your item into 300 words. Unfortunately, the method you chose in order to do so was leaving out all formatting. Bear in mind that tags like [b] don't actually add to the wordcount. "All formatting" included cost, slot, construction, etc. It was all description. I reported one like that...
Jeff Lee wrote: Wondrous. By all the lords of the infinite Abyss, the word is wondrous, not "wonderous." Nor is it "wonerous" or "wondermus"...
chaoseffect wrote: The zz's weren't meant to be part of the template But if your goal was to put voters to sleep, by all means keep them.
Pathfinder does not make coins out of that metal.
I have now seen at least two items marked for DQ more often than I have seen my own item :(
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Feros wrote: Ambrosia Slaad wrote: No, just no. The slayer and investigator already killed the rogue and took all his stuff. Then he was reincarnated as unchained. Stop trying to kill him again with rogue-in-cans. Look at it this way, with all the cleric-in-cans, rogue-in-cans, and the occasional wizard-in-cans a fighter could solo any Adventure Path!
:D That's it! Next year I'm making a fighter-in-a-can! :P
If you defined a Caster Level in the template description, do not specify a different one in the Requirements.
Just because you have a legal item as part of your description does not mean you get a pass on the other item, which is not legal for the contest.
Another "our GM runs too many incorporeal creatures against us, so I'll just make this to deal with them" item...
Please learn the standard abbreviations for things. If I have to guess what your thing does because it uses a weird abbreviation, I'm probably voting it down.
I've had the honor of seeing my item come up twice, and it was listed before I could put it up there, which means it has been seen at least three times.
Personally, I'm finding that 90% of the items I'm voting on are in the bottom half of item design... :P
Thrawn007 wrote: GM_Solspiral wrote: Okay 3 items I had to send for DQ in a row what is going on? Not even sure how to send an item to DQ. Hope someone else who does know DQ's the blatant rules violations I've seen so far. From the voting page: "If you find an item during voting that breaks any of the contest rules, please contact contest@paizo.com."
Rulebreaker vs. toy/joke item...
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I never knew the word "wondrous" could be misspelled in so many ways...
Joke item that works within the rules vs. joke item that doesn't work within the rules. Hmmmmm...
Dear RPGSS Contestants:
You were given the template for a reason. This is the third item I've had to vote down because it didn't list things like Aura, Caster Level, etc. And don't think I won't report you if there isn't enough room to fill in the missing values and still keep you at or below word count!
Kobold Cleaver wrote: Anything that can go blue, will go blue. That's Murfy's Law for you. So what color do you turn when choked? ;)
I don't want people breaking their anonymity with this, but I am putting this up now so that when voting starts, people can post their guilty pleasures as they appear in the voting. These are the items that, even though they are obvious Spells in a Can, Swiss Army Knives, Joke Items, Gore Fests, or whatever, are so cute you just have to upvote them anyway.