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Hi, A couple of weeks ago I was playing Season of the Righteous with my group, and a disagreement arose. One of the players, on his first exploration of the turn, encountered Crazed Cultists. This resulted in him having to fight a Cultist of Baphomet, which states, "Before you act, if this is your first exploration of the turn, the Cultist of Baphomet deals 1 Combat damage to you." At this point, I pointed out that he'd have to take the damage since this was his first exploration. The rest of the table disagreed, stating that only the barrier itself was the first exploration, and that the cultist was basically outside of the whole explore structure, and not part of any exploration. I've always played that anything that happened between the start of the exploration and it's resolution would be during that exploration. What does everyone think? Thanks.
I just wanted to confirm that EE is still going to go live tomorrow. I've been a bit out of the loop so I just wanted to make sure. Also, have they said what time it will go live? I was thinking of taking the day off of work. I apologize if these questions have been answered elsewhere. I was unable to find them. Thanks.
Hey everyone. I have a somewhat noobish question about GenCon. I’ve been to GenCon several times, but have never played in an organized game there. I decided that I would like to change that this year. The problem is, due to some personal issues that I’ve been dealing with lately (possibly leading to me not being able to attend, and not knowing who might attend with me), I wasn’t able to really think about signing up for games, and might not be able to commit until I’m actually at the Con. I would very much like to play some PFS (maybe 2 or 3 sessions). Are there options for me? Is there a chance that I can get into a game once I’m already there? I also have two friends who would also like to play. Is there any chance that we could all get into the same game? I know that pre-registering is pretty important, so it may be that we’re out of luck this year, which is fine. The con is fun either way. If it matters, we’re all going to have fresh level 1 characters and don’t care about what modules we may play. Thanks.
Regarding Copper Dragons in Dragons Revisited, I think I may have spotted a couple errors (although I may be missing something since I’ve seen no discussion on this). It seems as though there may have been some confusion that Coppers were of the fire persuasion, rather than earth/acid. On page 30, it makes reference to their fiery breath, and then later on the same page it talks about them exploring areas fatal to dwarves such as molten magma. Also, on the next page, it mentions them emitting great gouts on fire when drunk. Now, I guess that they could do some of these feats using magic, but I would think it would be mentioned if they were assuming magic to gain a fiery breath weapon. Anyway, it’s not a huge deal, I was just wondering if there was something there I wasn’t seeing. For what it’s worth, I’ve just read up through the copper chapter, and I absolutely love the book. It may be my favorite of the Chronicles line. Each dragon type is very unique and interesting. Great job Paizo!
My subscription order #987899 shows a message saying that the payment method was declined. I checked the bank account and there is plenty of money in there. Also, I called the bank to ask about it and they confirmed that they approved the charge. I'm not really sure what the best thing to do at this point is. I've always used the same card for my subscriptions, with no problems. I sent an e-mail to customer service as well, to cover all my bases. I'd really like to have this order in my hands when I leave for GenCon on the 13th. I have another debit card for a different account if it is needed. What is the best way for me to handle this? Thanks.
Does anyone know if there are stats for Rauthaven anywhere? I looked around in a few places, but couldn't find any. I'm just looking for an idea of what kind of things my PCs can do while there (buying and selling and whatnot). If not, does anyone have an idea of what the population is like, and maybe what the gp limit may be? It is very possible that it's in an obvious place and I've missed it and, if so, please just point me in the right direction. I have access to every 3.X book and magazine. Thanks.
I recently subscribed to the Gamemastery Modules. Was I too late to receive a copy of D1? If so, is there any way that it can be added to my subscription and sent to me or do I need to just order it normally? The reason I ask is because I would like the free pdf that it comes with. If I was too late and it cannot be added to the subscription, no big deal. I'll just order it normally. Thanks. |