Darl Quethos

Propane's page

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Neo2151 wrote:
Propane wrote:
You focus too much on the word "bound" which is not a Pathfinder condition.
It's true that "bound" is not a specific condition itself in pathfinder. But words have meanings, and 'bound' is no exception. Since the word is used to describe both conditions in question, then it makes sense that a pinned character could be considered helpless.

And again you focussed too much on the word "bound" when you should have focussed here: It entirely depends on context and intent.

The difference is this: Are you being held by another creature so tightly you can scarcely move(pinned), or have you been tied up so tightly you can not move(helpless)? There is no interplay between the two - they can not be mistaken with even just the slightest description. I will use your word.

E.G.1. You come across a blonde woman laying across the road, she's been tied at the wrists and ankles, and those two ropes are also bound together, you think you have about 50 seconds before the golem carriages crush her to jelly.

E.G.2. You come across a hideous troll, his face lowered next to a woman's. She screams but the troll fills her mouth with his tongue. He has her on her knees, one of his huge feet holding her legs still at the bend, his arms have her arms pulled out to their limits. This woman is an adventurer but was never built to take this punishment. She struggles with all her might but the troll knows where to hold her arms to take their strength. You think you have about 50 seconds before she comes apart at the joints.

Does being pinned render one helpless?

A pinned creature is tightly [u]bound[/u] and can take few actions. A pinned creature cannot move and is denied its Dexterity bonus. A pinned character also takes an additional –4 penalty to his Armor Class. A pinned creature is limited in the actions that it can take. A pinned creature can always attempt to free itself, usually through a combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check. A pinned creature can take verbal and mental actions, but cannot cast any spells that require a somatic or material component. A pinned character who attempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability must make a concentration check (DC 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level) or lose the spell. Pinned is a more severe version of grappled, and their effects do not stack.

A helpless character is paralyzed, held, [u]bound[/u], sleeping, unconscious, or otherwise completely at an opponent's mercy. A helpless target is treated as having a Dexterity of 0 (–5 modifier). Melee attacks against a helpless target get a +4 bonus (equivalent to attacking a prone target). Ranged attacks get no special bonus against helpless targets. Rogues can sneak attack helpless targets.

As a full-round action, an enemy can use a melee weapon to deliver a coup de grace to a helpless foe. An enemy can also use a bow or crossbow, provided he is adjacent to the target. The attacker automatically hits and scores a critical hit. (A rogue also gets his sneak attack damage bonus against a helpless foe when delivering a coup de grace.) If the defender survives, he must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or die. Delivering a coup de grace provokes attacks of opportunity.

Creatures that are immune to critical hits do not take critical damage, nor do they need to make Fortitude saves to avoid being killed by a coup de grace.

It entirely depends on context and intent.

If you are pinned, then you have a big ugly fighter type on top of you, holding your arms in directions they weren't meant to go with your knees around your head.

If you are helpless in the context of being bound, then you are tied up with rope/chain/paladincode and are unable to help yourself.

You focus too much on the word "bound" which is not a Pathfinder condition.

Mage Armour isn't even an Alchemist spell, but I don't think the spell choice is the issue here.

I bought your app and in-app I purchased the APG and all was well. UC and UM came out and I didn't bother with them.

Then I got an ipad. The APG purchase didn't transfer to my iPad. That's a problem.

If I have anything to quickly view from the APG, UC or UM, I use Spells which automatically includes other books. It harder to use, however.


Aqueous Orb!

You're trying to poach scrambled eggs here. If one egg recipe tells you to scramble an egg and some other egg recipe tells you to poach them, are you going to write to the authors saying that the egg recipe didn't work because when you tried to poach it it was already scrambled? No, you can't do that.

The normal duration of a CL5 mage armour is 5 hours, and each effect seeks to altar THAT variable.

Maybe they should be using the same verbage as creating items, but it just doesn't sound good:
E.G. An extended spell lasts twice as long as the base duration.
E.G. Extend Potion ... function at twice its base duration.

Archaeik wrote:

Extend Spell

Benefit: An extended spell lasts twice as long as normal. A spell with a duration of concentration, instantaneous, or permanent is not affected by this feat.

Extend Potion

Benefit: A number of times per day equal to his Intelligence modifier, the alchemist can cause any potion he drinks that does not have an instantaneous duration to function at twice its normal duration. This does not apply to extracts.

From this I conclude they do not stack. Each effect states that it specifically doubles the normal duration, not the current duration.

From James Jacobs himself:
"When a simulacrum dies, is it obvious to onlookers that it wasn't a normal creature of its kind? How likely is an observer of the killing to know that it was a simulacrum? Will they need to make a Spellcraft check?

When a simulacrum dies, it melts into a pile of snow; this is actually covered specifically in the text of the spell's description (second to last sentence)."

From thread: http://paizo.com/forums/dmtz365r?Simulacrum
James Jacobs makes several clarifications in that thread.

FuelDrop wrote:
when you need to cross a river you can build a bridge out of her...

Not necessary. Witches float 100% of the time, it's how they find a coven.

Why can't barbarians be lawful? Because Rage + Smite just isn't fair!

My character is a 13th level Wizard. I just picked up Leadership and have a Leadership Score of 13, which gets me a level 9 cohort.

My ideal with Leadership was to create a Wizard apprentice; whom I would essentially use as a craft monkey while the party is out adventuring. Essentially creating my own downtime.

Now, through various DM Fiats, our whole group getting fixated on a specific NPC and my digging myself a hole... My Cohort is now that specific NPC, a level 9 rogue.

The back story of this girl is rather brief. She is part of a family trading caravan business run by her grandfather who will pass the business onto his son, and finally to the girl. She already has the background for items and trade.

So, finally; the point!

How would you go about creating a rogue cohort who is - in theory - supposed to be off-screen and crafting?

Mid-high Int and Cha for skills and UMD.
Master Craftsman, Craft Magical Arms and Armour, Craft Wonderous Items, Skill Focus Crafting?

Editz: 15 point buy, she is human. 3 traits. 7,800 gold to play with.

The witch familiar is a major part of the class, however it's not a good or well thought-out one.

I've seen three witches played, now, and not one of them ever sent their familiar on any minor tasks. The risk of losing all your spells is far too crippling.

That said, the witch spell list falls short of the witch hexes.

Keep the familiar and give the witch a spellbook, both as per wizards; nothing will go wrong.

Wizards still get more and better spells.
Witches still get hexes.

Within the spells area of effect, gravity is reversed. You fall up until you reach the upper field of the spell and hit regular gravity, at which you fall back into the reverse gravity, floating in the air. If you have a way of propelling yourself, you can shunt your way out.

Aqueous Orb + Hideous Laughter.

Aqueous Orb: Engulfed creatures are immersed in water and must hold their breath unless capable of breathing water.

Hideous Laughter: It collapses into gales of manic laughter.

Laughing makes you expel air, then suck in. When underwater that is generally bad for one's sustained health.

They use spores! The females let loose a wet pool of spores and the males release a similar substance which fertilises them.

They call this mating ritual a Circle [REDACTED]

They stack. The Lore Keeper is a Class bonus and the Circlet is a Competence bonus, which again stacks with a Headband's Enhancement bonus

By the way, fun fact.
Headband of Alluring Charisma. Slot: Headband.
Circlet of Persuasion. Slot: Head.

They can both be worn at the same time.

I was referring to TriOmegaZero's referral of Umbral Reaver as a he.

Umbral Reaver is a girl.

Anyway, have you tried emailing the creator of the software you are using?

You're being very secretive with what the software is. If we don't know what you're using, how can we be expected to help properly? There are different problems inherent with changing something for a houserule and changing something to fit within the usually limited confines of a preset piece of software. Help us help you properly.

My guess: Redblade.

James Jacobs wrote:
It's just silly looking to me. Like putting shoes on a dog or a hat on a fish.

It's been a while since this was said, but my dog wears shoes when inside so she doesn't scratch the floor.

Tiny little soft shoesies!

This thread is not what the title led me to believe.

Let me just say that my party's lawful good Paladin had some interesting paradoxical moral choices with a certain point in early Kingmaker involving a cripple giant.

These interesting moral choices took about 40 minutes to talk through.

I don't want to spoil it, but those who have played may appreciate what I mean.

"True Magus"

I don't think that means what you think that means.

This isn't a class I'd ever choose to play; if it were forced upon me I'd leave the group.

sanwah68 wrote:
According to the Crystal Caste store, they still have them available.

Only the copper set is available at Crystal Caste.

And now brushed brass are out =(

I'm assuming it's only a matter of time before copper are gone, too.

James Jacobs wrote:

Since a familiar is part of your character, and you get to decide what choices are made in your entire character's build... why wouldn't you be able to do this? .

I don't want to be too finigity, but that's not actually in the rules. It's actually opposite to the rules which say you get what's on the animals list of feats.

"It retains the appearance, Hit Dice, base attack bonus, base save bonuses, skills, and feats of the normal animal it once was"

As if to highlight your point, the brushed steel die have been discontinued. That was a sad email :(

I recently went overboard and ordered $160 worth of dice from Paizo.

None of my dice (3 of those nice Crystal Forge metal sets, one of each larger set, actually, plus the ping pong metal d20) were immediately available, and that's okay.

What I don't think is okay is not billing me until the item is in stock. Should all 4 items arrive after I've just paid rent and circumstances for that week have depleted my funds, what happens? I mean, I've already committed to buying these things, why can't you just bill me when I click the button to order them? I prefer to know when money is taken from my account, well before it's taken.

I also don't like being charged shipping for each item - I'm Australian, postage adds up. If all 4 items (or 2 then 2, or 3 then 1) arrive in your warehouse, will I get charged for 1 round of shipping? I wish you had a button which said "Send all at once to reduce shipping."

Now, from a logistical point of view, I can understand why you can't hold some purchased stock until all of it is available - I work in a warehouse, I know space is always at a premium and it would be unreasonable. I guess we can wave that concern away as fickle fantasy; figured I'd mention it anyway.

P.S. The procedure for going through the checkout is actually kind of painful. It works, but how many times must I log in or click the same button? D:

There are such rules! KIND OF!

They lie in a rather odd place - Sorcerer's Starsoul Bloodline in the APG gives an ability which necesitates the rules for hard vacuum.

Starsoul Bloodline - d20 PF SRD
Breaching the Gulf (Sp):
At 15th level, your caster level is increased by 3 when casting spells of the teleportation subschool. In addition, once per day you can teleport a single creature within 30 feet into the void of space if it fails a Will save. The save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier. The target can attempt a new saving throw as a full-round action each round to return. While trapped in the airless void, the target suffers 6d6 points of cold damage per round and must hold its breath or begin to suffocate.

Bolding mine.

PATHfinders. Your schizophrenia be damned, this is not D&D and we do not seek to find it.

Hide in Plain Sight would be awesome if it were the capstone of a feat tree, say 2-3 feats pre-requisite.

All human/No human games seem quite common. There are low/no magic games out there.

It's all in the house rules.

Why do you keep saying "dndfinders"?

It just seems offensive to Paizo.

You can resurrect anyone's. It states that you can resurrect familiars, which Druids, Rangers and Paladins (casters of the spell) don't have access to.

Logic: 1
Vague spell: 0

But surely hitting a target after a decent move for 4d8+str+pa+whatever has some merit? Granted, it is 3 feats.

I really like the concept of Vital Strike. Move up, thwack it as hard as you can. Cool!

A lot of posts show people are almost disdainful of the Vital Strike chain of feats, but surely there's a way to do it right.

How would one create a character who's very good at Vital Striking (though, not to the exclusion of all else)?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have a 2nd printing book and the pages are coming away from the spine. It's a very well-used book, though. Being one of the first books at my group, it's been shared like a complete [redacted]!

The interior is doing otherwise okay. The pages are clear, the cover corners are still crisp enough to PIERCE MY DM'S MALICIOUS SKULL, the ink hasn't run or faded.

It's only problem is the whole clump of pages is slowly but surely coming away from the spine.

I don't like spending money, but when the pages finally fall out I'll know it died having lived a rich and full life of being flipped from Equipment to Magic Weapons to Spells to the delicious Index, and then into infinity.

Edit: It should be noted that I generally take very very good care of my stuff, and enforce my respect of my possessions onto any other person opening my book's cover. You fold any page corner or get it greasy, I am man enough to create the biggest, most pathetic hissy-fit you'll ever see a proud man devolve to!

You know, I ordered some small things from Paizo a while ago, and thinking back...

Paizo, please have a monthly BBQ day for your warehouse/logistics people, they're doing good things.

Now you're thinking with portals! We'll need to set up an organisation to test the limitless possibilities of this spell.

Plus one.

I think itd be a great addition. Lots of work, but once done it would be a great asset for iconics in campaigns, helping new players piece together classes.

My thoughts are that the intention is that you can cast any spell on your eidolon/familiar that you can cast on yourself.

Hope that helps, Grant.

Me'mori wrote:

Detect Evil is like stopping in the doorway of a dark room and turning on the flashlight you have in your hand to look around for something specific

It isn't always on, but more of a deliberate "turning on and focusing" of whatever it is that lets your paladin sense evil (smell? aura? sound), rather than a constant radar "ping".

I like that analogy, but if you alter it a bit it makes even more sense.

It's like stepping into a dark room and turning on an ultraviolet light. certain things will glow spectacularly. In the case of paladins, evil will glow under their scrutiny.

Spare pens and pencils.

A bowl for chips and some plastic cups for drinks.

Comfy chairs.

Lightning is important. Not mood lighting, just "Hey, I can read my sheet" kind of lighting.

There's something called SORD which is a whole bunch of Pathfinder rules condensed onto a single page, so Grapple would have all it's rules laid out on a single page, a page willed with Attack Actions. It's basically a quick reference rules lookup.
http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=81817&affili ate_id=296418

Once the group is established, consider a communal tip jar. Everyone puts a little bit of money in each session, and then when you have enough money you buy things for the group, be it the above SORD thing, pizza delivery, Paizo books etc.

OP has stated that in his campaign, he has homebrewed Drow to be Elves.

Let it go.

For ability mods on the fly, I find it easiest to minus 10 and then half it. A 19 strength gives a +4 bonus. 19 - 10 / 2 = 4.5. Round down to 4.

DSRMT wrote:
Just my 2 cents, but invisibility is an illusion, not actually bending the light. And because Illusion is specifically mind effecting, wouldn't that cause the person to "Ignore" the footprints as much they are "Ignoring" them?

The illusion makes you ignore the person itself, not the effects they create. Enchantment would have a case; "Ignore me and everything I do" etc.

Equipment Traits from Adventurer's Armoury are listed at the d20pfsrd, such as this one:

Heirloom Weapon

Well first of all there is the excellent and official Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen and I recommend that as a minimum.

In the back of the Core Rulebook, just before the glossary, are Appendices. They go over much of what the book just told you, but in short concise format.

Other than what, what are your specific needs? What references do you need quickly? You were vague.

SHA-BAM! Official errata!

Page 110—In the Drunken Master archetype, in the Drunken Ki class feature, in the sixth sentence, change “as a move action” to “as a swift action.”
Page 129—In the Skirmisher archetype, in the Hunter’s Tricks class feature, in the Surprise Shift paragraph, in the first sentence, change “as a move action” to “as a swift action.”

I had a character who carried an Adamantine-tipped portable ram. We priced it at 2000 gold worth of Adamantine, the ram and labour.

There's a huge difference between hitting something with a sword/axe/dagger to break something, and smashing it with a tool designed for nothing other than breaking things.

My DM didn't ever ask me to roll any sort of check to break things, juts because it was cool.


Justin Franklin wrote:
Define good. :)

Cake is good.

Cartigan wrote:
How many Fighter only feats are there anyway? Still the same 3?

4th-level fighter: Shield Specialization

4th-level fighter: Weapon Specialization
6th-level fighter: Disrupting Shot
6th-level fighter: Disruptive
8th-level fighter: Greater Shield Focus
8th-level fighter: Greater Weapon Focus
10th-level fighter: Spellbreaker
12th-level fighter: Greater Shield Specialization
12th-level fighter: Greater Weapon Specialization
12th-level fighter: Penetrating Strike
14th-level fighter: Critical Mastery
16th-level fighter: Greater Penetrating Strike

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