Gold Dragon

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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 1,428 posts (1,473 including aliases). 4 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 14 Organized Play characters. 19 aliases.

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Liberty's Edge

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Best of luck to you, Liz.

Liberty's Edge

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Web log space on server cleared. We are up again!

Liberty's Edge

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I sent a message to the admin.

Liberty's Edge

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KingOfAnything wrote:
Season 8 is totally going to be the year of Aviation. I'm maxing my Fly skill and Knowledge ( planes).

No. NO!!!!

Liberty's Edge

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I squinted while I was reading that and am sorry.

Liberty's Edge

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Just here to laugh at the header line.

Liberty's Edge

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Male Human Software Developer 8/Gamer 4/Musician 2/Artist 3


Entry 1

I never thought I'd write one of these. The only light I have to write by is the radioactive glow coming from my spleen. I'm writing with my nose because they are trying to turn me into a pencil. The food here is awful - they call them nutritional supplements, but I think they are only fit for an overaccepting pekingese. My cellmate is babbling about quantum realities exposed in his brain. Got to go, looks like it's time for another biogel transfusion.

Liberty's Edge

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Amiri grabs my attention the most.

Plus, she might hurt me.

Liberty's Edge

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I had a player running a whole party that flew over a tribe of trolls, lassoed one, flew it back to the group, beat the crap out of it and dropped it back off in the tribe.

I don't play with him anymore.

Liberty's Edge

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Vyr Azul has been vanquished, but Trini lies dead from poison, Lini has been sent to another plane, Droogami is not accepting commands, and Ydersius himself in climbing from the pit from which he was sent so long ago.

Kavi will try to raise Trini as Venthal, Igori and Droogami face the risen god, in the hope that Trini's prowess can make the difference in stopping this ancient threat from casting the world back into another age of darkness.

Find out in another two weeks!

Liberty's Edge

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I play the game because there are imagined moments that I see players and myself potentially experiencing, and sometimes, that actually happens. Other times, moments happen that I didn't imagine at all and I glad I'm there.

Liberty's Edge

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No, it's Cosmo's FAULT. He isn't the guilty party.

It must be everyone who stands to lose from peace.

Liberty's Edge

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Good to see you back, Nick.

Liberty's Edge

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I started playing in '82. I remember the stigma that some media groups presented (like 700 club. he picks up the 1e PHB with the demon statue on the front and starts with "now... (pause)". That's when he lost me). I never encountered any specific protest against my interest in playing it, though. My psychology professor once playfully pressed me on whether or not the game affected me, but he didn't seem convinced he had to show concern. If anything, the largest complaint was the time I spent prepping the game and writing adventures instead of doing other things I should have been doing.

The games I played didn't feel demonic. They felt tactical, explorative, story-based, even brilliant (Castle Amber was the most fun I had losing a PC in almost every room we visited).

Also, since we didn't have the internet, we felt like our worlds were our own and we could present things exactly as we wanted without someone trying to present an overqualified opinion of what things should and shouldn't be like - except for a fixated ex-Marine that complained about the layout of a castle map I designed.

Even the modules that dealt with demons (Queen of the Demonweb Pits) portrayed the PCs as planar heroes dealing with an evil force left unchecked.

Granted, there were... behavorial oddities that occurred. One of my players said after finishing Temple of Elemental Evil, especially after the encounter with Iuz and St. Cuthbert, he would wake up from nightmares, running into the hallway and hitting the wall. I'm not sure what to say about that, except that I myself became a bit fixated on how long the PCs I built would survive. I hated losing them, not getting to that point of 'success' that I saw other characters achieving. And there just wasn't any way other than DnD of experiencing that. After I finally got to the higher levels and reached superhero status with all the magic items I had, I had gotten my fill of that.

Probably the biggest epiphany I had was that the GM really determines the quality of the game. When the ex-Marine GM'd, it was a merciless struggle to survive. With another guy that GM'd, it was playing against his whims (which I didn't enjoy). With the guy that ran into hallways after a nightmare, the games felt heroic and rewarding. That was the DnD I fell in love with.

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

In my VTT, people complained that players seemed to roll low a lot, so I secretly coded the randomizer to return (21 - d20) instead of (d20), which gives the same results, just flipped.

No one noticed. So, I changed it back.

Liberty's Edge

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My Tantive IV expansion for the XWing Miniatures game finally shipped.

It will arrive tomorrow.
It isn't here yet.

Cosmo's fault.

Liberty's Edge

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This looks ambitious.

Also, it's good to have Nick back!

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Torn apart by fate...
Brought together by destiny...

Liberty's Edge

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Five new Beginner Box Demos?

Where are they!? Want!

Liberty's Edge

8 people marked this as a favorite.

I remember wanting stats for the Whispering Tyrant long ago.

This I like.

Liberty's Edge

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So that's who bought all the Pathfinder Card Game boxed sets!

Liberty's Edge

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I see nothing!

Liberty's Edge

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I will likely be getting these.

Note: Currently all of the sample card links above show a different card for each!

Liberty's Edge

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I played through the 1st level adventure at PaizoCon. My character no longer wants to be an adventurer. Thank you Tim Connors, THANK YOU!

Liberty's Edge

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It might be better to just release a thumbs up bobble head Daigle jack in the box.

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I played in the special at Tier 13 with Blazej and Pirate Rob. After the game, I realized I was playing with Mattastrophic, and TriOmegaZero was GMing!

There were two other fellows whose board names I sadly did not recognize and thus had nearly no chance of remembering.

Thanks, guys, for a memorable special, and thanks to Pirate Rob for arranging the seed for the tier 13 group.

Liberty's Edge

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I for one welcome our new mob overlords.

Liberty's Edge

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Gorbacz wrote:
If this begins with a balor vs silver dragon I guess ... it ends with pugwampis vs goblins.

Wait, no, it ends with little demons falling over a cliff while the PCs are crit-tackling a Balor!


Liberty's Edge

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That art... what... yeah.

Liberty's Edge

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Mark Moreland wrote:
I can see the updated cover. Is it not showing up for everyone else?

Having it on your desk doesn't count!

Liberty's Edge

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What's the difference between Cosmo and a bucket of everything wrong with my life?

The bucket.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Moreland wrote:
It looks like the kokogiak is yelling something in frustration or anger. A few possible captions I've already come up with are, "No, Kitty! My potpie!" and "Enough with the throat singing already!"


Liberty's Edge

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Journals of Urschlar Vohkavi --

For many years I have served on the Seven Spears Council. Despite my desire to divine more of the pending destruction, my superiors and the deities have been frustratingly silent. The others' teachings of the Great Fallacy will undoubtedly destroy us all.
The others do not and cannot understand what I see. I have therefore travelled to the court of the Lady herself. Alas, she would not grant me audience. But within the Graveyard of Souls, I came upon a black flower that revealed everything I wished to know. With the pollen of this divine flower, I will finally be able to communicate what I know to the rest of my people.
It appears divine providence has granted me fortune, for two of my fellow collegues met dire circumstances, allowing me to advance among my peers. I have preached of my knowledge to the others, and have given them the gift of knowledge granted by this flower. Some have gone mad with what they realized, allowing me to convince the rest to prepare for the coming doom. I continue to prepare more growths of pollen in all the chambers to ensure I never lack for convincing others of what is to come.
I cannot trust others with how I have revealed the truth to them, nor can I trust even those who believed me from the start. I alone must take on this task. The Argental Font can bring clarity for a time. I have hidden and protected it within the chambers for those worthy of its power.
The earth shakes. It is too soon. Although, I am beginning to unders..

Liberty's Edge

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Jiggy wrote:
Is it sad that I not only recognize it, but am aware of some slight errors?

I was actually correcting it in my head as I read it.

Liberty's Edge

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There goes my dreams of using Great Cleave and some fancy movement feat to launch myself at a castle door using a line of peasants.

Liberty's Edge

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Liz Courts wrote:
Oh my poor chat server that day...I think I heard it die in a pyroclastic explosion all the way in Bend.

I kept a log from that day in chat.


Our first awareness of what Paizo was doing came at 18/03/2008 21:52:19 in the log.

Pardon the PG-13 language throughout...

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

If I take Amazing Initiative, can I use it to want Mythic Adventures now twice?

Liberty's Edge

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Hope you all had a great GenCon!

See you next year at PaizoCon or GenCon. Or both!

Liberty's Edge

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Rudolph, with your nose so AHHHHHHHHHH!

Liberty's Edge

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"I killed them all with one arrow."

"One arrow!?"

"That what I saaaaaid!"

Liberty's Edge

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Now that's a catfolk.

I thought the one in Bestiary 3 looked a little too human in the face.

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you for not stopping.

Liberty's Edge

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You're going to make me buy my RotRL hardcover at PaizoCon and get it signed, aren't you?

I wanted to avoid having to take books on the plane, curse you!

Liberty's Edge

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Congrats, Mike!

And to the others! It was a long hard road - getting this far says a lot.

Liberty's Edge

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Yay! More 1st level mods!

Liberty's Edge

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The NPC wrote:
Shattered Star AP?

Shattered Star is a sequel of sorts to the Rise of the Runelords AP. #1 will be available at GenCon 2012.

Liberty's Edge

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Despite already seeing that titan's artwork in the Bestiary 3 PDF and hardcover, I only just now noticed the resigned posture of the small figure standing in front of it.

I can't tell if he's thinking, "Fine, just kill me now", or, "My GM is a $#@$."

Liberty's Edge

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Agreed. Int check of some sort.

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