I am working on a campaign inspired in part by the MB Dragonmasters card game. I was originally going to attempt to make it into a ccg, but now I'm thinking of just taking it into an roleplaying game with the possibility of making a tactical game as well. I have also added two factions to the four shown. So in total:
The fun thing about this campaign is that I using the same random elements that I used to create my Kingdoms of the Seven Continents world for D&D 3rd Edition. However, I am thinking of either trying to come up with a new fantasy roleplaying game to use with the world, or possibly use an older system like the combat system from Dragonstrike. All in all, it should be interesting. ![]()
Name: Lortimas, the Burning Dragon, Forgefather
As time passed, some of the lava cooled, forging veins of metal in the rock. The great dragon woke when the ground cooled enough, and Lortimas saw the metal that glowed when fire touched its surface. But he could not get to it himself. His great claws destroyed the metal, which melted back into the pools of lava he lay in. Lortimas appears as a great fiery serpent sometimes with wings of hardening magma. He is less dragon-like in appearance even though he calls himself that, and more like a winged snake. Surprisingly, Lortimas is usually found sleeping in pools of lava, and is not quick to anger, but can be quite destructive when he is. (I imagine that my first divine act would be to attempt to create the dwarves. Lortimas really wants the glowy metal!) ![]()
Birthright would probably be an ideal system for what you are looking for, but I am like you, I would like to find something else kind of similar to what you are looking for. I have been working on some ideas, but most of what I come up feels more like a board game than a political strategy roleplaying game. ![]()
I will play a roll20 game for either pathfinder or 5e. WoTW would be great... I got to 3rd level as a Sorcerer of Lust in a game focused on the seven sins before the game collapsed. I hope you dont mind if I don't have cam or microphone. Playing Times: I can play on Tuesday or Thursday during the day or night (unless I get called in to work). I will try to let you know ahead of time if that happens. ![]()
Actually, with the Barbarian's advantage on Strength checks, I suddenly see him as the wild attacker, taking full advantage of the trip and push attacks (plus any other special moves allowed by the DM). Want to pick up an enemy and throw him down on the ground? A raging barbarian can probably do it. In our latest game, a raging barbarian actually helped us escape a burning building. (The doorposts had collapsed). ![]()
We'll discuss it when we start talking about our character origins. I think yours will be more socially detrimental at higher levels, but I don't yet have anything planned for higher than 10th level, if we should get that far. Either of the sorcerous origins are fitting for the Hordes of Bethrezen, if that's the way you want to take it. Also, from an RP perspective, it's going to attract the attention of fiends and devils as well. But that is always the danger with those sorcerous origins. You're always attracting something, be it dragons, wild magic, fiends or celestials. ![]()
Try the Infernal Sorcerous Origin HERE Feats will be used and may be taken instead of ability score enhancements, per the rules. EDIT: Also, I thought I would point out, that we will be trying to complete the first part of this adventure I have written, but if the races as written are overpowered or imbalanced in some way (or just not fun to play), then I will probably either provide the option of changing your race or beef up encounters to balance it out. ![]()
It is in the Might & Magic world, however, there will be some mixups, so it might not be the Might and Magic world you remember. We'll talk about that with the chosen player characters. If we do make a campaign, I want it to be one that people are interested in for the long run. I'm hesitant to say if it will be a longer game because the new races may be terribly overpowered or unbalanced or something. I would like to make a longer campaign, and have one in mind. ![]()
Greetings, fellow adventurers. I have a little bit of spare time on my hands, and I would like to get together a group of players for a 5E game I can run to playtest some races I have made for a campaign I have been working on. For character creation, I think we will start at level 2. Players are encouraged to choose from the new races I have made, but may opt to be a human (either standard or alternate) or halfling instead. The standard array is available to our player characters for the purposes of ability generation. The new races are as follows: I'll provide a google doc with more information about the races and the campaign, and the deities for anyone wanting to play a divine class. Jinborn A magically touched race of humanoids with blue skin and white hair with a decidedly Persian feel.
A poison spray emits from Ashia's outstretched hand, enveloping one of the beastmen nearby. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 It screams and nearly drops its club as it rubs at its eyes and nose, trying to cover them and claw out the poison at the same time. Artor's dual attack rends the beastman almost in half, and it falls at his feet bleeding into the ground around it. The blood sizzles like acid and the grass beneath the beastman's body dies rapidly. Spiro also double strikes at the beastman shaman. 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Both attacks hit, putting the shaman out of the fight. Hendrick moves forward with his rapier, advancing on the beastman sprayed with poison. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
A crossbow bolt also strikes out from the carriage, striking the same beastman in the chest and downing it. The remaining two beastmen, still entangled in vines, are now desperate to escape, and begin hacking at the roots entangling them, eventually cutting themselves free and making a run for the forest. VICTORY Everyone gets enough xp to raise to 2nd level. Which you can do at your next long rest. ![]()
Replacing her action, Ashia instead moves next to Artor and heals his wounds with magic. The bruises and gashes vanish as though they were never there in the first place. The shaman attacks Spiro with his club, but it glances off Spiro's armor. 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
A beastman strikes at Artor, though his attack seems distracted and the club misses as though it weren't even aiming at him. 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
The remaining beastman moves around Artor to strike at Ashia, but it too seems unnerved by the tide of events, and the club misses her completely. (No Opportunity Attack there, Artor. You only get one if it moves out of your reach.) 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
The entangled beastmen continue to struggle against the vines holding them, to no avail. Ashia, Artor, Spiro, Hendrick and Co ![]()
Ashia are you sure you don't want to heal Artor? He's at 3 hp. While entangle requires concentration, that doesn't mean you can't do anything else. The rules say the only thing that breaks concentration are: a) casting another spell that requires concentration, b) taking damage (you can make a Constitution save to avoid losing the spell), or c) being incapacitated or killed. You can cast spells (that don't require concentration) and make attacks or perform other actions without breaking your concentration on the spell. Ashia draws a sword and stands ready to defend herself. Artor strikes with his handaxe but it fails to penetrate the beastman's tough hide. Spiro's scimitar and shortsword both hit the beastman, who screams in agony. The other beastmen seem shaken by this. Another crossbow bolt strikes out from the carriage, this time aiming at one of the beastmen facing Artor, striking it in the shoulder. It growls in pain and glares menacingly at the carriage. ![]()
As far as I can tell, based on all mentions of the opportunity attack in the PHB, the only thing which triggers an OA is moving away from an enemy without disengaging. Even casting spells or making ranged attacks do not trigger OA. (However, ranged attacks against an adjacent target are made at disadvantage.) ![]()
The shaman releases a cackle like sound as it swings with its club at Spiro. 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Spiro dodges the blow easily. The two mobile beastmen from the south gang up on Artor, releasing strange howls and whispers as they beat at him with heavy weapons. 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
The injured beastman chuckles eerily as his club lands a solid blow on Artor. 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
The remaining mobile beastman howls in anguish as his attack misses. Ashia, Artor, Spiro, Hendrick & Co ![]()
You should be able to edit this one now, so please move your characters around if they're not where you want them to be. The spaces now represent 5 by 5 foot squares, so movement should be easier. The only exception is the white lines that go across the map, which are 15 foot gaps. I'll post the next round of combat tomorrow in case people need (me) to change things around. MAP KEY
Going to move Artor up closer to the southern beastmen and have him attack with his heavy crossbow. Spiro, you're not in range to do a melee attack, you can throw a javelin instead. Ashia is distracted by the beastmen to the south(?) and moves closer to them, hiding behind a bucket. Vines grow up around two of the beastmen in the forest 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Both of them are entangled in the vines. Spiro's javelin bounces off the thick hide of one of the beastmen. Artor fires a crossbow bolt at the advancing beastmen. 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
The shriek of the struck beastmen as it pierces his hide soon yields to a ferocious snarl. It picks up its large club and points it at the dwarf. A crossbow bolt shoots from the carriage towards the shaman, but misses. ![]()
I hope the link above works. Let me know if you can't access it. The map is a lot smaller than I wanted it to be, so to simulate the actual current distances, each square is 10x10 ft for the purposes of movement and distance. Oh, and the fire isn't there, which is why there's a red X over it.
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Herr Hendrick is able to dodge the lightning at just the right moment, however, and the lightning dissipates harmlessly. The beastmen at the back of the stagecoach move up to the positions currently shown on the map.
I just sliced my forefinger preparing lunch, so it feels weird typing without using it. The stormy clouds above the forest swirl in dark and gray, with an odd green/purple glow sometimes visible where the darker moon should be. It is only because everything is still visible that you realize it must still be day. The strange horn sounds again, somewhere closer now. But it is not that which draws your attention. A tree has fallen on the road ahead, blocking passage, and standing atop the trunk is a beastly humanoid in dark ragged robes. Six horns jut from the side of its skull, or perhaps they are part of the goat skull mask he wears over his features. He holds forth a staff with the same design on it. But that is not the only strange creature in view. Behind the carriage, the direction from which came the sound of the horn, more beastmen approach, bearing large clubs and axes. These ones wear no skull or clothing, letting their mangled fur release its carrion wet-dog smell. Roll foe initiative. Or I will roll it foe you if you prefer if we all haven't rolled by 6 pm. Beastmen Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14 ![]()
"They have ways of bringing light to darkness." Herr Hendrick says with a little smirk, the first smile he has truly expressed. He thanks Spiro for the act of healing him. A sudden flash of lightning and peal of thunder shake the air, and the carriage jerks to a halt as the horses rear up and whinny in terror. "Sigmar's Hammer!" Herr Hendrick curses as the contents of the stagecoach are shaken about mightily. The sky overhead has grown dark with rolling gray clouds, the smell of ozone and rain heavy in the air. He leans out the window to see why the stagecoach has stopped. "Can we get a move on then?" "No sire. But I suggest we..." The driver's voice drifts off as a sudden keening hornblast fills the air. It rings with a dreadful intonation. Herr Hendrick is strangely alert. ![]()
Herr Hendrick is not evil, not in any fiendish or undead capacity, at least. "With the approaching Wedding of Lord Aschaffenberg to Lady von Bruner, we have had all number of strange servants and guests. Dwarves, halflings, even a wood elf, though his employment did not last long. He made an excellent gardener though." Herr Hendrick sighs. "But if you do not think you will make good spies, you might at least agree to use your better tuned senses and abilities to see what you can discover. Perhaps you may arrive as our guests, for the time being." Herr Hendrick is genuinely confused as he had not thought before now that racial differences would pose a problem for the investigation. "I will speak with Lord Aschaffenberg and see how else you might help in this capacity. There is a human wizard who has sent word that he might assist us in this time of strange darkness, but we have not yet seen any sign of him." That would be our Bright Wizard.
Search Posts
![]() This to start a PFS Lodge in the greater Charleston area. We have planned a kick off at the Berkeley County Library,
The mod is "Master of the Fallen Fortress" for 1st level characters only. This will be a great opportunity to join in with a new group and learn together! ![]()
![]() I figure this has already been asked and answered, but I haven't found it. We had a Ranger level 2 use a wand of cure light wounds. He felt he could since cure light was on his spell list. The others felt he had to use use magic device skill to use the wand, since his spell list was not available to him until he reaches level 4. Which is correct? ![]()
Results of Gunslinger play test Godsmouth Heresy:
El Salka Megil ah Findeladlara
Gunslinger build, based on a desert nomad (Berber type) basically a swordsman who carries a musket. The sword is his primary weapon; musket is intended as only a one shot affair. Shots fired and results: (SR=surprise round)
Net results 7 shoots (77gd cost) 4 kills, 3 melee kills helping the fighter and rogues. Very expensive fighting. Feedback from table,
Players was not happy with a gunslinger “invading my medieval fantasy world” (but he went along with the play test.) Everyone agreed play testing any new character types should NOT be done in OP. After all, the play tested character will end up getting a “redo”, nerfed or buffed as needed at the end of the test, but other player’s characters won’t get that same “redo”. So if there is a problem with a play test character and that flaw causes the other players a high cost such as a TPK, or something, was it fair to the other players? I look at it the same as a software corporation testing new code in a production environment instead of a test environment. We probably shouldn’t be testing in OP since other players really don’t have anything to say when they sit down at a table but they have to live with the results regardless. Question for you, one of the rogues would pickup the dropped musket then spend a round reloading it. After combat I would spend another round unloading it and reloading it. We thought he could reload without being proficient, it would just increase the misfire from 1-2 to +4 or 1-6 misfire chance. If we were out of combat I would reload the musket to eliminate the +4 misfire and return the misfire to 1-2. Was this correct? I really enjoyed playing him! ![]()
![]() The Pathfinder Chronicler prestige class has “Bardic Music” available at 3rd level. Quote: Bardic Music (Su): At 3rd level, a Pathfinder chronicler gains this ability, which functions like the bard class feature of the same name, except that the chronicler’s effective bard level is 2 lower than her class level. Levels in this class stack with levels in any other class that grants a similar ability to determine her effective bard level. But I’m not finding “the bard class feature of the same name” so I'm wondering if it might be "the bard class feature named Bardic Performance" instead. Quote: Bardic Performance: A bard is trained to use the Perform skill to create magical effects on those around him, including himself if desired. He can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Charisma modifier. At each level after 1st a bard can use bardic performance for 2 additional rounds per day. Each round, the bard can produce any one of the types of bardic performance that he has mastered, as indicated by his level. Is there an official position or errata on the Pathfinder chronicler prestige class special feature Bardic Music?