WotW or Lost City of Barakus

Game Master Lynx1482

Been dming for over 20 years, yet fairly new to Pathfinder rules. I plan on DMing a premade campaign since I already prepare original material for another group. Should meet every other week 6-11pm central. Have a few years experience with Maptools. Have played on Roll20 and fantasy grounds but still new to those. Fairly flexible as to what day of the week.

Will run either Way of the Wicked, The Lost City of Barakus, or the Stoneheart Valley depending on interest. Lost City and Stoneheart don't get a lot of press but are pretty good exploration campaigns. Would also be interested in Playing Throne of Night but Fire Mountain games may never finish it. Regardless, check the links below for descriptions:

Way of the Wicked - Villain adventure path

Lost City of Barakus - sandbox region based campaign

Stoneheart Valley

Throne of Night - Underdark sandbox exploration

Should be noted I am not a power gamer. I think story should trump rules. That being said, as long as everyone has fun its all good.

If interested, post time willing to play, what virtual tabletop you would prefer, what module you would want to play, and possible class.

Silver Crusade

Never got a chance for wotw. Would be interested.

Bump for interest

i would like to play WOTW are you going to have this be a play by post game? and would you be ok with gestalt characters?

i have a damphir character i would love to play as for a WOTW

I will play a roll20 game for either pathfinder or 5e. WoTW would be great... I got to 3rd level as a Sorcerer of Lust in a game focused on the seven sins before the game collapsed.

I hope you dont mind if I don't have cam or microphone.

Playing Times: I can play on Tuesday or Thursday during the day or night (unless I get called in to work). I will try to let you know ahead of time if that happens.

Not going the gestalt route.

The dhampir would tie in really well with WotW and why the authorities would imprison your character. The lawful good types really do love their inquisitions and burning folks not like them. Your dhampir could've been wrongly imprisoned and now seeking vengeance... or he could be every part the bad guy the locals assumed you to be.

Prismatic: Would prefer a mic at least. Played another game where a player would only type when everyone else had a mic. Even though he typed fast it didn't work very well.

not going gestalt thats cool np..but will you PBP or voice since i live in Paris and i work all week. so i could not meet a specific time to play, but i can post every multiple day if PBP ^_^

Maptools or roll 20 and will be doing mic... In my experiences PBP tends to die out around 4-6 months and WotW would take well over a year.

Well, I might have a mic at least. For some reason, my headsets never last that long, but maybe one of the older sets has a working mic.

Please no Gestalt...

I have only the mic in my computer... so that really doesn't help much.

I can post pretty consistently thoughout the day
I am always ready for a way of the wicked campaign, I think Wizard/Necromancer would be such fun :D It fits my name as well.

I'd be interested in a Drow run of Throne of Night for sure. My availability is limited, so it would really depend on the day of the week. With a 6pm start time, I'd probably only be able to participate on a weekend (preferably Sunday). I have played on roll20 a handful of times in a Reign of Winter game that only lasted a few sessions before it fell apart, so I do have a bit of experience with it, but not much. Obviously, I have a mic and all of the more commonly used VOIPs.

As far as what I'd like to play, I'm thinking a slayer, zen archer monk, or maybe an oracle of some sort. I'd have to see what everyone else wants to play.

I also put a lfg post up on Roll20 and got a lot more feedback with people with mics who can meet the time. Posters voted for WotW. If anyone here would like to play, go ahead and post at Way of the Wicked.


1d10 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

We are rolling for stats right? in the way of the wicked campaign guide says so...

Death_Keeper wrote:



We are rolling for stats right? in the way of the wicked campaign guide says so...

It says in the other forum page on roll 20 that we are doing the 25 point buy.

Thanks, fixed it :D

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