Prince of Shades's page
29 posts. Alias of Perpetr8r.

So I was looking at a cool concept for a high level gestalt undead character. I liked the concept of the Sayona, so when I saw the Dread Sayona I thought cool I can use this template to make a Sayona.
Except that the template is a mess.
Its seems to be incomplete.
Accursed Gaze (Su): blood curse (see below), 30 feet, Will DC 10 +1/2 the dread sayona’s HD + her Cha modifier negates. This is a necromantic curse effect.
Except there is no Blood Curse mentioned in the template. The only Blood Curse I can find is a Lvl 8 Sorcerer spell made by one of the writers that doesn't seem to fit very well and as a gaze would make no damn sense and its from Super Genius Games from like 7 years previous.
Base Sayona has a staggering gaze.
Its spawn ability just doesn't mention any control the Dread Sayona would have over its spawn (it does have a separate ability to control Ghouls within 30 ft of it, but that seems like an oddity) when the official Sayona has a spawn ability that straight up says its a slave to its master
It has a Paralysis ability that says any melee or touch attack invokes a Fort save of leaves the victim paralyzed but doesn't give a duration. The base official Sayona has a 1d4 duration.
Looking at other Dread undead templates this one seems like a real mess like it was incomplete and published. Any ideas on if there was an errata or any official word on this? Owen K.C. Stephens was I the author mentioned earlier.
Alright so the feat is nice. Adding Int to damage and all that. But it says instead of other ability score bonus or modifier. Now I am trying to just make sure. This means it replaces str to hit and dmg but would stack with say a bard's bonuses right?
I don't get why they didn't just say it replaces str of so.
If a character had an affect that is said to effect their soul. Like a piece missing or whatever. Would your reincarnation still have that effect applied?.
Ok well I wanted to play a Ghoran Druid. And I am kind of fond of the reincarnated druid. Well given how Ghorans can revive King Piccolo style.
So would the reincarnation be over kill?
OK so I am starting a new game and was wondering if I should use vmc with my bard. I am worried the feat loss will cripple the bard as I always seem to use a lot of them.
I was thinking of using the magus vmc to gain access to some fun arcana like deed arcana.
Is this a good idea? How bad will it hurt to lose half my feats?
Ok so my GM has said we will be having a game at level 5, and we can use any Race that has a LA of 3 or less. In PF he said CR 3 or less. So I choose the Doppelganger race and want to play Cha based character.
Now I am stuck on either playing a Paladin or a Bard.
20 Pt Buy
Str 10 +8 [18]
Dex 15 +3 [18]
Con 13 +2 [15]
Int 12 +3 [15]
Wis 11 +4 [15]
Cha 15 +3 [18]
I would have 2 class levels.
What is best for the Doppelganger style shapechanging. I do like the Mind Reading, the ability to use any armor, weapon, spell trigger object is nice and allows for some fun play on either style of character.
Doppelgangers are typically N so LG is one step in both directions.

Alright so while browsing the unofficial Srd I noticed the Learned Duelist
Now I have been wanting to build a powerful duelist character for awhile, one that is actually amazing with a single light blade.
Here is the link to the page in question.
Now I was thinking of a Magus VMC to take on the Arcana Deeds and get Precise Strike as a deed which would mean I am adding level to damage.
Now from what I can tell if you are wearing only light armor and wielding just the one weapon you gain a +4/+8 by level 17. That is not taking into account PA which adds -4/+8 So it negates the penalty of PA and adds a straight +16 to damage. Now if you add level that is +33 to damage not counting strength.
Using a higher crit weapon such as a Rapier would give you more damage output as you can pick up Keen or Critical Focus.
Now where it is muddling with my head is the Vital Strike talk. It says when you confirm a crit while using these three feats he deals maximum damage. So I count all dice roll as their highest possible before adding all the other things such as level to damage precision, str or dex, ect? Then I add Int or do I add Int for each of the damage dice rolled?
Does this make a good duelist? I mean know maxing out dice damage is sweet but, really it comes on line at level 9 which is lower-mid levels so a little late in the game.
I also considered just gestalting this fighter archetype with Swashbuckler (Rather then VMC) for the Weapon Finesse and free Critical Focus, maybe even Inspired Blade since Int to damage at level 9 is very nice and with a rapier I will be reaping a lot of Panache and critical hits to max out the damage dice.
I wonder.. could VMC be used with gestalt? Seems like it would be uber powerful.

Ok I am not sure if you all remember the Diopsid from Dragon Compendium published by Paizo. But it was a mix of humaniod and beetle and it had four arms.
So while looking at this I thought this would be an interesting idea to add to the Kasatha, maybe in turn for trading out its normal Multi-Armed trait. Perhaps for members of the race who focused on holding items in this manner.
Quote: Extra Arms: Diopsids have four arms: their two
primary limbs and a secondary, weaker set of arms.
Their weaker limbs are poorly suited to carrying
weapons or shields, but they do an excellent job of
providing stability and support to the upper limbs.
The diopsid's extra limbs allow it to use
weapons one size category larger than normal
without penalty. The diopsid's secondary arms
must be free for it to gain this benefit. This benefit
does not extend to larger weapons. For example, a
diopsid can wield a Large longsword with a single
primary arm without penalty by steadying the
blade's pommel with its lower limb.
A diopsid can wield a pair of two-handed
weapons by using all four of its limbs. The diopsid
gains the full benefits of wielding a two-handed
weapon, such as 1-1/2 times its Strength bonus on
damage rolls. The diopsid suffers the standard
penalty for fighting with two weapons and carrying
a non-light weapon in its off hand.
A diopsid wielding a pair of two-handed
weapons is a fearsome sight. It shifts and twirls the
two weapons between its four hands, hammering its
opponent with tremendous strikes while defying its
normally clumsy, fumbling nature.
If a diopsid carries a weapon or shield in its
secondary arms while one or more of its primary
arms also carry an item, it suffers a number of
penalties. When using a shield, the diopsid takes the
shield's armor check penalty on its attack rolls and
skill checks even if it has proficiency with the shield.
When using a weapon, the diopsid gains only half its
Strength bonus on damage rolls. It takes a -4 penalty
on all attacks for each light weapon used in this
manner. This penalty increases to -8 for one-handed
weapons. The diopsid cannot carry a two-handed
weapon with just its secondary arms.
A diopsid with at least one empty hand can cast
spells with a somatic component.
Limb Symmetry: A diopsid's four arms allow it to
carry and use multiple items with relative ease. A
diopsid can use its third and fourth limbs to steady a
weapon held in its primary arms, shift its weight, and
maneuver it to attack or defend. A diopsid ignores
the Dexterity prerequisite, if any, for any feat that has
the words "two-weapon" in its name, such as Two-
Weapon Fighting. The diopsid must fulfill the rest of
the feat's requirements as normal.
Would these work if you made it Kasatha instead of the diopsid?
Would anyone here allow a player to trade out Multi-armed for these possibly trading out more, and what would you trade out to make this more fair?
I wanted to play a Killoren in PF and I found this link which seems like a good conversion but I know the original Killoren could smite once an hour up to a maximum times per day up to their Cha modifier.
Now granted they boosted the damage on Undead, Constructs, and Aberrations by double, but if I increases Nature's Might to 10 over 7 would that make up for increasing the number of times you can use this smite ability? I don't think making it once an hour equal to his Cha modifier is wise because that makes them insanely strong but how much so I cannot tell? Should it be limited to a number of times per day equal to 1/4th their HD which means 4 by level 20 or make it level like the paladin smite but only going to 5 times per day so at 5 HD at 9 HD at 13 HD and again at 17 HD to give Smite 5/day.
How can there be a race of Always anything? The citizens of this specific race are suppose to be loyal to their princes and high lord and to the city most of all. But if you are not good at all.. what is making them loyal to you? I mean sure we have Lawful Neutral but that does not inspire strong loyalty and belief in superiority.
Hello everyone,
I wanted to play an Earth Bender styled character so immediately my mind went to the Kineticist from the Playtest.
At first I was going to use the Oread, but looking at them they look immediately like watered down Stone Child from Races of the Wild.
So when I was reading the Stone Child from the above mentioned book I found them to be really cool.
Well their CR is 3 and they have 2 RHD.
Their stats are insane and yes I know they are INSANELY powerful.
Now their Monster Class runs 6 levels, and has a +4 LA on top of 2 RHD.
This is a gestalt game and I was going to have the Stone Child on one side and the Terrakineticists on the other side.
So should I use the full 6 level monster class and then employ LA buy off? Or does the CR 3 idea work better?
I am curious if anyone has played a Earth focused Kineticist before?
Can anyone tell me how the class played?
So a few years ago I was playing in a Faerûn game, and because I joined the game late I got to pick a race that would not normally be allowed by level at level 1.
The Shade race
Now their LA is +4 but from my research their CR was a 2. Especially given how their abilities only work in shadows or darkness and lose all of their powers when exposed to bright light and especially Daylight.
So an Aasimar can wreck a Shade in a stand up fight.
Now I wanted to bring back if not this character one inspired by him and while I know Fetchlings are similar in origin they don't have the same flavor of their city and their beliefs and so forth. As well as yes a keen upgrade when moving at night.
Now I was curious of a few things.
1. Does CR 2 sound about right?
2. The character would start at level 3 correct?
3. Would a constant item of Penumbra or Protective Penumbra negate such a weakness (Unless Dispelled)
4. What does +6d% mean when it comes to a maximum age.
Are there any gods who have a favored weapon as a gun?
Well we need to look at the fluff and what the Elan is.
It is stated they where mortals once, and that they where later made into Elan.
Sounds to me like Elan is a Template not a static race. Of course though we treat them as a base psionic race. But I am curious as to why?
What would happen if someone had a human character or so and eventually Roleplayed them into the Elan race why would that remove their bonus feat, ect when it is basically turning them into immortal humanoids?
I mean Elan is a good way to explain an Azlanti still wandering around as the Azlanti could have been turned into an Elan, but still possess the aspects of the Elan (The bonus feat and so forth) Why would it remove their former race?
Alright, so I am making a character. This character is a human, which is to be honest kind of rare for me.
But Humans get all the goodies and so I wanted to look into building a rather cool idea.
Using the Human Feat, and the Feats my two Flaws get me
These flaws are a -4 to attack when facing a member of the opposite sex, and a -4 to attacks when facing an opponent not armed with a melee weapon (Precludes Unarmed Strike I believe, but again if you have the IUS feat its a melee weapon)
With these three feats I decided to go splatbook diving as well as using the web to find me some tasty treats
Troll-Blooded as one, with its prereq as Toughness
This nets me basically Powerful Build and Regen 1 with only the cost of constant fatigue in sunlight.
Well after picking up these feats I am really interested as to what I can do with this character, what makes the most sense of a character who counts as Large whenever it is advantageous and Regen 1 at level 1.
I wanted to look into playing a Hunter and after reading it through I decided this would be a good class to play for a wildlife loving character who is used to living in the forest.
So my character will be a Hunter
But I want to focus on a bow as my primary but there is no Dex to Damage feats for a bow, or a way to convert a Composite Bow into a Dex to Damage bow. Save for one option I know of. We do allow 3.5 but this would require me to take a level dip into Fighter to pick up Vital Aim via Targeteer ACF.
So is there any way to get Dex to Dmg not just to hit, as well as to use it as a melee weapon should a foe get too close.
What animal aspect is the best suited for bow combat and what animal companion might be best suited for forest combat?
Also while this may be a stand along class, what would be best to Gestalt with this character if I did decide to go that direction?

Alright so recently me and the gang were sitting around BSing and we got on the topic of the Azlanti and Old Azlant and how could anyone have survived so long especially in hiding. Then one of us, I dont recall who, said "A wizard did it" because that is a common joke we all know from Fantasy Genre. But it got me to thinking and the rest of us all got to talking how a Wizard or a group of Wizards would 'save' the Azlanti from extinction.
The idea we came up with was during the start of their decline a cabal of Wizards and other high thinkers realized that Azlant was falling into a very conservative mindset of things must stay the same because that is what brought us to power. This cabal however were more forward thinkers and decided they needed to overthrow the current regigm but knew they didn't have the manpower or the current sociopolitical backing. So instead what they did was go to all the great settlements of Azlanti and began recruiting like minded individuals to com with them.
This garnered them roughly 9000 people, remember this was at the height of their power or at least not far after so they would have been vary numerous at this point. They took these people and split them up between three settlements in secluded parts of the world. Once there the cabal of wizards went to work forming their own extra dimensional spaces/Demi-Planes which allowed them to house 3000 people each and control the flow of time and so forth. The idea was that they would control the flow of time inside the spaces to be much slower then normal time. So when the societies views became more in line with their own they could return and take power.
Something happened however, for some unknown reason the Azlanti Arks as they called themselves never opened back up and hundreds of years turned into thousands into ten thousand years. While inside their safe little bubbles only a few hundred years passed, the original cabal gave way to their successors and those successors gave way to theirs and so forth till the original plan and goal of the Arks were mostly forgotten. The Azlanti progressives in their little utopia had forgotten they where just suppose to be waiting to go home and lead the Azlanti Empire into the future.
It has been between 300 - 500 years since the Arks were formed and this Party of Adventurers have been given a very special task by the eldest member of the cabal, one who still remembers the old plan even if he was not there for its founding or was he? He taskes this group of Adventurers, some of the best and brightest of their Ark to go out and find out what has happened to the Azlanti Empire, and to find a way to locate the other Arks and find a way to convince the Azlanti who reside inside its time to venture back out into the scary world beyond the edge of their sheltered planes.
Now for the character help, I have 3 players and non of them really like playing the heavy caster, the wizard or what not. Most favor the Gish classes or straight up martials. I am wondering if I will need to allow Gestalt into this campaign to better balance it for three people. And no they do not want to play multiple characters I already asked, though I may drop a Healbot in with them should they require it.
Any Advice?

Alright so earlier I posted another question but ideas have been swapped and I wanted to look at this.
Bard 1//Barbarian 1 Gestalt
Invulnerable Rager Archetype with the Stock Bard
My Character is a Half-Orc with the Half-Troll Template.
Now my rolls were insane, my DM checked my dice and rolled about a half dozen other ability score sets to check and see if I cheated by melting my dice.
I rolled 16, 16, 16, 18, 18, 18< Not rolled in that order obviously
We did the 2d6+6 but not to reroll ones
My DM allows us to use two sets of feats, but the feats must benefit that side of the build. So the Barbarian side can take Power Attack, but the Bard side cannot take something that furthers the duration of a rage or something.
I am allowed Two Feats
From Here
Two traits as well.
Any Advice?
The idea is that Bear (his name) was born into a Orc Tribe to a Half-Orc mother (She is the species not the one off) raped by a Troll during a attack. Bear is smarter then most of his people due to the human genes he did manage to get but hardier due to his Troll powers. He swiftly wanted to learn all he could talking to orcs about their encounters and even traveling down into the near villages to speak with travelers, most of these being half-orc adventurers because anyone else chased him away with swords. He became known as something of a shaman after a few of the adventurers and their less stabby friends began to teach the little tyke magic and things about the world. He can cast some healing spells, knows a bit of this and a bit of that and he wants to learn more.
He will only have a club and no armor, no wealth at all at first level.
He may have a penalty to his EXP to pay off for his CR 2 Template.

Ok so my group is only at 3 players but we want to play Kingmaker.
So my DM has decided to give us a chance as a gestalt game as we have heard some parts can be a little dicy and no we do not want to play two characters.
One player is playing a Shield Champion Brawler//Dune Drifter Cavelier (Based on Captain America)
I want to play a Half-Orc Invulnerable Rager Barbarian//XX
I dont know what is best to pair off with the Barbarian. I am also taking the Half-Troll Template and taking a huge drop in WBL to offset some of that CR I get half my money by class and I will be on NPC Heroic WBL till level 3 or possibly till level 6 whichever flows best.
I want my guy to be a hard to kill bruiser, but not be completely useless outside of punting the puny humans.
The third member of our little gang is a Swashbuckler//Warpriest who is focusing on the Rapier, and using Dynamic Priest from dragonlance, to make Wis to Cha Warpriest.
Any advice for us without SPOILERS?
Mostly help me find a partner class for when I hit level 2.
What traits are best, what gear is best to pick up.
I am curious if DR of the same type from different sources stack, overlap, or cancel one another out.
I saw a build recently where it had a Invulnerable Rager Barbarian with a DR of DR 18/- and I have no idea how they got it. Unless it stacks with other DRs
Alright I wanted to make a Captain America build for a Gestalt Game.
I have the idea for the Brawler's Shield Champion
Shield Champion Build
But I need advice on the Gunslinger side.
I was thinking the Pistolero Gunslinger.
My DM allows us two sets of feats because he takes the meaning of 'The process is similar to multiclassing, except that characters
gain the full benefits of each class at each level.' quite seriously.
The Game is going to be set at level five, with a CR 1 buy off available at level 3, so maybe an Azlanti Human for the race, or Human with Advanced Template?
Well the shields like Light or Heavy Shields they can be used as weapons, but they don't appear to have a weapon group do they?
Ok so after reading this
I wanted to add that into my gestalt game. And I was thinking Paladin on the other side. This because well the Captain can put the hurt on evil, but when fighting non-evil foes he tends to hold back.
Anyone got any advice for me? I have never run a paladin before and I don't know if they are very feat dependent, as you see that build has a full lot of feats.

Alright so I am going to play a Leprechaun in our next game.
The stat adjust is Str -2, Dex +6, Con +2, Int +4, Wis +4, Cha +6
Speed 40
Spell-Like Abilities
At will—dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 1X), invisibility (self only), mage hand, major image (visual and auditory elements only, DC 1X), prestidigitation, ventriloquism (DC 1X)
3/day—color spray (DC 1X), fabricate (1 cubic foot of material only)
1/day—major creation
eprechaun Magic (Sp)
When a leprechaun uses any of its spell-like abilities to deceive, trick, or humiliate a creature (at the GM’s discretion), the spell-like ability resolves at caster level 8th rather than 4th. If a leprechaun uses its spell-like abilities in this manner, it has a bonus of +11 on concentration checks.
(To adjust with character level)
What class would best suit a Leprechaun, I thought Bard but I already get a lot of bardic abilities. I thought maybe a Hexcrafter Staff Magus so he can use the Quarterstaff and kick some serious butt.
He is a fun loving kind of guy, but still very useful in a fight, but mostly a gish style fighter, though using his own spell-likes is an option as well so even a straight melee fighter could be worked into this.
Also can Enlarge Person work on a Leprechaun?
Well I have a character concept and its not very good optimizing wise.
The game is Gestalt but I dont want to mae the character overly power, more flavor less power I guess.
I was thinking Buckler Duelist 5//Swashbuckler 5 (Using Slashing Grace to give power to the Falcata)
The game starts at level 5, But I am not sure where to go with Buckler Duelist side, if I went to level 7 with it I could move at full speed in medium armor but that cuts into the dodge panache and such on the Swashbuckler side. I considered taking Gunslinger to give him a ranged resource such as a pistol or a crossbow.
But I also considered Bard maybe, to self buff and buff the party, and a few spells that might be useful. I would lose access to 6th level spells for sure, but 1-5 level of spells is not bad or a guy who's main point is straight up combat.
I was thinking of using the Dhampir race, using the Advanced Template which is bought off by level 3 so its rolled into class levels.

Alright so I was talked out of playing a Cave Troll, pity it would be so awesome.
Instead as a compromise I am taking on a Orc with the Half-Troll Template.
Now I am playing in a gestalt game if anyone recalls.
Well with the +6 to Con I think taking the Scarred Witch Doctor on one side would be beneficial.
But I was also thinking of taking Ranger on the other side. My CR is increased by 2 from the Template.
So it would be CR 2/Ranger 1//Scarred Witch Doctor 3 if we began at level 3.
We are allowing CR buy off, using the LA Buy Off rules, so at level 6, he would gain another level of ranger and lose one of his CR and at level 9 he would fully becomes a Ranger 9//Witch Doctor 9.
Well with Racial and Template I am looking at a +10 to Str, +2 to Dex, +6 to Con, -4 to Int, -2 Wis, -4 Cha.
So the 6+Int helps give him at least some skill points.
the d10 for HD is nice because it means this witch cannot be so easily squished.
I was thinking of style focusing on Natural Weapons as I gain a Bite and 2 Claws, along with Rend from the template.
Basically the idea is of this Witch Doctor who if someone is fool enough to get close to, can rip their throats out.
I need help picking up Hexes, Gear, and Which Spells.
Alright so lets say I have access to a Caster at 10th level who has all the right feats and so forth and makes a Ring or Something of the spell Book Ward, which is a level 2 spell.
Book Ward
It says it acts as Protection from Energy except only against fire AND acid not Fire or Acid which leads me to believe it should be both at one time.
Now the questions are
1. Am I reading that right that it is both, not one or the other?
2. How much would say a ring of continuous use cost me? And because it says a touched object, would clothing count?

Yes I know Trolls are bad guys, but I do want to kind of break the mold so to speak.
After all they are CE by nature and likely worship chaotic evil gods. Well what is more chaotic then a Troll or sect of trolls that are not inherently evil. And knowing they are Neutral or Good in alignment and still get attacked and killed just for existing is pure Evil so why wouldn't a CE god form a N, NG, CG band of trolls just to watch either the other trolls rip them apart, or watch so called good guys butcher them. After all they so not have the Evil Subtype and so thus are not absolutely evil, heck I do believe a Succubus became a Paladin once, and they do have the evil subtype.
Anyway, this is going to be a Gestalt Game (Which is how I can get away with the Troll HD.)
I was also thinking of tagging the Advanced Template on the Troll's side, which would get ride of the negs to ability scores.
So what Class would be on the Non-RHD side?
With no negs to Int, a bonus to Wis, and no negs to Cha I was thinking possibly some form of Caster, imagine a caster making his own touch attacks in combat lol.
With that insane of a Dex score though, I kind of want to make use of it.
Books and such available are anything off the SRD, the unofficial PFSRD, MIC (3.5) and any of the Complete and Races of Books, Dungeonscape, and possibly more if I have the book to it.
This is a 20 point buy
The reason I am being allowed such a powerful set up is, well I am a troll in a campaign were not everyone is going to just open up and accept me as a good guy.
Shrek is kind of a inspiration for this character (Evil presumed creature being a good guy really at least)

Oh yes I am so going there.
A +4 Dex, +2 Int, Wis, and Cha with a -2 Con.
SR of 11+Level
And a number of Spell Like Abilities
Drow nobles can cast dancing lights, deeper darkness, faerie fire, feather fall, and levitate each at will, and have detect magic as a constant spell-like ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispel magic, and suggestion once per day each. In some cases, a drow noble's spell-like abilities might vary, although the level of a particular spell-like ability does not. A drow noble's caster level for her spell-like abilities is equal to her character level.
Now I want to play a LG Paladin, of course this is a gestalt game as are many of mine. But that class is Swashbuckler, Rapier and all seems iconic for the Drow its focus on high Dex even more so makes it perfect.
Now of course people will complain because "Oh you just want to be a special snowflake" or "nobles are too powerful, just play a normal drow." Well I don't care and I don't want too I want to play a Drow Noble. So please do not make this thread about that.
What I want help on is how to build a Paladin as I have not ever played one. Also with Divine Bond should I go mount or weapon focus? What feats will be best? I plan on taking Rapier and Light Armor (With smite's bonus to AC and Dodge Panache seems like I might be alright). What traits are best?
The character is a Drow Noble who was born of Common Parents. These Drows went to near the surface when they had the child. Worried the other nobles would either kill them and take the child, or kill all three of them. Either way they figured they where screwed as it held that many noble born of base parents killed them anyway. So while evil and selfish the mother could not overcome her motherly love, at least as this was her first child. She could not bring herself to kill the child, and the husband feared his wife's retaliation if he attempted it himself. Instead they took the child near the surface and left it. Sure it would die but at least it would not be bloodying their hands. Soon after the child was found by a forest spider of very large size and carried from the cave it was found to the woods. Planning on turning the youngster into a nest for its young, as well as a good food source for the hatch-lings it encased him in silk and prepared to lay its eggs. It was stopped by a passing blind man who had heard the babies cries and slew the beast before it could act to harm the child. This blind man was a former Paladin himself, sensing no evil from the newborn he took the baby home and took care of it. Raising it up to be a good man, never seeing what his race was. It was not till the boy was ten already that the man asked the boy to describe himself. After realizing he was drow he became concerned as he knew the boy wanted to become a traveler and a hero as he had been in his youth but knew the elves would likely kill him on sight. So he changed up his training some, teaching him to wear gloves to hide his hands, a large hat to hide his head and face and to always keep his distance when not working toward a good goal.
That is a general background I pitched to my DM anyway.
Ok so I am making a character based loosely on Alister from Dragon Age, He uses a Sword and Shield as many characters do.
But I do not know much about that play style.
I want to make a build focusing on the Sword and Board style of combat, I know its not the best but it can be fun and useful. I was thinking of either Paladin, Warpriest, Brawler (Shield Champion and picking up a Weapon Prof with a Flaw feat (House Rule))

Ok so I noticed with Precise Strike Deed
Precise Strike (Ex) : At 3rd level, while she has at least 1 panache point, a swashbuckler gains the ability to strike precisely with a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon (though not natural weapon attacks), adding her swashbuckler level to the damage dealt. To use this deed, a swashbuckler cannot attack with a weapon in her other hand or use a shield other than a buckler. She can even use this ability with thrown light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, so long as the target is within 30 feet of her. Any creature that is immune to sneak attacks is immune to the additional damage granted by precise strike, and any item or ability that protects a creature from critical hits also protects a creature from the additional damage of a precise strike. This additional damage is precision damage, and isn't multiplied on a critical hit. As a swift action, a swashbuckler can spend 1 panache point to double her precise strike's damage bonus on the next attack. This benefit must be used before the end of her turn, or it is lost. This deed's cost cannot be reduced by any ability or effect that reduces the amount of panache points a deed costs (such as the Signature Deed feat).
The Italicized part is important, but the bolded part is the key wording.
If a Kasatha is a Swashbuckler, and he is using 3 blades and none in his 4th other hand.. could he use Precise Strike? I mean yes it is clearly abusing the loophole of them not thinking of a Kasatha during class design.
Stonechild is a race from Race of Wild 3.5 Material. Pg 92 if your interested in seeing it.
But it has a 2 RHD and +4 LA, now I have noticed in PF anything with a +1 LA should be dropped as the average power level is increased.
So should a Stonechild be a ECL five race? 2 RHD and 3 empty levels or should the empty levels be filled with NPC classes or more HD

Alright, my group is in the process of setting a new game room and we want to christen the room and new gaming table with a new campaign. But there is only three of us and the DM wants it to be a Gestalt Game due to the limited numbers of players and that he may be using modules of higher level throughout his own unique campaign setting.
I wanted to play a Slayer//Investigator.
Slayer first because he is a warrior, just one who is capable of insight and knowledge beyond what a being trained to just kill can do.
I had to ask but got the approval for the Kasatha race, my character will simply be an odd outcast from a Kasatha settlement in the deep desert of the setting.
Now I want this understood, I did ask this and this is how we are playing. Kasatha have four arms, and thus can hold and use four weapons at a time, but with serious penalties same as twf without the proper feats. As such I am allowed to take the Monster/combat feat Multi-Weapon Fighting. I personally do not care how anyone else sees this working in the rules by RAI or RAW. This is how we are playing it. (Sorry for the rant but I have read a few threads about this and it always ends badly)
I rolled very well 18,13,11,16,10,14 are my scores. Kasatha gain a +2 Dex and +2 Wis.
They also have a +2 Dodge Bonus to AC so Light Armor is pretty good to start.
I want to focus on using Kukri in combat, four of them obviously.
Later I might pick up Laminated Steel Serrated Edged Kukri (3.5 3rd Party) to add a +1 to both Threat Range and Multiplier. So a 17-20/x3 Kukri, maybe with Improved Critical would make that 13-20/x3.
So aside from my first feat being dedicated to Multi-Weapon Fighting what else should I pick? What Talents? What gear?
Ok so I was going to play a character in an upcoming game to chrisen our new Gaming Table. Its going to be a Gestalt game because we only have three players and we are likely going to be running Rise of the Ruin Lords AP or Possibly Curse of the Crimson Throne if not a completely original content.
So I wanted to look into playing a Slayer//Investigator.
I have some decent Stats I rolled an 18 which I am going to put into INT, 13,11,16,10,14 as the others.
I don't know much about how to best blend the two, but I heard they would work well together.
They give a d10 HD, 6+Int, All good Saves, Up to Medium Armor, All Martial Weapons and Hand Crossbow.
Investigator is very INT focused. The Studied Target and Studied Combat stack if you get Quick Study Talent (One would then use Swift and one Move actions.)
But what race is best? What feats compliment this the best?
So I wanted to play a cocky Gaston-esque character who believes he is the best swordsmen in the world. Now of course there will be builds who deal more damage, yada yada yada but I want him to be very charming, swav and good with a blade but also a bit of magics.
I am stuck between the ideas of a Bard with Paladin or Bard with Swashbuckler. Or without magic Swashbuckler with Paladin
Bard//Paladin is amazing in saves and has solid BAB and good HD, it can smite to add much needed damage.
Bard//Swashbuckler is very iconic and the Parry and Riposte, along with precise strike gives good sword power to the bard. If focused on a Selfish Bard build it could do some seriously good one on one duelist style play.
Swashbuckler//Paladin gets only a very little boost save for Fort save, good saves over all and the ability to add double level to damage a few times per day.
Ok so this is not actually for PFS but I do wanna use its rules as a restriction on what I can or cannot do.
Races open are all open to PFS without a boon
Classes open are all open to PFS without a boon (If they have class boons?)
Starting level is 5.
I want a character who goes against his races normal sterotype (No this is not special snowflake status) I want a character who is not easily defined as *Insert Race here*
The character will be CN dipping CG and CE when the need arises.
As for a class I want a class that can handle virtually any situation well, does not have to be the best at every situation but a good grasp on virtually every situation that might come up.
Strongly leaning on a Bard, if someone can make an Uber Bard within the restrictions of PFS I would love to see it.

Title pretty much sums up my question. Why do people freak out when you mention Drow Noble.
People mention in a lot of threads their Spell-Like Abilities, but you can gain them through feats. Their Stat adjust is not all that powerful unless you got dang lucky on a roll or are using an insanely high Point Buy.
And to be honest I have both played as a Drow Noble (Gunslinger Pistolero/Mysterious Stranger before Errata) and while I did very good damage I didn't OP the game and make everyone else useless. And I have played DM to a Drow Noble Ranger and a Drow Noble Rogue in the same game. They where a little difficult to adjust to at first but quickly fell into line. (Pretty new at the DM thing when this happened)
Humans get a free bonus feat, which they can take to start lines of feats far earlier then the rest of the party. If one argument that is common is true, Feats are a precious resource. You can spend class level feats to gain racial aspects via race feats, and magical items boost ability scores but being able to throw on that second or third feat at level 1 seems pretty darn powerful. So why does no one say Humans are OP?
I feel like quoting Joker from The Dark Knight movie but I would butcher the lines, but he mentions it pretty well about if things go according to plan no one freaks out, but the moment you throw a little chaos in, a little thing that was not expected or known people freak out. I feel this applies to this. We all know Humans, they are common and we have all played or seen them played so they don't freak us out. But Drows for a long time where a monster race pure and simple, now we have the CR 1/3 (Same as humans btw) Drow and even then I hear people complaining about how powerful they are. Now throw in their CR 1 Big Brother the Noble Drow and all heck breaks loose.
So why is that?
Why do people freak if they see a person sit down and show their Drow Noble Swashbuckler or Fighter or Bard, Etc character sheet?
Ok so if I were to add the Advanced Template onto the local city guards this gives then a +4 to all ability scores and a +2 Natural armor (So potentially a +4 to their AC due to Dex and NA.
Now is that too much? I am curious because often times it really comes down to the NPCs having fairly average rolls I mean if a guard has an 19 str as opposed to 15 he is going to be doing a bit more damage each round, as well as hitting more often.
Now say I put that on a player character, would this make the player far too powerful?
What if they rolled really poorly, nothing over 14? What if they rolled really well with 1 or 2 scores hitting 17-18 range?
Ok so one half will be Artisan
But I want to know what should be the other half. A clever, crafting fiend who can both create magical gear and items, as well as use them to better kick the bad guys butt.
I considered Brawler for the other good saves, and a decent HD but Brawler really does not benefit from magical weapons or armor.
I also considered Gunslinger, because the crafty guy making a gun and ammo that he also augments with magic and other magical gear sounds cool
Any advice?

This is the Centaur from the SRD, but also the ARG example.
Racial Traits
Ability Score Racial Traits: Flexible +2 Str, +2 Wis) (2 RP)
Advanced Strength (+2) (4 RP)
Advanced Dexterity (+2) (4 RP)
Advanced Constitution (+2) (4 RP)
Type: Monstrous humanoid (2 RP)
Size: Large (7 RP)
Base Speed: Normal (0 RP) (plus Fast (+10 feet)
Languages: Standard (0 RP)
Defense Racial Traits
Natural Armor: Centaurs have tough skin, granting them a +2 natural armor bonus.
Movement Racial Traits
Fast (+10 feet) (1 RP)
Senses Racial Traits
Darkvision: Centaurs have darkvision and so can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Other Racial Traits
Quadruped Centaurs have four legs (2 RP.)
Now there are a few messed up RP points here. Monstrous Humanoid should be 3 RP
Natural Armor is at 2 RP, but it would be 3 RP as Natural Armor is 2 RP, the Improved one is 1 RP which gives us the +2 Natural Armor.
So 30 RP total.
But in the Large (7 RP) section it gives you a +2 Str and a -2 Dex automatically meaning the Dex bonus is negated, but the Centaur would have a total gain of +6 Str but it is not shown.
How was this missed?
Here is my try to build this race
Monstrous Humanoid (3 RP)
Large (7 RP)
[+2 Str, -2 Dex]
Normal Speed (o RP)| Fast (1 RP)
Standard Languages ( 0 RP)
Advanced Ability Score (4 RP)
[+2 Physical; +4 Wis, -2 Cha]
Advanced Dexterity (4 RP)[+2 Dex]
Natural Armor (2 RP)
Improved Natural Armor (3 RP)
Quadruped (2 RP)
Total 26 points
In this my Dex is +2 total (As the other +2 and -2 negates themselves) But I do get a +4 Str and +4 Wis total.
Okso I need advice for a Synth Summoner for todays game. One of my party mates has just joined the game and while having worked a double shift has had no time to build themselves a character.
I got a few bits of intel for the race and stats though.
Elan is the race
* We play that they are immortal.. and venerable Elans do not lose physical stats but gain the mental ability bonuses
What he wants is a character who is good at being the party face when he needs to but, but also to transform and throw down with the best fighters in the field.
He is particularly fond of Venom and Spawn style of combat, using tendrils and other forms of attacks that have reach. But he wants to maintain magical attack or control prowess.

Ok so I am curious, how would Regeneration and Fast Healing work together?
Say I had Regeneration 1 and Fast Healing 1. I would heal 2 points of damage each round right?
Regeneration (Ex)
A creature with this ability is difficult to kill. Creatures with regeneration heal damage at a fixed rate, as with fast healing, but they cannot die as long as their regeneration is still functioning (although creatures with regeneration still fall unconscious when their hit points are below 0). Certain attack forms, typically fire and acid, cause a creature’s regeneration to stop functioning on the round following the attack. During this round, the creature does not heal any damage and can die normally. The creature's descriptive text describes the types of damage that cause the regeneration to cease functioning.
Attack forms that don’t deal hit point damage are not healed by regeneration. Regeneration also does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation. Regenerating creatures can regrow lost portions of their bodies and can reattach severed limbs or body parts if they are brought together within 1 hour of severing. Severed parts that are not reattached wither and die normally.
A creature must have a Constitution score to have the regeneration ability.
Format: regeneration 5 (fire, acid); Location: hp.
Fast Healing (Ex)
A creature with the fast healing special quality regains hit points at an exceptional rate, usually 1 or more hit points per round, as given in the creature’s entry. Except where noted here, fast healing is just like natural healing. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, nor does it allow a creature to regrow lost body parts. Unless otherwise stated, it does not allow lost body parts to be reattached. Fast healing continues to function (even at negative hit points) until a creature dies, at which point the effects of fast healing end immediately.
Format: fast healing 5; Location: hp.
What is the difference in the two? In 3.5 Regeneration treated all damage not of the Fire or Acid type to be nonlethal but it doesn't seem that is true in Pathfinder, so how are they different?
Well I was surprised to find out there was no Swashbuckler styled Archetype for the Bard.
I love the Deeds the Swashbuckler has because lets face it unless your bard is a hardcore buffer only it works really well for the dashing swordslinger of a Bard.
I considered using the following for an Archetype
Panache (As Kata Master*) replaces Bardic Knowledge
* Except to include the Dodge deed as well.
Replace the performances Countersong, Distraction, and Inspire Competence for the Kip Up, Precise Strike, Targetted Strike, and Subtle Blade (At the proper levels of course)
Frightening Tune is replaced with Perfect Thrust deed

Ok so Multiweapon Fighting allows beings with 3 or more arms to use their primary hand and extra arms as off-hand attacks.
So lets take the Kasatha which has 4 arms in total granting a total of 4 attacks.
Now which is more beneficial to use Multiweapon Fighting or Flurry of Blows.
For this lets only use Unarmed Strike as the weapon used with both.
So say you have a +10 to hit via BAB and Str(or Dex) with Multiweapon you take a -2 on all attacks to attack a total of 4 times in that round.
Lets say this is Level 8 (For a 3/4 BAB class this is when they get their second iterative attack.)
So wouldn't the Multiarm fighter have a total of 8 attacks, 4 from the first bonus, and 4 from the second.
Where as a Monk with Flurry at level 8 has 4 with a total bonus of +6/+6/+1/+1 But I believe these bonuses are stacked onto the +10 meaning more likely to hit? Or is that wrong?
In general if you are playing a Kasatha should you be using Multiweapon Fighting over Flurry for more attacks and more damage?

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Ok I am gonna play a game tomorrow, and my character is gonna be a Kasatha who took two levels of Monk (Kata Master/Master of Many Styles) and then going into Sacred Fist.
The +2 Dodge bonus along with the +2 Dex and Wis Bonus with no penalties means this is a good combo. It gains a monk ability as a racial bonus (High Jump in this case with Runner)
So I am being allowed to buy a Guided Amulet of Mighty Fist (We are using some 3.5 material) and Headband of Inspired Wisdom.
I am gonna get a Ring of Protection.
Now we have decided via the way the abilities are written that the AC bonus from both classes stack.
So my 20 Dex and 20 Wis (+2) grant a lot of AC
10+(5 Dex)+(12 Wis (wis x2)+2 Dodge (Racial)+1 Dodge (Monk Ac)+1 Deflection (Sacred Fist) = 31 AC (At fifth lvl)
Using Guided Amulet lets me use my +6 Wis to attack and damage via his fists.
So from my calculation with all four arms (Via Multiweapon Fighting)
3+6 (9)-2 (Light and Multiweapon Fighting)= +7/+7/+7/+7 for an attack (Primary hand and 3 Off-hand attacks)
Taking Weapon Focus so it would be +8/+8/+8/+8 and considering taking Weapon Spec (But Warpriest levels count as Fighter, which would make this at level 5 a Fighter 3)
I may take two flaws for Toughness and Troll Blooded (Being an alien race, I could say its alien troll blood)
And I have enough money for a ring of Penumbra which removes the light sensitivity.
This sound about right? What else should I do? What blessing should I focus on?
Half Celestial Template
Is this too much for an ECL 5 character with class levels (4 Class levels 1 Template level)
How do you all treat Half-Celestial?
Would it be better if I dropped the SLA section from the Template?
Ok so i wanna play a guy like Marvel's Thor. Using Warpriest as the base. We do use 3.5 so long as we can show our sources so we need either srd or the books.
Was thinking Goliath as the base race and makes his hammer large. Later getting the Hammer of Thunderbolts.
Any ideas?