
Priapos's page

7 posts. Alias of Mairkurion {tm}.


Cuz mulatta girls are hawt?

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taig wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
taig wrote:

... unless something strikes me as funny.

I feel like people are not giving Taig's final clause its true valence.
I always pay attention when taig starts relating to or denoting electrons involved in or available for chemical bond formation.

You don't want me screwing with the laws of physics.

I always screw with the laws of Nature. Screwing against them results in difficulties, even injury.

Down with Seoni, you say?

taig wrote:
0gre wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
How many post do you think we've done all together? I mean how much insanity have we produced so far do you think?
Somebody added it up once and I think it's in the neighborhood of 100,000 posts. But I could be way wrong, and am too busy twiddling my thumbs to go check.
How many of those 100,000 posts had a point? 5, 10?

I believe Mairkurion would tell you that all of his posts had a point.


The Jade wrote:
Priapos wrote:
That's what I'm talkin' about!

Hey look, kids! It's the Washington Monum... oh. Back on the bus, children! Back on the bus! Sorry sir. But you really should cover up while in public.

::Glancing over at the field trip, Priapos is stricken by the suggestions of familiar faces and a number of outstanding paternity cases filed against him, causing him to quickly relocate his monument.::

That's what I'm talkin' about!

I'm the original Greek, not some Roman knock-off.