Casamir Azmeren

Preacher Vash Urias's page

33 posts. Alias of Dodekatheon.


Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

"As Lilly noted, we are here to help and protect those that might need it. I am Vash Urias. Has anything prodded your move? Is all well in Gaderston?"

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

"Fine by me."

Vash raises a hand, calling in greeting.

"Well met, good people! How fare you this day?"

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

"Sounds good to me. I cannot stand bandit scum. They claim too many lives."

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

"Perhaps three? I don't think it will take a month."

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

Vash regards the group.

"So...specifics of the plan. Any ideas, friends?"

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith


Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

Vash nods in agreement.
"I have expended little in the way of my magical capabilities, so I am ready whenever you all are."

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

"I've cleared out far more than two in my lifetime, I'm afraid. Never gets any easier."

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

Vash ponders for a moment.
"I'm not a dab hand at geography, but I think that might actually be the case now that you mention it. The Black Temple spoken of by my Elven relatives was thought to be almost directly south of Pawkatukit. If it is the same place, we must be doubly careful. Excellent thinking, Kerak."

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

Vash nods.
"I believe that's correct, yes."

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

"I would also be happy to help. This seems a worthy cause, and to be honest, you all seem quite capable. I'm sure we could do much good together, and this time, perhaps I won't have to add to my collection."

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

Vash remains quiet, collecting information.

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

Vash rubbed his hand over his jaw, thinking.

"Aye. Do you know where she may have headed?"

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

I was also ill.

My character has a specific interest in the Temple and the artefact but will happily go with the rest of the group as well.

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

Vash sighs.

"I do hope we can get along well enough without undue harm."

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

"A potential ally, then?"

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

Vash looks over, cautious.
"No one's death is desired, to be sure. If you are honest with us, I freely offer my services as a healer, to soothe your hurts. Tell us, what is this about?"

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

Though he is somewhat baffled, Preacher, based on their travels, judges that that is his companion's wolf form, and he decides to trust her. He utters a word in a long-forgotten language and calls forth the power of his faith in a radiant flame, aiming to damage the impostor.

Vash casts Sacred Flame; Dexterity saving throw DC 14 or they take 1d8 Radiant damage.

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

Not really understanding what's going on, Vash will move closer to the stone circe M-7 and cautiously grip his shield and weapon.

"We just came to talk...there's no need for violence, I hope!"

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

Initiative: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

Preacher looks around at the people that surround him, and then back at the druid.

"Indeed...we have traveled long and far, and have come here for no ill purpose. If you say that we must return tomorrow, we will do so, but I would rather speak now if you're assent to that. The sooner we can gain some information, the sooner we may act, and that will benefit not only all of us, but many that remain in need."

Persuasion: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith


Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

Would I know anything about this place, DM?

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

"Ah! Well, you see, I am here for a reason. I believe Ophallela has guided me here, to you, and that there is a purpose to all of this.

This is a better story to be told in full around a campfire with meat in our bellies and mead warming us, but I shall encapsulate this as best I can.

There was an artifact that was sacred to Ophallela; a bell, stolen from one of her shrines, long ago. I have heard, through people that have no reason to lie, of a Black Temple, and a platinum Bell. I have cause to believe that this is the same Bell as the one stolen from Nahduonne, long ago, and that in recovering it, we can ensure the safe travel of souls that might otherwise be bound to this world without succor. I know this seems a strange tale, but I have come to see if this Black Temple is real, and if so, to confront whatever evil lies within it.

I think you can help me. And perhaps this man you seek is involved with the Black Temple!"

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

Vash approached the group, and he made sure his weapons and shield were all quite obviously stowed and secure. The cleric walked slowly but steadily, waving.

"Greetings! I am Vash Urias, and I think we might all be able to help each other. Tell me, what are your names, friends?"

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

Disregard! My bad! :D

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

Vash blinked.

"Good to know! It's Vash! I've brought some stalwart new allies...we have to talk! I have information for you."

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

Vash looked at his newfound companions, whistling a pleasant tune as they made their way. The weather had held, and the Preacher was glad for it; he was not as young as he once was, and the cold had a habit of creeping into his bones. The sun shone down, illuminating (for any that cared to look) the half-elf's sharp features and displaying the flecks of grey that had begun to creep into his hair.

Vash was eager to meet his old companions. He was, for the first time in years, filled with eagerness and purpose. He would have some explaining to do, but he knew if there was anyone he could trust to help, it was them.

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

Spells are in there under the spoiler my dude :)

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

I believe I'm good to go.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I popped over to Discussion already!

Male Male Half-Elf Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Initiative -1 |
Str +3 Dex -1 Con +2 Int +1 Wis +6 Cha +5
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips- Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame | 1st Level- Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith

Popping in and saying hi! Excited to game with you all! I'll get a stat line up for the alias later today