
Popupjoe's page

Organized Play Member. 142 posts. No reviews. No lists. 3 wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Grand Lodge

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people complaining about things they do to themselves seems like human nature to me. "ugh I'm so fat" "my job sucks" "my boyfriend/girlfriend is such a B". You ate that extra slice of pizza, you took that obviously crap job, you said yes to that man/girl. People have been doing this outside of game forever why stop in game? But for real people don't want to take responsibility or they are not ready to take it. Either way you can't change them its up to them.

Grand Lodge

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Im going to perform a little forum necromancy so if you have a problem with it don’t read any further but there were some people who were interested in my situation (some of who messaged me personally) so I thought since its been some time I’d make an update.
Out of the four players who voted one left in protest of adding my son. He now asks how the game is going every other month or so, its clear that he misses the game but his health has deteriorated to the point of him not thinking he could make a whole session. I miss him and I had a feeling this might happen but I felt as if my hands were tied.
The second who protested still plays with the group but had a hard time adjusting his behavior, which I find sad I was hoping no one would have to do much adjusting. Looking back on it I was naïve, adding a minor will make people change. Not that it’s a bad thing mind you. This player tried to correct my son on manners a few times which is funny because the payer is notoriously crass (burping and farting with as much gusto as he can muster) yet since adding my son has curbed that aspect which I am grateful for, though in the first session with my son he did talk about old ladies and sexual pleasuring devices (but not in those nice of words). But since then he has been more muted I suspect he still resents the addition of my son. Also this player ignores my son as best as possible in the game. I mean he plays with him or should I say around him. I whish that would change as my boy looks up to all the adults in the group and wants to be accepted by them.
The other two players treat my son as a sometimes annoying little brother. They occasionally try to teach him or sit back and watch as he learns something. Its nice, they talk to him out of game as well, showing him video games or talking strategy. They interact with him but let him make his own mistakes but then intervene if needed.
So update is such, it’s a mixed bag but overall Im happy to have added my son as he is always excited to play, always present and hasn’t been jaded yet by RP. Now if I can just get everyone to get back to that mental place of wonder id feel complete.

Grand Lodge

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OP if your in Illinois anytime you can come play with us! Also let us know how this works out.

Grand Lodge

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I turned Barefoot Samms Topins in to Topless Topins. Her combat tactic is to remove her top before boarding as she finds it distracts others. I thought the name sounded better and it really made her more memorable. My players follow her around and make sure she's safe.

Grand Lodge

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Well I know a system that hardly ever changed its rules and is still around today. Palladium. The rules have remained the same for something like 30 years now. I grew up on it, I loved it. Its still kind of supported with like 4 new books or so a year. But I get laughed at mercilessly for even admitting I played it. I love the broken clunky system and Kevin S the creator will never change it for as long as he lives. But no perfection will ever come of something that never evolves. It is what it is, house rules the system till you get what you like.

I love pathfinder for the support and the optional rules. I change what I want and I do it often because I've had to do it with many other systems.

Grand Lodge

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There are a lot of options pick what you like and go.? I don't know. Can a RPG system continue to grow and thrive or does it have to die? Is that the inevitable outcome? I fear talk of bloat and the end is neigh stuff hastens this possibility, I fear it gets people in the mindset that the end is inevitable and rapidly approaching thus it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

Ok lets say its one rule set to rule them all. Is that what people want? Only one way to play? Are we better with (hopefully) well thought out variations of play to fit the varied gamer?

I personally do not care much for Pathfinder Society, I get way more entertainment from my regular group. But if something happened, God forbid, to my group and I wasn't able to play with them I'd be very happy to have the Society.

I brought my son into gaming a couple of years ago. I wish I started with the beginner box.

I've played Mythic....

I'm happy for the options though I prefer vanilla Pathfinder for the most part. Looking forward to sampling unchained.

Grand Lodge

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brad2411 wrote:

I have run a single player campaign and played in one. I preferred playing but that is usually cause I GM for my group and it is rare for me to actually just play.

Would you rather be a successful person in this world or Golarion,

** spoiler omitted **

this world i have too many plots set in motion. Joking. But really this world then maybe i could work for piazo and shape golarion.

Would you rather play in an all boys group or an all girl group, no side groups allowed.

Grand Lodge

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Tacticslion wrote:

I was going to say "Golarion!", but then I thought of all the danger, and contrasted it with all the good some of my characters could do instead. So I'm going with "one of my characters", preferably one of them that could access the super-spells, and I'd proceed to fix everything - or at least cure all diseases, heal all wounds, restore all extremities, and so on within the week he's here.

Would you rather spend a lifetime in Golarion or in another published setting (and if this one, which)?
(Presume you get nice things to do this with.)

A life in Galarion actually sounds terrifying! Do they have a Barbie RPG? Ok i know there is a Pokemon RPG I chose to go there, way safer and i ge to work with crazy cool animals!

Would you rather play in a game where sex and sexuality was completely forbidden and taboo or where all sex and sex acts where graphicly described?

Grand Lodge

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Quinn could become very friendly with a PC that may change things. Otherwise, people have accidents all time, man overboard!

Grand Lodge

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Wait that didnt work right...oh gods I'm hiding in your closet is above me! Ummm I got nothing funny too scared

Grand Lodge

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I want to play this AP so bad but my players don't. Any ideas on how to sell them on it? Im finding so much hate for this setting its a little depressing.