Priestess of Nethys

'Poppy''s page

20 posts. Alias of Nik B..


The Exchange

"Not so much fly, more just sort of 'go there' if I need to. You know. I was over here and now I am over there but I didn't need to walk , just sort of moved?"

If it is hard to climb due to being all smooth and bad conditions, Poppy will simply Dimension Door up there

The Exchange

"Sister Poppy, thank you. I know it is hard to tell under all this armour and the like, but I'm most assuredly a girly, although a little bit of a handsome one fair enough. not like that Kittens Underfoot the Halfling girl who lived down the road, why she had the features of a fine porcelain doll as though shaped by the best craftsmen in all of Oppara but a mouth like a salty sailor! Indeed she caused quite the incident at the local faire when she was crowned in the beauty pageant and given the Belle-flower award, well, you should have seen it, she wandered over and accepted the award and the crowd was ecstatic - but when she gave the speech - well, wasn't that a bit of a prickly pear! I hadn't heard that much outrage in years!"

The Exchange

Poppy rides in on Rusty and pokes at the elemental bothering Rasamoro.

Poppy should probably have Mirror Image still running:
If not =(Fight defensively +3 AC)

Rusty (Full defence +4 AC)

Poppy attack.
Attack 1d20 ⇒ 8
She does little - but hopefully adds a bit of confusion!

The Exchange

Cousin Cacumattus, make Scarlet slippery!"

Cacumattus casts Grease on Scarlet.

The Exchange

Boram Sandyfoot wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

"These are Xill; they implant eggs into their victims. I suggest you don't let does not end well."

"I think they'd make a strange souffle. Not as strange as the pancakes we made once when Uncle Henry went out and collected what he claimed were chicken eggs, but he'd been down at the apiary all day where we were sure he was turning left over honey into mead then sampling too much of his own wares, anyhow these eggs were from very large chickens indeed - well all chickens look pretty big when you are my sized - but I digress, the eggs turned out to be basilisk eggs - pancakes as a result were so stiff you could use them as roof tiles. So maybe no souffle now you mention it. You halflings are always talking about food. Especially the local cabbage farming ones."

The Exchange

"Apparently she knew she wasn't a potato" Poppy quips.

The Exchange

Poppy calls to the flanked creature "Are you a potato!?"

Lesser Confusion DC14 Will save.

The Exchange

Poppy assist Diplo 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"A big party yes! Which reminds me of my cousin Tilly and her party this year. There was quite the kerfuffle when Tilly brought in a large mixed berry flan and then someone claimed that the berries in it were filched from the nearby human farmsteads and the farmers had gotten angry and blamed the birds - and the farmers were now threatening to fell the trees to clear out the nests! That would have brought their house down indeed. Anyway Tilly claimed innocence and said the berries came from another spot and that she had traded for them fair and square with the local Halfling cabbage farmers at the foot of the forest, and thats when things got REALLY sore because if you'd believe it, those farmers had just booted the local badgers out which upset the gnomes, and GNOMES went for revenge and stole farmers berries, but now we all realised the gnomes had gone and robbed the wrong farmers. So Tilly wasn't silly, though her fruit was in dispute, seems she had legit loot -but badgers all upset with some gnomes in cahoots had indeed nicked the roots from humans they'd mistaken as brutes and now the birds were about to be sent packing with harsh words and abuse. Quite the party. Nothing like this one at all"

"Cousin Cacumattus wasn't there. It wasn't him. I can back him in a sworn statement. He was fishing in a river that day and totally DID NOT steal any berries.

"Anyone have a pie?"

The Exchange

SM 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

SM 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

"Hmmm reckon there's some cut string?"

The Exchange

"All the animals are loose? That can't be good, ut luckily we have a bunch of friendly fey folk so perhaps they can be reasoned with? I wonder if they are tame? Perhaps they are a bit angry at being locked in a box? My cousin Lolly was a Druid and she could always talk the animals around, especially horses, and especially if she had apples...I wonder if the kitchens hre have apples? I could use an apple pie. Have you ever eaten a REALLY good apple pie? I can make a great apple pie, did you see if there was an apple tree around here? Maybe cousin Marra can find some. Might get some apples and see if we can mollify the animals"

Poppy mounts up on Rusty the Wonderdog and follows the Party. Whilst looking for apples.

The Exchange

Poppy smiles at the bit o' petty larceny and moves away quickly.

She whispers the code through Message

"Good work gulling the pigeon, Bagged flash in hand"

The Exchange

Stealth 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (7) + 19 = 26

The Exchange

Poppy whispers, "I can magically move in and appear next to the gem, perhaps steal it?"

GM, where is the device and where is the person? I'm thinking if the person is somewhere and addressing Marra at the door, perhaps Poppy could find a location to Dimension Door into and then sneak up and steal the gem...? The party can then rush the door and shout down the guy?

The Exchange

Scarlet and Poppy scoot to the window, keeping low. Scarlet gets poppy up on her shoulders, and Poppy scrambles the rest up.

Climb 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Perception 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20
Stealth 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (11) + 19 = 30

The Exchange

Poppy likewise hands over 5 bolts.
Strangely her expression has changed and is looking a little malevolent.

"Time to work!" She hefts her crossbow.

"I can sneak in and give us some recon"

poppy has a good stealth skill and can probably sneak in and see what is going on... Size tiny helps

The Exchange

Poppy watches on "Hey no fair, who's the referee? Can I play too or are we only letting some people have a go here? I have my own tools and everything!" Poppy eyes off the traps "Scarlet says tiny fingers on little hands are a blessing when it comes to fine and delicate work, what would she know with those great big paws? Oh right she watched me, oh well... makes sense then... so where were we? Oh yes! Can I have a go?"

Her eyes move over the traps, her tools snap away at the ready.

"Otherwise, what animals need playing with?"

The Exchange

"At leat I dont have fleas"

The Exchange

"Oh Scarlet is my biggun companion, she takes me everywhere now, we are best friends and occasionally she leads me into mischief, not that I mind mischief, it's just that what do you do when one hand rubs the other but both are naughty hands? Well at least we have a little circus of our own, which is fun, but sometimes its more fun to be a little bit of a tricsky pixie and get up to hijinks - even if you are a Brownie - but who's judging am I right? anyhow that there is my Cousin Cacummatus - well not a direct cousin of course, unless aunt Carraway had a little moment she might need to explain to the rest of the family involving too much brandywine and a wandering elf, but more like a distant cousin - but us Feylings are all related yeah so it all makes sense. Anyhow thats Rusty the Wonderdog too, good to have a man around at times. It looks like theres some events? Obstacles can be fun, but the longlegs all run too fast, perhaps we can go play with some traps?"

The Exchange

"COUSIN!" the Brownie exclaims excitedly in Gnomish at the arrival of Cacumattus.

"I am Poppy, this is Rusty the Wonderdog, and that biggun is Scarlet and we are a travelling troupe! Like all carnivals one has to wonder where we all met really, probably just like minds coming together, we really do have jolly good adventures and we have been roaming here and there, well we met just outside of some strange town with a clock in it when Scarlet was walking Rusty, I think she got Rusty from some rangers who we weren't so sure about, well we were less sure about theother locals but that is a different story, anyhow we met and... I think you call the place Uringen? Yes that could be it, but anyhow wandering ever since... we're a carnival in miniature!" The Brownie smiles broadly.