Acadamae Student Korvosa

Pigtails's page

Organized Play Member. 48 posts (56 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.

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It seems like it could be a little fun puzzle once or twice if you had to scrape together gear, but I feel like ultimately the idea is that it doesn't add anything to the game outside of a few charts and extra bookkeeping because someone might be afraid of players getting specific magic items to 'optimize' their build.

I dunno. Seems like it could be a very flavorful system, but at the same time I think it would be much more suited to another game rather than PF.

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To try and sum it up as succinctly as possible:

"They have it and we want it; we don't want something like it, we want it."

After all, if everyone is equal then why not let everyone get married and not jump through hoops to have power of attorney and this, that, and the other.

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Even if you expect the guards to be hiding elsewhere in the room, it doesn't help when the barbarian crashes through the wall behind them.

Even still, I would be pretty dang shocked if someone rocked their way through a door, ready to shoot or not. Perhaps the guards in a fantasy world are more used to it than us, but that's a pretty impressive feat.

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The problem isn't that Cyrad isn't talking about numerical minutia. It is a pretty big deal to have that change actually, especially when coupled with many of the other changes you have houseruled. When playing Pathfinder it is important to remember that it is a (war)game - bigger dice and +1s are important in a lot of ways even if everyone just sits and schemes or chats in a tavern rather than delve into dungeons.

I am not trying to say that a lot of your houserules seem to be made for the purposes of trying to jab the guy who plays the system, but there's not a whole lot of other ways to cut it; The five-level minimum for classes smacks of being afraid someone will eke out just a little more strength for their build so that they might outshine the part, among other things. A potential double in cost for all items could really short a character's effectiveness if their earnings are not on-par with your altered game and can afford the appropriate gear to keep in line with WBL.

I am sure this game could work out fine for you and your players, but as an outside observer there are concerns. You're moving farther and farther away from the framework of the rules with every additional houserule and while that can benefit the game in some ways as you can tailor it to your group specifically, it also requires a great deal of maintenance.

If you are going to 'enforce' low-stats being roleplayed, make it clear how much you expect that to come up. If I have a character with 7 Dex, should I be fumbling all over the place, or is the occasional wobble enough? What about a Charisma of 9? Things like this should be given guidelines other than 'be reasonable' because that can mean wildly different things.

Just my two cents.

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I feel like the 'company whisper' command would be just as suited to being a private channel of some kind, otherwise I could see a lot of conflict with speaking to players, characters, or companies with similar names.

I do think Urman has a great idea with the friends list matching though! Would be good if you started to type it had something pop up like a 'predicted name' bubble to pick from people on your list you could just click on to insert. Maybe it's a little much, but it sure would be a handy little feature.

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We may not know all the variables in the system, but it doesn't take a director to recognize a poor film. While we aren't privy to the inner workings of the game it is obvious that people have grievances with the current system, and understandably so. Don't try and dismiss these suggestions as being made out of ignorance.

The posts on this board and the GW forums are all suggestions - ideas of what could be done to improve the state of the game. These aren't demands. No one is cursing Goblin Works for their design choices. We're just trying to get across the point that we something that doesn't quite seem to work out the best and offer an alternative.

That said, I approve of Keign's suggestion here in just about every way.

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Or, for the gunslingers missing their first attack in the fight:
11. Ker-click! Looks like you forgot to load powder into your weapon!

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There used to be Magic the Gathering commercials, but they stopped doing them since they ended up being pretty silly.

Sure, you could make points about playing with friends or telling a story collectively or going over all the SUPER FUN AND ENGAGING MATH you get to do when making a character, but who is that directed at? The people who are already interested in playing Pathfinder in the first place? There could be some really fun, quirky ads I'm sure but ultimately I don't believe that it would be a wise use of resources to try and reach out to demographics that wouldn't touch a d20 with a ten-foot pole or do math for fun since that is, you know, a majority of who you'll hit with the ads in the first place unless you're trying to hawk the game on specifically nerdy channels (and, odds are, they're already aware of D&D at that point).

Of course, RPGs just sort of sell themselves anyways - it isn't like there is a lack of demand on any level.

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Well, I know I am a sexual poster at least. :B

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I feel like the exhibitionists and voyeurs of the world would celebrate the momentous occasion.

It would be promptly taken down.

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The benefit of disarming someone rather than bonking them on the head is mostly because it makes them less of an immediate threat - a fighter without his trusty +2 flaming sword of fire does markedly less damage than one with said weapon. It forces the guy into spending actions either drawing a new weapon(likely inferior), retrieving the one he just dropped (likely provoking AoO), or using his fists (both of the above problems). By disarming an enemy, you are acting as an enabler/controller which is just as vital a role as doing direct 'you're dead, bub' damage.

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Galnörag wrote:
...and got an early preview of the pain spells she had in a more intimate setting.

I wonder if there is a 3PP spell called 'Lower Lipstitch'...

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Lurked in the thread a bit and something relevant came up in the office the other day, so I thought something should be said on the subject of

Do not expect everyone to act with 'common courtesy' (as The Minis Maniac described) when interacting with people currently transitioning - a lot of folks have never dealt with that situation before in their lives. Be mindful that they aren't being ignorant or (possibly)offensive on purpose and don't get your panties in a twist about the fact that they aren't as 'in tune' with the situation as you think yourself to be. It's a learning process; referring to one of my coworkers as he took a while to become second nature, and we've been sitting next to each other for the past two months, and I like to think of myself as pretty hip when it comes to social issues like this.

If you are going to speak up and remark on how to act when interacting with trans* people, be polite and don't act so put-upon; it smacks of a certain smugness and feeling superior on a certain level.

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Well, what is the problem exactly? Do you personally have an issue with the character's advances on N/PCs? If so, you could bring it up out-of-game with the player and try to explain the situation. If other players are uncomfortable, you could all get together and have a conversation.

If it's mostly a GM "something nasty is going to happen" problem, a child might be an angle to approach, but unless they've been adventuring for the better part of a year since the conquest in particular it's unlikely there will be a little babe to greet them - certainly some room to play with the idea that the father isn't known or something.

Personally, I wouldn't do too much; odds are I might be that player. :B