
Pigraven's page

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. 556 posts. 5 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The Paizo pays first $10 on shipping of $100 or more deal does not seem to work for me. I just tried to purchase 3 Beginner Box Remastered Editions. It tallied up everything, and when I went to check out there was no indication on the Submit Order final checkout page (or in the price itself) that the first $10 of shipping had been applied. You might want to take a look and see if other folks are having the same problem.

Normally I buy such non-subscription products via third-party sellers because they offer other perks (like free shipping or store points). But so far I have not been able to confirm with any online retailers, including Amazon, whether the Beginner Box being advertised on the site is the Remastered version. Paizo appears to be my only guaranteed option at the moment, and it is not working as intended.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Please cancel my Pathfinder Battles subscription, effective immediately.

I love the line and I'm excited for the new releases, but I'll be purchasing my Battles cases elsewhere from now on. The new subscriber price does not offer any savings vs. those from the competition, online or brick & mortar. Even the Premium piece is no longer a solid deal, with the price of shipping outweighing any savings our 30% off gives us.

I'm actually pretty bummed about it, as I've been a Battles subscriber since 2014. But depending on where I purchase from I can save anywhere from $20-$90; That's just too much savings when there's no other incentive to keep me subscribed (with the Battles line). The good news is, as I said, I'll still be purchasing the product itself, so Paizo still gets my money...

And just to be clear, I only want my Pathfinder Battles subscription cancelled. I'm content with my other subscriptions for now.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

As the title states, Order 36292724 was split into two different shipments, and I was charged shipping twice. Can you fine folks please remedy this in some way? Both orders have already been charged and shipped, but I'm sure there is something that can be done.

I had really hoped we were past system mistakes, but this is yet another one. Not to sound so dramatic here, but I'm growing really weary of all the issues.

Also, any chance we can get conformation for when Darklands Rising officially rises? Paizo insists it is January, while WizKids and the vendors online/FLGS are saying April.

If it is January, can we get confirmation what the final Battles subscriber price is?

Thanks in advance,

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


On Monday, August 10th I posted a thread on these boards asking for the removal of the City of Lost Omens Red & Black Dragons from my Sidecart before the August orders could spawn. That message went unanswered all week, and despite the order spawn authorization being pushed back to late Thursday, the issue went unattended and Order 30559237 has since spawned, with the dragons included.

Could you please remove the Pathfinder Battles: City of Lost Omens Red & Black Dragons from this order? And could you please either restore the entire $25.00 in store credit I purchased on August 10th to my account or at least make sure that the difference between the remainder of my August order (Adventure Path #158) and the $25.00 in store credit is restored to my account?

To be clear, the only thing that should be included on Order 30559237 is Adventure Path #158. And it should be pulling from the $25.00 in store credit that I purchased on Monday, August 10th.

I am no longer interested in the dragons, so please don't stick them back in my Sidecart.

Thanks in advance,

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My Request: Could somebody please remove the Pathfinder Battles: City of Lost Omens Premium Figure Adult Red & Black Dragons from my Sidecart so it doesn't get placed with my order spawn this week? Thank you in advance!

My Reason: The shipping cost for such a (relatively) small and lightweight box is just way too much. It not only negates the accompanying Battles discount, it still costs more than it would at retail value from online vendors.

Again, thank you so in advance!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Dear Paizo,

When I checked on my recent order for July, it showed a $25.19 charge for shipping. That seems a bit excessive. I've got three books coming to me this month:
--Adventure Path #157
--Advanced Player's Guide
--Lost Omens: Legends

The subtotal is $89.72. Then $6.06 for the estimated sales tax. So far, so good...

But $25.19 for three books seems a bit high for a shipping cost to Northeast Ohio. Especially since I have Cheapest Option Available selected.

When I went through part of the checkout stage to show me how much shipping would be for each individual book if I ordered all three separately, these were my results:

--Adventure Path #157 = $4.83
--Advanced Player's Guide = $6.81
--Lost Omens: Legends = $12.01

That's a total of $23.65 in shipping. And while that's not quite the $25.19 for the combined order, it's still a lot for three books.

It looks like the biggest culprit is Lost Omens: Legends. $12.01 seems like an incredibly high shipping cost for a book that Amazon lists as having only 128 pages. Compare that to the Advanced Player's Guide, listed on Amazon as having 272 pages, and something seems out of whack for sure.

Per another customer in the July shipping thread, also located in Ohio, the Advanced Player's Guide alone is around that $6-7 mark in shipping. So again, that leaves that $12.01 Lost Omens shipping cost as the one sticking out.

Clearly there is an issue, be it a bug or some other hiccup in the machine. I would really appreciate it if you could look into this matter as soon as possible. It might be that others are being overcharged, too. Hopefully I've given you enough information to share with your tech team that can help make a difference.

I'm also interested in starting a Pathfinder Adventures subscription to be added to my three other book subscriptions. If you can do that with my current month's order, starting with The Slithering, please do so. It will push my $89.72 subtotal above the $100.00 threshold to qualify for the $10.00 Paizo credit for shipping. And by fixing the bug or whatever issue there is with the Lost Omens shipping overcharge (or wherever it stems from), it should make for a much more affordable month of July.

If that's not possible and it's too late to generate such a Subscription this month to be added to my others, fair enough. I'll evaluate that as an option for the month of August as I look to make a more long-term decision on whether or not I continue with my Paizo subscriptions or seek third-party businesses for my purchasing needs.

Thank you all in advance for your time and effort looking into this matter.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My order contained 3 items:
Pathfinder Adventure Path #154
Pathfinder Adventure Path #155
Pathfinder Bestiary 2
Subtotal: $77.47
Estimated Sales Tax: $5.24
Shipping & Handling: $7.89
That SHOULD be an order total of $90.60

Instead, the order shows $96.25

I realized this was because for some reason the order was split into two shipments, AP#155 and then AP#154 & the Bestiary 2. This split order appears to have added an additional $5.65 to the order.

I posted about this in the May shipping thread a week back, but decided to wait and see if it was fixed once the order was finalized.

Today I received an email that Pathfinder Adventure Path #154 was shipping out, separate from the rest. So apparently nothing has been fixed. With orders already shipping out I know they obviously can't be shipped together, to save that extra $5.65. But I at least wanted to make you aware that there are still problems with the system.

Thanks for your time!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Dear Paizo,

A few things:

1. The $14.44 in store credit has disappeared from my account. From rummaging around it appears it's been charged to another order, Order 12656259, despite the fact that order had been suspended. Can one you kind customer service folks please officially cancel out that order and add the $14.44 of store credit back into my account. Again, that's Order 12656259. Thank you very much.

2. Have you fixed the system issue where even if you have the full amount of store credit, the system tries to charge the card listed for tax instead of pulling it out of the store credit? After two months (January and February) of dealing with this issue, it happened again in March. And it's been holding up that order (Order 18576373) ever since.

3. Whether you have it fixed or not, could somebody please push through Order 18576373? It's from back in March. Customer Service told me the tech team was working on it, but I haven't heard anything about it since then. I understand the Covid-19 virus has thrown everyone into chaos, but I certainly would appreciate some sort of response or update on that front, even if there is little or nothing to tell.

4. On April 7th, I asked for my future orders to be suspended, starting with the April spawn, until the issue with the system was able to be fixed. (And Virginia J. did respond on April 8th confirming it was suspended). I didn't want to deal with the April order until the March order problem was fully cleared up (and maybe shipped, depending on how your warehouse was operating; shipment itself isn't my major concern). My reasoning was because I didn't want to buy more store credit to fully cover April's order until I knew the spawn would finally pull the tax from said store credit and not charge the card. I didn't want to have multiple orders still trying to charge my card and thus stuck in perpetual Pending/Declined status.

5. Whether the actual system bug has been fixed or not, I don't want to hold things up any longer. If it doesn't look like things can or will get fixed on your end, it makes sense for me to change things on my end. I've added another card as a payment method that has enough money on it to cover the shipping for the March order (18576373) and the eventual April order (it's just the one Adventure Path). As soon as the March subscription order is pushed through and the separate order (12656259) mentioned above is cancelled out with the $14.44 in store credit returned to my account, I'll purchase the necessary remaining store credit for my April order spawn.

6. Somebody will have to reactivate my suspended subscriptions for all this to happen. And you have my permission to do that.

7. I will point out that when I added the new card just now as the payment method to the March Order 18576373, it tried to charge the whole thing ($24.33) to the card; it didn't even take into account the $23.14 in store credit that had already been applied to the order back when it first spawned. So you'll have to add back the $23.14 in store credit (in addition to the $14.44 from the order mentioned above) before it can charge the card for the $1.19 tax amount. I hope this makes sense.

8. Once those orders are finished I can buy the necessary store credit for this month of May and we should be back on track for the May 7th order spawn. Hopefully that bug will be fixed by next week, but there should be enough left on that payment method to handle the tax on May's order spawn if necessary.

9. Feel free to call me at the number listed in my account info, if you need to contact me. It might make for a more smooth transaction process.

10. Thanks for all you've been doing; please stay safe and enjoy your Friday.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My March Subscription Order, #18576373, is still on hiatus. At this point, my concern isn't the book or PDF, rather that the bug in your system is still there. When processing the order, it appears the website refuses to pull out the tax from my store credit--despite my account being set up to use any store credit first. As you can see if you are able to pull up the order #, it's still trying to charge the $1.19 to the listed card, instead of pulling from the $14.44 I still have in credit.

I was hoping the bug would have been squashed prior to order spawning for April, but it doesn't look like that is going to be the case. I said in my last post about this issue, about three weeks ago, that I'd prefer to suspend my subscriptions starting this month if the bug wasn't fixed. I know it's an easy, 30-second fix once the order process actually fails and a customer service member goes in to the account manually. But until the bug in the system itself is fixed I just don't see the point of continuing with my orders; they will continue to fail and it gets frustrating having to deal with this every month.

Either way, at this point it doesn't matter. I don't have quite enough store credit left to cover the April subscription. I'd love to buy more store credit, but I use Visa or MasterCard pre-paid gift cards to purchase the Paizo store credit. To buy those pre-paids I must use my checkbook, and I can only do that at a store in-person. (It appears I can't use PayPal to buy pre-paid Visa or MasterCard gift cards online). I'm blessed to be in a position right now where I don't have to go into a store (or anywhere public for work) during this Covid-19 outbreak; I plan to take full advantage of that as long as I can.

So please put a hold on all my subscriptions. I plan to pick them up as soon as your team can fix the bug in the system that's causing the problem, and as soon as things get safe enough for me to enter a store again without fear so I can buy a pre-paid to purchase enough Paizo credit for April.

Thank you in advance.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I only have the one item (Adventure Path) in my cart. For the second month in a row, it appears that the system has charged my store credit the appropriate amount for the item itself. However, for whatever reason it refuses to also charge the cost of shipping to my store credit, and thus my order has come up declined. It's not a matter of insufficient funds, as I still have $14.00+ in store credit available.

It's just the one book for me this month. Like most others, I don't need it in any hurry--I primarily do in-person play only, and I've suspended them indefinitely. In other words, it's not a pressing matter by any means, and others should definitely come first.

For the record, Diego was kind enough to help me out last month via phone, and it didn't even take more than minute or two. But he was at the actual building, so that might play a role.

Long term outlook: You all obviously have bigger fish to fry at the moment. But this is the second time in two months the same issue has happened on my account, so there is definitely a bug. It's something for the tech folks to take a look into whenever they catch a breather from other, more pressing issues.

Thanks in advance for the time and effort put into this matter.

Please take care and stay as safe as humanly possible.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This is for anyone from Paizo's excellent customer service, but Diego was great and helped me on the phone last week so he probably has a better understanding of what is going on with this wacky order.

It looks like the order (which was split) is correctly applying the appropriate store credit now. And of course that's enough to cover the subscriptions for January. But it's still trying to use the Visa card as a payment type--even though with the appropriate amount of store credit being available and used, the card itself shouldn't have been brought into play. I know this is one of the weird hiccups of the system, as it's happened before. I don't know the exact steps, but someone may need to manually push it through, forcing it to ignore the card pin or whatever happens. Otherwise, despite the appropriate amount of store credit being charged (and available), it's going to keep pinning the card for whatever reason--and that will continually fail.

Please let me know if there is anything left for me to do on my end to make this possible.

Thanks so much in advance!

PS. As for my Suspended Order, the Visa rep I spoke with on Friday wasn't helpful (and didn't seem particularly knowledgeable on Visa Gift Card issues), so I decided to call it a day and try again this week. I won't be able to do that until Wednesday at the earliest. At this point I'll probably buy enough store credit to cover the suspended order and still have enough credit leftover to cover the February order spawning that begins next week. At this point that seems the easiest move, and hopefully I'll still get access to whatever is left on my previous Visa pre-paid soon enough.

Having said all that, I don't want to buy more store credit until the January subscription order is pushed through, just to prevent it possibly double-charging or something from whatever credit I put in for February. My goal here is to muddy the already cloudy water as little as possible.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hello good folks at Paizo,

I hope you can help me push through my December order. The late November spawning date completely slipped my mind and I forgot to make sure I had enough store credit to cover the order. This one is 100% all on me; we've had a once in a decade flurry of family activity this last couple weeks and things have been slipping my mind left and right.

I purchased some more store credit Sunday night to make sure this order is covered. I also switched the Visa card on file used for subscription orders, but when the order tried to spawn yesterday (12/2) it tried to take the whole amount from the card instead of pulling from the store credit I had purchased the day before. The site shows my subscriptions are still set up to pull from any available store credit first, so I'm not sure why it didn't happen yesterday. The only reason I can come up with is because it's the same order number as the previous failed attempts, perhaps it's "locked in" to pulling from the card before the store credit, despite my current settings.

Regardless, there is now enough store credit to handle the order in full. I would greatly appreciate it if you could jingle and jangle what you need to in order to push it through using my store credit.

PS. It looks like I had $9.36 left in store credit when the order originally tried to spawn on November 21st. I purchased $49.00 more in store credit Sunday. On 12/2 the order tried charging the new card the full $22.32, instead of the $12.96 it had been charging the previous card. I hope I can still get that $9.36 in previous store credit added back to the $49.00 in credit I just purchased. If my math is right the total store credit should officially start at $58.36, and I should have $36.04 credit remaining once the $22.32 goes through for the Broken Promises AP (my only subscription item shipping this month).

Thanks so much in advance. I apologize for the mess. And I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Can anyone from Paizo or familiar with this backing situation answer me the following question? Thank you so much in advance!

Will the following books eventually be available for public sale?:

Pathfinder 2.0 Kingmaker Adventure Path
Pathfinder 2.0 Kingmaker Companion Guide
5e Kingmaker Bestiary
Pathfinder 1.0 Kingmaker Bestiary

I understand the price will likely be different for each book. But will these four books eventually be available for sale, both from the Paizo website AND 3rd-party sellers?

*Edit* In addition, am I correct in reading that both Bestiaries, the 5e version and the Pathfinder 1.0 version don't come with PDFs of their own?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm in the same boat as some of the other folks where the grandfathered Paizo discount didn't apply to Lost Omens. I really hope this can be fixed before the order finalizes. This is the second month in a row where this has happened; the new technical changes you're making can't come soon enough!

Thanks in advance for looking into it!

My order is Order 8082298.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Order 7968564

*This is a double post, as I also posted it in the July thread a few minutes ago. Letting you know so you don't spend time posting a reply in both sections*

I, too, seem to be missing the Paizo Advantage on the following items:

PF2 Core Rulebook
PF2 Bestiary
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Druma, Profit and Prophecy

I was under the impression that because I was grandfathered in, I'd continue receiving the Paizo Advantage on both the Adventure Paths, and the other eligible items. Was this a correct assumption? If so, is there an error here or were the above three books removed from eligibility?

If indeed it is simply an error, I just want to point out my method of payment... I think you'll have to cancel out the order, so it puts back the $165.86 of Paizo credit I had. Then when you create a new order, applying the discount to all five books, it will be able to successfully process. (The order total I calculated before order generation was something like $160.++ after the advantage and with shipping applied).

But again, if for some reason I don't receive the Paizo advantage on anything but the Adventure Paths, please let me know. I know there was a four-subscription limit to trigger the advantage, and I think I only hit three. But I was under the impression that I was grandfathered in regardless because I was subscribed to the Adventure Path pre-PF2 material. If I wasn't, I'm going to have to add about $5.00 to the $165.86 in store credit I had to cover this order before it spawns again.

Thank you so much for your attention!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

For some reason, this order was declined. I think I know why.

On Tuesday, March 05, 2019, I purchased a $50.00 e-gift card for my account (Order 7711852), and applied it accordingly. It ended up giving me something like a total of $71+ in Paizo credit. Again, that was on March 5th, 2019.

You'll notice by checking my purchase history, I purchased $60.00 in credit on February 7th, $39.31 of which was used the following day on Order 7696967 (February's subscriptions of Return of the Runelord Maps & Tyrant's Grasp Part 1). After February's order, submitted on February 8th, I had at least $20.69 left in store credit. (I had change on the dollar, too, leftover from the previous order. But we'll stick with $20.69 to keep it simple).

Again, you'll notice I had no other order charged to me from the time I had $20.69 leftover in store credit, and March 05, when I purchased the aforementioned $50.00 e-gift card for my account. So I should have had, at the very least, $70.69. as of March 05th, after I applied the amount to my account.

The next order I was charged with was Order 7737617, the order in question. That was Submitted on March 8th, 2019. The email I have for this transaction shows I received the email on March 8th, at 11:36 AM. The email itself shows 4 items, (2 replacements for the February order which never arrived, and 2 orders for the March subscription period: Adventure Path #140, and Player Companion: Heroes of Golarion). The product total was $30.23, with a $4.30 shipping & handling charge, making for a total order total of $34.53.

First off, I should note that the email says I only have $36.12 left in store credit to apply. That's obviously wrong. Just a few days before, I'd purchased $50.00 in store credit. So at the very least, the email should have shown I had $50.00. But thanks to the $20.69 credit I had left over from my February transactions, it really should have showed $70.69.

Regardless, the total should have been enough itself to cover my March subscription total of $34.53. But for some reason, it was declined.

Now if you add the two numbers together, $34.53 with the amount it said I had leftover, $36.12, it equals $70.65. So I think at one point I did have that $70.69 in my account as store credit, as it should have been. I think I was then charged the $34.53 in a previous Submitted Order. But I think that order was later adjusted on your end, to include the items from February I'd never received (as it says Replacement next to their names, with no charge). Because I don't have an additional Item Order, I think the current Order 7737617 was adjusted, not replaced. And that this happened after the official submitted order, thus now charging me another $34.53 for the same order.

Still, though I believe this to be the case, it should have still accepted the order, as even if the error amount of $36.12 was left, there would have been enough to cover the order.

I should point out that I have my subscription orders registered to use my store credit first, so this shouldn't have been an issue. The Payment method itself is listed with a Visa card, numbers ending in 4417. That's a pre-paid credit card which I've been using as my listed credit card for subscription orders for five months now without issue.

A few months ago, I suggested to another user on here that was having similar problems to use this same setup, as having a pre-paid card on file works, if registered, as a "placeholder" card that gets charged if you are using your store credit. I said what I think happens is that even if you have enough store credit, the card itself still gets charged. So as long as you have $1 or more on the card, it would still function properly. (even though it doesn't actually take the $1, I think it just acts like an active credit card). At the time, Customer Representative Diego responded to my comment that it still shouldn't matter. His belief was that as long as you have enough store credit, the system is set up to accept that first, no matter what other method is on file. He wanted to be made aware in a situation if this wasn't the case, so please forward him this entire response.

So simply put, I think I was charged $34.53 at some point on March 8th, and then it later charged me a second time. But both times the order should have been able to go through, as either charge attempt would have had the requisite amount of store credit necessary to go through, thus not charging the card I have on file at all. But for whatever reason, because I only keep $1 on that pre-paid Visa card, it rejected the order/s.

If everything were working fine, it should have gone through fine, leaving me with (at least) $36.12 left in store credit at this point. And yet, when I go to the My Account page, it's showing I have only $35.05 left in my account. I'm not sure how it got to this amount.

I would like to point out that, as I'm now looking over the declined transactions, on the Order History, it shows the first actual charge (Wednesday, Sept 13) was $34.53 (matching the email I received for what the total was). The second charge (Friday, Sept 15th), and the ones placed this week so far (Monday & Tuesday, respectively) is showing a CHARGE of $36.12. I'm not exactly sure what happened, but the new Shipping & Handling on the page shows $5.89 instead of the original $4.30.

So again, I think it is just a matter of the system not recognizing the pre-paid Visa I was using. I'm not sure what would have altered it, as I've been using it without issue for months now. But it's the only thing I can think of as being the issue.

And again, I went into March 8th with a minimum of $70.69. After being charged that initial $34.53, I should have at least $36.16 left in Paizo credit. Instead, it's showing $35.05. Now maybe that new charge of $36.12 takes into account an updated shipping charge of $5.89 instead of the original $4.30 shipping charge (the math of $30.23 + $5.89 = $36.12). But that would mean that at one point I was indeed charged with a lesser shipping method, and it likely used $34.53 of my store credit. But after being declined, perhaps it never put it back on?

Or perhaps the listed amount of $35.05 left in store credit represents the correct amount after accounting for the new total charge of $36.12? $36.12 + $35.05 = $71.17. And as I said, I believe I had some Paizo credit under $1.00 leftover back in February before I purchased the $60. on the 7th of that Month.

Regardless, I had enough store credit to cover the transaction the first time. So I'm not really sure why the charge of $34.53 on Wednesday, March 13th was declined. Even looking at the most recently declined charges, it says Order Total: $36.12 and underneath in green it says Store Credit To Apply: $36.12. That would be accurate if such a charge went through, leaving me that $35.05 in store credit. (Though again, I'm not sure why the charge amount changed mid-attempts). But...again, it's been declined. So I'm at a total loss here.

I have to admit I'm getting a bit frustrated. I'm sorry it took so long to recognize this issue, but I hadn't checked that account in some time as I assumed all would go smoothly with order generation and charging, as it has been using this method since last summer and this particular pre-paid Visa card for the last five months.

I specifically don't use a regular credit card because I cancelled all but one, which is only for emergencies. I understand why PayPal isn't a valid option for things like Paizo subscriptions. But it should still be available as an option for products that can be immediately purchased and received within a normal shipping window, especially store credit. But whether you take that step or not, please look into fixing the system so that even if I don't have a normal credit card, I can continue to purchase store credit (using pre-paid credit cards I buy in person at the store) that can be used for my subscription orders.

At the very least, please push this order through. As long as it leaves me that $35.05 or whatever leftover in my store credit section, all is well. If I have to come back here and remind you each month to do the same so it doesn't mess up in the system and prevent me from receiving my orders on time every month, so be it. I'll set a reminder on my calendar on the first of every month or something.

In the meantime, thanks for reading through all this. I know there is a lot and it's a bit of a mess, but I wanted to give as much information as possible. I can also send you screenshots of everything I've mentioned if that helps.

Thanks in advance for getting back to me as quickly as possible.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This order says it shipped out on February 19th, though UPS shows things actually started moving on February 21st. Regardless, per the tracking info provided in my Order History, it's been sitting in Akron, Oho (15-20 minutes from me) since February 25th. There hasn't been any inclement weather here since the 25th that would prevent it from moving from one place in Northeast Ohio to another 15 minutes away.

Before I contact USPS, I'm curious as to what it shows on your system? I know the different systems aren't perfect, but I've never seen a package listed as just sitting there for five days.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Can you please cancel my Pathfinder Maps Subscription? Thank you so much in advance.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I sent an email about this a few days ago, but either the customer service response team is overwhelmed, or the recent site stability affected the email system.

I was successfully able to add a few items to my sidecart back near the beginning of the month. Everything looked fine and ready to go right before order spawning was generated for August orders. However, when generated, my August Subscription order only included four of the six dice-related items in my Sidecart, leaving out two items (2 sets of Q-Workshop Pathfinder dice).

I fully understand that sometimes you don't have products on hand. But neither of the Paizo dice sets I ordered (Wrath of the Righteous, Goblins!) were new or set on pre-order. Furthermore, there was no message on the original sales page or once I added the items to my cart to indicate they were not in stock. Not even an indication they were on backorder.

I specifically added the sets of dice, both the Pathfinder dice and the others, respectively, to allow my order--when combined with my August subscription orders, to reach the $100 threshold needed for Paizo to cover the first $10.00 in shipping. But with both the Q-Workshop items inexplicably dropped from my order, my total fell below that mark.

Today I received a shipping notification that the other four dice items were officially on their way, and that the order can't be meddled with. And of course, it still shows the two sets of Pathfinder dice in my Sidecart.

I guess, at this point, I'm just asking for clarification on what transpired with the Pathfinder sets from Q-Workshop that originally led to them being cut from my Order 5371943. My concern is that if I were to add things to my Sidecart between now and September spawning, things might inexplicably get bounced again.

Was this issue related to the website stability issue Paizo had this whole last week? Was it just a bookkeeping error on behalf of the computer system, failing to indicate these items were out of stock or going to ship at a later date? What can I do next time to make sure the items I order for the Sidecart are all included with my Subscription items?


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hey good folks at Paizo,

I want to cancel Order 5206274, but then push it through again. I was on vacation this past week and was unable to buy enough store credit to cover my subscription before I left. I have since done that, adding $99.00 to my store credit.

I already had $3.94 in store credit, but that is currently caught up in the Pending Order 5206274. If you cancel that order, I believe the $3.94 should revert to my Store Credit section. Combined with the $99.00 I bought earlier today in store credit, I'll have enough total store credit to cover the $100.46 total (including shipping) for my subscriptions this month.

I hope this makes sense. If you have any questions please ask and I'll respond as quickly as possible.

Thanks for addressing this in a timely manner. I know you are still very busy.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Sorry to bother you good folks yet again. Can you please cancel out my Order 4901035, which is currently listed as Pending, and spawn another order for the same subscription items?

I received a notification this morning of fraudulent charges on my card. I went ahead and purchased enough Paizo credit ($358.00) to cover my current month's subscription cost. I've since put a hold on my card, so the current order (4901035) will eventually end up declining anyway. But this way I won't have to wait until that eventual decline, which will throw off the shipping and arrival dates of this month's subscription.

I've set up my account to use the Paizo store credit first, and there is enough of the credit to cover the order.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks in advance for the help of the awesome Paizo Customer Service team.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hello Pathfinder folks!

I hit a snag with my original payment method for this order. And when I went to change the payment method so I could push the order through, it wouldn't let me. I'd like to use my store credit to pay for this particular order. There is enough of it to cover the order & the shipping. It lets me click the button to use store credit for my subscriptions, but the option doesn't show up when trying a different payment method for the order.

Again, this is for Order 4757860.

Please see if you've got a spell that will help remedy this situation.

Going forward, I think I'm just going to buy store credit every month and use that to pay for my subscriptions. I'd like to see it happen for this month before I commit to such a plan.

Anyways, thanks in advance for your help.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hello Pathfinder Customer Service Team,

I've already got the Adventure Path & Player Companion set to spawn at some point in the next couple days.

I decided to add a Subscription for the main line of books, and was hoping to add Ultimate Wilderness for the first book (with the intention those three orders would spawn together for this period).

However, the subscription for the main line goes right from Book of the Damned to Planar Adventures (due in June 2018). It appears that Ultimate Wilderness is no longer an option for new subscribers. Is this intentional on your end, or just an oversight during transition, or what?

Normally I wouldn't mind starting with the Book Of The Damned, as I have not yet purchased a hard copy. However, I did just purchase a digital copy of it last week from this site, and I'd hate to "double buy".

Can you give me any information as to why Ultimate Wilderness is no longer available as an option for subscription?

Also, if I go ahead and start with Book of the Damned, will it spawn for it and Ultimate Wilderness this month? That would be fine. If this second scenario turns out to be the best move going forward, is there any chance I can get a credit for a main book download (so I'm not out that extra $10) after the order has officially spawned and cleared?

Thank you so much for your help.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Could you please re-activate my suspended subscriptions. Thank you in advance.

Pathfinder Adventure Path
Pathfinder Campaign Setting
Pathfinder Player Companion
Pathfinder Battles

Thank you so much for your patience. You folks are the best!


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


I have two orders with Paizo right now. One was placed on October 21st for products in the Great Golem Sale (Order #3304604). The other is my subscriptions order for November (Order #3321866). According to my Paizo account page, they are both still pending as of five minutes ago.

Based on the Great Golem Sale update page, it appears as if you'll soon be getting to the October 21st orders.

I'm not sure when you'll get to my subscription order, but I believe the pending hold of the funds in my account ends today. I don't know exactly how that works, but perhaps the order will process today.

Regardless of which order processes first, you are welcome to ship both orders together if it makes it easier for your warehouse folks. I don't know if it is too late to save a couple dollars on the shipping that way, but that, too, would be appreciated.

I checked my credit card account earlier in the day and both charges were still pending. I have sufficient funds, so everything on my end should work out.

Thanks again for your time and hard work.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Yikes. I wish him a full and speedy recovery.

And thanks for the heads up, Paizo!

BTW, that Goblin illustration is perfect for this type of situation.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

These all look awesome!! And I'm totally excited for a Badger! Hopefully the animal haters out there won't shed too many tears, as they won't be receiving multiples of Biter unless they purchase multiple copies of the same Iconics pack. But these all look great, and I can't wait to see how they turn out when all is said and done.

If I'm not mistaken, this is the first non-celeistial Dire Badger we've seen in pre-painted plastic miniature form.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Try saying Hellwasp Wisp out loud five times really fast…

I love the regular Will-O-Wisps from the WotR line, so I'm sure I'll love this one.

Assuming you're talking about Columbus, Ohio, I just might have to stop by. I'm only 1 1/2 hours away.

If I don't get a chance to get down there next week, I'll definitely stop by at Gen Con; My friends and I have a booth there promoting our Iron & Ale Dwarven Drinking Game.

As for the Minimates, we'll see. A week ago I would have said I have no interest. But just a few days ago I learned that my 9 year-old niece loves those Lego-ish things. Perhaps I'll have to pick up a pack or two for her as the first step of the bridge to gaming.

They aren't really my deal, but they do look very nice and extremely well detailed.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The other night I signed up for three subscriptions: Adventure Path, Campaign Setting, and Player Companion.

For whatever reason it says it declined my card, but I've got no record of that on my billing history online. Also according to my account with the credit card company, I'm in good standing and it should take.

I know you were having some trouble a day or two ago with orders being declined when they shouldn't have. Perhaps I"m one of those cases. Is there anything you can do? Do I need to do anything to get it going again, or is there something you can do on your end?

The order # is: 3021132

Thank you.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm so confused.

When I add the Wrath of the Righteous miniatures case subscription, the price drops down to what it would be for the 30% off the $399.99 price.

However, when I take the Wrath of the Righteous miniatures case subscription out and add the Reign of Winter miniatures case, it goes back up to $368.18 (w/incentive). Is this because the RoW is forthcoming, so the price hasn't officially changed yet? If I add RoW to my cart as the first case in my subscription and it shows the higher price, will the price automatically come down (and charge me) at the lower price once it officially goes on the market?

I definitely look forward to supporting Paizo through the website, but I'd like to gain a better understanding of the process before I go through with signing up for the miniatures case subscription.

Thank you.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I love all three of these. The Centaur looks nice and full, as far as miniatures are concerned.

I'm always down for different looking vampires, and I'm excited about the sunken eyes. From the pic it looks like it can really offset the otherwise dark and somewhat simple sculpt.

I'll never turn down more fey, and I always appreciate strange looking creatures. I feel like one reason that Fey can be touch to do is:

--Many of the Fey creatures tend to look very human. That's good, but one can only make so many.

--Some of the more traditional Fey out there are Tiny or smaller. I think companies in the past have decided it's best not to try them at that size, so they don't do them at all.

You asked our opinion about how to go about doing Tiny and smaller creatures. My suggestion is just to make them Small or TIny size, depending on the creature and difficulty of actual representation. There are plenty of things that around the house that a DM can use to represent such creatures in more accurate size on his board. But one of the main reasons for having miniatures in the first place is to have an accurate looking piece that can be admired and appreciated by the gaming group. With that in mind, I'd rather just have a Small-sized Atomie as beautiful as the one in the Bestiary 3 than a poorly painted or sculpted attempt at a Diminutive one.

Glad you had fun on vacation.