Hero of Valhalla

Pete v.B.'s page

40 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Dear Paizo, you dropped my "Contributor" handle from my messageboard persona. Is this because I asked for my refund? ;-) Seriously, would like it back as I don't have much else to be proud of. 8-) Thanks.

Clark, Erik and Wolfgang, I am really impressed with the level of analysis you gentlemen are putting into the countries. I am also amazed at the RPG talent in the world! My votes are recorded and I cannot wait to see where we go from here. This contest was brilliant. Thanks for all the (obvious) time you are all putting into this. See you out there...

Time to get us our refunds! I want mine by Christmas.

Hi. Ordered hard copy but shows as PDF only; can you please make sure I am getting the magazine in hand, not just as download. Thanks.

Hi, ordered Pathfinder (by phone) a few weeks ago and await its arrival. Please confirm you have the order and when you expect to ship. Thanks, Pete

Hi. I bought a subscription to Dungeon for a buddy, Michael Muxie III of Little River, NC. He wanted to split his credit between Dungeon and Dragon mag so he could receive the last issues of both magazines. He called but customer service said he could only use credit towards new Pathfinder since he was not the "paying subscriber." Could you please split his Dungeon credit between both magazines as he wished. Thank you for your time and cooperation.

This is a good place to complain about WotC's decision:
Yes, online reaches the world easier, but so what. Just provide a downloadable PDF every issue for those folks abroad. I am tired of globalization. I cannot curl up with my laptop -- I read every issue cover-to-cover; this usually occurs at night when the baby and wife are asleep. What am I to do now? You expect me to print out a PDF!? Have you seen ink prices these days? Okay, reference may be easier, but I could do that with a set of PDF's on my hard drive. How can you cut Paizo loose!? The format of Dragon/Dungeon are in their prime/never better...I worry about narrative ecologies, too much fiction, and (gasp) other past incarnations. If they wanted to talk to their baby again, why couldn't the folks at WotC just submit content like the rest of us?

Dear Cosmo, when I log in to Paizo, I want to show that I subscribe to Dungeon & Dragon, have contributed to Dragon, and have signed up to subscribe to Pathfinder. Thank you, Sir! Pete von Bleichert

Can I assume Paizo will want its freelancers to stay on board for Pathfinder?
When do you anticipate releasing writers guidelines?
Do you see as much freelance content as you had with Dungeon & Dragon mags?

Thanks to the editors at Paizo; you people are the most patient, easy-to-work-with editors I have ever encountered!

Here's to the future!

353 never arrived (as of March 16). Being the impatient soul I am, I had to pick one up. Would you be kind enough to add a 1 issue credit to my subscription? Cheers!

I was starting to plan to go to GenCon SoCal(Anaheim) 2007 and read that it has been cancelled! Has anyone else heard this cursed news!? Is it true!

Sire's - if a really good Campaign Workbook piece comes in, but is 952 words, is that acceptable? (I know 1,100 min.) Would you suggest a re-submit after beefing it up? Thanks! PvB

Would you be kind enough to release any info. here about the upcoming campaign arc so us writers can tailor submissions to theme(s)? Also, any insight into Campaign Workbook demand, especially new Wandering, etc.
Thanks much, PvB