Queen Ileosa Arabasti

Pernella's page

30 posts. Alias of Soporific Lotus.


Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

I am sorry to say that I am not going to be continuing in this game. I had never tried a PbP game before and the format is not working for me. I want to emphasize that I am not blaming anyone for my experience. I just don't think PbP games are a good fit for me. I am very sorry about any disruption this causes.

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

I think how the curse works is that the person attracts the undead no matter where the statue is. They can spy on the statues so I think sending one away would not help because they would be able to see that it is not on the ship.

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

Sorry for being an absent poster but I couldn't think of any way for Pernella's limited skill set to useful in the current proceedings.

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

Having healed the crew, Pernella waits for her companions to finish their investigation by donning her armor and patrolling the deck of the ship, periodically casing detect evil at the sea.

Eventually when she is informed of what was found she nods along at the idea of casting the statues adrift. After several hours of thought while stalking the ship she goes to Ansha and asks, "Ansha if you will pardon the intrusion, I am no student of the arcane but is there no way to use these statues in anyway against our malefactors?"

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

I do not think their motives are clear at this point. I am not so sure that they have the capacity to sink the ship. If they did I think the ship would already be sunk by now. Maybe zombies are too dumb to use an axe or maybe trying to hold onto a ship underwater while it is moving and swing an axe is too difficult.

Pernella detected an evil aura moving away from the ship. It might have been Mr. Hawk or whatever was controlling the zombies, we do not know. I have not played a paladin before or I would have thought to mention in my first post that Pernella scans everyone she meets with detect evil. I guess I just assumed that every paladin does that because its undetectable and quick. Ulgulanoth did she forget to use detect evil on the crew or did she detect no evil when she first boarded and met the officers?

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

Pernella peers over the railing in the direction of the evil straining to see what it is.

Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Raising her voice to be heard over the sailors in the aftermath of the attack Pernella shouts, Please, to me, bring the wounded to me and they will be healed!" Assuming the wounded can be moved to within her radius she channels energy to heal the sailors.

3d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 6) = 13

After this act and assuming Durant has returned Pernella says to her fellows, [b] "At the end I sensed an evil presence fleeing in the water."

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

Pernella was guided by detect evil and thats where it led her.

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

Overcome by invoking the divine, Pernella only half hears Durant who has already climbed through the ragged hole before she can reply. She begins to detect evil again heading to the closest source. If she can detect no evil she heads to the deck.

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

Pernella strides forward heedless of the danger for although she is armed with her great sword she is unarmored. As a white flame envelopes her and then explodes outward she cries, “To dust with you!”

She positions herself in front of her allies and tries to include as many of the creatures as possible in her effect.

channel positive energy to harm undead 30 ft radius 3d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 5) = 8 DC 16
Lay on hands 5 left
Channel energy 1 left

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

Knowledge (Religion) 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Pendagast wrote:
bugleyman wrote:

I think most of those involved in the debate were capable of figuring out that 98th percentile (IQ 130) is roughly a 17 Intelligence score if you apply a real-world IQ distribution. It's just that some people feel that 18 isn't intended to represent one person in 216, but one person in 2,160,000. That is, that "normal" people don't roll 3d6.

Frankly, I can see the appeal of both scales, but I'm inclined to lean toward your interpretation. Possibly because it gives me an Intelligence of 17 instead of 14. :P

yea it gives me a 17/18 as well.

I dunno if I could comprehend a 7th or 8th level spell tho, lol

But remember you would also have to be a 15th level wizard to understand a 7th level spell so don't put your comprehension down you just have not spent your life reading eldritch tomes and harnessing their arcane power.

Kirth Gersen wrote:

That would be quite accurate if people rolled for stats using 3d6. But almost no one does. Our group, for example, does 4d6, drop the lowest. Most other groups use a point-buy method. Even for NPCs, you've got "X" number with the elite array skewing results upwards, and you've got elves (and many humans) with that pesky +2 racial bonus.

And then you have animals, like chimpanzees (which can learn sign language) with an Int of 2 (IQ substantially below 60).

D&D doesn't lend itself to real-world comparisons.

Players are heroic and so is the elite standard array. Its an analysis of the general population. The NPC class standard array is a 3 point buy and I think modeled well by a typical set of 3D6 rolls.

As the recent Paizo blog addressed animal INT is different than human INT.

The racial bonuses are an interesting point. I guess this works better for 3.5 humans than Pathfinder humans.

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

Hearing the scream Pernella detects evil at the ceiling. Assuming she finds something she rushes upward trying to track the location of the evil so that she can confront it.

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

“Do not be surprised if they come from the walls.”

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

Only taking a moment to fetch her sword Pernella falls in behind the group as they descend. She continually detects evil trying to determine if any of evil auras are stronger than each other or anything else that she does not already know. Having reached the lower deck Pernella would untether Silvermane if given the time but she does not mount him.

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

Pernella sweeps her gaze across the roof and walls of the cabin without comment then turns her head down. For a flicker of a moment her eyes widen but then return to normal. With a calm voice she says, “There are perhaps 20 things in the water with evil intent. More of the same or different I do not know.” With a mutter of, “My sword” she dashes off to her cabin.

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

Where are our horse and elk?

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

In an instant the dagger is gone and Pernella places a hand, now faintly shimmering, on Yuril. She speaks slowly at first but her pace quickens, “By Iomedae, may your pain cease.” She gestures to the walls of the room, “If I concentrate I can sense the presence of the evil hearted so that we may know if more lurk about but I am hindered by barriers. Dear captain, how thick is this floor and ceiling? Are you fit to walk? I would go to my cabin and retrieve my sword but perhaps we should stay together.”

While waiting for a response, Pernella begins using detect evil to scan this level as well as above and below deck.

Lay on hands 3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 2) = 10
What is your take on detect evil? It says it can go through a barrier of less than 3 feet of wood. If there were four 1 foot thick wooden walls in a row would I detect through all of them? Also, Pernella is not wearing her full plate nor would she carry her great sword, morning star or lance to dinner. She does always wear her belt and headband.

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

Pernella stands and lunges toward the assailant. Her hand, empty a moment before, now contains a dagger.

Move: Move to shadow
Standard: Power attack with furious focus
Free: draw dagger

If she can charge and/or flank she would do so.

1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 151d4 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

initiative 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 If the conversation continues Pernella continues to eat and pays little attention to anything outside the room

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

“I am more accustomed to taking the fight to the enemy on the battlefield although here it is true that I can hardly gallop across waves. My equipment is also self-serving although I can knit bone, remake flesh, restore a mind possessed by evil and burn the undead. Not to be thought boasting she adds, “I pray such blessings remain unused.”

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

I should mention that this is my first PbP. Today I posted a reply only to find that I had been too slow and Thayalh had responded first to the captain with the same question I had. I wanted to participate so I tried to edit my post so it flowed with the conversation but I think the result is a little awkward. Do people normally just delete their post in this instance?

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

Before Yuril is given a chance to respond Pernella speaks up, “Forgive me captain but I have no knowledge of...” she pauses and turns her hand at the wrist several times before continuing “Nautical tactics. Could turn your tale so that even I might learn from it? And pirates! Those that turn to such evil have no honor and will not be spared my wrath.” Pernella’s voice has risen at the talk of pirates, she starts to rise from her chair and raises her fist as if to pound the table but thinks better of it. Lowering herself she gives a weak smile and says, “You have my sword although I am sheepish to admit I have no bow.”

Female Human Shining Knight Paladin 6

Pernella has quietly sat chewing her food giving little to betray her thoughts. As she carefully brings her sloshing goblet to her lips Gurthock's loud voice gives her a startle almost causing her to spill her wine. Regaining her composure she at last speaks up.

"Pernella, sir."

She gives Yuril a quick nod.

This blog entry on intelligent companion animals seems relevant to our group being that we have three of them. I had assumed that I could just tell my horse what to do and not have to worry about tricks but it seems that is not the case so I bumped up my handle animal skill. Ulgulanoth how are you going to handle our Int six mounts and Int 3 bear? With an Int six it would seem that the mounts would know every trick. Obviously I do not think any of us planned to give them weapons or expected them to talk but can we give them more complicated commands than the basic tricks such as "Guard this cave entrance but flee to our camp if you become seriously wounded"?


NYpurdy wrote:
I'm working on my build. I'm going to be an Elf Oracle of Nature, and I'm looking at the bonded mount revelation. Would you let me trade out the Elf from the kingmaker AP for a horse? They are both CR 1 (FYI)

I would like to trade my mount for an Elf as well. Just kidding,that is the best typo it really made me smile.

ulgulanoth wrote:
ok, Talon and Gurthock look fine, Pernella... from what i can tell from the rules the horse would need those feats to do that, so yea i guess you'll need to change those feats

I apologize if I was not clear but the horse does have those three feats.

->Soporific Lotus

I remade her sheet as a profile.

I gave my paladin mount the feats power attack, improved overrun and charge through working on the assumption that I could use my ride skill to have the horse make an overrun and use its own stats for the CMB roll while I would still be taking my own attack. If that does not sound right I will just change the feats.