
Peribras's Companion: Darkpaw's page

68 posts. Alias of caps.

This is a pretty cool collection of original unpainted miniatures.

The game itself is also awesome, but this is the miniatures forum; if you're interested in the game, the thread for that is here.

Just like HeroQuest did a few years ago via a crowdfunding campaign, Heroscape is coming back!

There are all kinds of details and teasers in this thread, but the actual campaign itself is here. The campaign page is surprisingly light on gameplay examples, but that should come in the next week or two (you can expect it to be similar to previously existing Heroscape sets, which you can find gameplay videos of on youtube).

I am not a beneficiary of the campaign in any way (aside from wanting to be able to buy new Heroscape) but I love this game. Let me tell you why:

Me wrote:

The gameplay is elegant and approachable but also exciting with lots of strategic depth and replayability.

It is a game that parents can play with their kids (or siblings with each other) as well as adults can enjoy together.

You can teach the whole game in ~10 minutes, give or take, and then have a fun game.

It's approachable enough that non-gamers get interested in it and enjoy playing it. It has great table appeal which makes it really fun to interact with and look at.

The hex tiles can really bring out your inner architect/LEGO fanatic. They stack on top of each other, making the maps 3-dimensional. They are one of the major factors that set the game apart. Other games might have neat or simple gameplay, but the maps make for so much variety and novelty. You can put together a really cool map in the time that a traditional wargamer is still gluing pieces of their battlefield together (nevermind priming etc.)

The simple interplay of the basic game rules + the terrain effects (height advantage, line of sight, special terrain rules) + unique special powers of each figure give the game strategic depth. It is one of those "easy to learn, hard to master" games that rewards you the more you play and study up on strategy.

The cost of the set is pretty high, but I think it is appropriate to the value. I did some analysis of the contents compared to previous sets...

Cost Analysis:
there's two sides of the cost discussion. One side is "costs too much for me" which is a subjective thing I won't argue with. The other side is "costs more than it is worth" which is a bit more of an objectively verifiable statement and, I think, quite false.

Rise of the Valkyrie gave us 16 army cards for 30 figures as well as a boatload of terrain for an MSRP of $40 in 2004. The $$-per-ounce-of-plastic increased with each subsequent master set.

The terrain for this set is comparable to Rise of the Valkyrie + a Ticalla Jungle (which retailed for $20 when it came out in 2008) + Fortress of the Archkyrie (which retailed for $30 when it came out in 2006), so that gets us to $90, 16 cards, and 30 figures. So let's get the rest of the way to 71 unique figures...

we'll have to add
- Heroes of Bleakwoode for $13 + 5 figures
- Heroes of Barrenspur for $13 + 4 figures (1 large + 1 Huge)
- Orm's Return for $20 + 5 large figures (mix of large and huge)
- Heroes of Nostralund for $13 + 5 figures
- Heroes of Trollsford for $13 + 5 figures
- Gladiators and Agents for $13 + 6 figures
- Ninjas and Samurai for $13 + 6 figures
- Heroes of Durgeth for $13 + 5 figures

so that gets us to $214 for comparable terrain and 71 unique figures... in 2004-2006. $214 -> $250 is a 16% increase in cost. I'm not aware of anything that has had a cost increase as small as 16% since 2006. Have you looked at gas prices lately? Do you remember what they were in 2006? The price of plastic has gone way up (as has the price of labor, which is why these are unpainted).

Finally, shipping (a $40 value?) is free.

A related point is that this is also on the normal spectrum of prices for unpainted mini games of this size on kickstarter; a few go for less, many go for the same or more. And they usually don't have free shipping.

I am nearly finished running Menace Under Otari for my two kids. I'm about to start running it again for one of those same kids plus some other friends of ours. I would like to mix up the encounters a bit and I am curious if anyone has suggestions.

Thoughts so far:
I'm leaning towards swapping the kobolds for goblins + a goblinoid boss (maybe a bugbear?) and swapping the xulgath for drow. I can swap the wyrmling to a different colored one, or perhaps a creature of the same CR that could feasibly fill the same role for a goblin tribe as the wyrmling does for the kobolds. I'm looking for suggestions on that, although something may leap out at me once I have some time to look at the bestiary.

Honestly the creature substitutions aren't that hard. What I'm really hoping for ideas on would be how to change the logic puzzle(s) and maybe some alternative trap suggestions.

Any suggestions on re-arranging the dungeon, or a similar map that's easily available I could "transport" the encounters into?

The idea is to not change anything fundamental to the adventure while still making it feel fresh the second time around.

Order #36273627 was shipped in two separate shipments. At the time I complained about the additional shipping charge and received no response.

However, I recently realized that the Troubles In Otari shipment never even arrived! I did pay for it, so please send it to me with my next subscription.

The other shipment containing Alien Archive 4 and the Pathfinder Beginner Box arrived with no issues.

I have the "cheapest shipping option" box checked, but for some reason my Trouble in Otari book is shipping separately from my Starfinder subscription and my sidecart.

Please refund me the shipping on one of these two orders, as I did not want to pay shipping twice.

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On order #22847617 I did not get my Paizo Advantage discount. Should it stack with the Black Friday discount? If so, could I get a partial refund for the difference?

Thank you

1/5 *

Cool! Thanks for getting this to us so quickly!

Planning to run this for my kids. Presumably I can use the other pregens in the box to make a legal table as long as there are at least two players?

Aaron Shanks says here that the Pathfinder Beginner Box PDF should be eligible for the Advantage discount. I did not receive the discount on my PDF in order Order 32175759. Can I please have the discount applied as a discount or gift card? Or some other means of applying it retroactively? Thank you.

1/5 *

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The Additional Resources page says regarding Alien Archive 3 that

Equipment: All equipment in this book with a listed item level and price is legal for play except for the EMP weapon fusion and flux fig.

and Diatha doesn't have its *own* item level or its *own* price. Instead it modifies the item level and price of other items. aonsrd.com seems to think it is not legal, but it seems ambiguous to me.

My search of the forums found the only reference to "Diatha" to be in SFS play-by-post games here on the boards, so obviously some players interpret it to be legal.

Diatha ammunition on aonsrd

1/5 *

I am really sad to see Eager Protege and Exemplary Recruiter retired. They are the reasons I made my first PC an Envoys' Alliance member. He already bought the Eager Protege boon a long time ago, so he should still be able to make use of that. But I was planning to buy the Exemplary Recruiter boon to go along with it.

Will these boons be making a return at a later date, or should I switch my Envoys' Alliance PC to a different faction for future scenarios?

I'm getting ready to run Rise of the Runelords for some friends in play by post. But it is rare for play by post campaigns to finish; it seems to me that Paizo's APs are designed for groups that play 4+ hours once a week. PbP groups, or groups that meet f2f less than weekly, should consider cutting out some of the content to have a shot at getting through it all.

So I'm looking to figure out which content I should cut, from single encounters, to entire areas, to whole chapters, or even books.

My question to you is, which of the above from Rise of the Runelords did you find added the least, dragged on the most, or felt the most like filler?

I'm fairly familiar with the first book, having run it before.

My goal is to get from level 1-20, using 2e, in 1-2 years of play by post on discord.

I added PDFs of books 3-6 of Age of Ashes to my cart, went through check out (but did not hit the red button to complete the check out). I decided that even with the great discount I was not ready to spend that much. I went back to my cart and removed books 5 and 6. Now I cannot get the discount to apply again.

I want to purchase a PDF of Tomorrow Must Burn ( https://paizo.com/products/btq01zrs?Pathfinder-Adventure-Path-147-Tomorrow- Must-Burn ) and a PDF of Fires of the Haunted City ( https://paizo.com/products/btq0204d?Pathfinder-Adventure-Path-148-Fires-of- the-Haunted-City ) using the gencon2020 code.

I also have Paizo Advantage, and the cart was letting the two things stack, which was part of my decision to make the purchase.

I have had an idea in my head (perhaps left over from PF1) that once you beat a poison or disease effect you don't need to make a further checks against it on repeated exposure.

Concretely, this means I interpreted that if a PC succeeds on the fortitude save against Jungle Drake Venom, they do not need to make fortitude saves against it again, even if they are exposed to it by being hit by the stinger or venomous spit.

But looking at the RAW I find only

Multiple Exposures wrote:

Multiple exposures to the same curse or disease currently affecting you have no effect. For a poison, however, failing the initial saving throw against a new exposure increases the stage by 1 (or by 2 if you critically fail) without affecting the maximum duration. This is true even if you’re within the poison’s onset period, though it doesn’t change the onset length.

And nothing in the Jungle Drake Venom text stating immunity is conferred by success.

Am I missing some text somewhere else or did I rule this incorrectly?

If a creature, object, or hazard is immune to critical hits, does that mean it is also immune to critically failing a saving throw?

My intention and reading of the RAW says no. But I am curious if there is any RAW I have missed that clarifies either way.

If not, I would like to hit the FAQ button here.

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Wow, these new feats look awesome for TWF characters

The game mastery guide has a 4 page section on hexploration. For the most part it makes sense, but I'm struggling a bit with some if it.

Mainly I feel like there are some missing pieces. For instance, Map the Area says that a success means that "the DC of any check to navigate that hex is reduced by 2." But neither the GMG nor the CRB give any examples of navigating a hex. It almost feels like they were going to have rules for making each individual hex more interesting (including a need to make survival checks to navigate) but forgot to put them in. As-is since you can't make a map without first investing time in reconnoitering, I am struggling to see the point.

What am I missing?

1/5 *

Does the Society Recruiter boon still give a total of +2 reputation with the Envoys' Alliance faction when the player slotting it is playing the scenario on the Slow Advancement track?

Slow advancement wrote:
You gain half of the XP, gp, Downtime, Fame, and Reputation rewards earned in the adventure.
Society Recruiter boon wrote:


Prerequisites Envoys’ Alliance Tier 1

Cost 0 Fame

The Envoys’ Alliance celebrates your efforts to recruit new talent. If you bring a new player to a table—a player without a Pathfinder Society character or someone playing their first Pathfinder Society session—you earn 2 additional Fame and Reputation with the Envoys’ Alliance faction.

Special You can benefit from this boon only a number of times equal to your current Reputation Tier with the Envoys’ Alliance faction. Each time you fulfill the requirements of this boon, mark it on your Chronicle sheet along with the associated Reputation Tier. Have the GM sign beside this notation. The player you introduce to Pathfinder Society does not have to play at the same table as you (though being at the same table often improves their experience).

Italics mine. The part I emphasized is what leads me to think that it is *fair* for the boon to still give the +2 rep, because there is already a limit on how much it can be used, so someone could not abuse it by using it over and over on the slow track.

But that does not answer the question of RAW or of RAI in this case.

I'm interested in playing a blind Vlaka Solarian for a Dead Suns campaign, but I'm concerned about zero-vacuum encounters at low levels. I'm not interested in doing away with the blinded condition; that would go against the spirit of the character. But I want to know if there is an item or spell or something that could help him pinpoint enemy locations in the absence of sound and smell. Particularly at low levels. I just don't want him to be total dead weight in such an encounter. Any tips?

1/5 *

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If someone gets their first-ever chronicle as a result of playing Fall of Plaguestone at a home table, are they still eligible for the Envoys' Alliance "Society Recruiter" boon? My reading says yes. Here is the text

Society Recruiter wrote:
... The Envoys’ Alliance celebrates your efforts to recruit new talent. If you bring a new player to a table—a player without a Pathfinder Society character or someone playing their first Pathfinder Society session—you earn 2 additional Fame and Reputation with the Envoys’ Alliance faction...

Because the player is playing their first Pathfinder Society session

Cross-posting from the GM Reference thread because I didn't want to sidetrack things there.

I am modifying the first book pretty heavily. I needed to fast-track it since my players made their way here from Etran's Folly after completing Fall of Plaguestone and I have them at level 5. I'm trying to get them synced up with expected levels for Age of Ashes by the end of book 2.

I decided I wanted to modify with a few goals in mind:
- emphasize the Stepford Wives aspect of Breachill (relatively minor point so far)
- add some "regulars" to the town. Basically the local heroes that take the jobs too tough for any new adventurers and fill in whenever there are no out-of-towners to do the job (my PCs never meet them; see below). They were working on clearing out the Citadel and were also getting suspicious of Voz. I got this idea from someone else in this thread (and I also saw it on Reddit; probably the same person), although I modified and simplified it.
- cut the huge delay. At the call for heroes, Warbal has run all the way from the citadel to ask for immediate and urgent help (no 4 weeks of waiting here). On the way she encountered Voz slaughtering "the regulars" and manages to tell the council that much, and *THEN*...
- ... Voz hits Warbal with an acid arrow and calls her a filthy rat. One of my PCs managed to hit her, but then summoned a couple of living wildfires and a couple of fire mephits* and got out of there. I'm trying to play her up a little more as a Vader/Strahd villain that they frequently interact with and can't quite take on just yet, so I have her as a much more powerful necromancer, which means...
- ... Breachill has an undead problem, although they are only just now realizing it. The party encountered some zombies on the road from Etran's Folly, and everyone in town thought they were a little crazy "there's no undead around here, haha"

So I'm planning to have a lot more undead in the citadel; Alak will probably be cornered by some of them instead of some fiends. He may or may not have encountered "the regulars" since he only recently arrived. However, I'm not sure how to tie in the cultists and the Anadi woman; I'm leaning towards cutting the whole Guardian's Way/Goblinblood Caves portion out altogether. It looks pretty cool (maybe better than the Citadel material) but it doesn't fit my time constraints and I don't think as powerful a Necromancer as I am making Voz needs any mercenaries. I'm thinking it is probably Voz's undead, rather than collapsed stairwells, that are keeping the cultists trapped in the basement.

I had also been playing with Voz and Malarunk working together a little. I think I've talked myself out of that.

My players have dealt with the fire in city hall and made their way to the citadel, but we stopped there. I have ~6 weeks until our next session. Any suggestions? Would this be a better discussion for another thread?

*The PCs are level 5. A single mephit wasn't going to cut it. I handwaved the mechanics "story over mechanics blah blah blah." Not actually sure how I feel about the sentiment but I'm trying it. If Calmont could bungle his way through a special NPC-only parchment to summon a single fire mephit, Voz could find a more powerful single-use item.

I've brought this up a couple of times now but never on its own so I'm dedicating a thread to it now.

Paizo Order # 7896137 was supposed to contain a "Starfinder Rules Reference Deck" but I never received it. Everything else in the order was correct. There was an unordered Pathfinder 2e Condition Card Deck in there, however.

Could I get the Rules Reference added to my next shipment? I already paid for it.


So it has been a while now but I still don't have any of the PFS scenarios in my account. I have the following subscriptions, which I believe qualify me for a complimentary PFS or SFS scenario subscription:

  • Pathfinder Lost Omens
  • Pathfinder Adventure
  • Pathfinder Rulebook
  • Starfinder Roleplaying Game

My account shows I have the complimentary subscription and I have selected Pathfinder Society, but the only scenario I have is 1-00 Origin of the Open Road.

I can create a separate thread for this as well, but my order #7896137 was supposed to contain a Starfinder Rules Reference Deck and I received a Pathfinder Condition Card Deck instead. I would love to have the Rules Reference Deck put in my next subscription order.

Thank you all!

Choptop's Confirmation Map | Posts unlikely on 1st + 2nd Thursday each month and Tuesday + Thursday mornings

Do not post here yet.

Choptop's Confirmation Map | Posts unlikely on 1st + 2nd Thursday each month and Tuesday + Thursday mornings

Normally I would put a bunch of information here but I just want y'all to be able to start chatting with each other. I'll post the stuff I need from y'all later. For now you just need a Paizo profile. When you're ready, go to the Pathfinder Society panel and create a character. That character profile is where you will post in gameplay and put all your stats for us to reference.

But if you're not ready to do that yet, that's fine. Just post here to introduce yourself and let us know what kind of character you're looking to make.

Choptop's Confirmation Map | Posts unlikely on 1st + 2nd Thursday each month and Tuesday + Thursday mornings

Don't post in here yet.

Choptop's Confirmation Map | Posts unlikely on 1st + 2nd Thursday each month and Tuesday + Thursday mornings

Normally I would put a bunch of information here but I just want y'all to be able to start chatting with each other. I'll post the stuff I need from y'all later. For now you just need a Paizo profile. When you're ready, go to the Pathfinder Society panel and create a character. That character profile is where you will post in gameplay and put all your stats for us to reference.

But if you're not ready to do that yet, that's fine. Just post here to introduce yourself and let us know what kind of character you're looking to make.

Choptop's Confirmation Map | Posts unlikely on 1st + 2nd Thursday each month and Tuesday + Thursday mornings


1. ninja-dot into the Gameplay thread.

2. post with your

  • Player Name
  • Character Name
  • PFS #
  • Faction
  • Day Job roll or Faction sheet
  • Fast or slow progression
  • Anything else that you want *me* to notate on your Chronicle Sheet

3. put a copy of your preferred token, on the first slide of the maps here. While you are there, add your perception and initiative modifiers and preferred marching order.

4. make sure the Paizo profile page for your character includes some botting instructions. They can be as simple as "skip my turn" if you like: that's what I'll do when I need to boot you if you don't post any. You may want to address whether or not I should consume any resources (wand charges, potions, limited use class abilities, etc.) or change any statuses (beginning or ending rage, inspiration, etc.) when botting your character. My default policy on botting is that each character has roughly 24 hours to post from when they are first up in combat. If anyone has a problem with that, please let me know.

5. discuss marching order and standard operating procedure (SOP) for dungeon crawling here in the discussion thread and let me know what you prefer as a group.

Some example questions an SOP might answer:

  • Who checks for traps?
  • Who searches the room?
  • Is anyone providing light?
  • Given multiple doors to go through, which door will the party choose by default? (e.g. the left one first) This can really speed things up as I can move the party into the next room when they have resolved the current one

Choptop's Confirmation Map | Posts unlikely on 1st + 2nd Thursday each month and Tuesday + Thursday mornings

Please ninja-dot into the Gameplay thread. A ninja-dot is where you delete your dotting post after making it

Choptop's Confirmation Map | Posts unlikely on 1st + 2nd Thursday each month and Tuesday + Thursday mornings

Please post with your

  • Player Name
  • Character Name
  • PFS #
  • Faction
  • Day Job roll or Faction sheet (please re-use your roll from the other thread; just post a link so I can verify it)
  • Fast or slow progression
  • Anything else that you want *me* to notate on your Chronicle Sheet

EDIT: Additionally, please put a copy of your preferred token, on the first slide of the maps here. While you are there, add your perception and initiative modifiers and preferred marching order.

On the note of marching order, if you would like to implement a Standard Operating Procedure for this adventure since it is a dungeon crawl, please discuss it amongst yourselves and let me know. Some example questions an SOP might answer:

  • Who checks for traps?
  • Who searches the room?
  • Is anyone providing light?
  • Given multiple doors to go through, which door will the party choose by default? (e.g. the left one first) This can really speed things up as I can move the party into the next room when they have resolved the current one

Choptop's Confirmation Map | Posts unlikely on 1st + 2nd Thursday each month and Tuesday + Thursday mornings

Ninja dot here please.

A ninja dot is where you delete your dotting post after making it.

I have an Aasimar Oracle 1 / Paladin 2 with 2 negative levels.?

Am I misreading the Negative Levels text when I assume that the negative levels affect each of your classes separately? So in addition to my Paladin being considered level 0 for purposes of his class abilities, my Oracle would be considered level -1?

If I am understanding correctly, that means his Lay on Hands is effectively at 0d6.

13 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

As far as I can tell from reading the rules, I should be able to do TWF with a weapon as my primary attack, armor spikes as my secondary attack, and a shield in my other hand. I will still get the Shield's AC bonus when using a Full-Round action for TWFing.

I tried to find a discussion of this topic in the boards already, but the only one that I found addressing this specific idea was 4 years old and devolved into a "can you use Armor Spikes for TWF with a 2H weapon" which was off-topic and not something I'm interested in discussing here.

Specifically I have a PFS Fighter with the TWF feat that uses a Longsword and Armor Spikes, but also has a Quickdraw Throwing Spiked Light Shield for +1 AC. However, I also have a PFS CORE Barbarian that will be using a Longsword with a Heavy Shield. I was going to go the Shield Bash route, but I might prefer to use Armor Spikes instead of a Spiked Heavy Shield until I am able to get Shield Mastery at lvl 11 or so.

I'm looking for a ruling that would be relevant to PFS.