
Patrik Ström's page

Goblin Squad Member. 1,100 posts (5,592 including aliases). 3 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 aliases.

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Human Cleric 7 | hp 36/51 | channel 6/7

ac 28 (heavy shield, shield of faith, total defense), touch 11, fleet-footed 18
fort +7, ref +4, will +11
cmd 18
hp 51/51
effects: Total Defense, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Bless, Haste

Linah strides forward to meet the advancing forces. "Step back. Leave. Your arrows will not find purchase here. Your strikes will only hit air. You have nothing to gain here. Nothing to win. Just your lives to loose. This is your only chance. I will not ask again", she calls out to the foes before her.

Move action to N17
Standard action to take the Total defense action

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Human Rogue 4 Fighter 1 | AC 16 (17 when dual wielding) | hp 39/39 | hit dice 4/4d8, 1/1d10 | Second Wind []

No problems. Silvio waits patiently until the 4th!

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Human Rogue 4 Fighter 1 | AC 16 (17 when dual wielding) | hp 39/39 | hit dice 4/4d8, 1/1d10 | Second Wind []

just dotting

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I saw the movie two nights ago and I was positively surprised. The impression I got from the trailer was a rather dull movie with a “the more we scream the funnier it is” mindset. So I didn’t expect much. What also got my expectations down was that I saw the original last week to update myself and found it to be kind of entertaining, but far from a blast. And if the new one was supposed to be much worse I felt that I wasn’t in for all that good of a time.

But to my surprise I was proven wrong. It might be my radical feminist agenda or my general man hating ways but I found the movie to be very entertaining. I would even go as far as to say that I liked it better than the original. Sadly it petered out a bit to the end and resolving the main story felt somewhat weak to me. They could also have cut down on the action scenes leading up to the final confrontation.

All and all I think it was very entertaining and I would recommend it. Will probably rewatch it once it is released on dvd.

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Human Rogue 4 Fighter 1 | AC 16 (17 when dual wielding) | hp 39/39 | hit dice 4/4d8, 1/1d10 | Second Wind []

"Or perhaps you could ask your 'friend' to take it outside. Silvio understands that this is a part of gathering knowledge, but Silvio would rather not know how the sausage is made. So to speak."

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Update Re: Linah!

I'm currently on vacation up until the 12th of may. Normally that would mean a decrease in posting frequency, but since my job isn't getting in the way it will instead mean a slight increase! So I hope to be posting regularly the comming week and hopefully my workload will allow me to continue to do so even when I get back.

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Human Rogue 4 Fighter 1 | AC 16 (17 when dual wielding) | hp 39/39 | hit dice 4/4d8, 1/1d10 | Second Wind []
Roman Andari wrote:
Roman gets a thoughtful look on his face and then asks Silvio, "I heard a song once about you seducing a mermaid off the coast of Varisia. Any part of that true?"

”Ah, you are talking about Mina the mermaid. There are many parts that are true. Silvio would prehaps not use the word ‘seduce’, as it was not on purpose. You see, Silvio and his crew was souring the coast looking for the dread bandit Duncan Poltrouce! The word was that he had made camp in the area, so Silvio went looking. Alas, a terrible storm broke and raged for hours. Fortunately the crew survived but the ship was left worse for wear. The sails were torn and the masts were broken. Without any means to steer the ship we were the mercy of the great sea. For days we drifted without hope of rescue. It was then that Mina the mermaid showed herself. Our ship had entered into her domain and she was set to bring every man and woman on board down to the depths. But when she saw the glint in Silvio’s eyes and the pearly shine of his smile something inside of her melted. Mesmerized by Silvio’s very being she faltered. She agreed to use her power to steer the ship towards land in exchange for one night with Silvio. Later when we reached the shore we found the remains of Duncan’s camp but sadly the bandit king was nowhere to be found.”

Amy Eir wrote:
"I suggest telling the other crew members of this island and then search the main island for ways to get off the island. Fleet, any ideas since you have been here the longest?" ask Amy.

”Silvio likes this train of thought. With all the castaways staying here in the safety of our luscious host, we are free to investigate the rest of the island.”

John Fleet wrote:

Fleet thinks hard about Amy's question. When he speaks, his mouth is in a wry expression. "I agree with the raft idea, by the way, but as to getting off the island for good...I have an idea, but I don't think you're going to like it."

He stands and tosses away the pit of the fruit he had been eating.

"When we first met, I told you that there was a tribe of indigenous people to the north of the island. They filled their part of the jungle with ponji pits and dart traps. But before I was driven away, I saw that they possess seaworthy ships, ships with light enough water profiles to skim over the dangerous reefs around the island."

Using the sun as a reference, he points to the north end of the island, across the narrow strip of water. "We could try to steal one and take it to the mainland."

”That sounds like a splendid idea. How big would you say that these boats are? Would one hold our entire crew or would we have to procure several? Also, are you sure that the people of the main island may not be persuaded to lend a boat to us?”

Before leaving to the main island
Silvio turns to the dryad with a deep bow. ”Silvio wishes to once again thank you for your hospitality and he is reminded that we have not asked for your name. A name surely as beautiful as this island and its caretaker.”

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Human Rogue 4 Fighter 1 | AC 16 (17 when dual wielding) | hp 39/39 | hit dice 4/4d8, 1/1d10 | Second Wind []

His rapier poised and ready to throw himself into battle Silvio hesitates at John's words. "Are you saying that Silvio should stay his blade? If that is the case Silvio is confused as to how we are going to defeat this threat? Granted Silvio could use harsh language as his wit and sharp tongue is fabeled to have felled many foes, but Silvio believes that words have less of an effect on the dead."

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I personally hope not. I am very happy with the amount of options available with the core game. I find that even with the vast options available in PF I can't create the characters that I want.

And luckily for me the current trend does not point towards a vast increase in new rules content. 5e also doesn't seem to have the same OGL support that encourages 3pp content.

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Patrik Ström wrote:
Note to self: update this thread more often.

Hmm, that worked out well, didn't it? I have been hitting a painting slump but not as much as my lack of updates would suggest. So here is a update with the miniatures I've finished since the last update. I'm starting to tackle my vast hoard of RBG minis, which is always nice.

* Roborally Robots, Picture 1

* Ogre Zombie, Reaper Bones, Picture 1, Picture 2

* Bone Demon, Reaper Bones, Picture 1
* Skeletons, Reaper Bones, Picture 1
* Skeletons, Reaper Bones, Picture 1
* Gelatinous Cube (interiors), Reaper Bones, Picture 1

* Black Witch, Darksword Miniatures, Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3, Close up

* Hillfolk Militia, Red Box Games, Picture 1, Picture 2
* Hillfolk Militia, Red Box Games, Picture 1, Picture 2

* Morgrimn the Mighty, Red Box Games, Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3, Close up

* Draugr, Red Box Games, Picture 1, Picture 2
* Draugr, Red Box Games, Picture 1, Picture 2
* Draugr, Red Box Games, Picture 1, Picture 2

* Zombies, Red Box Games, Picture 1, Picture 2
* Zombies, Red Box Games, Picture 1, Picture 2
* Zombies, Red Box Games, Picture 1, Picture 2
* Zombies, Red Box Games, Picture 1, Picture 2

* Boromir, Games Workshop, Picture 1, Picture 2, Close up

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PDFs of the Player's Handbook, Monster Manual and Dungeon Masters Guide are the main items on my wish list.

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When morning comes the first light of the sun shines down on Treshiell's empty bedroll. Usually a mess of twigs, grass and leaves the young witch's sleeping area is unusually tidy. The miscellaneous trinkets are still there but placed tidily in sorted piles. Next to the bedroll a message scribed into the dirt.

We have been summoned for another calling.
Sun Dancer is a good horse. Take care of her.

Last Treshiell post :)

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I've been googling spray varnishes and I've found one that I'm going to give a try eventually. One of the problems with the GW spray I used earlier is that it frots when it's cold outside, which it is in a big part of the year :/ I would love to find a good matt spray as brush on sealer is kind of dull to apply, especially on large miniatures.

And now: more miniatures!

* Eye Beast, Reaper Bones
The Eye Beast from the first Bones Kickstarter. At first I was going to treat it as I do most other plastic miniatures which is to base coat, black line, quickshade and then call it done. However, when I started working on it I became more and more pleased with how it turned out, so I decided to give it a bit better treatment.

Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3

* Stag Lord, Reaper
I initially bought this figure to use in the Kingmaker campaign I was playing in. However I didn’t get the miniature before we encountered the villain, and he’s sat on my shelf ever since. Quite a quick job on this one and I think he’d make a pretty nice druidy character.

Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3, Picture 4

* Gnome Illusionist/Thief, Otherworld Miniatures
This little guy have been sitting on my shelf basecoated and begging to be finished for about a year now. Since I’m focusing more on my metal miniatures this year, and focusing on getting them done, I picked this up and applied the finishing touches. At first I wasn’t happy at all. The whole paintjob just looked dirty. And not the good kind of “in a dungeon for a while” dirty, but just plain “sloppy paintjob” dirty. I didn’t manage to take it all the way but at the end I’m pretty satisfied with the result.

Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3, Picture 4

And a few quickshaded plastic figures:
* Huge Fiendish Spider, DDM, Picture 1
* Eldrich Demon, Reaper Bones, Picture 1

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Appearently varnishing and photographing miniatures is harder than painting them, if my participation in this thread is to be believed. To my defense I will say that as winter struck daylight has become more and more scarce, and with my camera phone I needed daylight to take decent pictures. Happily however I've aquired a new camera phone which is better, and I've also "rigged" things so I can take photos indoors without having to depend on the sun. So, here is what has happened since last time:

Metal miniatures
* Luna, Hasslefree Miniatures
Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3
* Kalee (dynamic version), Hasslefree Miniatures
Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3
* Village Kiddies, Hasslefree Miniatures
Picture 1, Picture 2
* Arwen, Games Workshop
Picture 1, Picture 2
* Barbarian King, CMON Miniatures
Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3
* Traxxis, Hasslefree Miniatures (contains nudity)
Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3, Picture 4

Plastic miniatures
* Lizardmen, Reaper Bones, Picture
* Owlbear, Reaper Bones, Picture
* Boneclaw, DDM, Picture
* Boneclaw Impaler, DDM, Picture
* Chain Golem, DDM, Picture
* Demon Web Swarms, DDM, Picture
* Goristro, DDM, Picture
* Guard Drake, DDM, Picture
* Hunting Drake, DDM, Picture
* Immolith, DDM, Picture
* Kobold Fighters, DDM, Picture
* Kobold Skimishers, DDM, Picture
* Kuo-Toa Hunters, DDM, Picture
* Kuo-Toa Whip, DDM, Picture
* Large Monstrous Spider, DDM, Picture
* Ogre Brute, DDM, Picture
* Osyluth, DDM, Picture
* Rot Scarab Swarm, DDM, Picture
* Skeletal Legionare, DDM, Picture
* Skeletal Warrior, DDM, Picture
* Skeleton, DDM, Picture
* Troglodyte Barbarian, DDM, Picture
* Stone Giant, Wizkids, Picture
* Undead Panthers, Wizkids, Picture
* The Gorilla King, Wizkids, Picture
* Rangers of Mirkwood, Games Workshop, Picture
* Teutonic Infantry, Fireforge Games, Picture
* Teutonic Infantry Commanders, Fireforge Games, Picture
* Teutonic Infantry Crossbowmen, Fireforge Games, Picture

And with that I'm done for 2014. Bring on 2015!

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Oh, time to bump this. An update is way overdue. Recently I've hit a bit of snag inspiration wise but luckily I haven't been as inactive as the lack of updates would suggest. Although I've lately just been painting enough to fill the main goal I set up at the beginning of the year (to finish a minimum of four quickdips per week) I realized that I have to pick up the pace significantly if I want to hit the other major goal: to finish all 2014 purchases during 2014 (excluding kickstarters). I don't think I will reach that goal as I have 21 regular miniatures to go and 29 quickdips. But hopefully I will be able to finish a bunch of them as I'm trying to build up some momentum.

Regular miniatures finished since the last time
* Kassata Lewynn, Reaper Miniatures
Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3
* Eowyn (unarmored), Games Workshop
Picture 1, Picture 2
* Dwarf Bar Patron, Hasslefree Miniatures
Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3

Quickdips finished since the last time
* Ghouls, Kings of War, Picture, Picture
* Delver Sergant, DDM, Picture
* Tavern Brawlers, DDM, Picture
* Faceless Horror, DDM, Picture, Picture
* Coasirs of Umbar, Games Workshop, Picture
* Teutonic Infantry, Fireforge Games, Picture
* Dehiir, Pathfinder Battles, Picture
* Otyugh, DDM, Picture
* Lifeleech Otyugh, DDM, Picture
* Kobolds (lots of kobolds), DDM, Picture, Picture, Picture, Picture, Picture, Picture
* Kobolds, Wizkids DnD, Picture
* Derros, DDM, Picture

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Human Cleric 7 | hp 36/51 | channel 6/7

Linah hurries over to any motionless villagers and emits a wave of positive energy (or use Lay on hands if they aren't clumped together). "I am sorry that we could not save all of you. What was those creatures?"

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My quest for a smaller unpainted pile is progressing nicely, eventhough my reporting reflects otherwise. Having to seal the miniatures in matt varnish is really boring and puts a noticeable dent in my posting. I’ve got a few more miniatures that are waiting to get sealed and photographed.

* Goblin Warrior, Citadel Miniatures (?)
Picture 1, Picture 2
* Frodo wrapped up in cobwebs, Games Workshop
Picture 1
* Unknown Fighter, Prince August Miniatures (?)
Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3

* Tooth Gangers, Pathfinder Battles, Picture
* Celtic Warriors, Warlord Games, Picture
* Kings of War Revenants, Mantic Games, Picture

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Thanks! Game setting (and system) varies from time to time. Recently the settings have been Warhammer (using WHFRP 3ed), Hârn (using Hârnmaster 3ed) and currently Middle Earth (using The One Ring). Will probably try out Shadows of Esteren once that's over. I'm a big fan of Savage Worlds and hope to try out Beasts and Barbarians (hence the romans) and The Savage World of Solomon Kane somewhere in the future.

Managed to finish another miniature. No quickdip this time:

* Ragnar of Utherby (original sculpt), Red Box Games
Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3

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Treshiell dismounts and sneaks up beside Prazil. She places her head nexts to his and looks down the kobold's field of vision. "He is seeing something we can not", she remarks.

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I'm on two sides about the relaunch of miniatures from WotC. On one hand I was disappointed that Wizkids are doing them as I'm not that pleased with the overall quality of the Pathfinder Battles line (I also find the Heroclix and old Mage Knight miniatures lacking). On the plus side they are popular and continue to release new miniatures, which in the end is a really good thing. More miniatures! \o/

P.H. Dungeon wrote:
The former D&D minis were really hit and miss. They had some really nice looking ones, but there were also a lot that had really bad sculpts and paint jobs. The better ones they put out looked IMO as good as the pathfinder battles minis. Unfortunately, there were a lot of crappy ones.

I'm kind of the opposite side of this. While the DDM line did contain some really questionable miniatures I think the majority of the sculpts are quite good.

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Human Rogue 4 Fighter 1 | AC 16 (17 when dual wielding) | hp 39/39 | hit dice 4/4d8, 1/1d10 | Second Wind []


motteditor wrote:

"Maybe, but sometimes luck holds out only so flaming long. That last one almost bloody pushed my flaming elf off the cliff straight into Besmara's arms. But, look, I'll follow if you want." She harrumphs and glares at the gnome.

Silvio looks at the captain with a befuddled look before bursting into a wide smile followed by a joyous laugh. "It is easy for the untrained eye to mistake Silvio's numerous feats of unmatched heroics relying on luck, but astute observers will know otherwise. It is only natural to think that such a composition of razorsharp skill, near unlimited talent and stunning good looks is impossible to achieve, but Silvio's existance has proven such naysayers wrong."

Silvio studies the jungle through his spyglass. "This is just another obstacle in the path of Silvio's reunion with the lovely lady Liamae. It will be crossed and bested, like the others."

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For those of you thinking about giving quickdipping a try, here is a Heroquest goblin basecoated and here he is after being dipped in Army Painters strong tone quick dip (+ a coat of Valljeo brush on matt varnish).

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Human Rogue 4 Fighter 1 | AC 16 (17 when dual wielding) | hp 39/39 | hit dice 4/4d8, 1/1d10 | Second Wind []
Khazmia Makuhuzdia wrote:
"I'm starting to feel unwanted." Khazmia says, though with none of the panicked self pity that has marked her conversation the last few days.

"Why would you feel that?" Silvio exclaims. "Is it because your unfortunate appearance? If it is Silvio can assure you that we are not troubled with it. Not one bit. Besides, Silvio's good friend Kyson has cured you of your ailment, so you should be back to looking lovely in no time!"

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Cool! I hesitated for long whether or not to jump into that kickstarter. Eventually I opted not to because I didn't feel for any of the motifs (although now I see their dungeon stamps which look kind of tempting).

Also I have to thank you for the review! I use Instant Mold when making "non standard" (glue+sand) bases, but for some reason it never occured to me to wet the putty before I stamped the mold. Needless to say that I got alot of putty sticking to the mold and some less than stellar results. I tried abit of water on the putty yesterday and it worked like a charm.

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lokiare wrote:
Sorry no. Rules wise its worse than any other edition. The fact that it might be available in PDF format as well as dead tree format won't save it...

What makes it the worst edition rules wise?

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Woops, noticed that I wrote a post last week but forgot to actually post it. So, with one week delay, here's last weeks progress.

Patrik’s Miniature Painting Project 2013, week 35
Continuing to work with the first wave from Otherworld Miniatures IndieGoGo campaign. With the entry this week the Male Human Magic User I now have a complete adventuring party. I also finished some loot for them to aquire.

* Male Human Magic User, from Otherworld Miniatures
Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3

* A full party!
Picture 1

* And some loot, from Otherworld Miniatures
Picture 1

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WOHO! My package is finally on its way \o/

You're getting:
Ebonwrath x1
Mythos Monsters x1
C'thulhu x1
Kaladrax Reborn x1
Nethyrmaul x1
Jabberwock x1
Fire Giant Warriors x1
Red Dragon x1
Undead Giant x1
Mister Bones x1
Demons x1
Frost Giants x1
Fire Giants x1
vampire x1

Now I just have to wait for about a month until the package makes its way to Sweden :/ Stupid Sweden for being so far away from Texas...

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Some suggestions:

Dwalin, The Hobbit HeroClix
Glorin, The Hobbit HeroClix
Gimli, Lord of the Rings HeroClix
Dwarf Battlerager, DDM Unhallowed. Could work if you remove the two maces and glue axes in their stead
Dwarf Carver, DDM Deathknell (at least I think he's holding two axes, although it could be two picks)
Anvil of Thunder, DDM Aberrations (I think it's two axes)
Dwarf Warlord, DDM Dungeons of Dread (he's holding a light mace in his off hand. cut it off and glue an axe in its place)

Some of the Dwarf Rangers from Games Workshop's Lord of the Rings line has two axes.
I think that at least one of the Dwarf Berserkers from Avatars of War (at the bottom of the page) carries two axes

Some of the entries I've linked to are out of stock but I think you should be able to find them somewhere.

I can't help to be curious about the "no metal" requirement. It limits the available miniatures quite alot :)

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Treshiell keeps her distance, quietly studying the group of gnomes. When the stew is cooking she finally approaches the fire. The witch stares absently into the pot. "Do you eat kobolds?" she asks the cook.

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Hundo wrote:
Is this what playing rpg's has come to ? Not so much as an rpg but just a fancy boardgame as it appears he thinks it should be ? What has happened to the creative license that I learned to run games with ? Part of being a dm/gm is keeping the flow going and adjusting on the fly if need be, changing the story arc as characters act/react in the game world, the so-called outside of the outside of the box as my mentors back then would say. Has the way 4th plays really tainted noobs as to how rpg's in my opinion are meant to be played?

I'm with you on the argument as a whole. To run something "as written" would demand that the players act as expected, which they usually don't and shouldn't do either. The text is a framework to aid the game not to dictate how is to play out. I find that Pathfinder is the most fun when you ignore the rules.

But i must object to the last paragraph. You're talking about one guy, or at least that's the sense i'm getting. One guy that is obviously a "problem player". I don't think that RPGs has come to his standard. There are plenty of players that don't expect the same, or even want the same.

I also don't think that 4E has "really tainted noobs as to how rpg's in my opinion are meant to be played". 4E is a fine game in which roleplay can exist and thrive. Just like Pathfinder and a ton of other RPGs.

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Quiddling would just like to voice his protest that he lost the initiative. Bad dice roller. Bad.

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Another missread. The GM in my Kingmaker group from the description of one of the rooms in a ruined stronghold*.

The walls of the chamber are decorated with faded frescoes of sylvan life, showing scenes of beautiful elves engaged in hunting, fisting, dancing, singing, and a bewildering variety of other idyllic pursuits.

Should have been "feasting". Sort of set a theme for the rest of the session (and since i'm quite childish, the session after as well) :)


Book 2, The ruined keep, room G7.