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Wow, really cool maps.

But i dont see a grid om them. MAybe i am a bit og noob, but can anyone help me, how i get grid on the maps?

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We will start soon. The AP got some nice reviews and is considered on several websites as one of the better AP's. I will be the GM and we are a bit excited.

I think we will need some more scenes with the tribe. I think i will demand my player to run some camp events, after returnjng to the tusks each day in book 1. For roleplaying reasons.

I am uncertain if i should use ABP, thr 3rd party monster parts system (i currently favor this system, but think to make a custom ritual to transfer the might of the spirits from monsterparts to items) or the vanilla rules and one of the players must take crafting +skill feat (or giving it as free skill feat).

@Paul: how do you explain, that the players do all the work and battles and not the mammoth lords of the tusks? Escecially in book 3, when they should get allies among hillcross, it would be make much mlre sense, when Argakoa and Letsua would do that.

And what was ur explanation, to leave hillcross and break the curse?

Sorry no. I don't even know the exemplar class. Where can i find it?

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@the rot grub: yes, it would be nice, if the developers would support the GMs here more.

I am preparing the first part and in fact, there are some questions, that other here mentioned:

How many mammoths are in the following? Are there any other animals in the followjng (dogs, horses, falcons, sheep, goats?) That travel with them? Count the bigger animals like the mammoths as part of the following?

There is picture in the first part, showing the 5 leaders on their mammoth and a single mastrodon far behind them.

And yeah, did the celebrate the green moon evefy year? And if yes, why the adventure pretend, that the player don't know the rockloom?

And it is unclear, what the player and the normal member know about the past (the flame, the old name and banner, the schism and the reasons). From the description of the culture it seems, as if the other followings of the realms knew, that the burning mammoths carried the flame and share their effects to the realm and thus were honored by the other followings?

It is a bit unclear, why the elders seem ro let the past forgotten...

But thanks for ur thoughts. I think, i will give some information to my players like:

In the good old times we were known as the the burning mammoths. We were strong and kind, blessed by sister cinder and the spirits. But then came the greate quake and the demons in the east. The brothers and sisters in sarkoris needed help, but the leader were struggeling. The brave of the tribe want go fight the demons, but the wise want to preserve sister cinders blessing. They could not reach an agreement. And so the following split apart. The majority follow the brave into battle and take the banner with them. Tbe wise stay in the fealm, try to preserve the old tradition and find a new way to survive. Due the grudge sister cinders blessing was lost... but that is a tale for old depressed people and for the youth, full of hope.

Something like that. It is an hurting memory, nobody talks lightly. As in Harry Potter most people don't want to talk about lord voldemort and since the youth only knows little.

@Draco18s": yeah. One goal of the 2nd rules was to make the game more intuitive. So it should be double damage on a crit.

RAW it is quite clear, but it breaks with the general rules, so i think it must be a mistake.

Som ask your GM of his opinion.

But it muste be a mistake? In all other cases you deal double damage on a critical hit.

So, at lvel 5, if i choose bows for my fighter weapon mastery, i get the master prof. For all unarmed attacks?

Hammerjack +1

I think, this is how it shoul work. The main adventage of the feat imho is to save an action. You need normaly 2 action to poison a weapon. To have an alchemist in the group would be a great plus

Oh well, it would be too good to be true...

Hmm, stack the damange reductipn from inspire defense and Champions reaction?

Inspire defense is a status bonus, Champions reaction is untyped..

Oh, i did understand that passage other, well english is not my first language. I thought it means more the time aspect. In exploration mode the PC discribe, what they are generally doing while they are notice. So in the first place i think something like "i want to go sneak around tht kobold camp and look guards, and hidden traps and ambushes"

So that would be the avoid notice, search and scout activities. And it makes common sense, that while a pc is hidden in a bush, he/she could spy for hidden hazard or can give alarm, if the kobolds go to the camp of the other PCs.

But then i see the rules about avoid notice, trapfinding, atinecunning etc. and it seems to mem that you could maintain only avoid notice, so maybe you can do only one exploration activity at once.

Still, it seems a bit odd to me, that you can not get other than the obvious information, while you get unnoticed, since you cant make perception checks to search nor recall knowlege to investigate, by RAW.

So my rouge aviod notice, sitting in the bush and sees a strange monster/divice/ritual in the kobold camp. He can not make recall knowlege checks, because he would loose the benefit from acoid notice? That is quite strabge, that the kobolds would dedect himm because he tries to remember something.

Or must i go to encounter mode then? Like the rouge take one Hide, one Seek and one Recall Knowledge action and turn then back to exploration mode?

Hmm.. failed checks may make noise, wich can be heared from the other side? Even if time is less an issue, that could be a problem. If neither time nor enemies play a role und the PC have enough skill to open the lock as GM i would forgo a skill check and only say "you need some moments but finally the lock is open.

Tnx Gloom, but i wish, it would be clear described in the rules. I dit not find a passage like "you can only maintain one exploration activity at time unless a ability say something different"

Hi there!

I am wondering, how many exploration activities can a PC maintain? Only Avoid Notice said, that you can't use another activity (still, Stonecunnunig and Trapfinding would work).

I have the feeling, the intention was, only one avtivity per PC, but it seems, that you could search and scout, if you move 1/4 speed, or do i misinterpret the rules?

Hi there!

I am wondering, how many exploration activities can a PC maintain? Only Avoid Notice said, that you can't use another activity (still, Stonecunnunig and Trapfinding would work).

I have the feeling, the intention was, only one avtivity per PC, but it seems, that you could search and scout, if you move 1/4 speed, or do i misinterpret the rules?

Is there an errata or FAQ, which clears if you get a focus point or not?

Sudden charge and multiple attack penalty

Sudden charge has no attack trait, although you can make a strike as part of the sudden charge.

So it is unclaer, if that strike would result in an attack Penalty or it is intended, that you can make after the sudden charge a strike without multiple attack penalty?