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![]() What if a guild or charter was selected for a building project, say a great shining temple where all the gods could be worshipped. Said guild/charter could then put out a call for resources and aid. All players would be able to participate by donating either resources or gold. Once a designated value of either has been donated by a player that player would receive a badge of honour to show that they were there when the great temple was built. This would all be managed by the selected guild whose reward could be that their guild symbol would be emblazoned upon the new building for all future generations of players to see. Upon completion this building would also then become part of the landscape, controlled by the development team. ![]()
![]() Onishi, I understand the real time element, just trying to think of ways so that it doesn’t just boil down to who has the fastest trigger finger.
This thread Curious:Stealth Mechanics has some good questions and feed back. Also Kalmyel Stedwethren wrote: It would be nice to be able to disengage from combat and flee with a chance of success, and/or to fight with a guerilla-style approach. This would be good. ![]()
![]() When combat is initiated would it be possible for the defender to have the option to attempt to flee. I was thinking along the lines of an apposed skill check, hide/stealth vs spot/perception, if the defender succeeds they are given a brief period of time to make a run for it. Obviously, the local terrain and number of enemies in the area would effect the chance to escape successfully. Thought this might be an option for resource gathers or explorers not interested in combat. ![]()
![]() In literature members of evil races turning on their own and being accepted by the regular world are few and far between; Drizzt and Dragonbait come to mind. Personally I think this would spoil the feel of the game, seeing the evil races knocking shoulders with Butcher John from Meat Street, or the pot boy from the Golden Barrel Inn. Seeing some denizen of the underworld walking around buying current fashion accessories with not a stir from the local populace would wear a little thin after the first few bouts of laughter. Maybe bring in some other races of neutral or good alignment, Centaurs, Fairies or Treants, everyone like’s a tree in the garden. ;) ![]()
![]() Let’s have some non-static encounters. How about being able to fight on top of a moving horse drawn carriage. Instead of just beating enemies to death, this could open a new range of options, trip, push or throw your opponents over the side and they are left behind in the dust. Or the player could jump off the carriage as a means of escape, ok, you might end up being stranded in the middle of the wilderness with minimum equipment, but at least your alive and have a story to tell at the next tavern or inn. This could also apply to a boat on the river attacked by pirates or the classic giant octopus capsizes said boat and you have to swim to shore to escape. Some great ideas flying around, cant wait to actual get into the game. ![]()
![]() I would like to see some greater reasoning or effect behind the soul-binding ability