Lady Aurora |

Ditto the above question. Plus I have one of my own - not to sound cheap or anything, but is there a reason the subscription has no discount whatsoever under the cover price? Sure it saves me the hassle of making my FLGS order the products and then purchasing them locally but every subscription (to any product, even non-gaming) I've ever heard of always rewards the subscriber. Don't you want to encourage people to subscribe? I'm puzzled.

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Everything Ben said is correct.
Retailers get upset when publishers discount their own products. We can get away with discounting Pathfinder because we've positioned it as a replacement for Dragon and Dungeon, but we can't do that for everything. So, the big subscriber perk you get is the free PDF, and the ability to combine it with a Pathfinder subscription to save on shipping.

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Wait a minute --
I can't just pay, like, $90 once a year and have them shipped to me monthly? Are the modules expected monthly, bimonthly, whenever...? How much does each one cost; are they different prices?
I really don't want to wade through 100s of threads and thread responses to try and get these answers; please let me know.
-W. E. Ray

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Wait a minute --
I can't just pay, like, $90 once a year and have them shipped to me monthly? Are the modules expected monthly, bimonthly, whenever...? How much does each one cost; are they different prices?
I really don't want to wade through 100s of threads and thread responses to try and get these answers; please let me know.
-W. E. Ray
The modules will be released monthly. If you sign up for a subscription, the card you use will be chaged once per month, just as the module ships.
Jason Bulmahn
GameMastery Brand Manager

Bocklin |

What about D0? I know it's available for free RPG day but I just subscribed to GameMastery assuming (wrongly?) that Hollow's Last Hope was part of the deal...
D0 is not part of the subscription deal. Subscriptions start with D1. If you want to get D0 you have to order it separately.

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When do we get to combine it with a Pathfinder subscription? If now, how?
Everything Ben said is correct.
Retailers get upset when publishers discount their own products. We can get away with discounting Pathfinder because we've positioned it as a replacement for Dragon and Dungeon, but we can't do that for everything. So, the big subscriber perk you get is the free PDF, and the ability to combine it with a Pathfinder subscription to save on shipping.

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I'll admit it - I'm a gaming whore - I've converted my Dragon/Dungeon subscriptions to Pathfinder (I'll get 5 issues of Pathfinder), pre-ordered D0 and D1 and then when the subscription to the Game Mastery line was announced I trounced on that.
Am I supposed to get D0 as a download?
Am I going to get another D0 and another D1 when it gets released because I signed up for a subscription?
Greg Volz
Fat Ogre Games

Rhothaerill |

As far I understand it, D0 is not part of the subscription service so you'll only get one of those from your preorder. You can also download the free PDF version now that its out.
As to D1 yes you'll get two unless you ask Cosmo or Corey to delete your preorder.

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As far I understand it, D0 is not part of the subscription service so you'll only get one of those from your preorder. You can also download the free PDF version now that its out.
As to D1 yes you'll get two unless you ask Cosmo or Corey to delete your preorder.
Rhothaerill is correct. I cancelled your preorder, so you'll only get one copy of D1.

Blind_Hyena |

I think this is a really unique way at looking at module acquisition. Granted, at the moment, it's a bit steep (tacking an extra $3-$4 on for shipping) but that's only a minor setback until everything is rolled together. The best benefit that I see is that I won't have to fight all the other geeks as my local hobby store to get my hands on the latest batch of goodness.
Plus, the added .pdf download makes it even better for those of us (like myself) that like to have both electronic and physical copies of things.
My DM screen is my laptop.

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Any undate on the combined shipping cost for Pathfinder and Gamemastery modules option?
As a UK customer The added shipping cost is the only reason I havent subscribed to the Gamemastery modules line. With D1 now out (and D0 available to me as a download only) the decision to buy the PDF version when its released is the only way I'm going to obtain it unless I can have it shipped with Pathfinder. Personally I prefer the PDF version over a hardcopy simply because it makes life as a DM so much easier; to cut and paste the information into the format best suited for my DMing style.

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By the way, when can we combine the shipping on both the Gamemastery Modules and Pathfinder? Right now the separate shipping price is not that much, but it will eventually add up.
We'll make an announcement, definitely, when it's available. And probably send an email, too.
It'll be an option on your My Subscriptions page.

Stebehil |

Themes86 wrote:When do we get to combine it with a Pathfinder subscription? If now, how?You can't... yet. But we plan to make that option available before the first Pathfinder ships.
Any news on that? I just subbed to game mastery as well, and especially with international shipping rates, combining would be a relief. Oh and: If I would add D0 to my shopping cart, could that be added as well ? I don´t need the stuff ASAP, getting it is what counts :-)

Olaf the Stout |

Step one is letting you combine Pathfinder and Modules subscriptions. You still can't do that, but you'll be able to before the first Pathfinder ships.
Step two is letting you combine other things (like D0) with subscriptions. That's further down the road.
Vic, any idea when step 2 will be complete? The only reason I ask is that I need to buy #139 of Dungeon (the first part of the STAP) as I am missing that issue but I don't want to pay a almost the cover price in shipping for it. If I could add it to my Pathfinder mail-out it would only cost me a dollar or two extra in shipping.
The thing that worries me is that the copies may sell out before I have a chance to buy my copy. Are there plenty of copies available still? If not, could I pay for mine now and get it shipped whenever you sought out the whole combining other orders with subs issue?
Olaf the Stout

Stebehil |

Step one is letting you combine Pathfinder and Modules subscriptions. You still can't do that, but you'll be able to before the first Pathfinder ships.
Step two is letting you combine other things (like D0) with subscriptions. That's further down the road.
Thanks for the info. So, D0 has to wait until Step two is completed.

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In the near future, people will be able to choose to start their subs with either the previous module or the next module. Until that code is done, everybody's starting with the previous module, which is to say D1.
Is this still the case? I just ordered today, was curious if I would be getting W1 first or D1. Thanks, much.

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Vic, any idea when step 2 will be complete? The only reason I ask is that I need to buy #139 of Dungeon (the first part of the STAP) as I am missing that issue but I don't want to pay a almost the cover price in shipping for it. If I could add it to my Pathfinder mail-out it would only cost me a dollar or two extra in shipping.
Honestly, I have no idea when we might have that ready. I think it's extremely unlikely that it will be ready before at least a couple of Pathfinders have shipped.
The thing that worries me is that the copies may sell out before I have a chance to buy my copy. Are there plenty of copies available still? If not, could I pay for mine now and get it shipped whenever you sought out the whole combining other orders with subs issue?
We have around a hundred copies left, and we've sold about twenty in the last month. So at the current rate, we've got a five-month supply... but obviously we can't guarantee that that rate won't change.
As for paying now and shipping when we can combine it, you're really pretty much asking for the code that *is* step 2 above, so no, we can't easily do that.

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Vic Wertz wrote:In the near future, people will be able to choose to start their subs with either the previous module or the next module. Until that code is done, everybody's starting with the previous module, which is to say D1.Is this still the case? I just ordered today, was curious if I would be getting W1 first or D1. Thanks, much.
Still the case.

blizack |

I'm a subscriber to both Pathfinder and GameMastery Modules, and even after reading this discussion thread, I'm not entirely sure of how shipping works. When the combined shipping offer comes, will I be able to take advantage of it, or am I stuck paying the separate shipping costs for both, since I pre-ordered Pathfinder? If the former, would it be done automatically?
Apologies in advance if I'm repeating a question already asked and answered. Thanks!

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I'm a subscriber to both Pathfinder and GameMastery Modules, and even after reading this discussion thread, I'm not entirely sure of how shipping works. When the combined shipping offer comes, will I be able to take advantage of it, or am I stuck paying the separate shipping costs for both, since I pre-ordered Pathfinder? If the former, would it be done automatically?
Apologies in advance if I'm repeating a question already asked and answered. Thanks!
For now you have to pay the shipping fees for the GM modules, until the code for 'step one' on Vic's post is ready. when that is ready you will get an email detailing steps on how to select combined shipping (at least that is how I took the responses to mean) is there any new expected dae on combining shipping (it would be nice if we could start combining with W1 and Pathfinder 1 but I'm guessing that won't be possible)

blizack |

For now you have to pay the shipping fees for the GM modules, until the code for 'step one' on Vic's post is ready. when that is ready you will get an email detailing steps on how to select combined shipping (at least that is how I took the responses to mean) is there any new expected dae on combining shipping (it would be nice if we could start combining with W1 and Pathfinder 1 but I'm guessing that won't be possible)
Thanks for breaking it down in an easily understood manner, Cpt_kirstov. I guess we all just have to be patient...

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For now you have to pay the shipping fees for the GM modules, until the code for 'step one' on Vic's post is ready. when that is ready you will get an email detailing steps on how to select combined shipping (at least that is how I took the responses to mean)
is there any new expected dae on combining shipping (it would be nice if we could start combining with W1 and Pathfinder 1 but I'm guessing that won't be possible)
I don't have a date for you yet, but our goal has always been (and continues to be) to have combined shipping ready by the time Pathfinder 1 and GameMastery Module D2 ship, in the middle of August.
W1 is slated to ship next week, well before Pathfinder 1; combining those two is not (and never has been) on the table.

farewell2kings |

GameMastery Modules are scheduled one per month. Your credit card is billed when the new module ships.
....and I have to say that I'm already eagerly anticipating their monthly arrivals....not yet as much as Dungeon's arrival, but it's getting close. I'm running D1 right now and my players are having a blast and so am I. The maps are beautiful and the glossy paper and quality are better than any other module I've ever bought.
Call me a fanboy or boi or whatever, but I don't care. If you guys promise not to tell Erik that I'm running them in Eberron, I won't either, okay?

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Another question....
If we already have a Pathfinder sub and I now order a Gamemastery sub, will Paizo automatically combine shipping?
They're working on the coding and physical side of it. I believe Vic Wertz says they hope to have it done in the next couple weeks, *hope* being the key word there :)

Keoki |

I've bought the first two GameMastery modules and liked them. Now I'm interested in subscribing, but this combined shipping delay is keeping me from doing so. Also, there doesn't seem to be a way to request the subscription start with a certain module. I'd hate to subscribe now and end up paying for another copy of Bloodsworn Vale, for example.

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Thanks Tessius!
I dont have any of the Gamemastery modules yet. I am ordering the subsription today. I read that they will start with the latest available module, in this case D1.
I will buy D0 too.
You might actually be getting W1, I received an email notice that it was about to be mailed to me. You might want to post a question about which you'll get over on the customer service threads.

Nitehood |

Nitehood wrote:You might actually be getting W1, I received an email notice that it was about to be mailed to me. You might want to post a question about which you'll get over on the customer service threads.Thanks Tessius!
I dont have any of the Gamemastery modules yet. I am ordering the subsription today. I read that they will start with the latest available module, in this case D1.
I will buy D0 too.
Good point! I will do that.

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I've bought the first two GameMastery modules and liked them. Now I'm interested in subscribing, but this combined shipping delay is keeping me from doing so. Also, there doesn't seem to be a way to request the subscription start with a certain module. I'd hate to subscribe now and end up paying for another copy of Bloodsworn Vale, for example.
We're working on all of this. However, our code is already clever enough to know that if you purchased W1 from us, then your subscription should start with D2.

Keoki |

Keoki wrote:We're working on all of this. However, our code is already clever enough to know that if you purchased W1 from us, then your subscription should start with D2.I've bought the first two GameMastery modules and liked them. Now I'm interested in subscribing, but this combined shipping delay is keeping me from doing so. Also, there doesn't seem to be a way to request the subscription start with a certain module. I'd hate to subscribe now and end up paying for another copy of Bloodsworn Vale, for example.
Done, and done. Thanks!

FatRat |

Quick question...I'm a little late in setting up my GameMastery Subscription and missed out on D1. I've got D2 and W1 sitting in my Sidecart to ship with Pathfinder #2. If I were to add D1 to my cart, assuming it goes into my Sidecart to ship with PF#2, would I also get the free pdf access or, since I hadn't subscribed early enough, do I need to purchase the pdf separately? Thanks!

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So I picked up all the current modules at Gencon. Due to my extensive gaming network I never know what I'll run/play in. So I can't read any of them all the way through until I'm ready to run them. BUT I love what I have read/seen.
So the question becomes the module pictured now is seven swords of sin, if I subscribe now will I get that module, or the next? If its still swords how long do I have to wait to get on-board for the next module? Thanks!

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One more question: Since the date for both products is simply listed by month rather than actual date, its hard to tell which one is generally shipped first. So the question is: which is more advantageous, to have Pathfinder subscription hold for GameMastery, or vice versa? If Pathfinder is usually released the week before GameMastery, for instance, it'd be better to have it held, but if it's released the week *after* GameMastery it'd be better to hold the GameMastery subscription. Anyone know which usually comes first?