Belkar Bitterleaf

Odzmye's page

Organized Play Member. 68 posts (96 including aliases). 2 reviews. 2 lists. 1 wishlist. 13 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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Our Price: $3.99

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Great for the first taste of PFS play


I can hear the Indiana Jones theme music in my head now... I have both played and run this, and I think this may be one of the best adventures to introduce new players to the Pathfinder Society rules. Not overly combat heavy, it's loads of fun (the NPC in the hidden room forces the characters to team up and figure out what is vexing them). The optional encounter is well thought out, and allows the GM to 'make up time' should the party bog down in the beginning. The only reason I do not rate this a 5 is I feel the final encounter isn't that realistic. The ending cleric is ill equipped to deal with the group, and usually drops on the first swing. Perhaps adding one more acolyte in this room with her would make it more of a challenge. Nonetheless, a rip-roaring good romp into the sands!

Our Price: $3.99

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An enjoyable romp through the sewars


A well balanced adventure for the most part. My only issue was the ending fight was a bit under-powered for our group. We played the 1-2 tier, so the higher one may be different. If you haven't played this one, it's worth it.