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Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


ok i was just reading druids... you might as well have precon characters for it in the chapter. sure there are a few other options like ancestry and background, and the metamagic feats and the leaf ones but your giving up the power of your choice

how about we just swallow the pill and have a choice that is an "Archetype" and we can still chose some fun flavor options instead we get to "choose" a class feat that is literally predetermined due to the CLass feat trees.... this is sad. what happens if you are in a situation that your choice is just not useful.. i mean we have all had that issue at some point in time, but at least you could fall back on somehting, but here.. nope sorry... wow.. just bad.. at least from what we had to what we have now

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

Building another character based on Shepherd Grim my halfling Paladin of Erastil.

1) Making a ranged halfling Paladin is very frustrating in this system.
2) Where are the riding dogs? Yes it makes a difference.

Paizo there is so much to love about this new system, but I am almost immediately running up against the edges of it with characters I could make fairly easily in Pathfinder 1st Edition with just a CRB.

When I play a character against type, it doesn't mean I'm picking Botany as a skill, it means I want to use a character's strengths (for halflings that's ranged combat, and riding dogs) to express the class I'm playing.

Necromancers who can't create skelemans, and Paladins who are bad at range because they must be clad in heavy armor to benefit from their class features are some stumbling blocks I'm having with character generation here.

this is my MAJOR issue with the PF2 play-test. The Severe....and i mean Severe Character Creation limitations compared to PF1 let alone almost all major TRPG in the past what..20 years. i get we are moving away from PF1 and we want to move forward and that is fine. so did DnD3.5 then they did 4th... i dont know about all of you but yeah... but we got neverwinter out if it so that was good.

this is nowhere near that level of issue IMO cause i feel this system is an awesome system at its core.. i love the importance of skills.. i don't care what a book says to me who rolls what check i have my DM style for that, but the Class Identity thing needs to be open up, wacky fun characters, even alternate ideas, just don't work. i mean, for EVER the ranger has been a longbow specialist.. now its crossbows. people have been making their characters for much longer than Pathfinder have been around and now... now we decide to Reign it back a bit and Constrict character Creation so we can have a Action economy and talent system like a video game... if this is how it continues i cant wait for the Very Successful Pathfinder MMO based of this system, so we get PF3 TRPG that brings back the important of character diversity rather then controlling the masses into lack of a better term cookie cutter character creation

my ideas to fix..
have some generalization Class feats rather than The entire combat system of the character in it.. maybe class actions and whatnot or some fun unique actions in combat or out of combat pending the ideal of the class.

and make all Weapon and specific combat styling like longbow use (point blank shot only fighter....really hi rangers sorry after all the years of being one of the funnest nature bow users) universal again and restructure the Feat allocation or at bare minimum open up general feats or something to general/combat and have things like this in it.

these are just ideas, i could go on forever on this Cough cough undead for necromancers.. i mean at least give us a pet undead or something. again. i Really hope that this play-test goes over well, and some of these complaints get looked at by the right people so that these ideas can be addressed because as much as i hate spells in 5e... i can still make a character how i want to and there is always Pf1 for the next 10 years until we get a 3E i guess

Yeah doesn’t make sense that they want to tell you that you’re open to play whatever you want but the rules won’t let you seems pretty bad actually

From what I’m getting from this so far and I hope I’m wrong... too bad you can’t do that character as a ranger lol I do not believe that there is any kind of substitution for feet except for skill in general maybe so a general feet can pick up skills but beyond that I believe you were stuck with what your class canner what the archtypes can give you

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So if I’m reading this book right there isn’t multi classing unless you go through the archetype if so some of the Pathfinder one general feeds for combat like point-blank shot should not be fighter only a Ranger should be able to have it as well that’s just my two cents sure arranger can go down the fighter archetype But this seems convoluted and I guess my other question is if a feat has a prerequisite can you go back and get it once you’re above that prerequisite it

I have been looking myself and have posted threads but nobody has seen it.. the only thing I have found is the sabotage fro
Hear rouge but that’s only works against items with moving parts not armor or shield air weapons

Bruno, thanks for the reply on my thread about sundering as well I feel that sundering is only in class feats.. the rouge has sabatoge and maybe others? If we find this rule outside the obvious that’s floating in the equipment section it will be nice to know how to resolve within the system

i was waiting for this and in all honesty its like someone spelled assassin wrong at some point and made it rouge.... a rouge is not an assassin, but an assassin is a rouge... there should be a prestige class even in 3-3.5 that built off the sneak attack route if the character wanted to be that kind of PC and make the Rogue less damaging overall. but to make even the typical thief just as damaging as an assassin makes no sense... i like what they have done.

i really like a good number of aspects they have done with this, yes it needs some attention in aspects (like the use of a longbow by a ranger seems null in void) however i really love the scaling of wealth, how repairing your items seems to be a cornerstone in the game (if someone finds how to "sunder" a weapon please point me in a direction i cannot find a way to resolve an attack for it).

I really like that they are trying to really make every class very unique. (the bad part to this is now your stuck taking a class based off what you want to do combat wise instead of role wise) ala Ranger vs fighter and the use of bows. why cant a ranger be good with a bow too or fighter good with a crossbow. yes i know rangers can be Fantastic with a Crossbow and i actually really enjoy there is a good Crossbow class, but to make one class the best with a weapon vs another restricts some players RP styles and characters they like to play to one class if only one class is good with a certain flavor weapon.

i actually really enjoy the movement speed adjustments so that elves are the fastest base. and a lot of other small quality of life tweeks

Weapons have Way more diversity and its nice but sometimes restricting.

Skills are more contained (this can be good and bad) its great cause characters don't feel useless with skills, but even a expert is only a little better then trained with the check itself. as for the quality from trained to expert it can be expansive.

Spells are Frigging Scary. (also if someone could point me in the direction of animate dead or whatever its skill is now)

overall i will keep digesting the content and try to see where the developers are coming from and hope that some things get looked at that seem to raise the most questions, and maybe expand on what is working.

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i feel that the "typical" could be a Either or situation that your character gets one or the other at 1st do that 2-3 times a "Race" and then have other options that you become more aware of later in life Like Dwarven Stone cutting or maybe poison resistance.. its a thought. it feels absolutely weird that some of these pop up later in a characters life.

Voss wrote:

Grapple is under athletics, as is 'shove,' which replaces bull rush, maybe?

A few ancestries and fighter and monk feats modify things.

Damaging items is fairly straightforward. Equal or beat hardness yields Dents, multiple Dents= broken, which makes it unusable (except for armor, which gets a penalty)

Actually attacking something someone is wearing/holding... not sure.

yeah i found the grapple stuff, but the damage to items/weapons and stuff i still dont know how to resolve it. im guessing its vs the AC of the attended object.. and auto hit unattended idk thanks though

i have been a little lost on the rulings for what used to be CMB/CMD are these things auto, on request and hitting AC TAC?

sunder doesn't seem to exist except for the Dent condition, but how do you declare your attacking a item/weapon. does it go off AC then, and lets face it a hardness of 5 for a shield all you have to do is have a goblin attack your shield and it gets a dent the second time its broke or is it only when you declare to shield block that your shield will take damage

seems weak. i see the importance of upgrading your gear via expert craftsmen and higher, but the hardness doesn't account for the damage you are going to be taking at those higher levels resulting in broken equipment round 1-2 easy they defiantly need more clarification on this subject rather than it sprawled all over the book.

its obviously something that they are thinking about since the paladin has a lvl 20 ability that fully repairs your shield each day or something like that. so is that the expectation that this will be a daily thing to fix your weapons/armor. or even carry multiple into a dungeon cause your stuff will break??

Ched Greyfell wrote:

It says if a creature has Grab, it automatically can grab a creature it has just hit. Automatically meaning no roll needed?

So, if a giant octopus (random example) has Grab, and it hits my group's fighter with its last attack, its next action can be used to grab the fighter, with no roll needed?

And, along the same lines, things like Knockdown. Says target is automatically knocked down. So, as long as the triggering attack roll hits, the character is knocked prone.

i have been a little lost on the rulings for what used to be CMB/CMD are these things auto, on request and hitting AC TAC?

sunder doesn't seem to exist except for the Dent condition, but how do you declare your attacking a item/weapon. does it go off AC then, and lets face it a hardness of 5 for a shield all you have to do is have a goblin attack your shield and it gets a dent the second time its broke

seems weak. i see the importance of upgrading your gear via expert craftsmen and higher, but the hardness doesn't account for the damage you are going to be taking at those higher levels resulting in broken equipment round 1-2 easy they defiantly need more clarification on this subject rather than it sprawled all over the book.

its obviously something since the paladin has a lvl 20 ability that fully repairs your shield each day or something like that. so is that the expectation that this will be a daily thing to fix your weapons/armor. or even carry multiple into a dungeon cause your stuff will break??

i believe SA has to be done by a agile or finesse weapon weapon, but if you break down the rule in book....

You deal additional damage to flat-footed creatures (see page 322). If you Strike
a flat-footed creature with an agile or finesse melee weapon, an agile or finesse
unarmed attack", or a ranged attack," you deal 1d6 extra precision damage. For a
ranged attack with a thrown weapon, that weapon must also be agile or finesse.

"Or a ranged attack", if spells have that description i feel yes by the wording

but i'm not an expert

From what i have seen, there are no rules for attacking items (ala CAB/CAD) is it just a call out on an action that you are attacking an item or armor and do you just attack the opponents AC?, or is it only available to you if you have a class trait/feat that allows you to attack an item.

Damaging with hardness and HP (haven't seen any HP yet) on weapons if i am getting this right, using your shield means its going to break if you use the shield block reaction.

if i am reading this right on the glance Item Crafting and Repairing is going to be a Cornerstone skill in these games for your martial types.

From what i have seen, there are no rules for attacking items (ala CAB/CAD) is it just a call out on an action that you are attacking an item or armor and do you just attack the opponents AC?, or is it only available to you if you have a class trait/feat that allows you to attack an item.

Damaging with hardness and HP (haven't seen any HP yet) on weapons if i am getting this right, using your shield means its going to break if you use the shield block reaction.

if i am reading this right on the glance Item Crafting and Repairing is going to be a Cornerstone skill in these games for your martial types.


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About Nightdrifter

I'm done with racist SJWs. This is a reminder to myself to never buy from Paizo again.