
Nunspa's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 349 posts (350 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.

Ok so,

for those of you that play Destiny... (everyone else may feel a little bit lost)

Is there a way to build something like a warlock (maybe void walker) in Starfinder? in other words good at gun play but able to drop AOE spells when needed with some bad ass grenade like spell abilities?

I'm helping a friend prep to run Midnight Mirror this weekend by printing the maps on my plotter, when I came across something...

one of the maps states that each 1sq = 10' instead of 5'

is this intentional or a typo? there is a map which has the same room but it scaled at 1sq = 5'

Ok 20 point build, Kingmaker Campaign.

Keep in mind Ezio is not evil so assassin class is out of the question (my GM is very "Anti-Evil" characters)

Ezio Auditore seems to be quite skilled in a wide range of weapons as well as unarmed, he hides VERY well and uses light armor.

Iconic weapon, wrist daggers.. I was planing on spring loaded wrist sheaths with daggers.

Pathfinder Community... GO!


I'm looking for information on how Samurai‎ are treated in the dragon empire. the only previous RPG I had with Samurai was LR5 where anyone not of a equal to higher cast then you treated you with respect and a little bit of fear.

I started playing some of the new Dragon empire games and wanted to point my GM to the right place (as well as read it my self)


So spell combat assumes that you are casting a spell with your off hand, what if you have still spell with, lets say shocking grasp, can you then use spell strike/spell combat with a weapon in a two-handed grip?

also during spell combat... can I attack with a weapon two-handed, let go of the blade with one hand, and then cast the spell with my off hand and get my spell strike attack in... suffering -2 to both attacks of course.

Help! Caught between a rock and a hard place! Inquisitor Build.


I need some advice.. I’m working on an Inquisitor a “Monster Hunter” of Erastil…

At first I was thinking bowman build but I want this hunter to “get in the thick of it” with his animal companion (Feather Sub-Domain)

So I started to look at a two-handed weapon build and thus starts my conundrum.

Half-Elf (helps me get my great sword) throw skill focus on intimidate, and the +2 to perception adds nicely to the bonus for being an Inquisitor.

Aasimar Angel-Blooded (bonus to Str and Cha allowing me to shift points from Cha to Wis or Con) Alter Self is sweet, swap out Skilled with Truespeaker… Resistances are sweet… I also like the idea of Halo but that kills idea of stealth. But I have to blow a feat to use a great sword.

A friend of mine mentioned half-orc as a possibility as well, but what I understand the fashion is not that good of a weapon compared to a great sword.

BTW limited to PFS rules


small request, can a few of you show the Shadow Lodge in a good light? I'm almost ashamed to be part of a group filled which such slime-balls that the chillaxan's are starting to look saintly in comparison.

thank you for your time

Sad shadow lodge member


So lets say a bard fascinated half of your party, but you made your save..

1) would you know

2) if not what skill would be used to identify what took place

3) even if you knew SOMETHING happened, what skill would you use to figure out what happened?


Hi everyone,

So I'm looking though the U.E. book and picking out my items for my PFS character.. (I'm looking at what items to get 1st, 2nd, and so on)

I have found some cool items, but one thing I noticed is the lack of Resistance bonuses on all the other shoulder slot items.

even in the belt section you have items which grant a +2 to a physical stat and give some ability, but not so with cloaks. So much so that it makes almost every other cloak comes across as a fools bet.

Knowing how powerful higher level spells (dominate... I'm looking at you) why/how can someone pass up any bonus to their saves?

Like the title says...

Is there an item which grants a bonus to combat casting?

My basic build idea was a Rogue (Knife Master)/Cleric (Separatist for the Deception sub-domain option) and use the spring loaded wrist sheaths for twin daggers (TWF) looking doe some ideas on feats or class combinations beyond the above,

I envisioned someone like Altaïr or Ezio from the Assassin's Creed games, but more of a holy bent.. a member of a secret order of assassins doing things the other members of the church can not or will not do.

I want his god/goddess to be good... as it works for the characters concept.

Hi everyone

I'm attempting to build a Cleric/Rogue...I envisioned someone like Altaïr or Ezio from the Assassin's Creed games with a little more of a divine slant. looking though the gods and low and behold not one good god with the Trickery domain... not one. ::headdesk:::

I seriously wanted to use the Deception sub-domain option. (Miss me and I move into position to take out someone else). My basic build idea was a Rogue (Knife Master)/Cleric (???) and use the spring loaded wrist sheaths for my daggers (TWF) but I’m kind of stuck…

Inquisitor Feed Back

So I played three adventures with my new Inquisitor character…. I live the class, it’s never going to be a damage monster like some classes, but I think it’s a good class overall..

I played three PFS adventures (just got to 2nd level… wooot) and there are only a few things I would tweak in the class, these are just ideas based upon the feel of the class.

1) Give them some marshal weapon proficiency…. Maybe a limited list, but give them something. I fear that players will look at the gods for what weapon training they give instead of a character concept.

2) Give them ability at 1st level to take feats which require a +1 BAB, right now, due to the limitations you pinhole the melee character into ranged combat or two-weapon fighting. I picked a god that gave me pro in Rapier so I would be able to take weapon finesses and two weapon fighting (using rapier/dagger) I originally wanted to go with high strength and Greatsword, but the choice of feats were so limited…. With low BAB progression, the special maneuver (disarm and the like feats) look like a waste, so what is a new character left with?

3) D10 HD please… if you want them in melee, the extra HP will help

Bang Bag Theory,

We kind of need a ruling on this.....

If a player gets an Alchemist’s Fire, and puts it in a small bag with, let’s say 4 flasks of oil… and throws it at someone… are we looking at 5d6 fire damage with 5 points of splash? (or 5d6 damage with no spash due to the bag)

OurGM said the character would suffer -4 to hit (because it’s an improvised weapon) and have a range of 10’ (like other thrown weapons) while the event coordinator started wondering if each vile would get a saving throw, which brought up the question… if you throw a Alchemist’s Fire at someone, would the vile get a saving throw?

Now, What if they put caltrops in the bag to make sure the vales pop?

Lastly, if you say that the oil could not be ignited from the Alchemist’s Fire (some chemical reaction reason), what would happen if it was a bag of 5 Alchemist’s Fire instead?

This can get crazy one an Alchemist gets his bombs in the mix.

Help.... :o)

I was just thinking about this.....

Easy fix for the "Alchemist Range Issue".

Allow bombs to be fired from a sing!

Wala! you got range..

:::uses Elvis voice:::

thank you.. thank you very much.


I got to play some pathfinder at Dragon*Con, got my character to 2nd level... but when I check my repored Sessions, they have not been reported yet.

I have no idea where my character is and was hoping to rebuild him based off my reports... and I have a game this weekend...


Peter B

Hi everyone,

I started playing PFS this past weekend at Dragon*Con, it was a LOT of fun and the Swashbuckler cleric build is turning out to be a lot of fun....

Well here is my question, I got to read some of the Pathfinder Chronicles book.. and I came across the Firearms on page 212... are there any plans to have them in the PFS campaign?

The idea of a Duel Flintlock weilding swashbuckeling cleric sounds like a hela'ammount of fun.

Character idea… Need some help.

So a bunch of my friends are planning on starting pathfinder at Dragon*Con… we had a conversation on who will fill what roles (we like forming teams, seeing we almost always show up at cons as 2 or three tables with one or two seats per table open for pick-up players)

I had shared my wish to play a swashbuckler type; everyone automatically said “oh you are playing the rouge/duelist." I responded by saying “not necessarily, swashbuckling is an attitude not a class my friend”

So I took the cleric, not realizing that we started with only 20 points to build our characters… should have done some research before I opened by fat mouth.

Looking at a Human Cleric of Cayden Cailean (God of freedom, ale, wine, bravery) taking the Charm and Travel domains. I was shooting for a Dex based melee cleric (good Dex and high Wis, weapon fen as my bonus feet and selective channeling as my other) with a good charisma... using a Rapier (the god's weapon) a shield, and a chain shirt (fitted to look like a chain an leather doublet)

But that’s when I hit a wall... with a 20 point buy I can’t build a competent Dex based melee cleric..

Str: 10, Dex: 14, Con: 14, Wis: 16, Int: 10, Cha: 14

I was thinking of dropping the Con to 13 and boosting the Intelligence to 12 for extra skill points, or strength, but +1 to damage seems meeningless.

Just worried about my melee potential, it seems rather craptaculer (times I wish there was a feat to get dex to weapon damage.)

Scarab Sages

I've suggested that this be moved to the forum specifically set up for playing and running Pathfinder Society events (this forum is more for discussing the game itself, a small distinction, true, but you're more likely to get a relevant answer).

Alternately, one of the threads already there may have answered this already.