Earth Elemental

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Organized Play Member. 759 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder's Pouch. Store up to 10lbs into a non-dimensional space that's replaced by normal pouch space at a word, and has no magical aura by default. Perfect for smuggling (a sheathed greatsword in one instance), and at 1,000gp you'll not need to sacrifice your beloved piggy bank.

Liberty's Edge

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Christina Stiles wrote:
Please add some diversity in your staff.

There's much more to diversity than one's genitals. Considering their current success they're exactly where they need to be from a diversity angle.

Overall checking a box on the diversity bingo card does more harm than good as there's another quality being sought than 'is this person good for our company'.

Liberty's Edge

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This was a drama with comedy in it, and the focus is on Cass and his continuing education on how not to be a jerk.

The plot weaves together the several worlds of the Gamers together nicely, something I expect to see more of in the extended cut and related products (Dangerous Games which features Leo for example).

And something that I'm surprised hasn't been posted yet, the movie!

Onward... TO WAFFLES!

Liberty's Edge

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41. Because the DM said no evil characters.

Liberty's Edge

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If you were LV 7, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable Andoran system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a dragon horde—you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.

Liberty's Edge

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Simple way to make an LG fantasy robot. Have him built with rules.

For example: Serve the public trust, Protect the innocent, Uphold the law.

There are others, such as Asimov's Laws, but, you can always come up with whatever your characters 'father' came up with for laws.

Liberty's Edge

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Here's how I view Cayden and his ascension. 20s, like flaming beanbag chairs full of 20s. He's what your average adventurer wants to be when he 'grows up'.

Liberty's Edge

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You can also find it in Seekers of Secrets (probably a more detailed map as well), which I suggest having if only for the cool new ioun stones.

Liberty's Edge

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Ignoring the possibility this may be a trolling attempt, I will say this: I prefer to have fun, but it decreases my fun when I'm planning on playing by the rules and the GM gets them wrong. Over the years I've gotten better at handling it, but it can still be frustrating.

Liberty's Edge

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Would make it less impressive when paizo does anything else then. Like the Batman movies (though only '66 is a real batman movie) , once you kill Joker all you have is an angsty dupe in a cape!

Liberty's Edge

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I have an absurd barbarian idea I may actually put into practice.

Dwarven barbarian, in spiked armor, tumbling downhill as a charge attack. Get enough of them together and you have a Dwarven avalanche defending their mountain home.

Liberty's Edge

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thomas nelson wrote:
10-25 gp towards the party tent.

You have a party tent? I wanna adventure with you guys! All my groups leave the hookers and blow in civilization (where it belongs they say, feh!).

Liberty's Edge

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Sean K Reynolds wrote:
(To answer your unasked question, yes, if it were up to me, some of the items in the Core Rulebook would go away.)

Think I just discovered why after all these years my thieves/rogues have never come across items than enhance backstab/sneak attack.

I'm sad, and designing a new item now.

Liberty's Edge

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Mageye wrote:
I later after the appointment was thinking about this when I got a phone call from the pastor of the church I go to about something there putting on anyway I asked the Pastor about his thoughts on D&D and he said he had no comments on that subject.

This is your faith. We have no business telling you what does or does not abide by your faith.

From what you've stated your pastor has no comments, and by my understanding no qualms over the practice in and of itself. I wouldn't wield that as a particular blessing against any busy-body that happened to go to your church, but he's not condemned it either.

You are the final arbiter of what's in your heart, and your connection to God.