Shoanti Tribeswoman

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276 posts. Alias of Kevin Mack.

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Dark Archive

Hi in the first book of stolen fate in lady Arodeth's character entry it mentions a desperate plan she enacted involving the pathfinder society and I'm wanting to check if it's an actual scenario that happend or more just a background thing if anyone could answer and/or point me in the right direction that would be great thanks.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah as the title says I orderd the wromg thing (Wanted the Pdf but got the book so need to cancel asap)

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Please cancel my pathfinder adventure path subscription please

Thank you

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Great story and pic (Is that from a book or just for this blog story.)

Dark Archive

Hi just got an email saying there is a problem with this order and looking in my order history and it says my card was declined yet I seem to have still gotten my pdf for tyrants grasp part 6 but not anything (not even a locked Pdf) for Age of ashes 1 and I seem to have two seperate charges in my account both for £18.60 (Which I assume is the price of the two books after currency conversion.

Dark Archive

Gonna put my cards on the table only reason I kept the Ap Subscription was getting the PDF'S early (I dont use the physical books and shipping to great britain pretty much eliminated any savings I got from the subscriber discount) so since there is no chance of an early PDF this month I'll cancel for now and maybe resubscribe after Gencon

Thank you for your time.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Very nice story (These are just short things right not part of a larger whole since kind of curious about the missing friends.)

Dark Archive

Could you please cancel all my ongoing subscription except for my adventure path one?

Thank you for your time.

Dark Archive

As the title says wondering if theres any new details about the next 2 or for the first 2e one?

Dark Archive

Once again I'm not interested in the map packs so please cancel.

Dark Archive

Hi Having two problems with this order

1 Ive gotten a double email saying I've purchased it so just making sure I havent been charged twice

2 Cant seem to download it wont ive me a link on the product page and in my downloads it's a PDF for an entirly diffrent product it seems.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just Thought I'd bring this up since no one else seems to have. I'm curious whats going to happen in regards with the current group of Iconics Since we know were getting a Goblin alchemist as well as keeping Valerous, Harsk and Seoni so wondering if all the others are gonna be replaced/alterd (Okay if I'm honest mostly Lini I'm curious about).

Also if the rest do remain the same anyone else thing it's ironic were getting a core Goblin Iconic before a core half-orc

Dark Archive

Hi possibly a bit of an odd request but would it be possible to reset my campaign setting subscription to start with Inner sea taverns (Seems to be set to construct builders handbook and I'm worried it will keep mixing my orders up.)

Thank you for your time.

Dark Archive

Seems to have been a mix up with my subscriptions a little bit.

When I resubscribed to the campaign setting line at the time it was the construct builders handbook that was next in line but then that got pushed back till after the taldor book came out. Would it be possible to add the Taldor book to my subscription order please?

Dark Archive

Hi noticed that in January getting two products for the campaign setting the construct builders handbook and the map folio.

I was planning to cancel the subscription to avoid the map folio and then resubscribe but I think that would mean I miss out on the construct builders handbook is there a way for me to not get the map but still get the book?

Thank you for your time.

Dark Archive

Hi Just double checking the order went through cause although I got the email the confirmation I have the funds check that usually happens hasent shown up in my online bank statements like it normally does (Could just be because it was on a Sunday but rather be sure about it). Thank you for your time.

Dark Archive

Any chance of anyone providing times for any of the seminars? (Mostly Ap related ones or aby other pathfinder content)

Dark Archive

As the title says thank you.

Dark Archive

As the title says any way to cancel just the map packs from the subscription or is it still just cancel then resub? Also if it is still cancel and resub how long do I have to wait till resubscribing?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Great to see this story finally out would love to see more storys with the pair (And more art of the two as well.)

Dark Archive

(Reposting from October shipment thread)

Just noticed a couple of things odd with my order email it's saying Pdf's are $82.98 when the physical copies only come to $52.03. Also earlier it says the order is $70.53 while the shipping and handling is $52.03.

Dark Archive

As title says think the paizo blog and store blog are slightly mixed up (Unless star wars stuff is supposed to be in the Paizo blog then nevermind.)

Dark Archive

Any news on whats coming out next yet?

Dark Archive

Not sure if this the right place but can anyone recomend any underdark/drow adventures (Either 3E, 3.5 OR Pathfinder) not invluding the second darkness ones?

Dark Archive

As the title says looking for a playable fey race (Offical or 3rd party is fine) For converting a Mutants and Masterminds character over to legendary planet (Character is basicaly pixie from x-men so medium sized winged fey)

Dark Archive

As the title says is anyone else finding the evil Iconics kind of pointless? I mean there not part of the adventures yet at the same time there

1.taking up two pages an issue for there lvl 7 stats/backstories that could have been used for something else. That and being lvl 7 for all of them (As far as I know) means there not a huge amoubt of use as possible pregen characters and limits there use as insertable NPC'S

2.being put on the front cover of each Ap issue again space that could have been used for artworks of characters more directly involved in each of the Ap volumes

Also I feel there wasent really any need for them since amoung the current Iconics they could easily have made a group suitable for this Ap in fact they have such a group already which has made there appearence in the Hollow mountain comics (Consisting of the alchemist, magus, warpriest and mesmerist and that group is great).

So just wondering what everyone else feels about them?

Dark Archive

Hi I was wondering if anyone has a rough timline of events between hell's rebels and hell's vengence? (Mostly when each book roughly happens in relation to each other?)

Dark Archive

Hi I was wonderig if there has been a change somewhere in how the adventure path pdf's work. In all the previous ones you could select and copy the images (Which was usefull for printing off character images and the maps) but since the start of hells rebels that dosent seem to work (seems to only be the ap since ive checked my latest module and the feature works fine on them.)

Dark Archive

More Lini.....excellent.

Dark Archive

Not sure if this is the right place for this but was wondering if there was a place to get a none card picture of Giffer Tibbs? (Love the art on the card and would love to see the origonal picture.)

Dark Archive

That droogami picture is that from some old artwork or was it made just for the card game?

Dark Archive

Loved the story. Art was really good as well.

Dark Archive

Just checking to see if everything is set up and okay on my end. I only pledged for the Emerald spire Pdf but I keep getting emails to finalise my pledge which when I try to do so dosent let me.

Also if I may ask how do PDF only backers shipment work wuth subscriptions will the Pdf's be activated when our June orders ship or before since I dont have any physical book to wait on?

Dark Archive

This may be a bit of an od question but how much leeway is allowed inthese characters allighment wise?

Also anything off limits as far as race is concernd?

Dark Archive

As the title says what does everyone think of the new format for fiction in this Ap. Personally I much preferd the previous fiction. In the current story the fiction itself was fine but I did not care for the bit at the end and that it is also to possibly be used as an encounter map in the main Ap (Frankly it takes up space that could have been used for more story or art full body pictures of the main story cast etc and the map is not much use for an encounter map.

Dark Archive

Hi Ive just read my Paizo email talking about the special discount offer during Febuary and It seems it can be applied to my subscription for this month so if someone could talk me through how to do it (Or correct me if I'm wrong) I would be very greatfull

Thank you for your time

Dark Archive

As the tile says plan to run this at somepoint and have a feeling some players may wish to be pathfinders. However in the Osirion land of the pharaohs book it mentions in the timeline that the ruby prince caught a wasting disease from an artifact from Thassilonion and blamed it on the pathfinders for bringing it to him in the first place.

It dosent say if pathfinders are still welcome or not so I'm wondering what there status would be?

Dark Archive

Hi would it be possible to combine these two(Should be all 6 of the way of the wicked Ap books.) Into one order? thanks for your time

Dark Archive

Hi just wondering how my order is going (suspect it is probably being held up by the golumn sale but better safe than sorry.)

Dark Archive

Sorry to be a bother but just wanting to check everything is okay with my order.

Dark Archive

Hi I was just looking at my subscriptions and it says They wont be autherised till the 8th of august meaning earliest shipping would be the 12th of August. It seems odd since subscription normally start to ship about 8 or so days before the PDF/street date but that seems to be the 15th of August is there an error somewhere?

Dark Archive

Hi my last subscription order ran into some bother last time so just want to make sure this one is going through okay

Dark Archive

Just checking to make sure my order is fine seems to be running very late for me.

Dark Archive

Hi for some reason I havent gotten an authorisation email and my May subscription now seems to be merged with my June one.

Dark Archive

As the title says I would like to cancel my comics subscription thank you.

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