Noisy's page
417 posts. Organized Play character for Evil Minion.
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
"Oh, its not us that's got something to be afraid of." A loud voice calls above the din.
A dwarf you recognize from earlier, flashes a grim smile, as he eyes the incoming hoard with a steely glare.
Suddenly, his words prove more accurate than you'd think, as one whole section of the undead hoards suddenly turn and start to run back the way they came, making them easy pickings for the Pathfinder defenders.
"Tell your masters Noisy's come for a reckoning." The dwarf yells again... though you start to realize that it is his normal talking volume. "And he brought Hilde with him!"
He lifts a long, double-barreled musket, and points it at the undead before pulling the trigger. Suddenly a wave of sound seems to fly from the barrel, shattering skeletal remains like they were dry tinder with a deafening harmonic boom!
Guard, Aid: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 4, 5) = 17
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
I can't uncross it on the pdf.
A new one would probably be best.
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Aw man... saw that thundering robe on the chronicle and got excited for a moment...
But don't think it would affect Noisy's sonic performance Su ability.
Shame! Would have been very thematic =)
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
"The kid claimed the flute was a family heirloom. Might have been a relative of the Emperor maybe? He apparently knew how to play it." Noisy will add.
"Dunno if that's useful, but you can find him there as well if it is."
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Nope, Sovereign Court is me!
The LE icon has more blue in it =)
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Hmm.. looked at the chronicle.
I didn't get the Sovereign Court boon? What'd we miss?
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Did Hamade count as a noble or the like (for faction card reasons) ... seems like he might have been a relative of the old emperor... so one never knows =)
Thanks for GMing that Feral!
Was a few tough fights in there.
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Noisy chuckles.
"Aye, just sort of beat on him 'til he stopped noticing much of anything, really."
"Apparently there were some rather deep-rooted philosophical differences."
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Yay, grit point back!
We found a scroll of Heal that Fendahl can cast. Might as well use that on someone!
Noisy, breathes a sigh of relief as the last of the elemental creatures fall. He quickly reloads his musket's barrels before looking to the room.
"This place certainly has its dangers. Now we know why they barricaded this one, anyway."
"So is that our crown?" He will take the time to examine the items they found in the room.
"Damn guardians sure made a mess of this place." He adds, stepping gingerly around all the melted precious metals. "Seems like a design flaw. Glad they didn't melt everything."
assuming it seems like our target, we seem clear to vacate!
"Now to see if King is willing to part with the Seal."
"I for one will be glad to leave Wanshou behind!"
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
This is the last round of haste (has a reduced duration due to the negative levels)
Noisy slides a second paper cartridge into the other barrel of his musket, then steps into the room aiming high, towards the elemental's head.
Whispering once more into the breach, he pulls both triggers at once. The noise is deafening!
OK, reload first, so both are loaded, 5' step, then fire both barrels at once, using deadly aim and spending his last grit point for charisma to damage. Also conduct a weird word along with the first bullet. Same ol', same ol'
Barrel1 ranged touch: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21, for 1d12 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27 damage plus 4d6 + 5 ⇒ (5, 2, 2, 6) + 5 = 20 sonic.
Barrel2 ranged touch: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24, for 1d12 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27 damage.
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Noisy went (restarted inspire courage then cast glitterdust). Just Bart to go.
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
With haste, Bart has a 40' move... that could gotten him close enough for the wand?
The description says it attacked Fendahl, but the rolls say Kirrah... who got attacked there?
Noisy stomps forward for a better line of sight on the final guardian, his heavy footsteps reverberating through the room.
5' step. Move action restart Inspire Courage (it ran out just now!)
Wish there was a way to do more than one performance a round!
He intones some more arcane words, and thumps out a second rhythm on his drum, that causes the air around their foe to shimmer from the vibrations.
Casting Glitterdust in hopes of blinding it, so folks can get closer without provoking!
Willpower DC 17 negates.
Don't think the 4 negative levels affect the DC? Just the duration?

NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Noisy's face looks grim, as yet another guardian shows up.
He whispers more words into the breach of his musket, then levels it once more, firing at the lightning creatures.
No clue which will still be standing... is Maldoc's damage getting past the DR because he's doing elemental damage? Might be two of them down now, if so!
Whatever the case, Noisy will shoot whichever is still going, starting with the red, else blue, else the new yellow one.
Single shot, deadly aim, burning a grit point for charisma to damage, conducting a single weird word. If this is on blue, he will 5' step first, to get within PBS range. If this is on yellow, subtract 1 from the attack and the damage (since its out of PBS range even with a 5' step). If its on red (and it dies), he will 5' step after reloading.
Ranged Touch vs red/blue/yellow: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21, for 1d12 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18 damage plus 4d6 + 5 ⇒ (3, 4, 4, 2) + 5 = 18 sonic.
He then begins reloading one of the barrels with methodical precision.
Move action, reload.
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
"Everyone on the same one." Noisy shouts, hoping to remove one of the targets as quickly as possible.
Noisy raises his musket and lines up a shot on the creature in the doorway, whispering into the breach once more before firing.
Not maintaining song. Effects will linger for 2 more rounds
Firing both barrels, using deadly aim and a grit point to add charisma to damage. Also conducting a single weird word along with the first bullet.
Barrel 1 Ranged Touch: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23, for 1d12 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21 plus 4d6 + 5 ⇒ (1, 3, 5, 3) + 5 = 17 sonic.
Barrel 2 Ranged Touch: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21, for 1d12 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17
He then quickly reloads one of the barrels just emptied.
Move action reload one barrel with a paper cartridge
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Well, technically, since Good Hope was still going when Bart attacked... that crit might have done 4 more damage... so might have nicked one of them slightly =) If its any consolation
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Everyone remember the extra attack from haste! (as well as all the to hit and damage bonuses!

NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Ack, no sneak and DR ... not good for Bart. Might be time for him to play wizard! Use the enervation wand and the scroll of cone of cold we got from the squid! (as the only one able to use both, you'd have 'em!)
Oh, and the wand of Resist Energy was caster level 11. So we all have electricity resistance 30... that'll help a lot!
Noisy swears, fully expecting a trap, not an ambush.
Knowledge (any) to ID: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 9 + 2 = 12 (+4 if undead, +2 if daemon/demon/devil)
Oops... I know nothing again!
He immediately starts to stomp out a familiar tempo on the hard stone floor, inspiring his companions. At the same time, he beats a counterpoint on his drum as he says a few arcane words, causing everyone's movements to speed up even further.
Move action, inspire courage. Standard action, cast haste on everyone.
Current Buff Summary:
Good Hope, Inspire Courage, Haste
For +1 AC, +5 to hit, +4 to damage, +2 to saves/skills/ability checks, and +30 movement (yada yada)
As an aside, here I was thinking the enervation would have worn off by now... but its hours per level! Even from a wand, that's still hours away! 8(
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
"I'll just wait over here with Kirrah" Noisy offers with a grin, as he backs away from the doorway and scratches the cat behind one ear.
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Might as well. Its a free resource conveniently left for us to use! Do it!
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Oh wait, Bart has a arcane caster level right? He can use the wand too. =)
Noisy pulls out the wand they found earlier. "Here, use this Bart. Has enough charges for everyone."
its the wand of resist energy (CL 11) we found earlier
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Heh, wasn't looking for magical items... more magical traps! So was good enough! =)
"Umm... that can't be good..." Noisy interjects, as the halfling enters the room, and the electricity starts to dance along the walls.
Not fire but electricity maybe?
Hell, we have 10 charges and only 5 bodies, we could protect everyone vs both! Fendahl would have to do it though, as its on the druid list.
Oh, and Bart, drink some of those extra potions of CSW we have... you're still hurt!
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
I put all our tokens over by the room in question
Remove Fear and Haste are gone by now. Good Hope will still be up
Any magical auras in the room to explain it?
The dwarf frowns, as he looks at all the melted wealth.
"Would take a great deal of heat to do that sort of damage." He says to the others. "Fire perhaps, or lightning strikes maybe."
He shrugs. "Though most magic is way to quick to do it by itself. Unless its sustained for considerably longer, its not going to melt it like that."
He digs out the wand they found upstairs. "This would protect us if the force is still active, perhaps. Bit of waste if its not though."
Could toss fire protection on everyone? But might be moot if the ward is already gone? or it wasn't fire to begin with =) Has 10 charges, so could get the 5 of us

NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Oh... hey... nice scroll collection!
Do druids get Heal on their list? We want to toss a mage armor on the kitty?
And guys, remember we found 6 potions of cure serious wounds in that first fight up top... and I think have only used 1 ... so suck a few of those down if you're down hit points before using up your wands and the like
"Well, I'm sure we can get you somewhere better than here, if you want." the dwarf replies.
"Mind if we take a look at your flute?" He adds. "We were looking for just such a thing."
Guess we can try to affirm this is the flute we're looking for?
After clearing the blockade from the remaining door, back where they came in, the room beyond is a bit of a surprise.
"Well, it kind of looks like a vault." He muses, thoughtfully. "Though its seen a lot of damage."
Possible to tell what caused the melting? A trap of some sort? Magic? Other?
Noisy casts a minor cantrip and looks examines the room from the doorway, cautiously.
Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23
Knowledge (any): 1d20 + 9 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 9 + 11 = 39
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 8 + 2 = 23
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
What about the items on the squid (a wand and a staff at least)? Or the other fellow Maldoc and Bart finished off?
"I'm sure we can get you home, if you want." Noisy replies. "Though we're heading back to Goka after this, not sure if that's on the way."
"Don't think anyone should want to live out in this infernal swampland."
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
"Still have not found the emperor's flute... or the coronation crown" Noisy muses.
"Though the only area we passed was blockaded back there." He frowns slightly. "Whether there was a reason for that or not..."
"Can only hope their divinations were right, and the damned things are even here."
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
"And how did you come to be here? We are days from anywhere, out here in the middle of Wanshou."
I am puzzled about his flute reference. We came here looking for a flute... but that one had supposedly been buried here with everything else when the country flooded decades ago, right? Seems odd that he is here with one too (or that one in particular). Does he have it on him?
Anyway, to searching! Including the previous room that we kind of sped through.
(if it helps) Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17
edit: it probably won't!
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
"All this way?" Noisy responds, as he tries to get the cage open. "Perhaps not all the way, but enough of it to arrive here."
(If necessary: Disable Device: 1d20 + 13 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 13 + 2 + 2 = 31)
He gives the man a friendly grin.
"King mentioned you might be down here somewhere. Least we could do!"
"Why the cage?" He asks a bit later, still not sure what the squid and friends were up to down here. "Are there more captives? Can't imagine the toads were too friendly."

NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Heh. Have often missed 4-person adjustment things like that myself. Rarely only have 4 folks. Sometimes I accidentally jump into the higher tier too, while flipping through pages. (The later has made for an occasional interesting fight with a bit of dramatic fudging to fix)
Hell, I forgot that we were even on the 4-person adjustment this time!
Noisy, hastily starts to reload his weapon once more, as he peers through the smoke trying to see what's going on.
It takes him a moment to realize that the only thing thrashing around is Bart, as the water begins to settle.
It takes him a moment longer to realize that Maldoc should still be thrashing around.
"Fendahl, can you see the elf?" He shouts, as he steps into the room, gun held ready.
"Everyone alright? What the hell was that thing doing here!?"
Go about recovering, making sure the squid is down for the count, and then searching for items/information of interest.
Am assuming the flying Fendahl will best be able to fish out Maldoc.
The dwarf gingerly makes his way into the room along the shelves, stopping briefly to help Bart out of the water, before checking on the prisoner in the corner.
"You wouldn't be Hamade would you?" He asks the man once he's responsive.
Probably best to direct a detect magic down into the water and scan about... might be the only way to locate what got dropped in there (like that wand!)
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
The suspense is killing me ... or maybe Bart ...
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
An awakened giant squid with class levels? Ha!
Some writer was in a creative mood =)
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Fendahl has Freedom of Movement, there is no water resistance for him =) Maldoc too, for that matter, before he took a nap.
Is there some sort of DR going on? Would have used a different bullet if that was an obvious thing.
Having a hard time getting my head around how much damage we've done!
C'mon Bart!

NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
If only you were an unchained rogue, Bart, then the concealment wouldn't be an issue! At least your flanking now! Full throttle!
Any info on the knowledge check? Still not sure what exactly this is? Its like a giant octopus wielding a staff? Shapechanged druid? Boatload of hitpoints anyway!
Noisy concentrates, not quite sure what's going on in the murky water, other than a lot of splashing and wailing of tentacles.
Unable to contribute anything else, he continues to use the only attack he has remaining, once more taking a moment to load just a single barrel on his weapon, then once again whispering to it. Then like before, there is a loud retort, followed by a wave of sound, as he fires once more, hoping to help his companions.
Inspire Courage still lingering!
Same as last round. Move action reload a single barrel. Then standard action to fire it while conducting a level-drain-reduced Weird Word, burning a grit point for charisma to damage and using deadly aim.
Ranged Touch: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20, for 1d12 + 15 ⇒ (11) + 15 = 26 damage plus 4d6 + 5 ⇒ (6, 1, 5, 6) + 5 = 23 sonic. (vs concealment 1d100 ⇒ 95)
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
would be a hasted attack too, Bart, on a full attack
If Bart gets grappled, Noisy will Liberating Command him as an immediate action.

NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Noisy staggers, as he is struck by the enervating ray, and his life force is drawn from his body.
He stops tapping out the inspiring beat, though his companions can still feel the rhythm. Instead, he quickly load some more ammunition into the now empty musket.
Ceasing to maintain Inspire Courage, but its effects will linger for 2 more rounds. Using a move action to reload a single barrel of his musket with a paper cartridge
He then raises the musket to his shoulder once more, as he appears to whisper into the breach, one hand stroking the barrel slightly.
The brief moment of quiet does not last, as he fires the gun once more. This time however, the small burst of flame and smoke is followed by a wave of sound, that ripples visibly across the intervening distance as it follows the bullet towards the creature in the middle of the room.
Standard action, fire the bullet, using deadly aim and a grit point to add charisma to damage. Using the conductive property on the gun, to channel a single Weird Word along with it. (Would normally be two words, but the enervation dropped me down enough I can only do one now!)
Ranged Touch: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16, for 1d12 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17 damage plus 4d6 + 5 ⇒ (1, 6, 2, 1) + 5 = 15 sonic. (Concealment?1d100 ⇒ 70)
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
heh, I read the attack and saw the '20' result... and at first thought you'd crit me with an enervation spell! Thought it was my comeuppance!
Took me a moment to realize it was just the final tally, not the actual die result. phew.
Is there a knowledge check for this thing? Am hoping its not actually a Kraken...
Knowledge (any): 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 9 + 2 = 25 (+4 if undead, +2 if demon/daemon/devil)
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Was so busy making sure I got all the bonuses and penalties figured out right, completely missed the 20... then went back to binge watching Firefly.
Managed to edit the previous post to add the confirmation roll before it timed out.

NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Noisy swears, as the creature surfaces from beneath the murky water apparently wielding a wand.
"What in the hells?!" He exclaims, taking a slight step back in surprise.
He brings his musket up, and bangs out a quick staccato rhythm on the stone beside him, then aims at the newest threat, unloading both barrels in a single explosive shot.
5' step back. Move action, start Inspire Courage. Standard action, fire a both barrels at the tentacled thingme, using deadly aim and burning a grit point to add charisma to damage for the round.
Ranged Touch barrel1, DA, PBS, both barrels, haste, good hope, bard: 1d20 + 12 - 2 + 1 - 4 + 1 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 12 - 2 + 1 - 4 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 32, for 1d12 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 1 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 2 = 25 damage.
Ranged Touch barrel2, (same mods): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21, for 1d12 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21 damage.
Reminder to all, currently party-wide bonuses are:
+5 to hit, +4 to damage, +2 on saves (+3 if reflex, +4 if fear), +2 on save/ability checks, +30' movement (20 for Bart)
late edit: Confirmation: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26, for an additional 3d12 + 45 ⇒ (2, 12, 2) + 45 = 61 damage.
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
At least it was just one... =)
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
It's the 'immense dark shape' in the pool that concerns me...
"Wasn't the usualy flautist greeting." Noisy responds, uncertainly.
Anyone else here? Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25
Might have been in that boarded up room behind us maybe?
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Hmm... don't much like the water...
For reference, current buffs still active on everyone:
Haste (+1 AC, +1 to hit, +1 on reflex saves, +30' movement (or 20' for Bart)
Good Hope (+2 to hit, +2 damage, +2 saves, +2 skill checks, +2 ability checks)
Remove Fear (+4 on saves vs fear)
so Bart's dagger will do 2 more damage =). Also remember the +2 on skill checks for those having to acrobatic about (or god forbid, swim)
Noisy pulls out a scroll and reads it, touching Maldoc beside him.
I'll use mine on you for now. (Move action, pull out scroll of freedom of movement, standard use it on Maldoc)
"Ware the water." He says, eyeing the murky pool. "Who knows what's in there.
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
2 of 18 rounds of haste gone at end of the fight
Between Fendahl and Noisy, we can split up some of the wand zapping time if want to try to maximize the spell duration left.
So use 4 from yours (via Fendahl) at the same time 4 from Noisy.
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Should get everyone back to full in 4 rounds?
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Hrm... pretty sure green will be gone by the time Noisy goes.
If so...
Not maintaining bard song... effects will linger for 2 more rounds
Noisy moves into the room, once only one foe remains, and tosses a small heal onto Maldoc, using a wand.
Move into a position he can reach the magus whilst drawing a wand, and use said wand.
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Well, that was unexciting
Go kitty!
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
GM, it would be helpful to know if the green critter fell to Fendahl's attacks (or Maldoc's) so folks could position properly to possibly allow the kitty access to the last one.
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Hrmm... large critters with reach and more than 106 hp's! This might take a bit of whacking!
Noisy begins to utter some arcane words, changing the beat slightly, enhancing his companions efforts even more.
Free action, maintain inspire courage.
Full-Round action, cast Haste on everyone, using his lesser rod of extend spell. So it will last just under 2 minutes (18 rounds). So possibly this room and more if we don't tarry.
Buff Summary (haste, inspire courage, good hope, remove fear):
Everyone is at +1 AC, +20'/30' movement speed, +5 to hit, +4 to damage, +2 to skill/ability checks, +2 to saves (+3 on reflex, +4 vs fear)
Am out of ways to buff you guys, so go kick ass!
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
But... but... I'm sure they're moms think they're interesting!
Knowledge (face-beater): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12
Oh my god! I don't know! Maybe they really do have awesome special abilities!
"Have at 'em!" Noisy exclaims, as he stomps a quick familiar tempo on the stone floor, the vibrations from which work their way up into his companions bones, inspiring them!
At the same time, he taps a counterpoint on his drum while saying a few arcane words. Suddenly everyone feels even more invigorated!
Move action, start Inspire Courage!
Standard action, casting good hope on everyone (will last 9 minutes)
End result: Everyone (including the kitty) will have a +4 to hit, +4 to damage, and +2 on saves and skill checks
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
"That should do it." Noisy says, when it appears the ward has been dispelled. "Hopefully we can catch whoever placed it with their pants down."
"Wait... are the boggards wearing pants?" He adds with a hearty chuckle.
"Shall we?" He adds, indicating the door.
Who's lead? =)
So took two castings of remove fear to get everyone (including the kitty) But should all be covered now!
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Noisy nods, and taps out a slightly more complicated rhythm on his hip.
OK, will give it a go! Dispel Magic CL check: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
He then goes back to the simpler beat, and studies the hallway to judge his success.
Then detect magic again to see if it worked!
He then pulls out a small metal rod, before they continue on.
He also plays another quick beat filling his companions with courage.
Have lots of 1st level spells, so might as well drop a Remove Fear on everyone, in case there's more boggard shenanigans awaiting. (+4 morale bonus vs fear effects)
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
can those be disarmed by a rogue as magical traps?
Noisy nods slightly, after examining it for a moment. "Definitely a ward. An early warning system for someone."
He scratches his chin thoughtfully.
"Usually folks don't need magic to hear me coming."
"Could try to dispel it." He muses, glancing at the others. "Not guaranteed though."
NG Dwarf Bard 11 / Gunslinger 1
Noisy will call a quick warning, as he looks northward.
"Is a magical effect active down there, near the door." He says.
"A trap or ward of some kind perhaps."
He taps his fingers on his hip for a second, then looks at it a little longer.
Hmm.. attempt to identify a spell effect in place...
Knowledge (arcana) vs DC 20+spell lvl: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 9 + 2 = 21
Does Bart still have his Trapfinding? Might be a magical trap disarm thing! Else I can try to dispel it, if folks think its something to worry about. Can't think of a trap that would be abjuration though... usually they're evocation or necromancy...