
Nocte ex Mortis's page

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Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:
Nocte ex Mortis wrote:
So, something to point out in this thread: there are NO ancient ageless Monks or Druids who aren’t Elves or Gnomes, as it was confirmed by James Jacobs, I believe, that all it did was stop you aging. You still die when your lifespan is up.
Was it confirmed by JJ in PF1 or PF2?

It came up in one of the like dozen threads on this in PF2 that the Timeless part of the Feats was basically bunk, and you still die of old age.

Edit: That particular thread is pretty much what started ArchSage off on their never-ending kinda crazy diatribe against the game rules. I just think it’s stupid that they removed it.

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Non-Lethal is... not killing damage, it’s attacking to incapacitate. You can’t kill with Non-Lethal damage.

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To me, it boils down to this, using a Fighter for an example as they’ve popped up more than a few times in this thread.

Bob creates a Fighter, we’ll call him Mac, and he chooses to go hard into knives. A new book comes out, and it’s got this AWESOME looking knife-classed weapon in it that mimics the claw of a Honey Badger. It’s listed as Common, so Bob figured there’s no issues in getting the HBDGAF blades for Mac. He spends the money, and then his VC tells him “Oh, sorry Bob, the HBDGAF blades are only Common if you’re a Numerian Werehoneybadger.” Bob looks baffled, as there’s nothing noting this anywhere in the rules, nor in the description of the weapon itself.

He points this out to the VC, only to be told that them’s the rules from On High, because it came out in a new book, which means that even though it’s Common, a knife that doesn’t do anything appreciably better than any other Advanced weapon, he’s not considered automatically proficient with it, capable of picking one up without a good story reason, or knowing what other crap he’s going to have to go through to just buy a neat-looking weapon.

Bob sighs, and picks up his seventh Bladed Hoop.

(Mental note, create a Werehoneybadger group in Numeria.)

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Filthy Lucre wrote:

Lemme put it this way - if I had to choose between immortality as a vampire, eating people to survive or be A N N H I L A T E D it would be a complete no brainer for me.

Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you a perfect representation of Neutral Evil.

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There *was* the beginning of a pattern, and then the last few books shattered it. Now, like a lot of other glaring issues that are cropping up, we don’t know which is which.

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Man, that errata is going to be like fifty pages long at this rate.

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Another fun one is the Monk/Rogue MCD. Monks have phenomenal action efficiency, but extra skills always are nice, and picking up, say, Sneak Attacker for an effective extra 2d6 on your Flurry, or Deny Advantage, or(my personal favorite) Evasiveness to bump up your Reflex saving throws to Master, combined with Canny Acumen, giving you L/M/M saves, AND Master Perception.

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No, that doesn’t really change the fact that there is literally no point to not raising your Key ability score to the absolute maximum, seeing as vast amounts of your class abilities run off of it, including Class and Spell DCs for most of them. Your Key ability score is your One Ring, everything else is nice, but that score makes you function.

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Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
I'm sure it does. But there's no rules for it in Pathfinder, so it's not a realistic expectation to have. You can have the Cat Fall feat with legendary Acrobatics and just take a nap while you fall down in a vacuum and never get hurt, because apparently being conscious doesn't matter when it comes to landing on your feet unscathed.

If this doesn’t bother you, and you admit that Bon Mot, a Feat that utterly WRECKS an opponent with a single Action isn’t OP, or somehow impossible to understand, then why in the blue Hell is Battle Medicine somehow breaking your verisimilitude, when Hit Points as a whole are a load of crap simulationist mumbo jumbo?

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Fall asleep? You mean pass out from G-force? You understand that actually happens in real life, right? It’s the most common cause of death in skydiving, right before equipment malfunction.

Nobody can fall from the ionosphere and survive unassisted. It’s physically impossible. Cat Fall doesn’t care. Nobody can actually quantify what Hit Points are as a whole. Battle Medicine doesn’t care. Neither of these are magic. Nor is Bon Mot, which is apparently so devastating that it utterly destroys an enemies ability to react to anything.

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Ched Greyfell wrote:
Paladins and fainting could also be an interesting thread.

First, I am so sorry for what I am about to do.

If a Paladin faints in combat, do they fall?

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Eh, I’m fairly certain that at this point we’ve gone far beyond goblins, and are deep into the Abyss, where even critters like Jubilex and Grazzz’t are shaking their head or head-like appendages, and disavowing everything in this argument.

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Some of them are Legendary. Three of them are level 1 and level 2 Feats. One of those becomes Legendary. Zero of them require magic.

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I can kill you by staring at you. I can literally live in a volcano or Antarctica butt naked. I can do a full medical assessment of a person at a literal glance, telling your entire medical history by how your hair moves. I can FALL FROM SPACE and not only not die, but not even scratch my knee. I can become Spider-Man, and stand on a vertical surface without concern. I can read a letter, sealed in an envelope, by touch alone.

And yet, Battle Medicine is the thing on this list that directly requires magic to be remotely possible?

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Looks like a yes to me.

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Yeah, the original idea during the play test was... not good, to put it nicely.

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*Headdesk so hard I break the floor*

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Battle Medicine argument over 1000 posts summed up in ten. QED

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Their Patron getting mad?

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I’ve noticed quite a few places in the APG where it’s fairly obvious words, or even entire sentences, are missing. This is one of them. Minimum level seems to universally apply only to spells that have additional effects as you Heighten them.

I think this is the same issue that Paizo has with Stances, to be honest. They know the answer to it, but because they all know it, it slips through editing without actually going into the book.

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So, let’s say you didn’t, for some reason, choose Fireball as one of you Signature Spells as you leveled up. Firstly, shame on you. Secondly, the lowest level you can cast Fireball at, is as a 3rd level spell. It qualifies. However, Fireball can Heighten all the way up to 10th level slots.

True Strike, Unseen Servant, Spectral Hand... those are not spells that can Heighten.

Basically, it can only be used for spells that Heighten, and start at 3rd or lower.

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I don’t think a single thing in all of 2E, and very, very few things in 1E, have been discussed as much, and with as little coming from it, as Battle Medicine. I’m kind of growing to hate the Feat, honestly.

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If you really want to set up a Monk to control the battlefield in new and exciting ways, Wolf Style and Tangled Forest Stance are ridiculously good in tandem. Take Monastic Weaponry, use a bo staff, and enjoy your tripping Reach Immobilizing Stand Still chaos machine. Take Stunning Fist, and Fuse Stance at 20, and watch as you harass entire encounters in ways that your GM hates you for.

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Let’s put this into perspective then: by your logic, going into a Stance that isn’t Mountain Stance locks you into a single form of combat for the rest of the fight, unless you have two or more Styles, correct?

If I’ve misunderstood you, please let me know, I’m not trying to put words in your mouth here, just trying to figure out your reasoning.

If this were true, every Monk that has only one Style that’s like Crane, is effectively a robot for the rest of their combat forever. They can NEVER use any other form of attack other than their Style attack because they temporarily lose all their intelligence and ability to comprehend that what they are using possibly isn’t the best method.

Matter of fact, that literally applies to all other Styles in the game, too. If a Fighter, Champion, Swashbuckler, Bard, etc. has only one Style and it calls for only one type of Strike, they quickly become a one trick pony.

Edit: So I went through and looked at all the Monk Stances real quick. None of the APG stances have any Requirements on them. At all. Prerequisites, yes, no Requirements. 8 of the others from the other books all have the same Requirement: You are unarmored. So if you can’t voluntarily leave a Stance in combat, and you’re not in Mountain and jump, the only way out of a Stance loop in that situation is either for someone to put real armor on you, or to have a single 10th level Feat called Prevailing Position.

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No, the only Strikes you can make, and stay in that stance, are Stumbling Strikes. It’s not computer code, you are supposed to apply common sense. You can only use those Strikes if you want to stay in the Stance. Use any other type of Strike, or weapon, in Peafowl, for example, and you lose the stance because you broke the Requirement of one specific type of attack.

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Permanently quickened, on the fastest class in the game. You got crit? ‘Nah man, reroll that.’ Those vs a Feat that only does something on a crit.

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I... wait, every skill? How? Rogue?

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It’s not overwhelming damage, it is literally expected by the level design of the game that player damage increases as it does, or combats become a slogfest for the characters while the monsters tear them apart doing double to quadruple their damage every hit.

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I was originally going to say that it looks like a no-go, but Two-Hand doesn’t increase the die size, it changes the value altogether. It looks like it’d work.

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Look, I don’t particularly *like* Striking Runes, and I think their power should be a baseline ability that every class gets, like in ABP, but that’s not really the issue at hand. If you remove them, or tag them with Flourish, like the OP wants to do, you are going to end up VERY quickly with a situation where the enemies have more health than you, hit harder than you ever can, and hit you more often. This swiftly leads to dead groups.

I don’t enjoy needing the damn things, but the entirety of combat above level 5 is predicated on you having them.

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It’s kind of a drinking game, but one that will ultimately kill you.

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A Monk with Monastic Weaponry, Wolf Style and/or Tangled Forest Style wielding a bo staff is a logistical nightmare to fight. If they also took Stand Still, your enemies are going to be tearing their hair out.

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Technically, all Feats have Requirements: -, so it's simply not listed unless needed.

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I just read that thread, and I think I lost at least three points off my IQ.

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Xenocrat wrote:
Pretty crazy and unfair how my combat medics in my platoon had to set down their rifle and open up their gear bags to treat anyone.

Your combat medics didn’t exist in a world of superhuman beings capable of being dropped from LEO without a parachute and walking away without a scratch, repeatedly.

Edit: Also pretty crazy how they couldn’t take someone literally bleeding to death with their organs hanging out of their body, take six to twelve seconds (because Battle Medicine sure as Hell takes more than just one action now), and have them ready to go for round 2.

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ikarinokami wrote:
How did people imagine battle medicine working without your hands free and a healer's kit?

Preferably in a way that didn’t require potentially SIX ACTIONS TO USE A FEAT ONCE PER DAY ON SOMEONE.

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Well, they went for the worst possible version of Battle Medicine, which I kind of had a feeling was going to happen. Looks like it goes in the trash pile.

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I think it also has to do with how cosmically lonely Baba Yaga and Jatembe probably are. Think about it: both of them have outlived everything that knew them in their youth, except for possibly some of the gods, both of them have seen more civilizations and races rise and fall than can possibly be healthy, their only real contemporaries are the handful of people like them, and beings like Cthulhu and Asmodeus.

It’s probably a poorly-kept secret between the true immortals that they enjoy each other’s company more than they let on.

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Sword, I will argue with you, vehemently, I’ll disagree with you, I’ll come across as grouchy (because Oscar the Grouch is very much my spirit animal), but it will never be directed at the person behind the keyboard unless that person is being a complete jackhole.

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Not quite the word I would use. Frightening would be a better descriptor. As far as I know, pretty much every tribe has stories about them, and they all boil down to one thing: These things are about as purely evil and malevolent as anything you can find outside of the Abrahamic demons. I’m a quarter Cherokee, so I’ve had the privilege of listening to the storytellers, and even they don’t want to talk about these things. They have to, to keep the warnings and knowledge of them alive, but it makes them visibly uncomfortable to do.

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Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Have any First Nations people made an issue of this or are people outside of the Tribe complaining about it?

On the Wendigo issue, it’s purely people outside of the Tribes b%+!+ing about it. The walker issue on the other hand is something all of the First Nation tribes are incredibly leery of anyone ever talking about or using. Look up Jim Butcher’s story about the research and approval he had to do for his story involving it. The People do not take that thing lightly.

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Bro, I think I was something like 30-35 hours into the game before I remembered I was supposed to be delivering a package to New Vegas. Took me like another 20 before so got around to it. I love F:NV.

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Neither rain nor sleet nor snow nor Orc invasion shall stop us from our appointed rounds.

Warning: Deliveries in dragon or kobold-run areas will incur additional charges.

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glass wrote:
Nocte ex Mortis wrote:
I like, for the most part, how Paizo has set it up, but please, PLEASE, stop trying to inject real-world issues into our escapist fantasy imagination time. Or at least do us a courtesy and ask first.

When I first started to hear about "privilege", I struggled to understand what it meant. Now I understand; it meant this.

See, for you it is "inserting" real world issues into your "escapist fantasy". For the people who suffer everyday with the b*~~+~*# of racism, misogyny, rape culture, homophobia, transphobia, or all of the above, it is about removing real those issues so they can get in on the escapism too.

And so they are not accidentally perpetuated through the game, thereby compromising efforts to fight them in the the real world, of course.


I believe you missed the point where it was specifically asking to stop correlating the ancestries/races in Pathfinder with European/American ethnocentrism. Let them just be what they are, fantasy races, and then add things in from there. Golarion is an incredibly fleshed-out world, with its own history, nations, people, conflicts, religions, and issues. Hoo boy, its issues. Use them.

If I made you feel like I was belittling the way you play the game, or the things you find important, I sincerely apologize.

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Because it upgrades it from just your attacks, to everyone in your party’s attacks.

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Rysky wrote:
emky wrote:
I don't like iconics being non-standard races. It dramatically alters the feel of the game and definitely makes it seem like the game must be played as an "anything goes" free-for-all.
It’s a bird, not a living void that consumes Smells to survive.

Can confirm, would play fart void.

Edit: the best part of this post is that it was an autocompleted post. It was supposed to say flappy boi, but...

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