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We ran into this situation last night and I'm trying to get a better clarification. I have a normal animal companion and we had to make a save vs confusion. I passed but my companion failed. Does my companion act confused on my turn even if I don't spend an action to command it and give it it's own actions? Am I forced to give it 2 actions to play out the confusion?
From the rules it seems like I could just not give it an action and let the confusion duration run out while I do my own things but it doesn't fit with what's going on in the moment and breaks immersion by relying on mechanics to do what essentially feels like cheating. The way we ruled it is I could act normally and my companion still makes a confusion roll and if it's something other than "act normally" they take that action without being commanded (my scorpion attacked the closest player unfortunately).
I would love to hear some opinions and specifically from a Developer about this niche situation. Our table will probably stick with the ruling we made no matter what because it makes the most sense from a narrative point of view but I'm still curious what everyone else thinks.