
Nimina's page

34 posts. Alias of spinningdice.


Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Thanks for letting us know, always better than just staying hanging.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Nim leaves the talking and planning to better thinkers than her and watches the other 'winners' who may be planning to eliminate their competitors now the race has started.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

WP: 1d100 ⇒ 42
Nimina's eyss roll back in her head as she struggles with the pain.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Fear(32+20): 1d100 ⇒ 43
"heh, I've spent years in a hole of a prison, this ain't going to get me down none."

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Nim tries to evaluate the bigger threats in the room, in case a fight does break out. This place seems unruly to say the least.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Nim finds somewhere secluded to enjoy her time with her hapless victim companion.

She returns a short time later, looking flushed with a a trace of either lipstick or blood on her lips. Hopefully the adrenaline running through her system will clear whatever alien toxins are affecting her.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Congratulations and best wishes to all involved.
I've got two myself 10 and 7 and they are simultaneously the best things in my life and the hardest.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Tyboris' spoiler seems to have snuck under mine

Nim saunters towards the colourful lady, her vibrancy somewhat retained over the muted colours her meal has caused. With utmost confidence in herself she says "How about we find somewhere more private to blow off some steam", perhaps a little louder than was intended.

Nim's still not sure whether she she wants to drink, fight or... plunder, and she's not into girls as a rule, but everyone else just seems so... pale in comparison.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

WP32: 1d100 ⇒ 27 Nim looks around the room, trying to orient herself as the colour leaches from near-everything. "Should have started with something lighter, don't think I can taste anythin' else now.. She'll take a look around and see who seems most colourful nearby.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Well too late to back down now, people are watching Nimina, ever eager to not show herself up in front of complete strangers picks the most vile looking thing she can from the selection... it takes a moment to decide what that is.. and settles upon the brain creature.
Slicing off a small - tender looking piece, she'll give it a taste. Immune to Fear (1) or (2) from xenos if that's any help with swallowing it.. ;-)

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Nimina glances aside with an odd coyness under the gaze of the augmented individual before glancing back at him to see his attention on the traders. For all her bravado she's not used to the social arena.

She swallows her nervousness and takes a closer look at the exotic foods, she reaches to try some brain-spider but looks to Castmiire first, she doesn't want to show him up by trying the food before he does...

Nimina has a combination of decadence with a background being from comparative poverty plus an unhealthy obsession for trying new things. I'm pretty sure she'd go for trying the odd dishes regardless of (because of?) how strange and alien they look

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Nimina dresses up, though it's obvious she doesn't do so often. High boots, short skirt and tight-laced corset make her look more like she's expecting an entirely different type of party. Her blue and white hair and facial electoo's not doing anything to dissuade anyone of the notion, and her makeup is both light but overdone. Her lips too bright a shade of red and her eyeshadow too prominent and too blue, though no-one ever taught her the subtleties of foundation or blush.
It is not an entirely unattractive look, if you're into punk amazons...

She wears her blade and pistol fairly casually, in a style ready for use rather than for formal decoration. Her carapace vest and her hellgun will be to hand in the vehicle in case she needs them.

Nim fondles the hilt of her sword and nods at the armoured pair as she says "Think I'd fit in that power armour if I just took his head clean off? That comes under salvage rights, right?"

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Aw sugar, it don' matter none.

In truth when I say it mostly in my head, it could go either way.
Also for some reason, she sounds more like the old Rogue from the animated Xmen of my youth every time I imagine her voice.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Fair enough.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Awareness: 1d100 ⇒ 95 Pretty sure that's a fail, even if my skill at awareness wasn't dire

Nimina kills time mostly, ensuring a transport and armsmen are prepped and ready to go, leaving her hellgun in the transport so it's to hand for later. She'll also check the combat servitors are ready, unless her lord-captain has any other plans for them.

After the vox, Nim licks her lips. "Well he looked deli... decidedly competent." Nim glances around the others, "transport is all ready to go, do you think the armor suitable, or should I find something with a short skirt?"

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

I assume Nim can just pull a basic laspistol or something out of the ships stores, as the cost is going to be negligible. Alternatively I suppose she could look for something fancier - in the name of keeping up appearances of course. What did our profit factor end up at?

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

As mentioned before Nim's not one for discreet info gathering and I doubt her particular methodology would be appropriate at this time, she'll accompany anyone who thinks they may need some backup.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

"Ah would hate to offend, d'ya think they could even tolerate my bein' there, or should I sit this one out." Nimina intentionally slips into the drawl of her homeworld, the fancy words of the 'uncle' starting to grate upon her, "I will of course attire and arm myself as my liege sees fit, and remain by his side and defend him naked and unarmed if it comes to it."

Nimina's not exactly skilled at gathering info, though if called to she'll frequent some crew bars and see if she can get anyone drunk enough to talk

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

yeah, er no

Nimina listens, only half understanding what they're talking about - she likes treasure but the man speaks almost in riddles.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Nimina won't drink anything hard while she's on duty, she's made that mistake before and struggled to live it down. Glancing at the prices that would have taken years to save for in her old life she orders the least exotic thing on the menu to drink.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Nimina opens her mouth to make a comment on the forms, and Khalid's obsession with them, but held her tongue.
For someone who seemed so unobtrusive he could insult her in at least a hundred different ways that would take months for her to decipher, and if he was particularly offended he could make her life difficult in a manner that she'd never even think to suspect him of.

Better to leave the old man to his own devices.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Nimina stays close to her captain, her eyes scanning the area for anything out of the ordinary. There'll likely be time for a little fun later.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Bridge of the Victus Rex
Nimina arrives back on the bridge, realizes that little is happening as yet and hovers near the door and listens.

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Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

As a suggestion, can we put our location as a heading on our posts, it's probably just because I'm getting old and slow, but apart from the orks who I know are on the other ship I keep having to double check who's on which ship.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

After some consideration I think Nimina is going to have a light degree of enhancement addiction, so I'll go with the Cyber-eye, it's not entirely clear from the book, does it automagically come with telescopic sight/dark vision if desired, or is it either/or or pay extra?

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Any suggestions for an initial requisition?

Light Power Armour seems reasonable, but power pack only lass 1d5 hours, and given my rolling, it'll probably just be an hour each time.

Good Quality Cybernetic Eye?
Good Quality Internal Blade?

Some sort of fancy weapon?
Some sort of power field?
A team of Combat Servitors?

A team of professional soldiers (not sure how to acquire this?)

Or did we have a some ship/party wide upgrade we wanted?

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Assuring herself that nothing is going to happen while the ship is scanning planets Nimina retreats fully from the bridge and leave the ship-folk to it.
She heads to the find some food and perhaps see if anyone feels up to a little sparring.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Nimina flashes Khalid a smile, before turning back to to Artorius, Of course my lord."

She backs away and gives Artorius some space. She preferred to be on the bridge when exiting the warp, in case they dropped into an ambush, but her men were already hand-picked and ready, the gear was checked, she simply awaited the show to start.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Nim's pretty straightforward, so Master-at-Arms she is. Though if we're missing a first officer she could be a reluctant one, though I think she lacks the relevant respect.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Nimina stands a pace behind Lord von Castmirre, trying to maintain an air of decorum, though she is clearly not comfortable on the bridge, her countenance having an equal mix of nervousness and boredom.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Ready, barring initial requisition. I'm happy to contribute something towards the team if there are any suggestions as to stuff we need.

Otherwise may just lump for some Light Power Armour, or some cybernetics, or something more interesting, if I can look though my books.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Victus Rex sounds good, don't think I want to swap anything around.

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

While I'd normally have a group co-operate for ships/Dynasty, given the limitations on PBF it may be quicker if the RT's sort it and then ask for input?

It's up to you to decide, but It may be worth the extra character going to Gaius' team? Give him a bit more trusted crew for the situations where he can't have his Ork retinue around?

Arch-Militant & Master of Arms of the Victus Rex

Nimina, reporting for duty, I will serve you however you desire (hell, I'll try anything once), though my primary skills are killing folk.

Though I grew up around animals on a forgotten ball of dirt, so I can handle beasts and live of the land if required. I can also circumvent some simple security devices - though I'm not a thief.

Pick me! pick me!