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Hi everyone,
Has Paizo provided any guidance on how or if you can use both the Pathfinder Compatibility License and Logo along with the ORC license?

This would need to only contain/refer to remastered content released under the ORC license. However, everything on the Compatibility License page for second edition still refers to only the OGL.

If Paizo has provided information in this regard, I would appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction.


I didn't really want to post this in an open forum, but I have tried to contact Paizo several times over the last few months on both the customer service and consignment emails and have received no response. I need you to shut down my consignment account for Rusted Iron Games for selling PDFs on

Russ Brown
Rusted Iron Games

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Can you let me know what is going on with my subscription order? It has been in pending since February 10th. I have received the bestiary battle cards, but the rest of the order does not seem to have shipped yet.

Russ Brown

Howdy Partners!

Rusted Iron Games is developing Tombstone, an alternate-history weird, wild west setting for Pathfinder Second Edition. The main book for the setting, the Tombstone Gazetteer will be coming out soon, but we have already released five Ancestries of Tombstone products to provide new ancestry options for the setting. However, the ancestries are fully compatible with Pathfinder Second Edition and could be used in other settings as well.

Ancestries of Tombstone Centaur
Ancestries of Tombstone Chupacabra
Ancestries of Tombstone Corvus
Ancestries of Tombstone Jackalope
Ancestries of Tombstone Rougarou

What is Tombstone?

Tombstone is a gritty alternate history wild west setting with elements of anime, fantasy, and gothic horror. The year is 1871 and the world is full of monsters and magic but it diverges from traditional fantasy settings in a number of ways. First of all, the world of Tombstone is our earth, or at least an alternate version of it. This allows us to assume a baseline of actual history — for example, the city of Las Vegas, Nevada won't be founded until 1905 — except for the details that are called out as being different. Secondly, the ancestries of Tombstone are not the ones found in traditional fantasy settings. There are no elves, dwarves, gnomes or halflings in the world of Tombstone. Instead, humans live alongside centaurs, jackalopes, rougarou, and the secretive chupacabra.

Magic has always existed but was much less common and much less powerful until the summer solstice of 1847 saw a surge of magical power unheard of since the time of King Artur. Since then, instead of quickly falling back to normal levels as is expected with magical spikes, magical power levels have been slowly but steadily building. Magical scholars have taken to calling this event the Resurgence.

The Southwestern Territories are also facing a new threat in the form of The Blighted. A shooting star landed in the barren wastes of West Texas and now strange mutants are coming out of the desert...

Tombstone is a campaign setting for Pathfinder Second Edition. This means that you need the Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Second Edition) to play games in the world of Tombstone.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Hi There,
My current subscription order has some dungeon tiles that are pre-ordered for March 2020. Can you just move those back to my side cart and let the rest of the order ship now?


Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Hi There,
I got an email for Order 8021120 that added 3 PFS scenarios to my account for my subscriptions. It shows I purchased them, but I cannot download the PDFS, they do not show up under the download tab.

Also are scenario 1-00 and Quest 1A supposed to be included with the subscription as well?


Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Please cancel my Starfinder Accessories Subscription only.
I would like to keep all of my other current subscriptions active.

Russ Brown

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Hi Everyone!

I have been away for a while, but I am happy to announce several new releases from Rusted Iron Games.

First we have the Deadly Gardens Collection. This product gathers all the material from the 25 volume series into one place.

Also there is Roll With It! Villager Names. This free GM aid allows you to generate names for villagers with a few dice rolls.

The most recent release is Race Options: Gillmen by Joshua Hennington. This provides new options for you Gillmen characters.

The above links go to the products here on the Paizo site, but in general all of our products can be found at the following places.
Here on the Paizo site.
On the Rusted Iron Games website.
On DriveThruRPG site.

Hi Folks,
I am happy to announce that the Deadly Gardens Collection is now available from Rusted Iron Games. It collects all the material from the 25 Volumes of the Deadly Gardens series into one handy source.

It's available here at Paizo and on DriveThruRPG.

I also want to thank all the folks who helped make this product possible.
The excellent writers and game designers: Matthew Carroll, Kim Frandsen, Jeff Gomez, Chris Hunt, Sam Kaplan, Joe Kondrak, Jacob W. Michaels, Stephen Stack, Andrew Umphrey, Isaac Volynskiy and Mike Welham.

The fantastic artists who have provided original art: Becca Bean, Jeremy Corff, Liz Courts, Graeme Cunningham, Christian Dragos, J.H. Martin, and Keith Wood.

Finally I would like to thank my friend Caio Schmidt who designed the Rusted Iron Games logo, provided the original art design and layout for our products and taught me the basics of using InDesign.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Hi There,
I currently have two sets of the Urban Flip Tile Starter set in my side cart. I only need 1 but apparently ordered 2 by mistake. Can you please remove 1 set from my side cart?

Russ Brown

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Okay as my first P2E Playtest character I was trying to make a tank-style fighter that uses high AC an a lot of HP to be good at taking hits. However it seems like it is impossible to make a 1st level character with an 18 Constitution using the playtest rules.

Here is a quick summary of how to generate your ability scores. Please let me know if I am missing something.
1. You start with a 10 in all abilities.
2. You apply ability boosts to increase an ability by 2 (when less than 18)
3. You gain ability boosts from 4 sources, being 1st level, your Ancestry, your Background, and your Class.
4. When you gain multiple boosts at the same time (i.e. from the same source) each must be applied to a different ability.

So to get an 18 in any ability you must make the appropriate choices that allow you to apply 4 boosts, one from each source, to a single ability.

The problem comes in when choosing your class. The ability boost from your class must be applied to (one of) the class' Key Abilities. However, none of the playtest classes have Constitution as a Key Ability. This makes it impossible to get an 18 constitution at 1st level.

Am I missing something? If not, is this an oversight or a deliberate design choice? It seems like an oversight as all other abilities can be 18 at first level. Also given their martial nature, barbarians, fighters and rangers should be able to have an 18 Con at first level.

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Hi, I am happy to announce that we have a new release!

Deadly Gardens: Cinder-Heart Treant is now available here at Paizo! It is also available at RPG Now!

Written by Russ Brown and Kim Frandsen
Art by Graeme Cunningham

This is the penultimate release of the regular 99¢ Deadly Gardens volumes. Look for Verdaxag, King of Trees to be relased soon.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am happy to announce the newest product release from Rusted Iron Games!

Deadly Gardens: Wandering Sundew is now available here at Also available at RPGNow.

Written by Russ Brown, Kim Frandsen and Joe Kondrak.
Art by Jeremy Corff.

This is the first of the last three volumes of the Deadly Gardens series. Look for the two remaining volumes Deadly Gardens: Cinder-Heart Treant and Deadly Gardens: Verdaxag, King of Trees to be released soon™ from Rusted Iron Games.

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New Today! Template Races: Half-Humans

Half-elves and Half-orcs have been a staple of fantasy game worlds for a long time. But why limit our games to just those two human crossbreed races? Why not half-dwarves, half-gnomes or half-hobgoblins? That's where the the half-human race template comes in, you can create any human crossbreed races that you need for your game.

Written by Russ Brown.
Art by Liz Courts.

3 people marked this as a favorite.


We have a new release in our Deadly Gardens Series.

Deadly Gardens: Hungry Pit

Written by Russ Brown, Kim Frandsen, and Joe Kondrak

Art by Jeremy Corff

Also check out the reviews from Endzeitgeist for some of our recent releases.
Deadly Gardens: Catchweed - 5 Stars
Deadly Gardens: Faerie Circle Stalker - 5 Stars
Deadly Gardens: Greenscream Trumpet - 5 Stars
Deadly Gardens: Grovemaker - 4 Stars
Deadly Gardens: Stiletto Palm - 4 Stars
Deadly Gardens: Razorleaf Swarm - 5 Stars

3 people marked this as a favorite.

So we will be doing Starfinder compatible products, likely starting with some monster products. However we are open to suggestions at this point. What types of products do you want to see for Starfinder?

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Once again we have two new Deadly Gardens products releasing this week!

First we have Deadly Gardens: Stiletto Palm
Written by Joe Kondrak, Matthew Carroll & Mike Welham.
Art by Liz Courts.

Next up is Deadly Gardens: Razorleaf Swarm
Written by Chris Hunt, Jeff Gomez & Mike Welham.
Art by Liz Courts.

Other upcoming releases in the Deadly Gardens series include:

Deadly Gardens: Grovemaker
Written by Mike Welham. Art by Becca Bean.

Deadly Gardens: Greenscream Trumpet
Written by Sam Kaplan, Matthew Carroll & Mike Welham.
Art by Liz Courts.

Deadly Gardens: Faerie Circle Stalker
Written by Jacob W. Michaels, Mike Welham & Isaac Volynskiy.
Art by Becca Bean.

Deadly Gardens: Hungry Pit
Written by Russ Brown. Art by Jeremy Corff.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Now available from Rusted Iron Games - Race Options: Svirfneblin!

Written by Mike Welham, Art by Jeremy Corff.

Additional options for Svirfneblin PC characters.

Thanks for the mention!

Anyone interested in reviewing any of our products, send me a PM.


There are two new product releases in our Deadly Gardens series. Deadly Gardens each feature new plant monsters and supporting material with a wilderness theme.

Now available from here on as well as DriveThruRPG/RPGNow.

Deadly Gardens: Petrified Plants by Joe Kondrak.

Deadly Gardens: Catchweed by Russ Brown and Matthew Carroll.

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