
Nanaika's page

10 posts. Alias of Laflamme.


Dark Archive

A mimic slams an adventurer.
As per the adhesive(ex) ability, the adventurer is grappled.
The adventurer then uses universal solvent as a standard action.

Am I right to understand that the mimic is no longer adhesive-covered at this point, and further slams would not automatically give the grappled condition to the adventurer?
Or is the application of the universal solvent (or strong alcohol) local to the area previously glued, and the mimic remains adhesive-covered.

"Strong alcohol or universal solvent dissolves the adhesive, but the mimic can still grapple normally."

References: solvent

Dark Archive

Could a character not proficient with tower shield use it to get total cover (as a standard action)

I don't see from the feat description or the item description that this use is restricted to those who are proficient.

I understand that the character using it this way would get a significant penalty to skill checks and to attack rolls, but I just want to know if it can be done.

Dark Archive

Not so bad after all:

Move: You can move both yourself and your target up to half your speed. At the end of your movement, you can place your target in any square adjacent to you. If you attempt to place your foe in a hazardous location, such as in a wall of fire or over a pit, the target receives a free attempt to break your grapple with a +4 bonus.

And the roc has 80ft fly movement, so he can do 40ft on a successful grapple check at +29.

I guess going in the air allows that +4 free check to escape too.

Dark Archive

When I say snatch, I mean this:
"While their beaks are hooked like an eagle's and designed for slashing and tearing, most rocs prefer to seize prey in their massive, clawed talons and drop them from great heights before feasting on the shattered remains."

Dark Archive

Hi guys,
Not sure I understand the roc flyby snatch mechanics.
How does it work exactly?

The roc comes in, attacks with a talon and grab, and is now grappled..
Then.. it can't really fly away isn't?

Is there something I am missing, or does this just has to be house ruled that such a big creature can actually fly while grabbing?

Dark Archive 3/5

So, did he check out entirely?
I mean, he is no longer sitting at the table, or the player is expecting you to run the game now, as a split party?

Dark Archive 3/5

How about Aram Zey, using a crystal ball with telepathy, checking on them. He gets in touch with your player, and orders him to get in there and cooperate with the group to save Zarta.

Then, for some reasons, the communication stops as he fears he might be "overheard".

Dark Archive 3/5

Sometimes, one of the most powerful ability a ennemy can have, is a scream for help... or a death cry than can be heared through doors(+5 to perception dc) or walls (+10 to perception dc)

Dark Archive 3/5

Perception checks are sometimes ignored, especially if a GM is running the scenario cold.
In a dungeon crawl, for example, an inexperienced GM could run all encounters like compartments.. isolated fights.
If perception checks were done, for the other baddies, to hear the sounds of battle, or a scream, or just a spell being vocalised, they could prepare, alert others, and the difficulty could escalate.
That could also fall outside of the described tactics, and allow the GM to come up with the most logical (or in character) tactic for that situation.

Dark Archive

Nanaika inspecte les autres du regard.
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13 sense motive