
NPC_Alkaid_ARG's page

250 posts. Alias of Azure_Zero.


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Zegenva as you stand at the door a tall beautiful, and curvy red haired woman speaks to you from behind.

"A house of God allows for no lies or concealment of truth with in it's grounds,
where even those of sin, and shame can find acceptance.
Even those born of an infernal line, Zegenva."

Zegenva sees her.

"I still have to work on Lina's treatment,
and hopefully I have it right and finished before you all get beck."

"I think your ready for the trip."

"I'll show you how it's done."

"Testing first to see which direction we should take with the next batch."

"That number is due to this Love wine's strength and the fact we are recycling some of the compounds of the love wine.
I am are aiming for a safe batch for Lina and nothing more."

"The answer is the same for both, testing it with other specific compounds.
Certain Compounds will show the presence of what we seek, and others will break down the batch along with the bi-products into harmless compounds and materials.
Some of which can be reused for later batches.
I figure we have enough materials for about 12 to 15 batches."

"This batch is likely flawed, But I know how to test it without needing human or animal testing.
Hence why it's the first batch.
And I also know how to dispose of the bi-products and flawed batches to avoid future problems and contaminating the area with it."

Halloran Westover wrote:
Sorry to take the focus off this fascinating bit of roleplaying (good job guys), but Azure is there something else Halloran has to do before the process is complete?

We'll now bring some to a boil and then let it cool for a few hours.

And the first batch is done.

A reasonable start.


"Now we have to start mixing these compounds with some we made earlier."

"Since we have the sub compounds, it's now time to bake them."

Profession (cook) can be used as a sub here

You almost hit the line to redo the batch

You can roll a craft(Alchemy) check

"Now we need to sub-divide some of the compounds."

Alkaid shows Halloran the process.

Was hoping for more RP from new players into getting to know one another and give GM ideas,
but understandable due to long weekends

It's love wine and a couple other ingredients

Alkaid explains and teaches Halloran the process

GM roll:
Hidden: 1d20 ⇒ 19

Note this is a good time to RP among yourselves and or the NPCs
Great RP does have rewards

"We first have to work on the love wine, separating various compounds from it."

"Your quite the gentleman, Halloran."

Both Alkaid and Halloran enter the storeroom.

"Actually It'll just be you and me as it'll take an hour or two to prepare the ingredients, another couple of hours baking, boiling, mixing and some other steps before it'll be ready.
And I think it would be better for Lina not to know any steps in that she might try to make some for herself, which would not be wise and dangerous."

"As I and Edward found out. when our client's servants thought it wise to use the lab for some hidden fun, while we were researching in the library.
Let's just say they learned a lesson about chemicals the hard way."

"It's not only dangerous in that some compounds can have profound effects, but also the stress on the body it could cause if too much is taken too quickly."

Alkaid cast Bulls strength on herself before she starts trying to help close the gate

STR: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

"I think Hank and Frank is near the house helping with the windows, and I think Duke is near the stables.
I'll get going to the gate see if we can close it."

Alkaid replies
"We have the materials we need here oddly enough, and as for finding outside information.
That'll be near impossible as the originator of this formula liked to keep his discoveries secret, and I have no Idea where he is now."

"The original client asked to buy the formula and he did refuse the offer, which went as high as 500 platinum pieces.
Though after he said something in the client's ear, the client stopped trying to buy the formula."

"But I know of it because I worked with him on the formula. That and given the number of attempts we did at trying to get it right, hammered the process in along with the materials we used. His formula had Zero side effects, the number of side effects with the one me and Halloran are going to make will likely be in the single digits and it might be a major one, or just a minor one."

"Further more potions have a time limit and can be cancelled in anti-magic fields.
The Outside help would need to be an alchemist who also really knows biology, chemistry and bio-chemistry, and that is one hard to find list of qualifications."

Alkaid replies
"Even it they changed you into a hulking mass of muscles with your current androgynous state?"

"I don't think we will regret it, though we may regret some minor thing about it."

Zelit wrote:

I'm kinda new to this play by post stuff. But, I'm a fast learner. How would you like my character formatted? I have it on pda right now but I'm willing to change it.

P.S. What alignment are we going for (I have a paladin I'm dieing to play)

Welcome to the Boards, Zelit

Alignment is Non-evil.
And you can use me (the alias, click on name) as a reference for formatting.

Best to do on a PC in notepad first.
I'll also Give you the instructions on How to make an Alias, and fill it out.

Alias Creation:
1. Click on My Account in the top Right Corner of the site
2. Sign in
3. Under "Messageboard Aliases" Click the "Create New Alias" Button.
4. Enter the Character's Name in Avatar's Name.
5. Click Change to Select an Image for the Avatar/Alias.
6. When you find an image you want, mouse over it, and mouse over into the new window and click the Select Avatar button.
7. Click Submit Changes.
8. Your Done.

Fill in profile:

1. Click on your name in the Top Right (Next to the Letter Icon)
2. Click the Alias Tab.
3. Click on the Alias' Name.
4. Enter the Profile tab if it's not already there.
5. Click Edit Profile.
6. Fill in Profile (there are many ways).
7. When done Click Save Changes

"True it might cause some problems, and I will go over the it with her.
But for a woman to not have a single point of femininity is like a living hell.
Seen as a boy by men, an outcast from groups of women, and made fun of for their state."

"I would not stand for that.
It breaks the natural order and goes against what was given.
Though if it was by curse or the reincarnation spell, I would see it as a judgement from on high."

"The strength to age of Love Wine is non-linear, even though it's 500 years older than the one we drank, this bottle is about 20 times stronger (DC 13~15).
If this bottle was a 1000 years old, I would not even consider using it as it would be around 100 stronger (DC 25~30) than the one we drank last night."

"I can understand that adage, but you could she one of Lina's organs is broken, and a number of things could of been the cause.
And this process would not change her ENTIRE being, just fixing a problem."

"Imagine Halloran, that instead of the masculine looks you have you had feminine looks. How would your peers treat you, how would others see you and interact with you.
It's not pretty is it, and when your a girl or woman it is worse."

"If your wondering how I thought of using Love Wine to do this, is due to a job I had teaching a noble family's daughter, Noya, to be more lady like and to give some clerical training to.
She was like Lina, and after a few years of no development, she was 16 at this point, her mother and father got me and an alchemist named "Edward" to help their daughter bloom fearing she would never find a husband.
The nobleman did not like using arcane magic to alter the natural order of things.
That and the home had anti-magic spells here and there."

Long Story:

"Edward was a alchemist who knew biology, chemistry, and alchemy. He determined it was a organ near the neck that was damaged likely from an early assassination using poison on her as she was the eldest.
Edward and I worked for a few months trying to come up with something.
Then Edward noticed something, an early portrait of the lady of the house after the birth of Noya. He asked the nobleman to put the portraits of his wife in chronological order and noticed the early lithe Lady gained curves over time.
Edward asked if there was something they ate, drank or did. And the one thing that was different was that the lord and lady were drinking Love Wine between every two weeks to once a month."

"Edward and I then worked on finding out what in Love Wine gave the lady more curves. I did the investigate how the Love Wine may have effected the Lady's mind, and there was no negatives, in fact she got less shy and had more confidence in herself.
During my investigation Edward was working on finding out what compounds did what."

"After a few weeks and a few tests, we had a cure for Noya's problem.
Edward stuck around for 6 months to check the results and get payed, and I don't know where he went off to.
I stayed another 6 months to finish the teaching and training."

"I still am in contact with them checking up on things, and I visited them last year and I have not noticed any negative effects."

Halloran Westover wrote:
I don't have anything better to do, what do you need help with?

"I'll need some help extracting certain compounds from a bottle of Love Wine.

There was another bottle of it in the crate and it is also 500 years older than the one selected last night, if you had selected that one it would of been very bad."

Before the storm comes Alkaid asks Halloran
"Since the storm will likely be a few hours or more,
I'm wondering if you could help me work on something for Lina and it would be great to have some extra help.
The storage room is empty and I asked if we could use the room for a week."

Halloran Westover wrote:

I'm not really sure, when we attacked the bandit camp we found two crates of liquor. One of a green herbal liquor, which I haven't dared to touch, and a crate of unmarked bottles. So every time I pull a bottle out of the unmarked crate, I'm never sure what I'm going to get. Halloran says.

Assuming a wry expression, he says, Though so far it seems like every bottle I pick winds up embarrassing me. After the storm I'll show you the crate if you like, but right now I'm going to see if I can be useful, excuse me.


Alkaid replies

"I know a good number of drinks, and can identify them.
If you showed me where the crate is, I'll see and find out what is in the crate.
And if the storm is a long one we might be able to start work on something for Lina."

Kira Lastras wrote:


Kira quietly replies to Alkaid, "I would be glad to help in any way that I can. No woman should be made to feel less than she is. I don't know much about the actual chemistry of a womans body, but we both know I have the instincts of a woman on the prowl. If you need my assistance at all, you may have it in any way.

Alkaid replies quietly

"I just hope my idea is doable given what's here."

Alkaid after seeing and hearing the storm adds
"Looks like we should hunker down."

She approaches Halloran and asks quietly
"Halloran do you have any more of that Love Wine?
As I want to extract certain compounds from it to help Lina with her problem."

Alkaid adds while sighing.
"Looks like I'll need to work on your manners,
And give a few more lessons on how to treat others."

Alkaid says to Kira in a whisper as she is next to her
"I you were thinking about poor Lina's condition.
If I had to guess she has very low hormone levels of various kinds including estrogens and androgens.
And if something is not done to correct it in a 5 to 7 years, she'll be stuck like that.
I already have an idea as to how to correct it."

"I'm just hoping there is another bottle of Love Wine.
This is due to Love Wine's tendency to kick Certain hormones into moving.
And the plan would be to extract that magic compound from it."

Alkaid replies to Charlie's shot a Lina's androgynous body

"You know that was a real jerk move hitting her where it hurts.
And women don't like it, it just makes you ugly."

Alkaid adds
"Though for Oleg Svetlana Happs, Kressle, Jack and or Asta it could also be exhaustion.
Not just the hangover of the wine last night."

Alkaid adds
"I think we have another 6 with hangovers at the moment.
As it looks like Oleg and Svetlana are sleeping in along with Happs, Kressle, Jack and Asta."

"As I made the breakfast this morning."

Currently at table NPC wise:

  • Alkaid

  • Kesten Garess -> capt of guard -> Fighter
  • Duke(Human) -> guard -> Barbarian(Urban)/Brawler
  • Hank(Human) -> guard -> Fighter(Phalanx)
  • Ash(F,Feytouched) -> guard -> Fighter(Polearm)

  • Lina(F,Human) -> bandit(G) -> Brawler/Cleric
  • Charlie(Human) -> bandit (G) -> Bard(Street Performer)
  • Frank(Human) -> bandit (G) -> Fighter(Two-handed)

  • "To proceed or not proceed that is a question?"

    "I saw Taldash leave in the night, looks like he wanted to check something or was looking for something.
    Alerienne is asleep in bed, I think she has a killer hang over."

    Alkaid gets up and does her usual routine of stretches and exercise.

    "Love wine is a odd wine that is also an aphrodisiac,
    Where the longer its been aged the stronger it is."

    seeing Halloran's grin and hearing his words
    "And it looks like Halloran has gotten a bit drunk on it."

    After Alkaid has had a glass or two.

    "This wine is sweet tasting, something feels odd yet familiar about it."

    after a few moments

    "Oh crap, this is Love Wine. Though the only thankful part is that judging by the taste, it was made less than 2 years ago."

    you find Alkaid finishing up today's training.

    If you approach Alkaid says
    "You look like you have more questions, young one."

    "I see you you have little to average wisdom,
    For my mother was a succubus, and my father an Aasimar, she seduced and tricked into her bed.
    My experiences through life were not great, but knowing that there are those that do care for and love you can keep the darkness at bay."

    Alkaid replies
    "I would not say your mother, but the succubus was the mother somewhere in your mother's bloodline, as the blood of succubi will only be inherited by daughters."

    "I see you ended up on a harsh start.
    I was taken in at a monastery, and was trained there.
    Didn't help that two of the master's were pervs, along with most of the male peers, and my female peers weren't so nice.
    And when my heritage was made known due to some gossiping peers, I was both praised and cursed.
    For though I am half-succubus, I'm also Aasimar."

    Alkaid replies
    "No, it is no. As I sense the familiar blood, the blood of demons. More accurately the blood of the Temptress or Seducer demon, the Succubus ."

    Alkaid's at STR 16, and the muscles are set at 50%, I think.

    As Kira goes about the outpost she spots Alkaid leading a exercise program for 4 other women in the outpost and you almost mistake one of the women for a boy.

    And Alkaid spots Kira watching, approaches Kira and asks
    "I get the feeling you have questions, young lamb?"

    Alkaid replies
    "I think I'll be tending to the flock this time.
    And Lina has been asking me to train her."

    At the mentioning of training, she remembers she's in her exercise/combat-training clothes and blushes from embarrassment
    If I knew guests were coming I would of put on something more appropriate.

    Alkaid feels like she's similar to you

    @Taldash and Alerienne
    you get the feeling Alkaid is not completely human.

    NPC heights:
    Alkaid: 6'3"
    Oleg: 6'
    Svetlana: 5'6"

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