Silver Dragon

MythrilDragon's page

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16. RPG Superstar 6 Season Marathon Voter, 7 Season Marathon Voter, 8 Season Marathon Voter, 9 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 2,630 posts (6,303 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 24 aliases.


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RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Trichotome wrote:

In the context of Rise of the Runelords specifically, they do have a fully built out Anniversary edition package you can buy that basically sets up all the maps, tokens, and journals for you. If you're the kind of GM that doesn't want to do all that prep it can save an immense amount of time (though I still recommend combing through it yourself). I got the War for the Crown packages and edited them with my homebrew additions after, but having the brunt of the legwork done was very helpful. It's also a GM only expense, as are most things in r20. The players don't usually need to buy anything, only the GM.

I was tired when I made my opening post, this package is what I was asking about. Sorry that wasn't clear. I have used roll20 some and like it. I also have been playing around with MapTools. I am looking to run a Rise of the Runelords game, I am familiar with the six books...but was looking to avoid a bunch of prep time to run it online in real time for the first time.

The roll20 RotRL package is 60 bucks, which I think is a good value if it works well. I am worried the full Anniversary Edition might not run without the subscription levels of Roll20. I am specifically concerned about the storage of all the maps tokens, etc.

Also wanted to be certain the players didn't need to have subscriptions to play with the purchased materials.

It sounds like I can get the RotRL package and GM it with the free level, and my players with the free level can join the game the only thing we lose is the Dynamic Lighting. Am I getting this right?

Id like to have the dynamic lighting, but its not a deal breaker, and I might go ahead and subscribe to roll20 later if the game doesn't putter out to quick.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

I am thinking of trying the Rise of the Runelords for the Roll20 website. Has anyone played or GM'd with it? What are your thoughts?

Do you have to have the payed level of roll20 for it to work, or will the free level be enough as a GM? What about the players?

Thanks ALL

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

How well do multi-class characters fair in the PFS format. I have a character idea I'd like to play but I worry that at higher levels the split will put the bard/fighter at a disadvantage.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Selvaxri wrote:

1> Know what your character is capable of. Nothing slows down a game more than a player who doesn't know what their character is capable of. Likewise, nothing is worse for a player when they realize after a deathblow- they have an ability that would have helped against said deathblow. In the worst case, delay your actions until you know what you want to do.

2> Arrive early and talk to the GM and/or venture captain about the etiquette of PFS Play.

3> Introduce yourself and your character(s) to the table. Let them know you are new and inexperienced, and they will help you out.

4> Remember you are in a cooperative environment, grand-standers and people that try to do things alone, often find themselves in situations they regret. Work together, and succeed.

5> Don't be discouraged when you find yourself enrolled in a scenario where you believe your character won't be useful. There are scenarios that are more roleplay than combat, when you find yourself in these scenarios- don't just bow out. Embrace your character and trust that RNG will help you.

Thanks for the tips. So far the local group seem very welcoming and cooperative.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Flutter wrote:
MythrilDragon wrote:
Hello all, in a few weeks Im going to finally get to join a table playing PFS. Im thinking of playing a Dwaf Monk of the Sacred Mountian who is part of the Liberty's edge faction. Any thoughts, advice, suggestions, or warnings from some more experience with Society rules?

Hello, welcome to the institution.

This is nice, thanks for te link.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Preston Hudson wrote:

Hail MythrilDragon and welcome to the Pathfinder Society!!

Your idea for your first character is great especially if it is something you will enjoy playing. The advice I can give would be:

If you don't yet have one, get a PFS number and register your character. This will save time for both you and the event coordinator for the location where you will be playing.

Download and review both the Guide to the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild and the Additional Resources. A lot of your PFS specific rules and what is or is not alllowed outside of the. Core Rulebook will be listed within those documents.

Introduce yourself to the event coordinator and your table GM. Make sure your table GM is aware of any quirks your character may possess. You may want to get in contact with the event coordinator for your location in advance in the event they have some kind of presignup system in place.

Make sure you and your fellow players have fun!! This one is most important.

Inside that you keep your character sheet and all the chronicles you will receive after each session in one place and bring them with you each time you plan to play that character (or any others you may create).

If the location where you will be playing has a sign up system (Warhorn, Facebook, etc), find out what they are and use those tools. This helps to know how many are coming and how many GMs will be needed.

Please let us know how it went and if you have any questions between now and your first session.

Thanks, I have downloaded the guide and I am fairly certain that all my character concepts will be legal for PFS rules. I have already been in contact with the PFS group and joined their Facebook group. They are using Warhorn and I have already registered for the event and the specific game. Once I decide on my final concept I will get my PFS number, I had planned on waiting until that day but you make a good point about saving time.

I'm trying to decide between the dwarf monk, a hafling sorcerer with the storm born bloodline, or an elven oracle with the lore mystery.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Protoman wrote:
What books do you got?

I have Advanced Players Guide and Ultimate Magic in addition to the Core book and I've downloaded the PFS Guide.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Hello all, in a few weeks Im going to finally get to join a table playing PFS. Im thinking of playing a Dwaf Monk of the Sacred Mountian who is part of the Liberty's edge faction. Any thoughts, advice, suggestions, or warnings from some more experience with Society rules?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

PRD wrote:
If a creature has damage reduction from more than one source, the two forms of damage reduction do not stack. Instead, the creature gets the benefit of the best damage reduction in a given situation.

So no, they do not stack together.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

The game is built on the idea that all characters start at first level, and the starting wealth does help balance the characters with equipment vs skill and abilities. Once they start adventuring all those first level characters are theoretically equally sharing the same loot. So the fighter and the wizard and the rouge all gain about the same amount of wealth and still have their perspective amounts of starting gear. The wealth by level helps DM account for the approximate amount of funds an adventuring party should have to be balanced with the CR's they will be experiencing at those levels. There isn't a need to give more loot to one class over another and if you are starting characters at a higher level they all gain the same amount of loot plus their starting gear so the balance is maintained.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Wow, glad you were able to do that good luck. Thanks for unspderstanding my need to let it go.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Greetings, just wanted to send a big I am sorry for disappearing from the boards. Moving cross county and starting a new position has been a toll on the time I have fore extra circulars. Im not here to try and restart the game, I know at this time I can not commit to it and it has been way to long I am sure for any of the group to still have any interest. I just wanted to apologize and say thanks for all the game time you did put in for our campaign.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Greetings, just wanted to send a big I am sorry for disappearing from the boards. Moving cross county and starting a new position has been a toll on the time I have fore extra circulars. Im not here to try and restart the game, I know at this time I can not commit to it and it has been way to long I am sure for any of the group to still have any interest. I just wanted to apologize and say thanks for all the game time you did put in for our campaign.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon

Congrats to all the top 32 and alternates. I haven't had the time to be as involved this year. I did vote a few times and some of my likes are on the list. Good luck.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Things are moving along. Thank you all for your patience. I love running my PBP games but it has been overwhelming here in the real world. We have been up and down with the house buying and I have spent WAY TO MUCH time tracking down paperwork for the underwriters. I'm thinking of creating a new CR 8 monster with that name, they have the power to suck you soul. To day is my last day with the UMC and tomorrow I begin the task of packing a house with three kids underfoot. We are traveling for a family reunion later this week as well...just to make things easier. :) I know I keep promising SOON I will get back to posting, I fully intend to and I am sorry the "break" is taking longer than I want.

As for the kids...all are doing well. Daughter is still doing well and the boy made it through surgery with flying colors. He was fussy immediately afterwards, but the nurses were shocked he wasn't balling his head off for the first 30 min like all the other's his age. He recovered very quickly and the tubes are doing their job and he is much happier..except for the 6 teeth that are all coming in at once. :P

The upside I will be in Indiana in time for GenCon, but won't be able to attend...THIS YEAR. I have never been and am looking forward to going next year.

Keep watching the thread...I will be back soon. I promise.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Things are moving along. Thank you all for your patience. I love running my PBP games but it has been overwhelming here in the real world. We have been up and down with the house buying and I have spent WAY TO MUCH time tracking down paperwork for the underwriters. I'm thinking of creating a new CR 8 monster with that name, they have the power to suck you soul. To day is my last day with the UMC and tomorrow I begin the task of packing a house with three kids underfoot. We are traveling for a family reunion later this week as well...just to make things easier. :) I know I keep promising SOON I will get back to posting, I fully intend to and I am sorry the "break" is taking longer than I want.

As for the kids...all are doing well. Daughter is still doing well and the boy made it through surgery with flying colors. He was fussy immediately afterwards, but the nurses were shocked he wasn't balling his head off for the first 30 min like all the other's his age. He recovered very quickly and the tubes are doing their job and he is much happier..except for the 6 teeth that are all coming in at once. :P

The upside I will be in Indiana in time for GenCon, but won't be able to attend...THIS YEAR. I have never been and am looking forward to going next year.

Keep watching the thread...I will be back soon. I promise.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Again I am so sorry for the delay that RL has place on my PBP activity. I can now openly share what is going on. I have been called by a church in Terre Haute, IN to serve as their pastor and we will be moving by the end of July from our home in Broken Bow, NE. The last several weeks have been filled with a lot of travel for interviews and congregational meetings. Since accepting the position we have been trying to buy a house from long distance as well. On top of that my daughter has had to see a specialist (got good news, her condition is healing) and my infant son has had to see a specialist (he is getting tubes in his ears next week). Add that to my regular busy work load of serving the three churches I am serving until the end of June and I am running circles about myself it seem lately. Over the next few days we are traveling for a Gymnastics National's competition for my other daughter so hopefully on long as I have all the loan stuff straight, I will be able to get back to posting with a little more regularity.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Again I am so sorry for the delay that RL has place on my PBP activity. I can now openly share what is going on. I have been called by a church in Terre Haute, IN to serve as their pastor and we will be moving by the end of July from our home in Broken Bow, NE. The last several weeks have been filled with a lot of travel for interviews and congregational meetings. Since accepting the position we have been trying to buy a house from long distance as well. On top of that my daughter has had to see a specialist (got good news, her condition is healing) and my infant son has had to see a specialist (he is getting tubes in his ears next week). Add that to my regular busy work load of serving the three churches I am serving until the end of June and I am running circles about myself it seem lately. Over the next few days we are traveling for a Gymnastics National's competition for my other daughter so hopefully on long as I have all the loan stuff straight, I will be able to get back to posting with a little more regularity.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Sorry for the massive delay, it was my intent to get back to posting this week...but life happened. There is a lot going on in our household right now but the end is in sight. Hang in there and we will be back to posting soon. More details when I can.

Peace Andrew

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Sorry for the massive delay, it was my intent to get back to posting this week...but life happened. There is a lot going on in our household right now but the end is in sight. Hang in there and we will be back to posting soon. More details when I can.

Peace Andrew

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Just a moment to say hello. I have some very big life changing things occurring in RL which have me occupied this week. I should be able to post again come Monday when I get back from traveling.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

The next two weeks are going to be extremely hectic. This week is Vacation Bible School and next week I will be traveling for business. Not sure I will have much if any time to post, but keep an eye on the Thread. I will try, but it might be after that I will have time to get back into the swing of things. Sorry for the extended delay.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

The next two weeks are going to be extremely hectic. This week is Vacation Bible School and next week I will be traveling for business. Not sure I will have much if any time to post, but keep an eye on the Thread. I will try, but it might be after that I will have time to get back into the swing of things. Sorry for the extended delay.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Some things are happening in RL that I can't go into at this time, but I am going to be very busy over the next few weeks. It will cause some delays in my posting but I will do the best I can to keep the thread moving and hope to get back to a regular once a week day posting schedule soon.

I am going to go work on a new post for the thread now, should be up in a little bit. I am going to try and be more narrative and take large sections of the house at once and see how that works.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Sorry for the delay on my part, It has been a very very hectic and busy week. I had two funerals, an important business trip, and sick kids on top of that upon my return home. Bear with me a tad bit longer and I will get back to posting soon.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Sorry for the delay on my part, It has been a very very hectic and busy week. I had two funerals, an important business trip, and sick kids on top of that upon my return home. Bear with me a tad bit longer and I will get us back to posting soon.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Sorry for the delay on my part, It has been a very very hectic and busy week. I had two funerals, an important business trip, and sick kids on top of that upon my return home. Bear with me a tad bit longer and I will get us back to posting soon.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Agreed as written this is not playing well as a PBP. I will have to figure something out. I have a funeral tomorrow, a busy couple of days ending the week with a whirlwind business trip. Maybe on the plane I can read some stuff and see what I can come up with.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Mostly it was just being mean to the DM's little brother.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Years ago we had a Dragonlance game and the younger brother of the DM was playing a Kender. The rest of us got fed up with his running off antics and came up with a plan we called "Operation Kenderhoist." We worked it all out with the DM ahead of time and then in game when the Kender was about to run off we told the DM we wanted to put our plan into action...everyone made our rolls, the Kender player was told what he needed to roll. We hogtied him and stuffed his mouth with a rag and hung him to a tree. Not something I would do today...we were all in Highschool at the time. It was funny and his little brother was PO'd at us and quit playing for two whole weeks.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Safe travels GM Dak, we'll be here when you get back.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon


RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Just an FYI for everyone. We are taking a family vacation this week. Leaving on Wednesday and coming back on Tuesday. Today and tomorrow as well as the Wednesday I start back to work are going to be hectic. I will try to post as I can from my iPad, but please DMNPC me as needed since I don't know for sure if, when, or how often I will have access to wifi. I should be able to post Thursday next week for sure.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Just an FYI for everyone. We are taking a family vacation this week. Leaving on Wednesday and coming back on Tuesday. Today and tomorrow as well as the Wednesday I start back to work are going to be hectic. I will try to post tomorrow but it might be Thursday next week before I have a chance to make a decent DM post again.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Just an FYI for everyone. We are taking a family vacation this week. Leaving on Wednesday and coming back on Tuesday. Today and tomorrow as well as the Wednesday I start back to work are going to be hectic. I will try to post tomorrow but it might be Thursday next week before I have a chance to make a decent DM post again.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16


RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Ethan Sower wrote:
Man, this dice-roller hates me.

You and me both :P

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Zizouket wrote:
How does a gambler of Zizou's ability have no sense motive?! Dang, that was an oversight.

Perhaps he is not quite as good a gambler as he thinks. Maybe he should seek out the bard Khen-i Ro'gaires for lessons on when to hold'em, fold'em, walk away, and run. :)

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Jeeze...I don't think the Andrew's will ever hear the end of this! CONGRATS!!!!!

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

You also have to have landshark armor. :P

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

That only works if you knock on the door.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon

Nice and scary, I'd be afraid but then one might taste-smell me. Hope to see you in the next round!

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon

GM_Beernorg wrote:

I would much appreciate feedback about my item

Cryohydra's Coil
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 48,010 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
This three tendriled +3 scorpion whip is braided from the pale tanned hide of a cryohydra, and each tip ends with a small steel serpentine head, it's fangs bared. The handle is ivory wrapped with silver wire, a large fang caps the pommel.
The whip provides a +4 bonus to disarm and trip combat maneuver attempts. A successful critical hit with the weapon causes a chill touch spell effect. As well whenever any tendrils of the whip are sundered an identical new tendril grows back to replace it at the beginning of the wielders next turn. This regrowth is accompanied by a sound like cracking knuckles and stretching leather.
Additionally by willingly reducing the weapons enhancement bonus to +1 for a duration of three rounds the wielder may cause a 15 foot cone of frost to project from the whips heads which deals 3d6 cold damage to all creatures in the area. To target the cone the wielder simply cracks the whip in the direction they wish the cone to fire. Using this ability is a standard action and a successful DC 16 reflex save halves the damage. Targets caught in the cone who fail their reflex save are affected with the entangled condition as per Rime Spell. The whip cannot create another such breath weapon effect until it’s enhancement bonus has returned to the normal value.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Rime Spell Metamagic Feat: chill touch, make whole, pilfering hand, thunderstomp; Cost 24,005 gp

I really liked this one. I loved the name and the theme. I see by the judges comments that Mark Seifter shared with you why it didn't make the final list but I agree you have the MOJO and if you can combine that with good execution you are one to watch out for next year.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon

Jelloarm wrote:

Ring Of Utmost Need

Aura strong polymorph; CL 13th
Slot ring; Price 4000 gp; Weight --
This ring is covered with innumerable intricately carved tableaus of daring exploits and narrow escapes and grants the wearer the ability to tap into previously unknown talents in times of great danger. Once per week, as an immediate action, the wearer may choose a skill. For one minute, the wearer makes all checks with that skill as though it were a class skill and the wearer had ranks in that skill equal to the wearer’s hit die. Any feats, skills, abilities, or spells that modify that skill apply as normal.
Requirements Quicken Spell, Forge Ring, paragon surge; Cost 2000 gp

I am sorry to I was not a fan of this one. It falls into the makes adventuring easy category and as a DM I wouldn't want the challenges I present just bypassed with a ring that gives class skill bonus and max ranks as needed to any character. Even with the limitations, they are fairly cheap as magic items go and I could see characters stock piling them.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon

Zesdead wrote:

First time RPGSS entrant, didn't get past the Cull and I can see a few things that I'd do differently in future...I would love to hear other people's opinions though...

Sleeper's Vessel
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 1,750 gp; Weight 1 lb.

A favored tool of agents playing out the political games within the Nidalese cities of Nisroch and Pangolais, the sleeper's vessel is often used by those in service of the Umbral Court to spirit away those who seek to challenge the enduring reign of the Midnight Lord. This ornate +1 dagger has a hollow crystalline hilt. As a single use, this dagger may be used to make an attack against a helpless target with a maximum of 4 HD; on a successful hit, the target is rendered unconscious and transformed into a dense cloud of gas (Will Save DC13 negates both). The entirety of this cloud is held within the hilt of the dagger for 3 minutes, after which time the target reverts to it's previous form destroying the dagger as it does so.

Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, gaseous form, sleep; Cost 902 gp

Entering for the first time is half the battle, Kudos for that. As for this item I am sorry to say it never got my vote. I just didn't see a reason for it. Knocking someone unconscious yes, keeping them as gas form while they are unconscious for three minutes just doesn't make sense to me. I like the creativity behind the idea, just not sure it is an idea that I would use for a PC or an NPC. Also the first line is all backstory something that isn't necessary in a magic item description. I think you have a creative spark, but just need to channel that not good design technique. Join the Blazing 9 this year and seek out the SKR Auto Reject Threads on the boards. They are awesome at helping first time designers figure out the pitfalls and what those of us who have been following the contest for a while look for in a Super Star Item.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon

Now bring on da monsta!

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

I wasn't going to post my item, but I'm never going to earn my Toughened Hide achievement feat by being afraid of having my ego punctured:

Outrider's Band (297 294 words)
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th
Slot ring; Price 6,300 gp; Weight -
This finely-braided steel ring is flanked with opposing humanoid and equine figures, their limbs entangled in the strands. It grants a +2 competence bonus on Ride checks and a -4 competence penalty on Survival checks to follow the wearer's tracks.

Outriders often encounter circumstances where it is disadvantageous to have their mount accompany them, or, conversely, leave their mount behind. This ring allows a rider to merge with her appropriate-sized equine mount as a full-round action. The resulting ipotane form is a bipedal humanoid hybrid possessing the rider's physical and mental attributes and qualities with digitigrade legs, hooves, and minor equine features. The ipotane gains low-light vision, a +1 racial bonus to natural armor, a +4 racial bonus to Constitution (running and forced march) and Handle Animal (equines only) checks, and 1 temporary hit point for each hit die of the mount. She also gains speak with animals (equines only) at will. The mount's worn gear, not exceeding a light load, melds into the ipotane form. Separating is a full-round action, with the mount taking any hit point loss up to the amount it originally contributed, and the rider taking the balance of the loss and any persisting effects.

The ipotane treats her Constitution modifier as 2 lower when determining the effects of alcohol (GameMastery Guide, pg. 237). If merged with a non-combat trained equine, the hybrid receives a -2 morale penalty on Will saves against fear effects, which increases to -4 when facing dragons or...

This one treads into the makes adventuring easy territory for me as well as the monster in a can territory. It is a creative idea, but I was not a big fan of heroes turning into blended horses. I think your mythological inspiration is fine, jut might have been better suited to inspiring a new monster or templet for monsters then as a magic item.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jeffrey Swank wrote:

Here was mine. :P

Celerity Blade
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 47,315 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
Forged with an infusion of quicksilver and quickling blood, this +1 speed mithral longsword’s mirrorlike blade shimmers as droplets of mercurial liquid course from hilt to point. This weapon is nimble despite being a longsword, and functions as a light weapon. The crossguard depicts the visage of a quickling that changes expressions ranging from sneering at foes to smiling when blood is drawn.

The celerity blade harnesses the energy of the fey creature and grants the wielder a charge attack that does not need to move in a straight line. The wielder’s base land speed is doubled while charging, leaving streaks of silver trailing behind.

This blade’s swiftness grants the wielder the ability to hide its movement from view, and on the first round of initiative targets are considered flat-footed whether they have acted in the round or not.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cat’s grace, lighten object, haste; Cost 25,815 gp

I liked this one, particularly the treating of openness as flat footed even if they have acted in the first round. The charge is also cool, but I am not sure allowing it to change directions is a good idea. It should probably cost more too. Any way I voted for it several times.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon

Tempestorm wrote:


Aura moderate evocation; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 25,650 gp; Weight 7 lbs.
This sturdy weapon acts as a +1 adaptive holy composite longbow.
Talon is embossed just above the hand guard with an emerald encrusted golden tree encircled in silver. Three times per day, Talon can generate an arrow of pure positive energy. When fired at a living creature this arrow will heal the target as cure light wounds (CL 5) empowered with additional positive energy from the holy aspect of the bow (1d8+5+2d6). This action resolves as a touch attack. If the archer has the ability to fire multiple arrows in a round then each arrow can be altered up to the maximum the archer can fire or the limit of three per day, whichever comes first. Each time one of these arrows is fired one of the emeralds turns clear. All emeralds are recharged with the next dawn.
If targeted at an undead creature, or other creature susceptible to positive energy, the arrow resolves as a touch attack and deals damage equal to its healing ability (Will DC 12 for half).
Requirements Craft Arms and Armor, warp wood, cure light wounds, holy smite, creator must be good; Cost 12,825 gp

I sort of like the idea of a bow that essentially channels energy to heal team mates or damage undead. However it seems to me to take away the role of the party healer. I am not a big fan of items that eliminate the need for a particular class. I don't think that is a design space super star items should be in. If this had been an bow clerics and the like could use to convert their channel energy into a focused long range effect that might have been really cool if executed well.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon

x93edwards wrote:

Ring of the Clockwork Sentinel

Aura moderate enchantment; CL 11th
Slot ring; Price 20,000 gp; Weight

This heavy brass ring appears to be three thin rings joined together with a small clockwork face on top. Each ring is covered in ten runes and can rotate, clicking with each turn. The face is made up of two tiny rubies and an open brass rectangle resembling a mouth displaying a single combination of three runes at any given time.
To lock the ring and activate its powers, the wearer must spend one minute concentrating on a combination of runes from the three thinner rings and then rotate the rings to a different combination. Once locked, the ring can only be removed by the wearer rotating the three rings to the specified combination, break enchantment, limited wish, miracle or wish. If the wearer dies, the ring can be removed after one hour of trying combinations.
If a creature attempts to remove (or disarm) an item from the wearer’s possession without permission (no action to grant permission) the ring’s face animates and audibly protests, chirping and whirling for 1 round; it also constricts the wearer’s finger enough to waken the wearer from a normal sleep. The creature must make a DC 19 Will save or be unable to remove any items from the wearer for 10 rounds. This is a mind-affecting, compulsion enchantment.
Once per day, through a series of facial expressions and clicks the ring can provide the distance (clicking more frequently with proximity) and direction to the location of a stolen item. The item must be within 1 mile and have been in the wearer’s possession for at least 1 hour within the past 24 hours.

Requirements Forge Ring, alarm, geas, locate object; Cost 10,000 gp

While I was a fan of the description of this item I was not a fan of its powers. It seems to me someone has a DM that always has a thief steal the PC's cool stuff. This item is meant then to prevent that or at least lead you to it if it does get taken. It falls into the makes adventuring easy category for me and so it did't get my vote very often.